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-   The Werewolf Game (http://www.flashflashrevolution.com/vbz/forumdisplay.php?f=47)
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bugkid666 01-21-2023 10:47 PM

Sorry for the late post, it took me a while to be free enough to organize even posting this. >> Each person has 3 votes and you can spend them however you like.

Sunfan's Dominion-themed "Can we fill a 13 player game" setup

13 players, all PRs
mystery, but there is one good team and one evil team that is an informed minority
Inactivity is not tolerated; replacements take precedent before modkills but 5 substantive posts per day phase is a requirement
you could probably also vote roundbox's game and have a good time

Single Phase Werewolf

As a group of merchants visits an isolated village, but it becomes clear that not all intend to simply make an honest sell. An evil lurks among them and if it isn't found out by nightfall it will surely lead it's kin to the village in the dead of night, leaving only death in it's wake! Can the travelling traders find out who among them is a fake, or will their inability to do so let the werewolves feast on the innocent bystanders?

2Vanilla Merchants
1Perceptive Merchant
1Violent Merchant
1Disguised Werewolf

5 Player Game
A Single 24 Hour Phase, Day Start. There will be no night phase of any kind
KitB: On
Minimum Posts: Off

As per the rules I will allow replacements in the case of a player having to leave over IRL issues, however I will NOT replace any slot over low post count for a single phase game. After heavy re-consideration, I have decided to still leave the Minimum Post off due to the short nature of the game.

This game could be considered light bastard, but only because some roles lie outside normal TWG arch types. All additional rules and stipulations are meant to balance the game for it's single day format, not induce chaos.


The Nonary Werewolf Games

Hello? I know you can hear me now. I know you don’t know me, but I need to tell you about this universe. Well, that’s not quite right. Universes would be more accurate.

I know the many Nonary Games have left you with a shock, and you may not know what I mean now, but I really must emphasize that any reality can occur. Even though you may be familiar with a few universes, we will never know which one we are in until you open the box. Who will be alive or dead? Do we exist in an infinite state of both? It’s time to take a look inside.


The Nonary Werewolf Games is a semi-open setup. 9 players can join this game.

General Mechanics
Day Start
48/24 Phases
OOTC: OFF (Minus factional wolf chat)
Night talk: OFF
Post minimum: 5 per phase

Voting Mechanics
Knife in the Box: ON
No Vote/No Kill: ON


Setup Information
The Nonary Werewolf Games is a semi-open setup for 9 players. Unlike most semi-open setups, The Nonary Werewolf Games has an incredibly high number of iterations.

Here is how The Nonary Werewolf Games is rolled:
-First, a row or column is determined. The host will roll a number 1-6 to determine if the setup is comprised of one of the three games (rolls 1-3) or one of the three states of Dimensional Flux (4-6).

-Dimensional Fluxes occur when universes collide and personalities from each game are misplaced. There are no duplicate participants in Dimensional Fluxes.
-After a row or column has been determined, the host rolls each player a character.
-After characters have been determined, the host rolls alignment. Here is the alignment distribution:
-2 Town Power Roles
-2 Wolf Power Roles
-5 Vanilla Town

-One town power role and one wolf power role will be permanent abilities. Permanent abilities can be used every night.
-One town power role and one wolf power role will be one-shot abilities. One-shot abilities, as the name implies, can only be used once per game.
-All abilities are based off of which character has been rolled. Refer to the chart below to see each characters’ abilities for either alignment.

-The four players rolled as power roles will be informed of their character and their ability (permanent or one-shot).
-The five players rolled as Vanilla Town will only be told that they are Vanilla Town and not which character they are.
-Any character that has been rolled as Vanilla Town will be name flipped upon death.

Character lists for each setup
Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors
1. Ace
2. Snake
3. Santa
4. Clover (999)
5. Junpei (999)
6. June
7. Seven
8. Lotus
9. Ninth Man

Virtue’s Last Reward
1. Dio
2. Phi (VLR)
3. Tenmyouij
4. Clover (VLR)
5. Sigma (VLR)
6. Luna
7. K
8. Alice
9. Quark

Zero Time Dilemma
1. Mira
2. Sigma (ZTD)
3. Junpei (ZTD)
4. Akane
5. Carlos
6. Diana
7. Q
8. Phi (ZTD)
9. Eric

Dimensional Flux 1:
1. Santa
2. June
3. Junpei (999)
4. Phi (VLR)
5. Luna
6. Alice
7. Q
8. Mira
9. Eric

Dimensional Flux 2:
1. Ace
2. Snake
3. Seven
4. Quark
5. Clover (VLR)
6. Tenmyouji
7. Phi (ZTD)
8. Diana
9. Sigma (ZTD)

Dimensional Flux 3:
1. Lotus
2. Clover (999)
3. Ninth Man
4. Sigma (VLR)
5. Dio
6. K
7. Carlos
8. Akane
9. Junpei (ZTD)

Power Roles

With only a few exceptions, powers can be rolled as either alignment within this setup. Below are the power roles in convenient alphabetical order.

