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botchi246 02-19-2016 08:07 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD
Ok so can we not make 5billion posts in one day. Oh my lantern! So much reading to catch up, but i got through it.
Im liking the level of activity though, even though its cuz 22 people lol

Anyways, so far, i got some town leans:
Town: zenith, rzr, charu, haku
Scum: i dont have anyone here cuz itd be baseless
Every else can go in the null basket with minor toneleans which dont deserve mentioning cuz they are barely even that

Xiz 02-19-2016 08:08 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by rzr (Post 4408777)
thanks btw

I hate to "Rain" on your parade but you are by no means lock clear for me lol. I just wont lynch you d1 :P

rzr 02-19-2016 08:10 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by Xiz (Post 4408784)
I hate to "Rain" on your parade but you are by no means lock clear for me lol. I just wont lynch you d1 :P

I don't expect it, you're talking to the guy who has questioned every PR claim in the last 3 games, even though there were no counter claims lol

call it tinfoil or paranoia or whatever, but if you were trying to pocket me I'd notice that more, and you're not, which gives me towny vibes on you fyi

botchi246 02-19-2016 08:11 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD
Oh and dbp is a-ok in my book.
Yall ask me some questions. Im at work and bored, so it will help me help yall

rzr 02-19-2016 08:13 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by botchi246 (Post 4408782)
Ok so can we not make 5billion posts in one day. Oh my lantern! So much reading to catch up, but i got through it.
Im liking the level of activity though, even though its cuz 22 people lol

Anyways, so far, i got some town leans:
Town: zenith, rzr, charu, haku
Scum: i dont have anyone here cuz itd be baseless
Every else can go in the null basket with minor toneleans which dont deserve mentioning cuz they are barely even that

this makes me feel a bit better, doesn't seem fabricated, and generally I cvan agree with the reads, except for Haku who I currently have some reservations against (lightly)

Can you elaborate on your Haku read?

XelNya 02-19-2016 08:21 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by danceflashrevo (Post 4408765)
Xel giving me PTSD hue



Originally Posted by Charu (Post 4408766)
Quick, vote for yourself and get an insta




botchi246 02-19-2016 08:33 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD
I think haku is just doing haku. He posts his generalized reads list and the proceeds to condemn himself. All normal things in my book

helphelp11 02-19-2016 08:35 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD
So... basically meta? If he is acting like his usual, wouldn't that put him in null or town lean?

helphelp11 02-19-2016 08:39 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD
Or when you put your reads list, you meant town lean? (Whoops.)

botchi246 02-19-2016 08:43 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD
Yah help, hes a town lean

rzr 02-19-2016 09:04 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD
alright that's fair enough

what about your vote, got that special someone in mind? who would you lynch at this point in the day

botchi246 02-19-2016 09:11 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD
I think its a little early for a lynch vote. If i voted, it would be for pressure only because i dont have enough of a base to build on.

botchi246 02-19-2016 09:12 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD
But i guess if i had to, i would vote that guy/gurl with the hawaiian shirt. I dont like floral print

Vendetta21 02-19-2016 09:55 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD
xelnya wolf

Vendetta21 02-19-2016 09:58 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD
Danceflashrevo sketchy
Reuben Tate town

Vendetta21 02-19-2016 09:59 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by SKG_Scintill (Post 4408736)
Vendetta never responded either ooo:

This person is absolutely 100% town

Vendetta21 02-19-2016 10:01 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD
If I were SK I would kill roundbox first too. SK is a competent player likely

Vendetta21 02-19-2016 10:01 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD
Tokzic is not a kill I understand he's honestly not a very good townie. His wolf game is good but his misses more than he hits as town imo

Vendetta21 02-19-2016 10:02 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD
Town lean on Hakulyt
Null botchi
Null DBP

botchi246 02-19-2016 10:04 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD
Ohh tokzic get rekt

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