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roundbox 04-3-2020 07:45 PM

TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]

The Nonary Werewolf Games

Hello? I know you can hear me now. I know you don’t know me, but I need to tell you about this universe. Well, that’s not quite right. Universes would be more accurate.

I know the many Nonary Games have left you with a shock, and you may not know what I mean now, but I really must emphasize that any reality can occur. Even though you may be familiar with a few universes, we will never know which one we are in until you open the box. Who will be alive or dead? Do we exist in an infinite state of both? It’s time to take a look inside.


The Nonary Werewolf Games is a semi-open setup. 9 players can join this game.

General Mechanics
Day Start
12/12 Phases
OOTC: OFF (Minus factional wolf chat)
Night talk: OFF
Post minimum: 5 per phase

Voting Mechanics
Knife in the Box: ON
No Lynch/No Kill: ON


Setup Information
The Nonary Werewolf Games is a semi-open setup for 9 players. Unlike most semi-open setups, The Nonary Werewolf Games has an incredibly high number of iterations.

Here is how The Nonary Werewolf Games is rolled:
-First, a row or column is determined. The host will roll a number 1-6 to determine if the setup is comprised of one of the three games (rolls 1-3) or one of the three states of Dimensional Flux (4-6).
-Dimensional Fluxes occur when universes collide and personalities from each game are misplaced. There are no duplicate participants in Dimensional Fluxes.
-After a row or column has been determined, the host rolls each player a character.
-After characters have been determined, the host rolls alignment. Here is the alignment distribution:
-2 Town Power Roles
-2 Wolf Power Roles
-5 Vanilla Town

-One town power role and one wolf power role will be permanent abilities. Permanent abilities can be used every night.
-One town power role and one wolf power role will be one-shot abilities. One-shot abilities, as the name implies, can only be used once per game.
-All abilities are based off of which character has been rolled. Refer to the charts to see each characters’ abilities for either alignment.
-The four players rolled as power roles will be informed of their character and their ability (permanent or one-shot).
-The five players rolled as Vanilla Town will only be told that they are Vanilla Town and not which character they are.
-Any character that has been rolled as Vanilla Town will be name flipped upon death.

Character lists for each setup
Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors
1. Ace
2. Snake
3. Santa
4. Clover (999)
5. Junpei (999)
6. June
7. Seven
8. Lotus
9. Ninth Man

Virtue’s Last Reward
1. Dio
2. Phi (VLR)
3. Tenmyouij
4. Clover (VLR)
5. Sigma (VLR)
6. Luna
7. K
8. Alice
9. Quark

Zero Time Dilemma
1. Mira
2. Sigma (ZTD)
3. Junpei (ZTD)
4. Akane
5. Carlos
6. Diana
7. Q
8. Phi (ZTD)
9. Eric

Dimensional Flux 1:
1. Santa
2. June
3. Junpei (999)
4. Phi (VLR)
5. Luna
6. Alice
7. Q
8. Mira
9. Eric

Dimensional Flux 2:
1. Ace
2. Snake
3. Seven
4. Quark
5. Clover (VLR)
6. Tenmyouji
7. Phi (ZTD)
8. Diana
9. Sigma (ZTD)

Dimensional Flux 3:
1. Lotus
2. Clover (999)
3. Ninth Man
4. Sigma (VLR)
5. Dio
6. K
7. Carlos
8. Akane
9. Junpei (ZTD)

Power Roles

With only a few exceptions, powers can be rolled as either alignment within this setup. Below are the power roles in convenient alphabetical order.

Accuser: At night, a target of your choice will show up to the night kill and show up as red if checked by the Colour Cop.
Note: You may not choose the same target two nights in a row.

Brainshocker: At night, a target of your choice will have any abilities they use carried out on themselves (i.e. a Cop will instead check themself).
Note: You may not choose the same target two nights in a row.

Bus Driver: At night, select two targets. Any action placed on one target will instead be applied to the other and vice-verse.

Colour Cop: At night, select a target. You will receive a report in the morning with the colour of your target. Reports will be in this format:

In the night, you discover [Target] is [green/blue/red].
Coverup: At night, select a target. Target player will be untrackable/unwatchable and show up as green to the colour cop.
Note: You may not choose the same target two nights in a row.