Accuser: At night, a target of your choice will show up to the night kill and show up as red if checked by the Colour Cop.
Note: You may not choose the same target two nights in a row.

Brainshocker: At night, a target of your choice will have any abilities they use carried out on themselves (i.e. a Cop will instead check themself).
Note: You may not choose the same target two nights in a row.

Bus Driver: At night, select two targets. Any action placed on one target will instead be applied to the other and vice-verse.

Colour Cop: At night, select a target. You will receive a report in the morning with the colour of your target. Reports will be in this format:

In the night, you discover [Target] is [green/blue/red].
Coverup: At night, select a target. Target player will be untrackable/unwatchable and show up as green to the colour cop.
Note: You may not choose the same target two nights in a row.

Doctor: At night, select a target to prevent a single kill attempt during the night.
Note: You may not choose the same target two nights in a row.

Friendly Neighbour (1-shot only, alternate of Innocent Child): At night, select a target. In the morning, they will receive the following report:

[User] is a Friendly Neighbour. Howdy!
Gunsmith: At night, select a target to give them a gun. The recipient of the gun can use it to kill another player at any time during the next day phase by sending a message to the host with their target.
These guns are brittle and will disintegrate if not used by the end of the day phase.
The recipient will get the following report:

You have received a gun! You may fire the gun at any player of your choice once during this day phase, killing them. Message the host your target.
You find a small inscription on the barrel of the gun: Will disintegrate if not used by the end of the day phase. You’ve been warned!

Innocent Child (permanent only, alternate of Friendly Neighbour): At any time during the day, you may post the following image in the spoiler below.

The host will confirm you as the Innocent Child to the whole thread upon seeing the image. Anybody else that pastes this image will be instantly modkilled and probably face punishment.

Interceptor: At night, select a target to receive any reports sent to them.
Reports will be in the following format:

[Target] received the following report: [Report]


[Target] did not receive any reports.

Note: This role cannot exist in a setup without reports.

Jailkeeper: At night, select a target to roleblock (prevent from doing a night action) and prevent them from dying.
Note: You may not choose the same target two nights in a row.

Light Sleeper: At night, any actions carried out on you will be revealed to you, but not the user of the power. Reports will be in the following format:

In the night, you have been:
[Bus driven/Colour checked/Doctored/Friendly Neighboured/Gunned/Name checked/Tracked/Watched].

Note: You will not be notified of jailkeeping actions.

Name Cop: At night, pick a target to learn the name of their character. Reports will be in the following format:

In the night, you discover [Target] is [Name].
Roleblocker: At night, select a target. That target cannot perform their role ability that night. Any role that receives a report from the host as a part of their action will be informed of any role blocking that occurs. They will receive this message:

You have been roleblocked!
Note: You may not choose the same target two nights in a row.

Role Cop: At night, select a target. In the morning, you will receive a report on the role they possess, but not how many charges of that ability. Reports will be in the following format:

In the night, you discover [Target] is a/an [Bus Driver/Colour Cop/Doctor/Friendly Neighbour/Gunsmith/Jailkeeper/Name Cop/Tracker/Vanilla Town/Vigilante/Watcher].
Strongman: At night, select a target. Any killing action on that target will pierce any protective abilities.
Note: You may not choose the same target two nights in a row.

Tracker: At night, select a target. In the morning, you will receive a report telling you any and all players your target visited in the night. Reports will be in the following format:

In the night, you discover that [Target] visited [Player/nobody].
Vigilante: At night, select a target to kill. Bang!

Watcher: At night, select a target. In the morning, you will receive a report telling you any and all players that visited your target. Reports will be in the following format:

In the night, you discover that [Player(s)/nobody] visited [Target].

