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TWG Mad Dummy 11-15-2016 01:54 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

did people have an opinion on me prior to me posting today? or did my initial person not post?

just curious

ShadoWolfe 11-15-2016 01:54 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by andy-o24 (Post 4493602)
I'm not sure how much I can say without being modkilled lol. First game excuse, etc, etc.


I know you're traumatized because of the freezin modkill, but as long as you're not explicitly quoting the moderator or referencing any sort of communication from him, you're fine.

Like, I could claim to be santa, and say that I can send anyone a choice of either a knife, shield, crystall ball, or fortune cookie every night, and it'd be all above-board.

andy-o24 11-15-2016 01:55 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
I'm reading it as a town role, so I'm trying to help you guys. I figured giving you the knife would hopefully clear up your suspicion of item gifting and help to clear me from MML's push. Which admittedly, I worded my reasoning poorly.


TWG Mad Dummy 11-15-2016 01:56 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by ShadoWolfe (Post 4493604)
Also, open-question. Does anyone know of a santa-type role that is aligned against town?

I was under the assumption that the inherent nature of choosing between four pro-town items to gift is generally pro-town.

Also, if he were aligned against town, why would he gift me a knife? I'm inclined to believe andy and conclude that he's town for now.

i have heard of such a role, but I've never played with it, and it is, obviously, inherently uncommon.

i would think that the gift giver (or santa) being either a villager or third party makes more sense.

Usually if its a wolf gift giver or something of the sort, they only give 1 bad item afaik.

roundbox 11-15-2016 01:56 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by andy-o24 (Post 4493608)
I'm reading it as a town role, so I'm trying to help you guys. I figured giving you the knife would hopefully clear up your suspicion of item gifting and help to clear me from MML's push. Which admittedly, I worded my reasoning poorly.


are you third party
it sounds like you're third party

andy-o24 11-15-2016 01:57 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
I don't have a win condition inherent in the PM. So it feels VERY town to me.


andy-o24 11-15-2016 01:57 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
Explicit, probably is better than inherent.


roundbox 11-15-2016 01:59 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
For my sanity, here are the LIVING PLAYERS:


4) wineandbread
5) roundbox
7) XelNya
8) Precarious
9) Vendetta21
10) theknightsofneeee
12) ShadoWolfe
13) Pazzaz
15) Andy-o24
16) gold stinger
17) inDheart
19) mellonxcollie
20) Tokzic
13 players

ShadoWolfe 11-15-2016 02:00 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by TWG Mad Dummy (Post 4493606)

did people have an opinion on me prior to me posting today? or did my initial person not post?

just curious

Your slot is scum-read.

R.E. Aryxi was the original slot-holder. I pushed him, he promised to address my push, and then he replaced out.
Hakulyte was the next slot-holder. His meta is generally (analytical, serious wolf, hesitant, shitposty town). In this game, he was entirely analytical and serious, and didn't shitpost at all (granted, he replaced into D1 and shitposting is generally most prevalent in D0).

You replacing in is a breath of fresh air, so I'm gonna let you do your thing before making a judgment, but know that your slot is currently working against you.

ShadoWolfe 11-15-2016 02:01 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by andy-o24 (Post 4493613)
I don't have a win condition inherent in the PM. So it feels VERY town to me.


stop talking about the PM like that, dude. I told you you're good as long as you DON'T reference communication from the moderator.

You can say "I don't know my win condition"

you can't say "blah blah blah PM"

TWG Mad Dummy 11-15-2016 02:05 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
I'm fine with that.

I knew i would have an uphill battle this game, regardless of what role I subbed into, because of the complete lack of meta and familiarity, as well as replacing after a lynch.

I would have been surprised if I wasn't a scumread for most people.

I was just wondering.

Would you like to respond to my questions about why everyone else was able wagon/vote DFR, and you were not? and why you were okay with CFD'ing off of 'your mellon wagon'?

TWG Mad Dummy 11-15-2016 02:06 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
ya as a general rule, dont talk about the mod.

act like they don't exist and you'll be :thumb:

ShadoWolfe 11-15-2016 02:07 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by roundbox (Post 4493582)
Also can we speculate why YoshL died over Pazzaz? Unless there was knowledge of his roleblocking power to the wolf crew, I don't see a major reason to pick YoshL over him.

Was your Day0 mute a result of your role or from one of DFR's arrows?

I've tried thinking of a reason why Pazzaz wouldn't die, but the only thing I can think of is that he wasn't universally believed in his claim.
YoshL, on the other hand, was universally town-read.

ShadoWolfe 11-15-2016 02:23 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by TWG Mad Dummy (Post 4493618)
I'm fine with that.

I knew i would have an uphill battle this game, regardless of what role I subbed into, because of the complete lack of meta and familiarity, as well as replacing after a lynch.

I would have been surprised if I wasn't a scumread for most people.

I was just wondering.