Doctor: At night, select a target to prevent a single kill attempt during the night.
Note: You may not choose the same target two nights in a row.

Friendly Neighbour (1-shot only, alternate of Innocent Child): At night, select a target. In the morning, they will receive the following report:

[User] is a Friendly Neighbour. Howdy!
Gunsmith: At night, select a target to give them a gun. The recipient of the gun can use it to kill another player at any time during the next day phase by sending a message to the host with their target.
These guns are brittle and will disintegrate if not used by the end of the day phase.
The recipient will get the following report:

You have received a gun! You may fire the gun at any player of your choice once during this day phase, killing them. Message the host your target.
You find a small inscription on the barrel of the gun: Will disintegrate if not used by the end of the day phase. You’ve been warned!

Innocent Child (permanent only, alternate of Friendly Neighbour): At any time during the day, you may post the following image in the spoiler below.

The host will confirm you as the Innocent Child to the whole thread upon seeing the image. Anybody else that pastes this image will be instantly modkilled and probably face punishment.

Interceptor: At night, select a target to receive any reports sent to them.
Reports will be in the following format:

[Target] received the following report: [Report]


[Target] did not receive any reports.

Note: This role cannot exist in a setup without reports.

Jailkeeper: At night, select a target to roleblock (prevent from doing a night action) and prevent them from dying.
Note: You may not choose the same target two nights in a row.

Light Sleeper: At night, any actions carried out on you will be revealed to you, but not the user of the power. Reports will be in the following format:

In the night, you have been:
[Bus driven/Colour checked/Doctored/Friendly Neighboured/Gunned/Name checked/Tracked/Watched].

Note: You will not be notified of jailkeeping actions.

Name Cop: At night, pick a target to learn the name of their character. Reports will be in the following format:

In the night, you discover [Target] is [Name].
Roleblocker: At night, select a target. That target cannot perform their role ability that night. Any role that receives a report from the host as a part of their action will be informed of any role blocking that occurs. They will receive this message:

You have been roleblocked!
Note: You may not choose the same target two nights in a row.

Role Cop: At night, select a target. In the morning, you will receive a report on the role they possess, but not how many charges of that ability. Reports will be in the following format:

In the night, you discover [Target] is a/an [Bus Driver/Colour Cop/Doctor/Friendly Neighbour/Gunsmith/Jailkeeper/Name Cop/Tracker/Vanilla Town/Vigilante/Watcher].
Strongman: At night, select a target. Any killing action on that target will pierce any protective abilities.
Note: You may not choose the same target two nights in a row.

Tracker: At night, select a target. In the morning, you will receive a report telling you any and all players your target visited in the night. Reports will be in the following format:

In the night, you discover that [Target] visited [Player/nobody].
Vigilante: At night, select a target to kill. Bang!

Watcher: At night, select a target. In the morning, you will receive a report telling you any and all players that visited your target. Reports will be in the following format:

In the night, you discover that [Player(s)/nobody] visited [Target].

Power FAQ and Notes
-Powers follow Natural Action Resolution.
-Any role that receives a report from the host as a part of their action will be informed of any role blocking that occurs. The report will show up as:

You have been roleblocked!
-Accuser, Brainshocker, Coverup, Doctor, Jailkeeper, Roleblocker, and Strongman cannot target the same player twice.
-The Interceptor role cannot exist in a setup that does not generate any reports.
-The Light Sleeper role will not be informed if they are jailkept.
-A player can visit multiple targets in one night. A player under the affect of the Accuser power will carry out their normal action (if any) and visit the night kill.
-Any investigative action that is redirected will be informed on the redirected player. (i.e. Colour Cop C checks Wolf W, but they are redirected. Colour Cop C will receive the report "Colour Cop C is [Blue]").
-There is a guide to follow when a bus driver drives another bus driver, but hopefully we won’t get into that situation. sunfan made a post breaking this down, I believe.

Role PMs


Welcome, [Player].

The world spins.

You are here, but “here” isn’t exactly anywhere you’re familiar with. You don’t even know your own name. You are Vanilla Town.

You will win when all threats to town have been eliminated and there is at least one town aligned player alive.


Welcome, [Player].

The world spins.

