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rayword45 04-6-2020 03:28 PM

Re: Recommend me some 2020 albums halp

Originally Posted by aperson (Post 4725262)
The newest Igorrr has been out for 2 months yet it is not reviewed..................

workin on it

MixMasterLar 04-7-2020 03:21 PM

Re: Recommend me some 2020 albums halp

Originally Posted by Jayden1234 (Post 4725251)
Ghosts V was released simultaneously with VI..




rayword45 04-13-2020 09:01 PM

Re: Recommend me some 2020 albums halp
Day 731: Spirituality and Distortion by Igorrr (Album Choice: aperson)

The really weird tracks here are all good fun. The ones that are more typical Igorrr style mixing of breakcore and metal are hit-or-miss. In general the ones that are heavier on the breakcore are better, but that's not a guarantee. Whatever, I've listened to this like 4 times now and have nothing useful to say. If you'll like this album you probably know so.

Best Track: Camel Dancefloor
Rating: 5/10

rayword45 04-15-2020 12:46 AM

Re: Recommend me some 2020 albums halp
Day 732: Kiss My Super Bowl Ring by The Garden

I've never listened to these guys, but I know my roommate loves them. Or at least likes them. If I recall correctly he has one of their shirts.

This stuff... well, it's certainly not unoriginal. All of the genres they go through are stuff that I've heard done better before, but it's the combination of such that makes it unique! Unique =! good however, and this is middling at best to me. Some tracks are enjoyable, a lot of this is just plain annoying. I can always admire the passion in every single track, despite not being able to tell if this is sincere or ironic, and I think that's a good thing. That admiration doesn't always match with enjoyment, unfortunately.

That review told absolutely NOTHING about what the album sounds like, because this is hard to describe. I'll at least say it isn't nearly as horrible as 1000 gecs

Best Track: Lurkin
Rating: 5/10

dAnceguy117 04-18-2020 12:06 AM

Re: Recommend me some 2020 albums halp
lets be honest youre obsessed with the gecs

rayword45 04-19-2020 02:13 PM

Re: Recommend me some 2020 albums halp
obsessed with how bad they are yeah

people roast on me all the time for thinkin they suck and say "youre gonna be left behind by the industry boomer"

i should add i tried to listen to their FishCenter performance it was just as awful and i wanna see if theyre as awful at eforest

dAnceguy117 04-19-2020 08:37 PM

Re: Recommend me some 2020 albums halp

rayword45 04-22-2020 01:39 AM

Re: Recommend me some 2020 albums halp
Day 733: Fetch The Bolt Cutters by Fiona Apple

Pitchfork gave this their first 10 in over a decade apparently. I await the opinion of melon because I care as much, that is to say, not at all. I thought I reviewed an album by Apple (can I just say the middle name here?) or an EP or something but I can't find it. I KNOW I've listened to some of her songs, but I don't remember what they sound like.

If they sound like this album, they basically sound like Ben Folds. Is this a good album? After listening to it about 5 or 6 times, I'd say so. She only drops one album a decade so I assume expectations are high, but I don't know if people are just filling in their own expectations or this actually meets them because this is not what I'd call a perfect album. It's good, it kept my attention for nearly an hour despite my about zero proximity to piano pop or cabaret-type stuff at all times, and there's just enough variety of lyrical content and choice of backing to fill out the tracks to satisfy me (though at times I have the same problem with this as a lot of other indie music, in that it feels a bit too in love with itself, that occurs far less here than it does when I listen to a lot of other indie bands so I'm not docking it). There are some experimental moments, and those are the best ones on the album. Then there are experimental moments that I just found annoying.

Why am I doing this at 1:33AM? There's like a million places this is gonna be reviewed better, I'm tired, depressed and wish I was drunk (not til Thursday!). You should listen to this not because of what I say, but because of what others say. And I don't mean that as "other people's opinions are worth more than mine", I'm referring to the stupid amount of hype this thing got.

Online hipsters and art school white girls saying they bawled their eyes out to this baffle me. It's a solid album, and only a few bits got on my nerves, but that's as far as I'm going. Okay boomer Pitchfork. Time to go eat some ice cream.

Best Track: For Her
Rating: 7.5/10

rayword45 04-24-2020 12:08 AM

Re: Recommend me some 2020 albums halp
Day 734: Modus Vivendi by 070 Shake

I don't remember if I've listened to anything she's dropped before this solo, but this is her debut album apparently so probably not. I do vividly remember her part in Ghost Town on the overly-hated ye, and she made that song a lot better. However, since that's all I can remember right now (even though I KNOW she's featured on some other stuff I've listened to) I'm coming into this with no expectations.

