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inDheart 11-16-2016 03:03 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
so, gonna preface this with i'm reading this as most of the posts mml makes are playing straight to his win con. so during the day it's to his advantage to push on people, basically PR hunt so they might have to reveal lore or their names. jsyk


Originally Posted by MixMasterLar (Post 4492268)
I'm ok with YoshL
I don't really like Charu's reentrance, he parrots the sentiments regarding Freezin's post abd everything else is lackluster.
I don't see any DFR post that make me feel better about him
WIB and Pre need to catch up in thread I think.
Already addressed Haku
I...don't know Storn's meta that well. He was a wolf in Boats and it seems like he's posting similar, but I dont know his town game.

I would probably support a Freezin lynch, but welcome Freezin to make another post and show me he's trying.

I would still support a DFR lynch, but again, I welcome him to try and change my mind.

Xel kind of needs to go ahead abd start scum hunting now.

not 100% sure on Haku and Storn. If no one else sees anything on Haku's post I'm cool with letting him live til tomorrow.

Absolutely will not lynch AA, Paz (altho he is acting lile cancer) or Zenith (...also acting like cancer)

I'm ok with V atm

Sorry i'm rambling lol

kind of early paz clear and it continues like that - even if i don't add it later, my thought is he visited paz on the first night and was able to clear him like that


Originally Posted by MixMasterLar (Post 4492526)
Back. So people are second guessing the Freezin wagon?


Jesus Christ

I think Freezin, Xel, DFR (who still hasnt ever come around and made me feel better about his lackluster responses. He's going under the radar now and that's shit) and Haku

I dislike RB but I wont vote him today

so he ends up on freezin by the end of the day, and pushing freezin into claiming is to his advantage because it gets him a name at least


Originally Posted by MixMasterLar (Post 4492627)
I don't know, he could be ab unkillabe town.

That...was stupid to even type.

Idk 3 minutes till. vote stays. Lar out.

but then him keeping his vote there doesn't really help him out with that


Originally Posted by MixMasterLar (Post 4492812)

1 - Charu has too many post for what little he actually was saying most of the time

2 - He was on Andy's nuts the last leg their after that "I'll toss a coin" post.
What's interesting is that, Andy being a new player, I can totally see Wolf Andy thinking he's been caught and trying to get rid of the only player who noticed. And fast!

Then again I can see someone more experience seeing that situation and thinking Ah yes easy framin' boys

Whole thing stinks. I do want to see more Andy posts though.


this is where i start to see him jumping onto andy as his next push - he uses the coin flip thing as a launching point after what i think was many people townreading andy on d0, and there's enough motivation behind the coin flip logic that it actually works as a push


Originally Posted by MixMasterLar (Post 4492839)


For a new guy to just come up with this is kind'O weird.

First off, why even make the point right now? No one seriously thinks thought it was you. I came the closest but ultimately admitted that would be a stupid assumption and left it be. You could be commenting on literally every other aspect of the game right now, but chose, out of EoD and this phase's start, to really try to address why you've probably been framed.

Second, that's hella specific for most anyone in this game to just come up with and use in a post. It reads like you (or someone else) have put alot of time into making it believable. Maybe I'm reading a little deep into that since point number 1 is making me suspicious of it, but I'm probably not reading too deep when I say that---

Third, you had a shit EoD regardless of rather you flipped the coin or not (saying you are going to flip a coin does not help the rest of town) and following that up with nothing but defense and no additional thoughts does not look good on you, no matter who you are.

and here's a reasoned push on andy which is in line with that. gonna focus on andy and paz because they're both still alive and mml paid them a lot of attention


Originally Posted by MixMasterLar (Post 4492840)
Hold on a minute

If we're going to talk about roles that prevent you from being active in a game that is very dependent of interactions and activity you are going to have to sale that a little harder then that.

here mml just wants to solve paz tbh. people seem to have powers roughly in line with their PoR lore so he can get info that way on their names. this is the one post that could be evidence of mml not actually visiting paz, but i think the rest of the evidence of him townreading paz is a way to keep paz alive to be one of his 4 names


Originally Posted by MixMasterLar (Post 4492844)

For me to buy that you are town and not a coached wolf, I have to assume that you are extremely sharpwitted and pick up on the subtle aspects of this game with a quickness. That's believable to a degree.