Yes, that’s it. You remember exactly who you are and why you are here.
You are [Character], the Town (Permanent/One-shot) [Role].

Your ability is: [Verbatim from the Power Roles section].

You win when all threats to town have been eliminated and there is at least one town aligned player alive.


Welcome, [Player].

The world spins.

Yes, you are fully aware of where you are. In fact, you wanted them all to be here. You are [Character], the Wolf Permanent [Role].

Your ability is: [Verbatim from the Power Roles section].

You also possess the ability to make a factional wolf kill every night.

Your partner is [Character], assumed in this universe by [Partner].
Your factional wolf chat is here: [link].

You win when the wolves achieve parity or nothing can prevent it from happening.


Welcome, [Player].

The world spins.

Yes, you are fully aware of where you are. In fact, you wanted them all to be here. You are [Character], the Wolf One-shot [Role].

Your ability is: [Verbatim from the Power Roles section].
You may only use this ability once.

You also possess the ability to make a factional wolf kill every night.

Your partner is [Character], assumed in this universe by [Partner].
Your factional wolf chat is here: [link].

You win when the wolves achieve parity or nothing can prevent it from happening.

Example Rolls and Setups


Base roll: 4
Santa, June, Junpei (999), Phi (VLR), Luna, Alice, Q, Mira, Eric

Player 1: Q
Player 2: Santa
Player 3: Luna
Player 4: June
Player 5: Alice
Player 6: Mira
Player 7: Eric
Player 8: Phi (VLR)
Player 9: Junpei (999)

Town Permanent: Player 9 (Junpei [999])
Town One-shot: Player 5 (Alice)
Wolf Permanent: Player 3 (Luna)
Wolf One-shot: Player 4 (June)

Roles: Town Permanent Jailkeeper
Town One-shot Tracker

Wolf Coverup
Wolf One-shot Bus Driver


Base roll: 3
Q, Mira, Eric, Phi (ZTD), Diana, Sigma (ZTD), Carlos, Akane, Junpei (ZTD)

Player 1: Phi (ZTD)
Player 2: Eric
Player 3: Diana
Player 4: Akane
Player 5: Mira
Player 6: Carlos
Player 7: Q
Player 8: Sigma (ZTD)
Player 9: Junpei (ZTD)

Town Permanent: Player 4 (Akane)
Town One-shot: Player 3 (Diana)
Wolf Permanent: Player 1 (Phi [ZTD])
Wolf One-shot: Player 5 (Mira)

Roles: Town Permanent Watcher
Town One-shot Doctor

Wolf Accuser
Wolf One-shot Brainshocker


Base roll: 5
Ace, Snake, Seven, Quark, Clover (VLR), Tenmyouji, Phi (ZTD), Diana, Sigma (ZTD)

Player 1: Clover (VLR)
Player 2: Snake
Player 3: Quark
Player 4: Ace
Player 5: Phi (ZTD)
Player 6: Sigma (ZTD)
Player 7: Tenmyouji
Player 8: Seven
Player 9: Diana

Town Permanent: Player 5 (Phi [ZTD])
Town One-shot: Player 3 (Quark)
Wolf Permanent: Player 2 (Snake)
Wolf One-shot: Player 8 (Seven)

Roles: Town Permanent Roleblocker
Town One-shot Friendly Neighbour

Wolf Role Cop
Wolf One-shot Name Cop

roundbox 04-3-2020 07:46 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]
Phase times will be at 11 AM and 11 PM server time.

Player list:
1. mellon_collie
2. the sun fan
3. TWGma Voted out Day 2 - Junpei (999), the Wolf Permanent Watcher
4. Bolth mannn Voted out Day 0 - Eric, the Vanilla Town
5. fatfuck42
6. Hakulyte
7. flashflash account Voted out Day 1 - Phi (VLR), the Town Permanent Roleblocker
8. Funnygurl555 Cold Kitten Killed Night 2 - Q, the Town One-shot Colour Cop
9. Tokzic Killed Night 1 - Alice, the Vanilla Town
1. Cold Kitten
2. Xiz

roundbox 04-3-2020 07:49 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]

Hello. You're all finally here. It is time for preparation.
Do not post in this thread until April 4th at 11 AM server time.
I offer no guarantees to those of you who break the rules.