And with no expectations, this is solid. Compared to yesterday's album, nothing reaches the same heights but there's also less duds while probably having a similar amount of standouts, which makes sense since this album is quite a bit shorter. The beats are mostly phenomenally chosen, the singing is almost all great and I'm digging the futuristic vibe. No real complaints here!

Best Track: Terminal B
Rating: 7.5/10

rayword45 04-24-2020 01:49 AM

Re: Recommend me some 2020 albums halp
Day 735: WOMB by Purity Ring

I know for a fact that I haven't reviewed these guys. I say that because I thought I did, but then I remembered the only place I know these guys from is from the Search Party theme song. Fuck you HBO Max for making me wait 3 years for the third season.

On the plus side, in between thinking those things I thought that I knew them from the neo-Nazi [adult swim] show but they weren't on there after all! Why, Ovlov, why...

Anyways, upon listening to this, I thought it was fine, but then I randomly realized I wasn't listening to the first track anymore but instead the end of the third! This shit is so incredibly same-y that the previous sentence is not even a joke, I swear they used slight variations of the exact same melody three times in a row. After that, it isn't quite as obvious, but this entire album is just kind of eh to me. It would be more pleasant if the singer's voice didn't get on my nerves, but it's not SO bad that I can't stand it, it's just a little too much airy falsetto.

For a 35 minute album, I'm disappointed. Oh well, onto the next one!

Best Track: Femia
Rating: 4.5/10

rayword45 04-25-2020 12:17 PM

Re: Recommend me some 2020 albums halp
Day 736: Pocket Selector by Dev/Null

His first full-length since Lazer Thrash sounds nothing like it! Instead this is a bunch of throwback jungle a la early Machine Girl and from that description you probably know exactly what this sounds like and exactly how much you'll enjoy it. I wish I had a better reference than that.

Best Track: Hyper
Rating: 6/10

mi40 05-10-2020 08:03 PM

Re: Recommend me some 2020 albums halp

Originally Posted by rayword45 (Post 4716926)
Day 715: Honeymoon by Beach Bunny

Outside of just comparing to other singer/songwriter indie women, this album started off as a lot of bouncy fun with a sensed emotional core, but less than halfway through I was just bored and slightly annoyed. I would probably be nicer right now if it was lo-fi, or if the first 3 tracks didn't just make everything more disappointing after.

Best Track: Promises or April
Rating: 5/10

agree here except beach bunny's honeymoon has somehow crept into my worksafe playlist when i'm the one with the aux cord at work. i will admit that if you listen to their consecutively in an album format you will get annoyed with it way faster than if it was sprinkled in among other music


Originally Posted by rayword45 (Post 4718398)
Day 718: WLFGRL by Machine Girl (Album Choice: mi40)

There really just needs to be way more groovers in the mix here. More aggression in the aggressive tracks too, but DEFINITELY this needs more groovers.

Best Track: Out By The 16, Dead On The Scene
Rating: 6/10

agree here also. a lot of people have the same sentiment regarding needing more groovers but it looks like machine girl tends to go more abrasive approaches to their albums so this is what happens. i like to think machine girl needs a separate mix of their groovers, like a best of. galatea & krystle (3rd impact mix) to name a few..


Originally Posted by rayword45 (Post 4725885)
Day 733: Fetch The Bolt Cutters by Fiona Apple

Pitchfork gave this their first 10 in over a decade apparently. girls saying they bawled their eyes out to this baffle me. It's a solid album, and only a few bits got on my nerves, but that's as far as I'm going. Okay boomer Pitchfork. Time to go eat some ice cream.

Best Track: For Her
Rating: 7.5/10


MyNameIsNothing 05-12-2020 04:59 PM

Re: Recommend me some 2020 albums halp
favs of 2020 that i dont think you've reviewed yet
a girl called eddy - been around
headie one & fred again - gang
mixed matches - II
nnamdi - brat
lyra pramuk - fountain
RAY - pink
rina sawayama - sawayama (probably aotysf)
tennis - swimmer

rayword45 05-13-2020 01:24 AM

Re: Recommend me some 2020 albums halp
Day 737: Anxiety & Depression by The Boyboy West Coast

U Was At The Club (Bottoms Up) was my third most played song on Spotify in 2019. However, considering I only started using Spotify with any regularity in September, I'm pretty sure this is actually #1 overall. And it deserves it.

