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Avree 11-11-2011 06:41 PM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!
Touche. lol

Akarin 11-13-2011 08:30 AM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!

Perhaps not new to the game, I never really bothered posting on the forums. Been playing rhythm games for some years now but never signed up on here. I mostly play variations of keyboard styles such as 4key, 6key, 7key (iidx) etc but usually just 4key. Hope I can get better at the game and get some competition!

reuben_tate 11-13-2011 09:24 AM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!

Originally Posted by Nbjk01 (Post 3565284)
well i guess this is where i say hellos and stuffs i might drop by every once in to say sup and play some ffr but again this is just an hellows

Hellows! ^_^ Welcome to the forums (and to the game?)! Anyways, have fun, and feel free to make yourself welcome in the community; just don't feed the trolls :razz:


Originally Posted by thebeginner14 (Post 3565993)
hi. just joined earlier today and ive already played 27 games! love this game!

Welcome! I think we all love it too (well there are people who rage, but that's another story...) Have fun and make yourself comfortable in the forums. ^_^


Originally Posted by Akarin (Post 3566810)

Perhaps not new to the game, I never really bothered posting on the forums. Been playing rhythm games for some years now but never signed up on here. I mostly play variations of keyboard styles such as 4key, 6key, 7key (iidx) etc but usually just 4key. Hope I can get better at the game and get some competition!

Nice, most of here also play other rhythm games as well, so we can relate. ^_^ Anyways, just stick around the forums to pick up some tips and perhaps you can enter a few tournaments later; they are good for competition and improving your skill. Anyways, like I said to everyone else, make yourself welcome to the community here, just don't feed the trolls. :razz:

To the rest of the community who is not a newbie: You guys are so terrible at welcoming people in a timely manner. Looks like I gotz to do it :roll:

PROGUY 11-13-2011 11:58 PM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!
Hello FFR :)
I was introduced to this site a while back and I thought of joining this lively community.

I'm mostly a music rhythm gamer myself but I also play other types/genres of games as well. My first rhythm game is O2Jam, but I was slowly introduced to various other rhythm games like StepMania, DJMax, and IIDX and it was fun walking on that road.

Well, see you guys around :D

PROGUY 11-15-2011 02:28 AM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!
Thanks! By the way, where should I start?
I want to share my charts but I can't start new topics (as said in the first page of this thread).

Edit: Also, is it okay if I put my osu! profile and my YouTube channel in my signature? I'm asking this first because it may be considered "advertising" as said in the rules.

PROGUY 11-15-2011 11:43 PM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!
Alright, thanks subin :)

Zephyr- 11-16-2011 02:38 PM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!

supermousie 11-17-2011 07:19 AM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!
O hai. Welcome to FFR.

21992 11-17-2011 08:54 PM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!
i LOVE osu. started on that instead of FFR between couple of months!

RainbowsHaven 11-18-2011 10:27 AM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!
Hi everyone--I'm new here! I've known about FFR for a long time (a LONG time!) but since I was previously not interested in competitive FFR and the keyboard bindings messed me up, I never made an account. I did so over the summer, however, because I have a good friend who's getting back into the game as of late.

I'm still pretty mediocre right now ( Reference point: I could've made it through R1 of D1, but I don't know how much farther--I'm going to play the tourny and see how far I can get without ACTUALLY being registered), but I'm learning! It helps a lot that I finally found a key configuration that works for me. I play spread, using the middle finger and ring finger on each of my hands. I was previously using all 8 keys in Stepmania (I know, that's crazy), so it took a while to find something that worked well for me here.

I also talk a lot. <///< Sorry! So yeah. Hi! :D

tackk 11-19-2011 08:24 AM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!
good mornin' from nyc (:

Darkbreezee 11-19-2011 09:33 AM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!
welcome tho xD

RainbowsHaven 11-19-2011 09:02 PM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!

Originally Posted by subin (Post 3571308)
Many people on FFR play spread using both their index and middle fingers - have you tried this before? I play a mix of spread and other styles, but when I do play spread, I use middle and index for my left hand, and middle and ring for my right hand. Test them out and see what works best.

I played with a few different styles but I had almost no luck using my index and middle fingers. It felt really awkward for me! The other style I had the (next) most luck with was playing one-handed, but I was told that there's something of a limit to how much you can progress using one hand. I found jumps pretty hard that way, also!

Thanks for the advice and welcome! :D I just wish the forums were more active!

Remilia Scarle 11-19-2011 10:22 PM

Some what new..
Hello everyone, i just joined today.. i honestly currently dont have much to ask at all.. so hello!

RainbowsHaven 11-19-2011 11:46 PM

Re: Some what new..

Originally Posted by Remilia Scarle (Post 3572506)
Hello everyone, i just joined today.. i honestly currently dont have much to ask at all.. so hello!

Hi, Rem! :D Welcome~!

mattuxo 11-20-2011 07:37 PM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!
hello guys =D

AirborneSickness 11-20-2011 10:03 PM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!
Saying hello. Isn't that grand?

Remilia Scarle 11-20-2011 11:32 PM

Re: Some what new..

Originally Posted by RainbowsHaven (Post 3572533)
Hi, Rem! :D Welcome~!

hello, and thank you =D

PrawnSkunk 11-20-2011 11:39 PM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!

Originally Posted by AirborneSickness (Post 3573213)
Saying hello. Isn't that grand?

Welcome to FFR. Stay around for a while :D~

Nice to know there are some people who are not afraid to show their undying love for Skyrim ;)

AirborneSickness 11-20-2011 11:51 PM

Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!

Originally Posted by PrawnSkunk (Post 3573299)
Nice to know there are some people who are not afraid to show their undying love for Skyrim ;)

What can I say? Skyrim is only kind of the best game ever released to date in the history of video games.

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