Seek out your private messages. You will find out who you are soon enough.

roundbox 04-3-2020 08:22 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]
The preparations are nearly complete. Everyone should have received a message from me reminding you of your identity. Please confirm with me that you have received my communication.

Pleasant dreams. For now.

roundbox 04-4-2020 12:17 AM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]

It looks like the knockout gas was a bit too strong, and one of our players won't wake up in time for the game. For this reason, we've located another participant that seems to be reacting more favorably to the knockout gas.

Cold Kitten has replaced Funnygurl555.

roundbox 04-4-2020 12:00 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]

The preparations are now complete. The game is now ready to begin. Yes, the game where you all put your life on the line.

Day 0 has now begun. Day 0 will end at 11 PM server time on Saturday, April 4th.

Let the games begin. You may now post.

Cold Kitten 04-4-2020 12:08 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]
well henlo everyone

Cold Kitten 04-4-2020 12:09 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]
i got up "early" (for quarantine at least) specifically to be here for daystart soooooo.....

you're welcome

the sun fan 04-4-2020 12:18 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]
just watch, his entrance is gonna be awkward as fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck

the sun fan 04-4-2020 12:18 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]
i'm gonna miss this EOD prolly
feel free to lynch a wolf without me

Cold Kitten 04-4-2020 12:18 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]
the sun fan

it's only fitting that you're my first vote back (:

the sun fan 04-4-2020 12:21 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]

Originally Posted by Cold Kitten (Post 4723481)
the sun fan

it's only fitting that you're my first vote back (:

somehow, it was fated to be, even though you were a replacement

Cold Kitten 04-4-2020 12:24 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]

Originally Posted by the sun fan (Post 4723483)
somehow, it was fated to be, even though you were a replacement

tbh i didn't see the post where you in'd again and afaik you had dropped out so i'm actually super excited lol. sad to replace fg cause i wanted to play with her as well but just glad to be back

fatfuck42 04-4-2020 12:39 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]
Hey gang

fatfuck42 04-4-2020 12:41 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]

Originally Posted by the sun fan (Post 4723479)
just watch, his entrance is gonna be awkward as fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck

Wow, that's crazy. Hey, you see all these doors with the numbers on them? Kinda crazy. You should pick Door 5, then Door 7, then Door 1.

Hakulyte 04-4-2020 12:44 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]
Hello everyone, I am a friend.

I'm totally not suspicious and you should put 100% of your trust with me.

I also plan to do the thing.

fatfuck42 04-4-2020 12:46 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]
Awesome! Glad to hear it.

Cold Kitten 04-4-2020 12:50 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]

Originally Posted by fatfuck42 (Post 4723487)
Wow, that's crazy. Hey, you see all these doors with the numbers on them? Kinda crazy. You should pick Door 5, then Door 7, then Door 1.

idk man it seems like we have like.... zero time to do that, what a dilemma

mellon_collie 04-4-2020 12:50 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]
hello ~

Cold Kitten 04-4-2020 12:50 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]

Originally Posted by Hakulyte (Post 4723488)
Hello everyone, I am a friend.

I'm totally not suspicious and you should put 100% of your trust with me.

I also plan to do the thing.

you spent so LONG just creeping the thread. it made me lonely : (

fatfuck42 04-4-2020 12:55 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]

Originally Posted by Cold Kitten (Post 4723491)
idk man it seems like we have like.... zero time to do that, what a dilemma

At the rate we're going, they're gonna have to call it Virtue's ONLY Reward!

fatfuck42 04-4-2020 01:04 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]
Y'all ever heard of ice-9?

Cold Kitten 04-4-2020 01:06 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]

Originally Posted by fatfuck42 (Post 4723495)
Y'all ever heard of ice-9?

is that the immigration police but on like steriods

Cold Kitten 04-4-2020 01:06 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]
steroids* i almost edited my post to correct that because i forgot that you can't aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh

mellon_collie 04-4-2020 01:13 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]

Originally Posted by fatfuck42 (Post 4723495)
Y'all ever heard of ice-9?

O_O this sounds spooky

why do you bring up such spookiness

Cold Kitten 04-4-2020 01:14 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]
someone design a tiger king game where all the wolves are joe exotic, doc antle, jeff lowe, and carol baskins and the townies are just tigers

Hakulyte 04-4-2020 01:20 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]
I can appreciate the interactions, but I'm completely lost on how to read any of this.