But here, you justify your bad EoD because you where trying to draw less attention by voting. Why would a town player worry about that? Especially in your case when there was not a wagon on you.

If you'd exercised the thought process you had displayed with trying to clear yourself of the Charu kill, or when you caught the host making a mistake, you would have probably concluded that it is in town's best interest to weigh the options even to the last second logically and vote your conscience, posting honest thoughts in real time to allow feedback from others.

Instead you joke about flipping a coin? And justify it by Not wanting to draw attention? Why would town give a FUCK about that at that point in time with as little pressure as you had?

Andy you've already proved you are better then that.

You should regret that

It was horrible

keeps on andy pushin


Originally Posted by MixMasterLar (Post 4492960)
Super late and super predictable, but I believe Pazzaz. For one, that possible angleshooting quip I had ahem, that gut feeling is 100% explained, and the Charu kill makes hella sense now.


I think Pazzaz answered this, but I took it as he didn't have a strong scumlean to do this with.

Which I want to point out, is garbage btw. I buy you're probably town but you should have been reading the thread and you should have been keeping up with your own list. I'm thankful for clearing a town that most of us cleared already but unless you seriously thought Charu was scum there was work you could have accomplished to have made this situation better.

That first line of logic goes no where and is offset by Pazzaz's claim anyway.


Good thinking on Paz's part. Post seems pure. I'm pretty ok with removing him from the table.

yeah, here comes the townread that like even gets progressively warmer within the post


Originally Posted by MixMasterLar (Post 4492962)

....alright then

salty his push isn't working ;) when i townread mml i tend to tune him out actually so i'm not surprised


Originally Posted by MixMasterLar (Post 4492968)
Where I stand right now.

A Ayase
- Mentioned mutiple times he seems towny, pretty cleared by Paz
Xel - That post from EoD, and the fact that his wagon started simply because Roundbox can't be bothered to do work before voting anyway, makes me feel good about him. He had a shit d0 but hoping that'll change this phase.
Pazzaz - is probably telling the truth and following that logic he's town.

YoshL - Seems alright. We mindmelded for awhile and he makes solid points most of the time. His game got hella better this phase.
Zenith is probably is town because he's always a little bitch when he's town. Glad to see he's at least considering solving the game.

Storn could really post more, but he isn't what I would consider an inactive.
WiB Is just now coming back into the game. Keep posting, bub
Precarious needs to make a comeback. Did he ever do a solid post? A reads list? Do I not remember them?
Shadowolfe is always hard for me to read. He hasn't totally lost his shit at me this game which is nice, albeit out of chararcter for him. I could see him being scum but there isn't a strong reason to believe it right now.
InDHeart is playing recap episode. I like this considering how far behind he was, but I want to see more before placing him

V needs to fucking post
Gold Stinger needs to fucking post
Tokzic needs to fucking post

Haku is probably a wolf, but the vacation story checks out so I am hesitant to paint him red.
Andy's post still doesn't look right to me, guys. No one else sees it, so maybe he is horribly misplaced on this list. But he's awfully wise about some things and not about others, and that rubs me the wrong way.

Roundbox's only real contribution is starting a bullshit wagon on Xel, who as it turns out is probably town. Had he bounced back and tried something else he wouldn't be this far down, but that's it. In near 100 hours that is it.
danceflashrevo Never made me feel better about him, I don't see alot of new post that strike me as good, and I agree with AA that he isn't projecting town like he normally does. I had him down here mid-d0 and he's still down here.

the way i read his reads lists now is lower down is people he's ok pushing to get answers and anyone above is potentially cleared by his night visit

wonder if it's possible he visited all the wolves and learned their names, or if the "bunkmates" thing only works on like, masons, so i think i will do the needful re: this


Originally Posted by MixMasterLar (Post 4492999)
Wait fucking what

In the middle of the day fucking what

That's garbage. What a load of shitfuck

What all possible roles could do this? I never played a game where that was a thing

Fuck off, how about a reads list
What kind of gamble is voting an inactive anyway?
Is the gamble that you're voting for your partner?