Power FAQ and Notes
-Powers follow Natural Action Resolution.
-Any role that receives a report from the host as a part of their action will be informed of any role blocking that occurs. The report will show up as:

You have been roleblocked!
-Accuser, Brainshocker, Coverup, Doctor, Jailkeeper, Roleblocker, and Strongman cannot target the same player twice.
-The Interceptor role cannot exist in a setup that does not generate any reports.
-The Light Sleeper role will not be informed if they are jailkept.
-A player can visit multiple targets in one night. A player under the affect of the Accuser power will carry out their normal action (if any) and visit the night kill.
-Any investigative action that is redirected will be informed on the redirected player. (i.e. Colour Cop C checks Wolf W, but they are redirected. Colour Cop C will receive the report "Colour Cop C is [Blue]").
-Wolves must designate which member is carrying out the night kill. A wolf can use their power and carry out the kill at the same time.
-There is a guide to follow when a bus driver drives another bus driver, but hopefully we won’t get into that situation. sunfan made a post breaking this down, I believe.

Role PMs


Welcome, [Player].

The world spins.

You are here, but “here” isn’t exactly anywhere you’re familiar with. You don’t even know your own name. You are Vanilla Town.

You will win when all threats to town have been eliminated and there is at least one town aligned player alive.


Welcome, [Player].

The world spins.

Yes, that’s it. You remember exactly who you are and why you are here.
You are [Character], the Town (Permanent/One-shot) [Role].

Your ability is: [Verbatim from the Power Roles section].

You win when all threats to town have been eliminated and there is at least one town aligned player alive.


Welcome, [Player].

The world spins.

Yes, you are fully aware of where you are. In fact, you wanted them all to be here. You are [Character], the Wolf Permanent [Role].

Your ability is: [Verbatim from the Power Roles section].

You also possess the ability to make a factional wolf kill every night.

Your partner is [Character], assumed in this universe by [Partner].
Your factional wolf chat is here: [link].

You win when the wolves achieve parity or nothing can prevent it from happening.


Welcome, [Player].

The world spins.

Yes, you are fully aware of where you are. In fact, you wanted them all to be here. You are [Character], the Wolf One-shot [Role].

Your ability is: [Verbatim from the Power Roles section].
You may only use this ability once.

You also possess the ability to make a factional wolf kill every night.

Your partner is [Character], assumed in this universe by [Partner].
Your factional wolf chat is here: [link].

You win when the wolves achieve parity or nothing can prevent it from happening.

Example Rolls and Setups


Base roll: 4
Santa, June, Junpei (999), Phi (VLR), Luna, Alice, Q, Mira, Eric

Player 1: Q
Player 2: Santa
Player 3: Luna
Player 4: June
Player 5: Alice
Player 6: Mira
Player 7: Eric
Player 8: Phi (VLR)
Player 9: Junpei (999)

Town Permanent: Player 9 (Junpei [999])
Town One-shot: Player 5 (Alice)
Wolf Permanent: Player 3 (Luna)
Wolf One-shot: Player 4 (June)

Roles: Town Permanent Jailkeeper
Town One-shot Tracker

Wolf Coverup
Wolf One-shot Bus Driver


Base roll: 3
Q, Mira, Eric, Phi (ZTD), Diana, Sigma (ZTD), Carlos, Akane, Junpei (ZTD)

Player 1: Phi (ZTD)
Player 2: Eric
Player 3: Diana
Player 4: Akane
Player 5: Mira
Player 6: Carlos
Player 7: Q
Player 8: Sigma (ZTD)
Player 9: Junpei (ZTD)

Town Permanent: Player 4 (Akane)
Town One-shot: Player 3 (Diana)
Wolf Permanent: Player 1 (Phi [ZTD])
Wolf One-shot: Player 5 (Mira)

Roles: Town Permanent Watcher
Town One-shot Doctor

Wolf Accuser
Wolf One-shot Brainshocker


Base roll: 5
Ace, Snake, Seven, Quark, Clover (VLR), Tenmyouji, Phi (ZTD), Diana, Sigma (ZTD)

Player 1: Clover (VLR)
Player 2: Snake
Player 3: Quark
Player 4: Ace
Player 5: Phi (ZTD)
Player 6: Sigma (ZTD)
Player 7: Tenmyouji
Player 8: Seven
Player 9: Diana

Town Permanent: Player 5 (Phi [ZTD])
Town One-shot: Player 3 (Quark)
Wolf Permanent: Player 2 (Snake)
Wolf One-shot: Player 8 (Seven)

Roles: Town Permanent Roleblocker
Town One-shot Friendly Neighbour

Wolf Role Cop
Wolf One-shot Name Cop

9/11 Players
8/10 Town
1 Town(?)PR
2 Wolves
48 hour day phases
24 hour day nights
Phantoms: OFF
Wolf Chat: ON at all times
Card Flips: Alignment