Cold Kitten 04-4-2020 01:22 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]

Originally Posted by Hakulyte (Post 4723500)
I can appreciate the interactions, but I'm completely lost on how to read any of this.

well it is d0. keep everything in mind for later but i wouldn't put much of this in your focus for now. iirc, it's almost impossible to read early d0 posts unless someone really fucks up and outs themselves

Cold Kitten 04-4-2020 01:22 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]
then again it's been awhile for me, don't listen to me ( :

fatfuck42 04-4-2020 01:24 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]

Originally Posted by Cold Kitten (Post 4723496)
is that the immigration police but on like steriods

lol, you're thinking of ice-X. They have laser guns.

Hakulyte 04-4-2020 01:25 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]

Originally Posted by Cold Kitten (Post 4723493)
you spent so LONG just creeping the thread. it made me lonely : (

Were you really feeling this ?

I don't remember us being this close.

I just don't know.

I don't even know if I know what's my character.

TWGma 04-4-2020 01:25 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]

Originally Posted by Cold Kitten (Post 4723491)
idk man it seems like we have like.... zero time to do that, what a dilemma


Sorry to have to do this,m but I have to keep the meme up even if fg dipped: cold kitten

Cold Kitten 04-4-2020 01:25 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]

Originally Posted by fatfuck42 (Post 4723503)
lol, you're thinking of ice-X. They have laser guns.

i'm white, i have no idea what i'm thinking of. it was just a guess lol but laser guns?! dude that's awesome. terrible... but awesome

fatfuck42 04-4-2020 01:25 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]

Originally Posted by mellon_collie (Post 4723498)
O_O this sounds spooky

why do you bring up such spookiness

Well, we did get hit with knockout gas and kidnapped and placed in a mysterious location filled with danger, intrigue, and puzzles. Have you ever heard of the Titanic?

Cold Kitten 04-4-2020 01:26 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]

Originally Posted by TWGma (Post 4723505)

Sorry to have to do this,m but I have to keep the meme up even if fg dipped: cold kitten

yeah ok. everyone always thinks i'm a wolf anyway so it seems fitting

TWGma 04-4-2020 01:26 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]

Originally Posted by fatfuck42 (Post 4723495)
Y'all ever heard of ice-9?

Isn't it a special form of water that keeps its frozen form at room temperature?

fatfuck42 04-4-2020 01:27 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]

Originally Posted by Hakulyte (Post 4723500)
I can appreciate the interactions, but I'm completely lost on how to read any of this.

There won't be any answers this early.

Unless, of course, you wanna go True Turbo and try to insta someone right here, right now...

Cold Kitten 04-4-2020 01:27 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]

Originally Posted by fatfuck42 (Post 4723507)
Well, we did get hit with knockout gas and kidnapped and placed in a mysterious location filled with danger, intrigue, and puzzles. Have you ever heard of the Titanic?

i mean, the titanic was definitely filled with danger...

fatfuck42 04-4-2020 01:29 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]

Originally Posted by TWGma (Post 4723509)
Isn't it a special form of water that keeps its frozen form at room temperature?

Hey, I think I've heard of that before. Wasn't it invented by that American writer in one of his books?

Cold Kitten 04-4-2020 01:29 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]

Originally Posted by fatfuck42 (Post 4723510)
There won't be any answers this early.

Unless, of course, you wanna go True Turbo and try to insta someone right here, right now...

this seems like a bad idea, haku don't listen lmfao

fatfuck42 04-4-2020 01:34 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]

Originally Posted by Cold Kitten (Post 4723511)
i mean, the titanic was definitely filled with danger...

Tell me about it! Leo was such a bad boy.

Hakulyte 04-4-2020 01:34 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]

Originally Posted by Cold Kitten (Post 4723513)
this seems like a bad idea, haku don't listen lmfao

I found a cool way to play this game.

It's called trying to find all the townies and then lynch the rest.

It has proven to be more efficient than being a bully.

Cold Kitten 04-4-2020 01:35 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]

Originally Posted by fatfuck42 (Post 4723514)
Tell me about it! Leo was such a bad boy.

i mostly meant the water that everyone drowned in but yeah that too

Cold Kitten 04-4-2020 01:36 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]

Originally Posted by Hakulyte (Post 4723515)
I found a cool way to play this game.

