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the sun fan 04-4-2020 04:14 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]

Originally Posted by Hakulyte (Post 4723695)
I kind of miss reading Sunfan posts that are longer than 1 line that talks a bit about general thoughts.

well, ok, fair
I don't really have any serious general thoughts atm
I think cold kitten feels town, but its not even a serious read yet

Cold Kitten 04-4-2020 04:14 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]

Originally Posted by TWGma (Post 4723697)
It's also like.. anywhere from 4 to 7 AM Aussie time, so bolth can have a slight pass for now. There are also still 8 hours left so there's still plenty of time.

As for Tokzic, who knows.

i forgot how quick turbos move. i'm a fan of the quick pace. only 8 hours left, wow

Cold Kitten 04-4-2020 04:15 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]

Originally Posted by the sun fan (Post 4723699)
well, ok, fair
I don't really have any serious general thoughts atm
I think cold kitten feels town, but its not even a serious read yet

you're not a serious read yet

fatfuck42 04-4-2020 04:15 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]
Even without knowing what haku's wolf game is like, I'd bet my right foot that he's town here.

the sun fan 04-4-2020 04:18 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]

Originally Posted by fatfuck42 (Post 4723702)
Even without knowing what haku's wolf game is like, I'd bet my right foot that he's town here.


fatfuck42 04-4-2020 04:19 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]

Originally Posted by the sun fan (Post 4723703)

I'm not changing my stance this time! I waffled last game because I was 100% convinced Flurry was Lar!

roundbox 04-4-2020 04:22 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]
Vote Count

TWGma (1)

the sun fan (1)
Cold Kitten

mellonxcollie (1)
the sun fan

Hakulyte (1)
flashflash account



Not Voting:
mellon_collie, Hakulyte, Tokzic, Bolth mannn

Cold Kitten 04-4-2020 04:25 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]

ffa seems to have left, since i pulled the heat away from 'em

Cold Kitten 04-4-2020 04:26 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]
wait shit. did haku vote ffa? i missed that post


not interested in potentially being part of an accidental insta

Cold Kitten 04-4-2020 04:27 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]
i'm an idiot. that's ffa's vote for haku.


mellon_collie 04-4-2020 04:29 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]
hello I've finally reached the point in Animal Crossing where it's very hard to put down uguu~ this game was slow to start but I've just built my third room and it's time to ball out

if tokzic doesn't post i'm gonna be big mad. yesterday he told me he wanted to hang out, well, this is the best we can do in these trying times!! Let's hangout in werewolf plz tokzic

mellon_collie 04-4-2020 04:33 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]

Originally Posted by Hakulyte (Post 4723687)
Don't read this:

5. fatfuck42 reminds me of a town Julian.
3. TWGma reminds me of a town Gradiant.

8. Cold Kitten is town lean if I turn off paranoia.

2. the sun fan seems to be half paying attention. (?)
7. flashflash account gets the "you're trying" card which makes him cooler than inactives.

1. mellon_collie doesn't post enough.
4. Bolth mannn is absent.
9. Tokzic is absent.


can we not start with this like 5 hours after the game has started and one of the people playing lives in AUSTRALIA?! It's literally 6:30 AM there and the game started for him at what, 1 AM? Give him a chance to post before making this kind of statement, me and tokzic are more understandable because of past behaviour but give bolth a chance to post plz

this list seems really lazy and gross

mellon_collie 04-4-2020 04:38 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]

Originally Posted by Hakulyte (Post 4723578)
Calm the down.

I love this can we make it a thing

just calm the down

Cold Kitten 04-4-2020 04:40 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]
i'm down for calm the down

Hakulyte 04-4-2020 04:45 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]

Originally Posted by mellon_collie (Post 4723711)
I love this can we make it a thing

just calm the down

There's a character in a game that talks like this all the time. (World of Final Fantasy)

You're the welcome.

Hakulyte 04-4-2020 04:47 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]

Originally Posted by mellon_collie (Post 4723710)

can we not start with this like 5 hours after the game has started and one of the people playing lives in AUSTRALIA?! It's literally 6:30 AM there and the game started for him at what, 1 AM? Give him a chance to post before making this kind of statement, me and tokzic are more understandable because of past behaviour but give bolth a chance to post plz

this list seems really lazy and gross

I said to not read it.

I just badly need the Bolth/Tokzic/You input to draw a better picture of the rest of the players in this game.

Hakulyte 04-4-2020 04:48 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]

Originally Posted by Cold Kitten (Post 4723706)

ffa seems to have left, since i pulled the heat away from 'em

I really doubt that's the reason.

Cold Kitten 04-4-2020 04:49 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]

Originally Posted by Hakulyte (Post 4723715)
I really doubt that's the reason.

so do i, but it's worth noting

Cold Kitten 04-4-2020 04:50 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]

Originally Posted by Hakulyte (Post 4723714)
I said to not read it.

I just badly need the Bolth/Tokzic/You input to draw a better picture of the rest of the players in this game.

don't post stuff in thread if you don't want other players to read it. i may not have made any comments about your list right now, but i promise you it'll come back up

Hakulyte 04-4-2020 04:53 PM

Re: TWG Turbo 30 - The Nonary Werewolf Games [Game Thread]

Originally Posted by Cold Kitten (Post 4723717)
don't post stuff in thread if you don't want other players to read it. i may not have made any comments about your list right now, but i promise you it'll come back up

It's more like "here's my work in progress, I understand the game is not solved yet".

I don't know why it gets read at face value as if the phase was ending in 5 min and it was the final stance.

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