Would you like to respond to my questions about why everyone else was able wagon/vote DFR, and you were not? and why you were okay with CFD'ing off of 'your mellon wagon'?

(thought process: "what questions?! ohhhhhhh--)


Originally Posted by TWG Mad Dummy (Post 4493589)
what is our beautiful game without wifom? ;)

and okay then?

so who do you think deserves credit for/should get essentially cleared for pushing on DFR/getting DFR lynched?

and how is it that everyone else had enough time to wagon DFR and DFR had enough time to formulate a claim and then claim before you posted that one post about Andy? And why was one post about 'items' enough to rip you off of your scumread mellon? especially since mellon had been, as you claim, 'your wagon'?

Roundbox looks really good coming out of EoD, and is the only player I'd "clear" based on DFR's wagon and lynch.

I'm not a very fast poster for the most part, but EoD I tend to use both my phone and my computer to make sure I'm caught up. If you look at the times, I posted twice about CFDing onto Andy (reasoning being his impossible roleclaim that he's since clarified) in one minute, and the whole DFR wagon happened in one minute the minute before.

It wasn't a post about "items" that ripped me off my wagon. Items are on, so a post about them is alright, but I thought itemsharing/gifting was explicitly off in the OP until I received a knife this morning and went "oh". I started the wagon on andy because I thought he was lying about his role, so he had to be scum, and guaranteed scum is better than possible scum, hence my CFD.

Also, if you have time to be asking me those questions, you have time to be reading D0 and D1. I think that'd be a more effective way to scumhunt than anything else atm.

Unless, of course, you're not really trying to scumhunt and are just wanting to be visible and push around a little bit to make it seem like you are.

andy-o24 11-15-2016 02:30 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
Okay. I don't know my win condition. But I am interpreting it as a town role and am trying to play it to benefit the town.

I have seven hours of class Tuesday, so I'm trying to make some kind of contribution before I go to bed. Probably won't see much from me the rest of the day.

Here's me spitballing (kinda WIFOM-tier)
dfr was wolf and was protecting me because I'm new and a bad player. Begs the question for me if that was the wolves strategy all along: take out the strong town players and even go so far as trying to protect the bad ones until late game. That doesn't seem to follow though as dfr was the only one explicitly trying to defend me from my recollection. That could suggest disorganized wolves, because if they fell in the inactive/low post slots they probably weren't theorizing how to approach the game. YoshL vote suggests there is at least one active wolf still making that call. If all were inactive, there would have been no kill that night, right? While YoshL is a kill that makes sense, especially based on d0, it seems maybe too obvious especially with roundbox's sleuthing as of late. That could suggest the replacements that had to skim the thread saw in the early game AA/YoshL as top towns and would choose the one still alive as their kill.

TL;DR: inactives/replacements are what I want to look into.


Originally Posted by ShadoWolfe (Post 4493621)
It wasn't a post about "items" that ripped me off my wagon. Items are on, so a post about them is alright, but I thought itemsharing/gifting was explicitly off in the OP until I received a knife this morning and went "oh".

It had its intended effect then, lol. I'm reading you town anyway, so I figured that would either make you believe me (and a nice item for the town to have) or you would immediately go with your gut and use the knife on me.


ShadoWolfe 11-15-2016 02:35 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by andy-o24 (Post 4493622)
It had its intended effect then, lol. I'm reading you town anyway, so I figured that would either make you believe me (and a nice item for the town to have) or you would immediately go with your gut and use the knife on me.


Lol yeah I assumed that was your intention. Going with my gut would never have involved knifing you off the bat though, especially since the very reality of receiving a knife meant that I was wrong about gifting.

What was the effect of the item you gave YoshL?

andy-o24 11-15-2016 02:45 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
1-shot seer.


ShadoWolfe 11-15-2016 02:49 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by andy-o24 (Post 4493624)
1-shot seer.



You're saying you have a giftable item that allows the recipient to investigate a player of their choice? When can it be used? Is it a day-use item? That sounds really useful..

andy-o24 11-15-2016 02:55 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
I sent it to him night 1, he could use it night 2 and we would know the results this day if he used it and told us. Unfortunately he was killed and the item is not refunded, so it was wasted. I can no longer gift a 1-shot seer.


ShadoWolfe 11-15-2016 02:56 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
Okay, so I did some research on what a scum-aligned santa-type role would entail. Essentially, the scum-aligned equivalent is known as a "Fabricator".

Basically a fabricator can send a fake item to a player of their choice. When used, the fake item backfires on its recipient. So, if the knife that I currently possess is fake, I will end up stabbing myself.

At some point in this phase, I will announce that I'm ready to use this knife, and declare a target (input would be appreciate from the rest of town). I will not use this knife without first announcing it and declaring a target. At that point, if I were to die instead of my target, andy should obviously be lynched at the conclusion of this phase.

I doubt he's a fabricator (because he took responsibility for the gift), but I felt this had to be said since it is still a distinct possibility.

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