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Cold Kitten 04-4-2020 11:00 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]

Originally Posted by Hakulyte (Post 4724154)
I'm still solving right now.

it's an hour until phase end..............

anything is more helpful than nothing

Tokzic 04-4-2020 11:02 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]
Okay, I'm going to do something exceptional here.

I am hardclaiming Squid Marth.

Bolth mannn 04-4-2020 11:03 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]
had to check OP to see if that was real lmao

TWGma 04-4-2020 11:03 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]
Gregory Edgeworth strikes again.

Cold Kitten 04-4-2020 11:04 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]

Originally Posted by Bolth mannn (Post 4724157)
had to check OP to see if that was real lmao


flashflash account 04-4-2020 11:05 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]

Originally Posted by Tokzic (Post 4724156)
Okay, I'm going to do something exceptional here.

I am hardclaiming Squid Marth.

is that the character from Zero Last 9 Doors

the sun fan 04-4-2020 11:05 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]

Originally Posted by TWGma (Post 4724158)
Gregory Edgeworth strikes again.

I was triggered for .01 seconds

fatfuck42 04-4-2020 11:05 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]

Originally Posted by Tokzic (Post 4724156)
Okay, I'm going to do something exceptional here.

I am hardclaiming Squid Marth.

DAMMIT, not again!!!

Bolth mannn 04-4-2020 11:06 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]

Originally Posted by fatfuck42 (Post 4724162)
DAMMIT, not again!!!

goddamnit julian

Hakulyte 04-4-2020 11:06 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]
I'm running out of bad jokes, I guess we should go back to playing the game.

Bolth mannn 04-4-2020 11:07 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]

Originally Posted by Hakulyte (Post 4724164)
I'm running out of bad jokes, I guess we should go back to playing the game.

reads pls

flashflash account 04-4-2020 11:08 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]
sunfan who should I vote
yes I'm doing this to make you think about the last read you had on me

the sun fan 04-4-2020 11:10 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]

Originally Posted by flashflash account (Post 4724166)
sunfan who should I vote
yes I'm doing this to make you think about the last read you had on me

im denying you this
i honestly don't really know anyways

Tokzic 04-4-2020 11:11 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]

Originally Posted by Hakulyte (Post 4724047)
I'm at a super weird place right now.

I have CK/Raeko as wolf team.

can you explain more about this

Bolth mannn 04-4-2020 11:11 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]
whoever said it looks like round 2 wolf fatigue, agreed^^

fatfuck42 04-4-2020 11:13 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]
Can we throw some votes around? The votecount doesn't really reflect what's been discussed.

the sun fan 04-4-2020 11:14 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]

Originally Posted by Bolth mannn (Post 4724169)
whoever said it looks like round 2 wolf fatigue, agreed^^

it was haku
I posted before the game that I was going to be on the lighter side (this is called leaving slank) if it matters to you

roundbox 04-4-2020 11:14 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]
Vote Count

flashflash account (2)
the sun fan, Bolth mannn

Tokzic (2)
fatfuck42, Tokzic

Bolth mannn (1)

fatfuck42 (1)
flashflash account


Cold Kitten

Not Voting:
mellon_collie, Hakulyte

:59 good :00 bad

Cold Kitten 04-4-2020 11:18 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]
i don't think i'm going to get any more sure than ffa today

TWGma 04-4-2020 11:19 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]
The fact that Tokzic's vote is still on himself is just stupid. What the hell.

Also, going back to Bolth's "progressions".
Vote on me, sunfan, ffa, and Haku.
Plop also mentioned.
Slight shade thrown multiple times on Raeko (defending time zone, and then her defending others)

Mentions not wanting to lynch Raeko or CK though.
Just leaves.. Tokzic as not being mentioned in terms of wolf-team listings or pairings.

And also mentioning Raeko as not wanting to lynch despite being wary of her defending his entry time, and then proceeding to say he'd wolf read her for continuing to defend soon after..

Bolth/Raeko is turning into a plausible world.

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