The Unique Vigilante: You are given a very unique revolver. At the start of this game, I will give you one shot with a pre-determined bullet that you will be aware of. At night, You will be given an opportunity to decide whether to fire, or to reload. If you choose fire, you may select a target and fire upon them. If you choose reload, I will spin a wheel and you will be given a new bullet with a random ability, however you will not be able to fire until the following night. The abilities are as follows:

1. Kill one target
2. Protect one target
3. Warp Time (You do not have to select a target, just inform me if you wish to fire. This bullet shortens the day phase by half)
4. Gun Pass (You are no longer the Unique Vigilante, and whoever you shoot will become the Unique Vigilante)
5. Identity (allows you to see the alignment of the selected target)
6. Teleportation (Allows you to teleport two targets, or yourself and one other target)

Note: Teleportation is a one shot Bus Driver

Once the vigilante has fired their bullet, a new bullet shall be assigned at random

If the Vigilante is lynched during the day, a new owner and bullet shall be spun at random, and they will be informed during the night

NOTE: To keep things simple, if the Vigilante is town, and uses Gun Pass, they will flip as Vanilla Town. If they are wolf, they will flip as their assigned wolf role.

1 Master Wolf- If you are shot with the identity bullet, the vigilante will see you as green
1 Wolf Roleblocker- Each night, you will be given an opportunity to stop the actions of the vigilante. You cannot select the same person more than once night in a row

Voting will end in 1 week!

bugkid666 01-21-2023 10:51 PM

anyways: roundbox x3

mellon_collie 01-21-2023 11:42 PM

let's stack this up roundbox x3

make me clover orrrrrrr I'll fight you

bugkid666 01-22-2023 12:14 AM


Originally Posted by mellon_collie (Post 4785603)
let's stack this up roundbox x3

make me clover orrrrrrr I'll fight you

no, me >:((((

T-Force 01-22-2023 12:21 AM

I do quite love roundbox's setup, but I really do want to see MixMasterLar x3's single phase setup in action.

ShadoWolfe 01-22-2023 01:02 AM

ooh I love the concept of Lewdy's game

but the competition is tough this time.

sunfan let's goooo

ShadoWolfe 01-22-2023 01:03 AM

sunfan x3
let's gooooooooo fr fr now

Hateandhatred 01-22-2023 05:13 AM

Omg roundbox's flavorful game, I want

roundbox x3

bugkid666 01-22-2023 05:40 PM

Vote Count - (as of post #8)

roundbox - 9
mml - 3
sunfan - 3

Shadow_God_10 01-22-2023 10:31 PM

I want to give 9 votes, three each for the three other games, MY GOODNESS.



storn42 01-22-2023 10:34 PM

I feel obligated to
sunfan x3

roundbox 01-22-2023 11:21 PM

lar x2
thesunfan x1

thesunfan 01-23-2023 04:09 PM

Why are people voting for a sunfan mystery game
Have I not hurt you enough

bugkid666 01-23-2023 04:57 PM

Vote Count - (as of post #13)

roundbox - 9
mml - 6
sunfan - 9

Shadow_God_10 01-23-2023 05:52 PM


Originally Posted by thesunfan (Post 4785635)
Why are people voting for a sunfan mystery game
Have I not hurt you enough

We want pain. Give us the hurt.

flashflash account 01-23-2023 08:04 PM


MixMasterLar 01-24-2023 05:05 PM


Originally Posted by thesunfan (Post 4785635)
Why are people voting for a sunfan mystery game
Have I not hurt you enough

The part that gets me is that no one has put more then 4 seconds worth of thought into what signups for a 13 player game is going to look like

Shadow_God_10 01-24-2023 06:14 PM


Originally Posted by MixMasterLar (Post 4785658)
The part that gets me is that no one has put more then 4 seconds worth of thought into what signups for a 13 player game is going to look like

Lar, don't worry...At best we won't be starting this until at least 2028. At worst we'll all be long dead because we'll be at 12 people and 18 replacements and the game won't be able to start!

thesunfan 01-24-2023 08:16 PM


Originally Posted by MixMasterLar (Post 4785658)
The part that gets me is that no one has put more then 4 seconds worth of thought into what signups for a 13 player game is going to look like

9 is too small
11 is too awkward
10 and 12 are too even (also awkward)
I can dream
But roundbox x3

bugkid666 01-24-2023 09:55 PM

Vote Count - (as of post #19)

roundbox - 12
mml - 6
sunfan - 9
shadowgod - 1

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