You uh

You got anything to say about our top town dying in the middle of the fucking day like that?

You should explain that to me.

he has a strong reaction to this which makes me think it might have been AA he actually visited, but that doesn't bear out if AA and charu were flipped. regardless it gives him another PR to poke at and solve, and given that he knows an arrow got shot he can hunt for an archer's name

in this way him voting dfr makes more sense to me because i don't think he bought dfr as the shooter


Originally Posted by MixMasterLar (Post 4493009)
Probably not YoshL as AA had him really town and even if YoshL wanted him dead he would let the nightkill take him out

Not Ike

Possibly Shadow

Really doubtful it's Pazzaz. Like that'll be stupid

Andy would have shot me as I have been roasting him hard and am also seen as town right now

Haku I was already scum reading

So Haku, you're saying that it's likely you or Shado, huh?

While Shado placing a vote on Haku does seem pretty damn rushed, I can see Haku trying to clear himself by playing detective.

I wouldn't doubt there's scum in these two.

yeah see he's archer hunting


Originally Posted by MixMasterLar (Post 4493032)
Now I know taken at face value it doesn't mean much, but think about it rreeeeaaaallyyy hard and it's very unlikely that Pazz is lying. Give me a scenario where Pazz is lying, wolves still kill Charu for shits and giggles, and someone who was in the dhajddfasfefdf I am trying so fucking hard not to get modkilled for angle shooting right now but seriously put some thought into it: he's really close to being confirmed.

more paz greening (think this is in response to haku)

it would be easy for mml to scumread haku based upon haku throwing suspicion on someone mml's trying to keep alive/has solved


Originally Posted by MixMasterLar (Post 4493056)
The only person who AA was scumreading before his death was Haku, and maybe Roundbox & Andy. Everyone else is just null or on the greener side of the fence.

It really looks like Haku got antsy and decided to take the shot, hoping that if his reactions to it seemed good it'll clear him for the rest of us. For someone who's on vacation that shot was very accommodating for his time, as he was here when it happened and had enough time to sit around and respond for like an hour or so (more so actually, not sure how long exactly)

Everytime I try to think about another killer my mind goes back to Haku.

like so


Originally Posted by MixMasterLar (Post 4493196)
So either you're saying I can't be wolf because I wouldn't let Wolf Andy go lose like that because it'll be suicide, denoting that you can clear me because you are wolf and I haven't stopped you

Or...you don't fucking know that wolves always know who their partners are.

Holy slip Batman

Posting this as a standalone because I want opinions on it

he brings up a weird post from andy because he still wants to solve andy, since he's kind of done on haku being the archer


Originally Posted by MixMasterLar (Post 4493306)
So many people to scumread

Andy's scum
Haku's scum
I don't know if I should buy that new tactic excuse from RB
InDHeart is just now getting mildly current in thread and trying to pin shit on me
Zenith still stinks
I still don't like GS that much
Where the fuck is Storn?
We have way too many inactives actually

basically both the people are scum that i see him trying to solve

tl;dr pazz is probably cleared via mml, but unsure what else he might have learned that is useful to us. we know he found masons but he doesn't have to share that with us, and he might not even have done that until end of last night, so maybe not much use to seeking them out through mml's posts

inDheart 11-16-2016 03:05 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by andy-o24 (Post 4493848)
I don't know if anyone has mentioned this yet, but is Calil the sage our seer?
storn42, you are Largo. You are a behemoth of a man, a Berserker to be more specific, who claims to have wrestled two tigers at once and won. You are the mate of Calill, a Sage. You both seem to be pretty content with your accomplishments, no matter how farfetched they seem, one thing is for sure, you and Largo enjoy each other’s company.
You are masoned with [REDACTED], who is Calill. You may discuss whatever you want with them in your private chat, which may be anywhere, so long as I may be present as well. You may discuss here only. You should discuss with one another using whatever means you wish where you want this private chat to be during the pregame phase.

