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L.B.D.D 11-29-2013 11:19 PM



intensez 11-29-2013 11:23 PM

Re: Hearthstone
i signed up today for the beta actually b/c i've been wanting some kind of yugioh card game experience again without it being the same thing :< whenever i get one i'll let you know in da thread

L.B.D.D 11-29-2013 11:25 PM

Re: Hearthstone
if you've been waiting for a key


i got mine but it sat buried in my spam folder for a week

L.B.D.D 11-29-2013 11:39 PM

Re: Hearthstone
should i post everyone's btags or wat

Hakulyte 11-29-2013 11:42 PM

Re: Hearthstone

btag is Khaotix#1591.

Just slowly grind cards with daily quests.

Kibblre 11-29-2013 11:43 PM

Re: Hearthstone
There's already a thread.

I haven't got into beta but I used to watch Kripp play a lot.

L.B.D.D 11-29-2013 11:56 PM

Re: Hearthstone

Originally Posted by Kibblre (Post 4034269)
There's already a thread.

I haven't got into beta but I used to watch Kripp play a lot.

new thread

Kibblre 11-29-2013 11:58 PM

Re: Hearthstone

Originally Posted by L.B.D.D (Post 4034283)
new thread

Double the threads double the fun.

shenjoku 11-30-2013 01:26 AM

Re: Hearthstone
I just got my beta key a week or so ago. Grinding cards is kinda annoying so I might just drop $20 for a bunch of packs or something lol. Game is already free so why not.

battletag: Shenjoku#1290

L.B.D.D 11-30-2013 02:07 AM

Re: Hearthstone
rofl just beat a completely decked out hunter with a basic lv 10 mage deck

dude had some crazy gold/legendaries and almost 30->0 me in 1 turn but i still won

omega_grunt666 11-30-2013 04:13 AM

Re: Hearthstone

Stopped for now, Game decided I've had enough dailies and I'm getting about 1/week now. Will be back for new ranked system/open beta patch stuff. 3*Master play too easy, No reason to go past master (8) in arena. Games basically come down to a coin toss at this point between who goes first and who got the better opening hand. The only thing still interesting is silly Alarmo-bot/Summoning Portal Warlock/Legendary deck. Spending my time working on Might and Magic: Duel of Champions which seems like another good free online card game. Don't really want to drop money on either though, spend enough on cardgames with MTG over the last 10 years.

L.B.D.D 11-30-2013 04:30 AM

Re: Hearthstone
my first $50 ever spent on trading cards


200 cards total

(69%) 138 common
(25.5%) 51 rare
(4.5%) 9 epic
(1%) 2 legendary (Leeroy Jenkins, Harrison Jones)

quite frankly speaking this feels much better than spending money for league of legends skins..

i'm liking this LOL

omega_grunt666 11-30-2013 04:57 AM

Re: Hearthstone
Leeroy OP in where you can kill off one of the whelps with hero power. Also turn 10 Leeroy-Youthful Brewmaster-Leeroy for 12 damage is nice.

The only time I've seen Harrison Jones played well was against a friend of mine after he got his doom hammer out for the first time, hilarious.

Nice pulls.

L.B.D.D 11-30-2013 05:01 AM

Re: Hearthstone
apparently it's 1% for leg, 4% for epic so i'm satisfied with the results

what classes do you think are the strongest at the moment?

omega_grunt666 11-30-2013 05:51 AM

Re: Hearthstone
Class by class breakdown:

Mage: Super strong, tons of control. Hero power A++ 10/10 would bang. Great for finishing off chumps or upgrading trades. Current Pyroblast mage meta is very hard to counter. Can ping own creatures for super value on Enrages (also a good deck archtype)

Priest: Strong but overrated, cards like Yeti/Argent Commander give super value and are in the butter zone to avoid SW Pain/Death and are poor MC targets. (You'll notice many decks running both) Inner Fire/Divine Spirit is a noob trap, dump your hand on one creature and it dies to hard removal. Run the risk of having nothing to play them on and have a dead hand. Biggest threats are Injured (lol) Blademaster and Gurubashi Berserker, mad synergy with hero power.

Rogue: Underrated, still work great with Knife Thrower/Combo rush deck. Fell out of favor after the nerf of spellpower rogues. Hunters and mages do their job better/easier though.

Warrior: Love them in Arena because some OP cards can be taken multiple times (Frothing Berserker/Cruel Taskmaster/Warsong Commander and weapons), good removal and damage through weapons. Strong in constructed too though, Garrosh/Inner Rage for 12 damage turn 8 is hilarious. (Though Inner Rage is pretty meh overall, Cruel Taskmaster works too)

Druid: Good late game options and some ramp, but because of the nature of the game, the ramp leaves you card starved. Great hero power though.