It's called trying to find all the townies and then lynch the rest.

It has proven to be more efficient than being a bully.

i absolutely believe that lmfao

bullying has its place, but it's usually when you've zeroed in on someone in my experience

TWGma 04-4-2020 01:37 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]

Originally Posted by fatfuck42 (Post 4723507)
Well, we did get hit with knockout gas and kidnapped and placed in a mysterious location filled with danger, intrigue, and puzzles. Have you ever heard of the Titanic?

Yeah, isn't it a sister ship to the Gigantic?

mellon_collie 04-4-2020 01:39 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]

Originally Posted by fatfuck42 (Post 4723514)
Tell me about it! Leo was such a bad boy.

Leo was a sweet and misunderstood soul...

The true danger on the Titanic was the danger of the oppressive class system!!!

Cold Kitten 04-4-2020 01:40 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]
so guys wanna hear a fun story about how MY covid-19 quarantine is going

Hakulyte 04-4-2020 01:46 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]
I want to hear Cold Kitten's story.

I'm aware Nonary games are inspired from the Titanic and that players who were in the previous game are facing a "this is not an anon game" side effects.

Hopefully, the smoke gas effect will dissipate soon enough.

Cold Kitten 04-4-2020 01:50 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]

Originally Posted by Hakulyte (Post 4723521)
I want to hear Cold Kitten's story.

you're gonna regret this.
spoiler cause it's gross and i don't want to submit anyone to this who doesn't actually want to know
my dog had a prolapsed uterus that was full on sticking out of her body and i had to take her to the vet for it so she could get an emergency spay done (i was incorrectly informed that she'd been spayed before)

now whenever she pees i have to push the tip of it back in (with gloves on, don't worry) because it starts to come back out since she's technically in heat and that's just what female dogs' bodies do.

so i spend my days following a dog around to touch her innards.

Cold Kitten 04-4-2020 01:51 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]
also i have no idea what this game is based on or how it works beyond what's in the op because i've been away for so long ( : pls do not hold it against me

flashflash account 04-4-2020 01:53 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]

...Haku is wolfing lol


Cold Kitten 04-4-2020 01:54 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]

Originally Posted by flashflash account (Post 4723525)

you're a little late there bud

why do you say haku is wolfing

flashflash account 04-4-2020 01:56 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]

Originally Posted by Cold Kitten (Post 4723526)
you're a little late there bud

why do you say haku is wolfing

in general, it's cause he's not being as smart as normal.
in specific, I feel like he's used the "gonna solve with poe" thing before, so coming in and treating it like a new concept feels fake

Cold Kitten 04-4-2020 01:58 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]

Originally Posted by flashflash account (Post 4723527)
in general, it's cause he's not being as smart as normal.
in specific, I feel like he's used the "gonna solve with poe" thing before, so coming in and treating it like a new concept feels fake

that's fair. i suppose.

i can understand where you're coming from but i feel like you saying that in and of itself feels fake but to each their own

flashflash account 04-4-2020 01:59 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]

Originally Posted by Cold Kitten (Post 4723528)
that's fair. i suppose.

i can understand where you're coming from but i feel like you saying that in and of itself feels fake but to each their own

that's fair, I suppose.

Hakulyte 04-4-2020 02:00 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]

Originally Posted by Cold Kitten (Post 4723523)
you're gonna regret this.

It's even better when you realize I afk'd to get some food.

Originally Posted by flashflash account (Post 4723525)

...Haku is wolfing lol


Did you read my recent games ?

roundbox 04-4-2020 02:00 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]
Vote Count

fatfuck42 (1)
the sun fan

the sun fan (1)
Cold Kitten

Cold Kitten (1)

Hakulyte (1)
flashflash account


Not Voting:
mellon_collie, fatfuck42, Hakulyte, Tokzic, Bolth mannn

Cold Kitten 04-4-2020 02:01 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]

Originally Posted by Hakulyte (Post 4723530)
It's even better when you realize I afk'd to get some food.

hahahahahahaha omg i'm so sorry if you read that after you ate

i'm the one who has to deal with it though so i have little sympathy, sorry ;_;

flashflash account 04-4-2020 02:04 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]

Originally Posted by Hakulyte (Post 4723530)
It's even better when you realize I afk'd to get some food.