I don't know what is outside the scope of the game, but is there some way we could figure out who storn was in a private chat with to conclusively clear a town? If they are seer, who has the strongest conviction in their reads? That could lead us to our answer.


kind of doubt a mason-seer hybrid, but MYSTERY GAME so who knows for sure

the answer to finding storn's partner is probably reading storn's posts

inDheart 11-16-2016 03:09 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
@mellonxcollie, think i get most of your other reads, but wondering about the townreads on me and shado?

also the people you missed but you know that

TWG Mad Dummy 11-16-2016 03:10 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by inDheart (Post 4493853)
so, gonna preface this with i'm reading this as most of the posts mml makes are playing straight to his win con. so during the day it's to his advantage to push on people, basically PR hunt so they might have to reveal lore or their names. jsyk

kind of early paz clear and it continues like that - even if i don't add it later, my thought is he visited paz on the first night and was able to clear him like that

so he ends up on freezin by the end of the day, and pushing freezin into claiming is to his advantage because it gets him a name at least

but then him keeping his vote there doesn't really help him out with that

this is where i start to see him jumping onto andy as his next push - he uses the coin flip thing as a launching point after what i think was many people townreading andy on d0, and there's enough motivation behind the coin flip logic that it actually works as a push

and here's a reasoned push on andy which is in line with that. gonna focus on andy and paz because they're both still alive and mml paid them a lot of attention

here mml just wants to solve paz tbh. people seem to have powers roughly in line with their PoR lore so he can get info that way on their names. this is the one post that could be evidence of mml not actually visiting paz, but i think the rest of the evidence of him townreading paz is a way to keep paz alive to be one of his 4 names

keeps on andy pushin

yeah, here comes the townread that like even gets progressively warmer within the post

salty his push isn't working ;) when i townread mml i tend to tune him out actually so i'm not surprised

the way i read his reads lists now is lower down is people he's ok pushing to get answers and anyone above is potentially cleared by his night visit

wonder if it's possible he visited all the wolves and learned their names, or if the "bunkmates" thing only works on like, masons, so i think i will do the needful re: this

he has a strong reaction to this which makes me think it might have been AA he actually visited, but that doesn't bear out if AA and charu were flipped. regardless it gives him another PR to poke at and solve, and given that he knows an arrow got shot he can hunt for an archer's name

in this way him voting dfr makes more sense to me because i don't think he bought dfr as the shooter

yeah see he's archer hunting

more paz greening (think this is in response to haku)

it would be easy for mml to scumread haku based upon haku throwing suspicion on someone mml's trying to keep alive/has solved

like so

he brings up a weird post from andy because he still wants to solve andy, since he's kind of done on haku being the archer

basically both the people are scum that i see him trying to solve

tl;dr pazz is probably cleared via mml, but unsure what else he might have learned that is useful to us. we know he found masons but he doesn't have to share that with us, and he might not even have done that until end of last night, so maybe not much use to seeking them out through mml's posts

how can someone be cleared by a neutral?


TWG Mad Dummy 11-16-2016 03:10 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

XelNya 11-16-2016 03:14 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by roundbox (Post 4493841)
Andy probably lived because it's likely wolves scoured out YoshL and the fact he was a roleblocker, something quite disadvantageous to wolves.
Based on night results, we probably only have one wolf team instead of a split faction.

Role blocker is pretty disadvantageous for scum team but why risk being wrong when there is a correct answer right in front of you

The logic for that doesn't make sense. They're prob down to what two given third party shenanigans? Maybe three?

Andy being left alive with an ambiguous role is just plain I don't get it you'd be better off risking the idea they might randomly be vested or something.


Originally Posted by ShadoWolfe (Post 4493847)
Why were you so eager to have me knife mellon when you hadn't even read EoD? Also wtf dude, you bringing up the possibility of a fool now is pretty bad..
Have you read EoD yet? Reach any meaningful conclusions?

Because imagine a world where mellon replaced Zenith, and where I know she's likely not going to post much.

Pretty much Zenith has me dead set that slot needs to get lynched or knifed. I'm afraid of a fool simply because it's a mystery game where there's no setup given to us. I have a REALLY hard time thinking that some deviation of that role doesn't exist, especially given how Zenith was playing. I try not to sell myself hard into a mindset but this one just, no.