This album, on the other hand, sucks ass. There's like two good songs on this collection of sappy shitty pop songs. Serious downgrade man, you're not gonna have another meme at this rate Waluigi.

Best Track: No Love
Rating: 4/10

rayword45 05-13-2020 07:29 PM

Re: Recommend me some 2020 albums halp
Day 738: Fountain by Lyra Pramuk

I'll start by saying this is definitely one of the most unique albums I've ever heard and there's nothing it can be compared to. The descriptors I see are frequently "ambient" and "a capella" but I've heard stuff in those categories plenty and none sound quite like this. For that reason alone, I would implore you to check this out, I doubt I'll hear a more creative album this year.

That being said, I only enjoyed about a third of it. I can appreciate the album going for something totally original and there's clearly a lot of thought and care put into its crafting, but most of this straight up does not appeal to me and I found myself annoyed more often than wowed or pleased. That being said (used it twice!), this is based off of two listens and I feel obligated to give it more tries solely because of how fuckin weird it is. Hmmm....

Ask me again in the fall.

Best Track: New Moon
Rating: 5/10

rayword45 05-14-2020 12:57 PM

Re: Recommend me some 2020 albums halp
Day 739: Yeo-Neun by Okkyung Lee

I saw her open for Swans almost 4 years ago now, and barely remember what her act is like. Before you say anything, shut up I scalped. Anyways, my description of this show back then was


Originally Posted by me at 18
"Some weird solo shit right here."

I remember the vibe being vaguely neo-classical but a whole lot weirder than that, and in some ways even more aggressive than Michael Gira's Flying Circus, mostly ones that I like more than just turning up the volume past reasonable.

This album is for the most part nowhere near as weird as I, uh, think that performance was. A few tracks here are atonal, but only the run from the end half of In Stardust (For Kang Kyung-ok) to The Longest Morning contains anything as chaotic as my memories tell me that performance was. For the most part, this is just really lovely stuff, and the vibe reminds me of cutting class in high school to get baked, drink 10 espresso shots over ice and walk through malls while listening to vaporwave until I ended up showing up to school at 10:59AM. Color me pleasantly surprised after being caught way off.

Best Track: Facing Your Shadows
Rating: 8/10

rayword45 05-15-2020 07:56 PM

Re: Recommend me some 2020 albums halp
Day 740: Pray For Paris by Westside Gunn

Good beat production, good features, obnoxious rapping from the main star himself.

Best Track: George Bondo
Rating: 6/10

rayword45 05-16-2020 03:56 PM

Re: Recommend me some 2020 albums halp
Day 741: Starz by Yung Lean

Ov Da Lid?

Okay that was terrible. I've heard some music from this guy before and while it was not the meme-tier bullshit I was expecting, it didn't inspire me to seek more of his music out. People seem to REALLY love this guy though.

Cloud rap is somewhat of an enigma to me. Some of these tracks are legit gorgeous, but a lot of it just bores me. And for something of its length, I can't act like that's a good thing. Not bad, but doesn't need to be as long as it is, at all. It also starts off way stronger than it ends.

For some reason the autoplay after this is Yves Tumor. Weird choice Spotify. I need to take a shit.

Best Track: Butterfly Paralyzed
Rating: 6/10

mi40 05-16-2020 04:56 PM

Re: Recommend me some 2020 albums halp

Originally Posted by rayword45 (Post 4730686)
Day 741: Starz by Yung Lean

Ov Da Lid?

Okay that was terrible. I've heard some music from this guy before and while it was not the meme-tier bullshit I was expecting, it didn't inspire me to seek more of his music out. People seem to REALLY love this guy though.

Cloud rap is somewhat of an enigma to me. Some of these tracks are legit gorgeous, but a lot of it just bores me. And for something of its length, I can't act like that's a good thing. Not bad, but doesn't need to be as long as it is, at all. It also starts off way stronger than it ends.

For some reason the autoplay after this is Yves Tumor. Weird choice Spotify. I need to take a shit.

Best Track: Butterfly Paralyzed
Rating: 6/10

i REALLY love this guy indeed. but it's not for everyone!

aperson 05-17-2020 03:14 AM

Re: Recommend me some 2020 albums halp
Aaron Spectre - The Quickening
The Soft Pink Truth - Shall We Go On Sinning So That Grace May Increase

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