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Cold Kitten 04-5-2020 02:48 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]
at least within vote counts, there is never a vote on ffa from fatfuck42 and vice versa. not sure outside of votecounts, but it's something to look at

flashflash account 04-5-2020 02:49 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]

Originally Posted by the sun fan (Post 4724523)
exactly plop raeko doesn't really work for me, ffa

I think raeko is always town, I'm not evaluating haku today
lynch within the rest, never lynch me and town wins


here's why you're wrong
townies don't vote for me there unless it's for self pres, or they think I'm lying

Cold Kitten 04-5-2020 02:49 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]
not up until recently at least

fatfuck42 04-5-2020 02:49 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]

Originally Posted by Cold Kitten (Post 4724525)
at least within vote counts, there is never a vote on ffa from fatfuck42 and vice versa. not sure outside of votecounts, but it's something to look at

That's not true. Ffa voted me at least a couple times. Don't remember if I voted him or not before this phase, but I distinctly remember saying "C'mon now" after he voted me once.

flashflash account 04-5-2020 02:49 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]

Originally Posted by Cold Kitten (Post 4724525)
at least within vote counts, there is never a vote on ffa from fatfuck42 and vice versa. not sure outside of votecounts, but it's something to look at

I definitely voted for him

mellon_collie 04-5-2020 02:50 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]
Just for mr. sunfan I will declare I am intending to vote for ffa

his inability to take any new information such as the night kill into account just makes me think he doesn't have a single genuine thought, as if he had a plan for where he was going for today and is still just going for it despite it not working. not taking the seer's opinion into account, etc

I just always save my vote for late!!! and YOU CAN'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO DAD but there I told you my vote opinion nice and early

Cold Kitten 04-5-2020 02:51 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]

Originally Posted by fatfuck42 (Post 4724528)
That's not true. Ffa voted me at least a couple times. Don't remember if I voted him or not before this phase, but I distinctly remember saying "C'mon now" after he voted me once.

and yet, when votes were on ffa, you wanted people to switch to bolth.

fatfuck42 04-5-2020 02:51 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]

Originally Posted by Cold Kitten (Post 4724531)
and yet, when votes were on ffa, you wanted people to switch to bolth.

Because I thought ffa softed, same as you did.

TWGma 04-5-2020 02:52 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]

Originally Posted by flashflash account (Post 4724526)
here's why you're wrong
townies don't vote for me there unless it's for self pres, or they think I'm lying

El oh el.

flashflash account 04-5-2020 02:52 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]

Originally Posted by mellon_collie (Post 4724530)
Just for mr. sunfan I will declare I am intending to vote for ffa

his inability to take any new information such as the night kill into account just makes me think he doesn't have a single genuine thought, as if he had a plan for where he was going for today and is still just going for it despite it not working. not taking the seer's opinion into account, etc

I just always save my vote for late!!! and YOU CAN'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO DAD but there I told you my vote opinion nice and early

this is also bad because it completely ignores my nightkill analysis
wolves killing tokzic is strange anyway, so trying to say that you're town for tokzic dying doesn't make sense
the nightkill is more wifom than normal

TWGma 04-5-2020 02:53 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]
Out of curiosity, why is Tokzic dying in the night strange?
I thought he was pretty towny, and evidently a lot of other people did too.

flashflash account 04-5-2020 02:54 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]

flashflash account 04-5-2020 02:54 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]

Originally Posted by TWGma (Post 4724535)
Out of curiosity, why is Tokzic dying in the night strange?
I thought he was pretty towny, and evidently a lot of other people did too.

because me/ck should have been the kill

mellon_collie 04-5-2020 02:56 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]

Originally Posted by TWGma (Post 4724535)
Out of curiosity, why is Tokzic dying in the night strange?
I thought he was pretty towny, and evidently a lot of other people did too.

I agree with you. I think he was coming off as a pretty strong town. I GUESS I don't blame the wolves for killing him, though I am still big mad at them for it

Cold Kitten 04-5-2020 02:57 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]

Originally Posted by flashflash account (Post 4724537)
because me/ck should have been the kill

i'll actually agree with this. wolves should've gone after ffa, because it seemed like he softed.

and me, well almost everyone thought i was town. even if the wolves didn't know for sure who a PR was, the next best move is going after the most towny seeming person.

maybe the wolves were trying to implicate me?? because tokzic thought i was suspicious

Hakulyte 04-5-2020 02:57 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]
I'm interested to look into Sunfan/Plop as a team because thinking at Raeko/FFA as wolves here makes me depressed.

fatfuck42 04-5-2020 02:58 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]
Tokzic honestly looked like he softed too.

flashflash account 04-5-2020 02:58 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]

Originally Posted by Cold Kitten (Post 4724539)
i'll actually agree with this. wolves should've gone after ffa, because it seemed like he softed.

and me, well almost everyone thought i was town. even if the wolves didn't know for sure who a PR was, the next best move is going after the most towny seeming person.

maybe the wolves were trying to implicate me?? because tokzic thought i was suspicious

thanks for reminding me to iso tokzic

Cold Kitten 04-5-2020 02:58 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]
and also the possibility still exists that tokzic wasn't the wolf target. there are possibly bus drivers and stuff. and also possibly a vigi. idk man.

fatfuck42 04-5-2020 02:58 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]

Originally Posted by Tokzic (Post 4724156)
Okay, I'm going to do something exceptional here.

I am hardclaiming Squid Marth.

This post here. I could see that being a soft of sorts.

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