I obviously started reading EoD if I'm quoting that earlier post of Andy's. I stopped there though because seriously, there is no reason I can justify mentally that he got left alive.

inDheart 11-16-2016 03:15 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by andy-o24 (Post 4491342)
roundbox call out?



ShadoWolfe 11-16-2016 03:16 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by TWG Mad Dummy (Post 4493849)
first let me start with the analysis from andy..

While I like where he was going/what he was doing wrt to trying to /solve/ my slot, the fact that it doesn't have any conclusions drawn whatsoever seems really odd to say the least and makes me wonder why he went through the effort of making the post if he isn't even going to say what he thinks about it?

I'd also argue that its a bit odd to have nothing at all to say about my participation so far, but i don't think i've done too much alignment indicitive personally, so i'll let that slide I guess.

This was kind of funny to me because you do in your latter paragraph the same thing that you're accusing him of in the former. As in, you say its odd that he doesn't have any conclusions about you drawn, and that makes you wonder why he went through the effort of making the post, then say that you don't think that you've done too much that's alignment indicative and that you'll let it slide. That hypocrisy reads to me like an attempt at defending against any points he might have made against your former two slotholders by trying to offhandedly dismiss his entire post because he didn't conclude with a read on you.


Originally Posted by TWG Mad Dummy (Post 4493849)
Next up, mellon's reads list.

LOL. it legit feels like he/she only read the last like 5 pages. Their town reads straight up have no reasoning AT ALL (and if you'll look closer, they're the top posters in recent pages, so it looks more like an attempted pocket of the active people than anything)

Bolded part is simply untrue. Calling inDheart a "top poster in recent pages" is a stretch, considering he's had one solid chain of posts recently, in between spans of silence. XelNya, as well, isn't excessively active, and had one big post recently with a couple of minor, smaller posts here and there. If she were simply trying to pocket people that are active, I think she'd go for andy (new player, more active than either of the other two) because he's an easier pocket. Instead, she scumread andy (despite most people townreading him).


Originally Posted by TWG Mad Dummy (Post 4493849)

also, the bold at the beginning seems odd to me as well, because I used that exact reasoning in my scumread of tokzic, and if mellon was sheeping me on it, thats fine; but if they were sheeping me on it, then why do they not have any semblence of a read on me at all?

That "exact reasoning" has been regurgitated countless times in this thread, stretching from D0 until now. I find it odd that you think "they" (mellon is one person, who is this they you keep referring to?) were sheeping you, when "I find tokzic's gutread weird" is so basic and universal that almost everyone has said it at some point.


Originally Posted by TWG Mad Dummy (Post 4493849)
seems like they are picking and choosing who to talk about, which is inherently scummy.

You opened this post with mellon and andy, quoted different posts addressing different points (one addressing your slot, and the other being a reads list that doesn't discuss you), and closed it with the above generalization that you tried to use to justify that they're both scummy. You couldn't even bother to think of individual reasons why each of them would be scum? This conclusion seems like you're just trying to find reasons to poke at people in order to have scumreads, but since its a generalization that doesn't follow from the original quotes, it just seems shallow and disingenuous.

I've been trying to keep you at null (despite your slot) because you're a cross-community player in your first phase here and have no established meta, but posts like these aren't exactly helping me townread you.
Mad Dummy
Step it up, please. You claim to be able to post 800-1000 posts in six days, and that you're a really good town. I'd like to see some of that today, or you may get lynched before you get another chance to prove it.

inDheart 11-16-2016 03:17 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by TWG Mad Dummy (Post 4493856)
how can someone be cleared by a neutral?


oh, cleared isn't what i mean, derp

pazz is probably the PR he says he is and did the thing he said he did though

inDheart 11-16-2016 03:20 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by XelNya (Post 4493858)
Role blocker is pretty disadvantageous for scum team but why risk being wrong when there is a correct answer right in front of you

The logic for that doesn't make sense. They're prob down to what two given third party shenanigans? Maybe three?