Did you read my recent games ?

yes I did

Hakulyte 04-4-2020 02:05 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]

Originally Posted by flashflash account (Post 4723527)
in general, it's cause he's not being as smart as normal.
in specific, I feel like he's used the "gonna solve with poe" thing before, so coming in and treating it like a new concept feels fake

Last game I did that and died over it as town. I still ended up with much better reads than usual near the end.
I think it can work here and that would be even better if you know how to town read others.

Hakulyte 04-4-2020 02:06 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]
Literally thinking that your chances of wolfing just skyrocketed, but I'm curious what you're all about.

Hakulyte 04-4-2020 02:11 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]
I feel like ffa is roleplaying as me. That's pretty cool.

flashflash account 04-4-2020 02:13 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]

Originally Posted by Hakulyte (Post 4723536)
Literally thinking that your chances of wolfing just skyrocketed, but I'm curious what you're all about.

omgus? Are we roleplaying each other?

the sun fan 04-4-2020 02:13 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]

Originally Posted by fatfuck42 (Post 4723486)
Hey gang

look at this shit
also yeah Haku probably wolfing I agree w/ ffa

Hakulyte 04-4-2020 02:14 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]
I refuse to punish my own playstyle, but you've got the wrong door buddy.

Don't worry. If I'm me, I will catch myself later on.

Hakulyte 04-4-2020 02:14 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]
Sunfan, did you roll wolf 2 games in a row ?

Hakulyte 04-4-2020 02:15 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]
Is it because I may or may not be someone ?

flashflash account 04-4-2020 02:15 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]

Originally Posted by Hakulyte (Post 4723541)
Sunfan, did you roll wolf 2 games in a row ?

if he did, he's probably bussing Kappa

Cold Kitten 04-4-2020 02:16 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]

Originally Posted by the sun fan (Post 4723539)
look at this shit
also yeah Haku probably wolfing I agree w/ ffa

am i just too blind to see haku as a wolf right now or are sunfan and ffa wolfing together

Hakulyte 04-4-2020 02:16 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]
Feels like intentional chaos to me.

Cold Kitten 04-4-2020 02:16 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]

Originally Posted by flashflash account (Post 4723543)
if he did, he's probably bussing Kappa

that's exactly what you'd want us to think!!!!!!

wait shit

flashflash account 04-4-2020 02:16 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]

Originally Posted by Cold Kitten (Post 4723544)
am i just too blind to see haku as a wolf right now or are sunfan and ffa wolfing together

A dream come true that never came true

the sun fan 04-4-2020 02:17 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]

Originally Posted by Hakulyte (Post 4723541)
Sunfan, did you roll wolf 2 games in a row ?

Well, it has happened in human history
Not this time tho

Cold Kitten 04-4-2020 02:17 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]

Originally Posted by flashflash account (Post 4723547)
A dream come true that never came true

your dream is to wolf? wow so different

the sun fan 04-4-2020 02:18 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]

Originally Posted by Cold Kitten (Post 4723544)
am i just too blind to see haku as a wolf right now or are sunfan and ffa wolfing together

Just do you

the sun fan 04-4-2020 02:18 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]

Originally Posted by flashflash account (Post 4723547)
A dream come true that never came true

Charu and I STILL have never been wolves together

Hakulyte 04-4-2020 02:19 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]
So, what's the joke ? Do you even know what's a Haku ?

fmpov you guys just jumped the gun over me setting back and doing whatever I'm doing.

How is that different from last game ?

Cold Kitten 04-4-2020 02:19 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]

Originally Posted by the sun fan (Post 4723551)
Charu and I STILL have never been wolves together

thank god

Hakulyte 04-4-2020 02:20 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]
sitting back*

flashflash account 04-4-2020 02:20 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]

Originally Posted by Cold Kitten (Post 4723549)
your dream is to wolf? wow so different

I enjoy the teamplay of wolfing a lot more than solving at this point, though I enjoy both
I also think I'm better at wolfing than towning- I just play the same way and lynch townies regardless, and one of those alignments prefers that :wowee:

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