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leetic 05-3-2020 02:12 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by Bolth mannn (Post 4729347)
Leetic keep in mind Jessie wasn’t caught up with the thread according to her and she was supposedly rereading shit from ages ago by the time people unvoted from DBP

She posted right after the vote though, plus the other wolves could presumably tell her to vote

Hakulyte 05-3-2020 02:15 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread
Feels like wolves just played it safe and voted at the end of the phase.

They probably didn't need to worry because most likely T/T (?)

Hakulyte 05-3-2020 02:24 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by ShadoWolfe (Post 4727513)
yes I agree, don't read me based on effort. read me based on my raw unadulterated thoughts and then based on what you think my intentions are in making a given post (aka the best way to read anyone ever)

also gee FG thanks.
and I don't think FFA was ever gonna give me a townread for effort. He was in the wolfchat with me in that trailer park game and prolly knows my wolfgame better than anyone. what he said was he "feels bad" for sussing me *after* my effort lmao

I'm slightly more sad that FFA got lynched now.

Hakulyte 05-3-2020 02:28 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by ShadoWolfe (Post 4727955)
Fine. I want Jessie to answer for herself tomorrow because I hate the absolute uncertainty of her slot

I'm gonna vote Xiz to be done with the whole nonsense


Originally Posted by Bolth mannn (Post 4727966)
I feel like people are just picking on the inactive slot again

xiz is more scummy than jess, imo. Don't really mind which one dies though.


Hakulyte 05-3-2020 02:29 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread
Actually, forget Bolth here.

I'm surprised ShadoWolfe priorized Xiz here.

leetic 05-3-2020 02:30 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by Bolth mannn (Post 4727482)
I feel like I could see a Shadow, Dusk and MML team, shadow did go hard on Dusk in that big post though so perhaps swap one of them, probably dusk, with DBP or Jessie

I was not the first to come up with Shado/Dusk/MML team

Hakulyte 05-3-2020 02:34 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread
I feel like Shado/Jessie/MML would make more sense than Shado/Dusk/MML, but I'd be living in the no kill world.

Hakulyte 05-3-2020 02:36 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread
Jessie would be like the eternal "I'll look into her next phase".
MML would be the "I forgot I'm a RB" meme with a lucky hypocop.
Shado would be just playing your basic safe game with minimal stance on who is what.

Hakulyte 05-3-2020 02:38 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread
I'm more comfortable explaining why by explaining why everyone else is town tbh.

Hakulyte 05-3-2020 02:40 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by leetic (Post 4729354)
I was not the first to come up with Shado/Dusk/MML team

I just really really struggle to make sense of MML/Dusk being together.

Hakulyte 05-3-2020 02:41 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread
Like what in the world would wolves roleblock besides DBP in that world and why ?

Hakulyte 05-3-2020 02:42 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread
Also, if Duskfall was the wolf roleblocker, then why is there not another wolf doing the NK ?

Hakulyte 05-3-2020 02:45 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread
If 2 roleblockers roleblock each others, but the wolf roleblocker is also doing a NK on that town player, does the town block succeed or they die ?

Hakulyte 05-3-2020 02:59 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread
I don't even think I would stack all the actions on one wolf unless there's 2 town roleblockers.

I'm really failing to see DBP/MML as W/T because I don't think this is a play they would go for.

Postgame may prove me wrong.

Hakulyte 05-3-2020 03:01 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread
I think a town roleblocker cannot stop the NK if they're roleblocked even if they target the NK correctly.

Hakulyte 05-3-2020 03:06 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread
Tempted to say Duskfall is a caught wolf and Shadow/Jessie are the remaining two.

MML being a weird false positive.
Bolth would be a 2nd awkward town that behaved similarly to me.

Hakulyte 05-3-2020 03:08 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread
It would be nice if Duskfall/Jessie would hard claim something tho.

I'm not expecting much at that point.

Hakulyte 05-3-2020 03:10 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread
I suggest looking up how the 2nd phase unfolded for ShadoWolfe to understand his equity with Jessie and intentions overall.

The guy is really good at holding a safe objective game.

It made me feel like he wasn't with Bolth as well.

Hakulyte 05-3-2020 03:16 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread
Shado/Jessie/Dusk is the only team that makes sense with all the variables together for me.

Hakulyte 05-3-2020 03:18 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread
In that world, MML would have gotten roleblocked and Duskfall would have failed his NK.

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