Andy being left alive with an ambiguous role is just plain I don't get it you'd be better off risking the idea they might randomly be vested or something.

in the rush of things at eod i'm not so sure people thought andy had a role

the wagon on him formed because of the "items can't pass between players" rule thing not seeming to line up with his role then

but it'll resolve today

inDheart 11-16-2016 03:24 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
hej i wonder what nee thinks of precarious if he's reading the people he is the way he is

or, like, gs

ShadoWolfe 11-16-2016 03:33 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
I'll be using my knife in a couple of here to allow time for readjustment of reads before EoD (based on the flip).

I want everyone to state their top two knife targets. Anyone who fails to do so significantly increases their own risk of getting knifed.

ShadoWolfe 11-16-2016 03:34 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by ShadoWolfe (Post 4493864)
I'll be using my knife in a couple of here to allow time for readjustment of reads before EoD (based on the flip).

I want everyone to state their top two knife targets. Anyone who fails to do so significantly increases their own risk of getting knifed.


inDheart 11-16-2016 03:41 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by ShadoWolfe (Post 4493864)
I'll be using my knife in a couple of here to allow time for readjustment of reads before EoD (based on the flip).

I want everyone to state their top two knife targets. Anyone who fails to do so significantly increases their own risk of getting knifed.

oh, your knife is day-usable? did i miss that?

prec then tokzic imo

Pazzaz 11-16-2016 03:44 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
Knife targets:

ShadoWolfe 11-16-2016 03:58 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
It's only day-usable. I said when I got it that I would use it sometime during this phase and declare who I'd stab before I stabbity stabbity stab stabbed them.

inDheart 11-16-2016 04:02 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by ShadoWolfe (Post 4493870)
It's only day-usable. I said when I got it that I would use it sometime during this phase and declare who I'd stab before I stabbity stabbity stab stabbed them.

oh ok you did say "this phase", i thought it was 1-shot vig

gold stinger 11-16-2016 04:07 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
My knife targets would be vendetta & precarious, unless there's some sort of damning evidence against mellon that was made in the past 12 hours.

ShadoWolfe 11-16-2016 04:08 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by inDheart (Post 4493871)
oh ok you did say "this phase", i thought it was 1-shot vig

ohh, no. It's oneshot day-vig, like Santa guns or Gunsmith guns.

That's why I said in my Fabricator post that if this knife is fake and I am to die instead of my target, then andy is obviously scum and he is to be lynched at the conclusion of this phase.

mellonxcollie 11-16-2016 04:09 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
***public service announcement***

My profile says female and everyone else calls me "she" and "her", you can call me that too. Every single game at least two people call me him/her or they

Assuming my gender is male is better than the weird him/her thing where it makes it seem like you're afraid to call me a girl. It's not only annoying it's confusing to read so many different pronouns which makes it seem like you are talking about multiple players. it's really annoying to happen EVERY game. yes I am a girl on the internet but it's not that hard.

This goes for the other girls too because I'm sure this is also annoying to them :evil:



Originally Posted by TWG Mad Dummy (Post 4493849)
The listing of alot of bad stuff, with the 1 qualification to be able to put them in null reads

I listed one bad thing, his post/timing with his Storn vote. and then one thing that put him to ?????. I know because of Tokzic's personality that we can't read into his timing or lack of posting too much, because he is a flakey mofucka.

I definitely understand the suspicion around Tokzic and I agree with it and do find him suspicious, which is why he is in my ?????? pile. but I think we need to examine him from the lens of how he would act as a player.

I don't know where you got the idea that my ????? was a null pile btw. I stated at the bottom of my post that I believe there are wolves in that pile. I called it ??????? because those are the people I need to look into further and am confused about, it's not a null list.


also, the bold at the beginning seems odd to me as well, because I used that exact reasoning in my scumread of tokzic, and if mellon was sheeping me on it, thats fine; but if they were sheeping me on it, then why do they not have any semblence of a read on me at all?
I did not have time to read your posts... that's why there's no read on you. I definitely was not sheeping you. I used extremely basic reasoning and it's weird that you would even jump to a "sheeping" conclusion.


seems like they are picking and choosing who to talk about, which is inherently scummy.
Literally exactly what you just did

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