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-   -   TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD (http://www.flashflashrevolution.com/vbz/showthread.php?t=143935)

danceflashrevo 02-21-2016 10:53 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD
I kinda forced myself to make a conclusion on the last three reads, I'll definitely go back and look harder for them. I don't have the time and the energy to rush iso rn.

helphelp to answer your question I'm upset that there's a wagon on me without an actual accusation. Like... the thing that started it was me saying PR for public relations but people interpreted as power role which is understandable but it standing for power role hadn't even crossed my mind. If you don't believe me about that in my defense of it it's very clear that I was talking about public relations. I don't like the fact that haku just said "i iso'd him i see what you mean" and then put a vote on me, it's like there's some underground discussion on why i'm scum that hasn't been surfaced.

DaBackpack 02-21-2016 10:53 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD
helphelp is fucked, 3 of his votes are AFK

helphelp11 02-21-2016 10:53 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD

helphelp11 02-21-2016 10:53 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD
Then what the flux capacitor do I do!?

reuben_tate 02-21-2016 10:53 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD

DaBackpack 02-21-2016 10:54 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by danceflashrevo (Post 4409418)
I kinda forced myself to make a conclusion on the last three reads, I'll definitely go back and look harder for them. I don't have the time and the energy to rush iso rn.

helphelp to answer your question I'm upset that there's a wagon on me without an actual accusation. Like... the thing that started it was me saying PR for public relations but people interpreted as power role which is understandable but it standing for power role hadn't even crossed my mind. If you don't believe me about that in my defense of it it's very clear that I was talking about public relations. I don't like the fact that haku just said "i iso'd him i see what you mean" and then put a vote on me, it's like there's some underground discussion on why i'm scum that hasn't been surfaced.

Haku could be wolf too, was thinking that, his enthusiasm aside

DaBackpack 02-21-2016 10:54 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD
Zenith are you fuckign there

DaBackpack 02-21-2016 10:54 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD
zenith say something if you are there you might die

DaBackpack 02-21-2016 10:55 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD
I think ur wolfy and I don't like either of these other lynches

helphelp11 02-21-2016 10:55 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD
Do you want to make another wagon against someone?

reuben_tate 02-21-2016 10:55 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by Charu (Post 4409384)
I suppose, but you can never be sure about this.

I would think that adding obvious qualifiers such as "unless she dies in the night" would be even more suspicious.

DaBackpack 02-21-2016 10:55 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD
you totally haven't done scumhunting this phase and I expect better from you

Charu 02-21-2016 10:55 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by DaBackpack (Post 4409423)
Haku could be wolf too, was thinking that, his enthusiasm aside

I don't think so, at least not right now.

My little spiel with Haku was me gauging him to see what he was doing.

He's town here, I believe that in my truest of guts.

DaBackpack 02-21-2016 10:55 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by helphelp11 (Post 4409427)
Do you want to make another wagon against someone?

yes but I don't know who

danceflashrevo 02-21-2016 10:56 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD
can someone tell me why we're lynching zenith? he's been kinda absent compared to other zenith play regardless of alignment, and nothing he's done has stuck out to me. I just see random pressure votes accruing.

DaBackpack 02-21-2016 10:56 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD
ugh unvote starting a new wagon here helps absolutely nobody if we can't actually have a discourse on it

Charu 02-21-2016 10:56 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD
And considering lynching this time around really does give no info...

thesunfan 02-21-2016 10:56 PM

Vote Count
Votes from post 4 to post 957
Night in 0:04:05

:00 good :01 bad

DaBackpack 02-21-2016 10:57 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by danceflashrevo (Post 4409432)
can someone tell me why we're lynching zenith? he's been kinda absent compared to other zenith play regardless of alignment, and nothing he's done has stuck out to me. I just see random pressure votes accruing.

he's my current only scumread and both of the wagons are bad

helphelp11 02-21-2016 10:57 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD
Maybe SKG?

Also, yes I realize I'm revoting but what other choice do I have?

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