Warlock: Card advantage is great, but hero power DOES NOT synergize well with warlock class cards, heals are generally over-costed. And in a good game you do more damage to yourself than the opponent does. Generally does well against mid-late game decks but is absolutely decimated by mages/rogues or rush decks like murlocs. One of the better classes to run murlocs with because you can hero power to feed the mrglgrgl death machine.

Hunter: I HATE HUNTER OTK, most boring match-up ever. With the nerf to buzzard incoming (1 health, will die to mages/druids/rogues/mortal coil/etc) the only way to make use of the insane free draw power (and usually free win) is playing OTK. But thankfully they are also nerfing Release the Hounds. Don't know about their future, but people underestimate the damage their hero power does over the course of a game. Very strong.

Paladin: Everyone says flavor of the month, but there is a reason. Tons of sources of Divine Shield which is free trades (2 for 1s all day) #1 weapon Truesilver Champion (so damn sexy golden) and some pretty spiffy options on class cards (Aldor Peacekeeper is amazing) Very strong, easy to reach high ranks with. Focus is all on the mid-game, you get board control by turn 5 (implying you didn't already have it) and never let it go. Love the match up VS priest because you can have tons of power on the board and nothing to mind control.

Shaman: hero power is the weakest IMO, the randomness makes it too unreliable to cast in a situation where it would make a difference. Allowing choice would make it the most broken one in the game. Generally shaman class combos can be pretty hard to pull off and easy to counter, its hard to balance Overload when the cards don't line up off the draw. You can pull off some pretty silly shenanigans with Windfury combos though. Easy wins if your opponent hasn't draw an answer yet. Not very strong overall.


Some general tips:

1. Health is a resource, this is the golden rule. Don't be afraid to take damage when it puts you in a better position on the board.
2. Card advantage is key, Cards that draw replacements (Drakes/Inventor/etc) are really good to have as deck thinners/filler. Always think about how a card will trade with others when putting it into your deck, things like Execute are ok situationally, but generally you're spending 2 cards to deal with 1 which sets you behind.
3. Have a goal in mind before building a deck, choose cards that work well together and with your hero power. If you play rush, don't load your deck with 5+ costs, and if you want a good late game don't play with 15 2s.
4. Damage spells are for creatures, think of it this way: You spend a card to deal damage once and the card is gone, a creature sticks around until your opponent spends a card to deal with it. Frostbolt is 1 card + 2 mana for 3 damage, a 3/2 for 2 is 1 card for 3 damage every turn it stays alive. The exception here is when it will kill an opponent or force them to make unfavorable trades, mages can usually afford to spend a couple spells to put the opponent in Pyroblast range. (I also would classify weapons as spells in this category, you get more out of them attacking creatures even at the life cost)
5. Anything that has use the turn it is played is more valuable because it can't be reacted to, cards with Charge or battlecries can change the board state in your favor without any interference from an opponent. This is why cards like Ragnaros and Ysera are considered some of the best legendaries in the game. You get value from the card even if it doesn't live to your next turn to attack. Other good cards are Dark Iron Dwarf and Shattered Sun Cleric. (They can make a small creature trade up, or a big creature survive what was otherwise a 1 for 1.)

L.B.D.D 11-30-2013 05:59 AM

Re: Hearthstone
shit man, thanks for the indepth overview

as i say here

Originally Posted by L.B.D.D (Post 4034340)
rofl just beat a completely decked out hunter with a basic lv 10 mage deck

dude had some crazy gold/legendaries and almost 30->0 me in 1 turn but i still won

this was my first time versus a hunter (who kind of knew how to play his shit) and some of his combos are stupid (charge, +1 attack to all)
any idea on how to stop him releasing 3-4 2mana/3mana cards onto the board all at once on turn6+??

i think i'll be picking up on pally, priest and mage (mostly pally though, i really do like 2/1 or guaranteed 1/1 trades)

too bad his hero power is kinda meh for me.. when should i be using pally's hero power?
seems like the 1/1s get wiped by a lot of removal cards (mages come to mind) and the 1 damage is usually negligible, i guess i'd only use pally hero power only when i have nothing to play (which probably means im either losing or board is near full)

Litodude 11-30-2013 06:11 AM

Re: Hearthstone
i need a key lol i made a thread like 2 months ago :/

omega_grunt666 11-30-2013 06:23 AM

Re: Hearthstone
That deck is hard to play against, but its being nerfed next patch. Otherwise some good cards to look into are Sen'jin Shieldmasta (Taz'dingo!), Sunwalker, Abomination. Taunts are usually pretty good against it, Otherwise I would take Faerie Dragon as a creature they have trouble dealing with since it can't be directly removed and can force them to play a creature instead of hiding behind spells/traps. And generally a 3/2 for 2 is pretty good, ones that have added bonuses like Youthful Brewmaster/Faerie Dragon/Acidic Ooze are just great. OTK Hunters are also why rush decks are so popular right now, if you can kill them before that turn 6/7 unleash then easy win. If you're playing mage, Ice Block/Barrier can stop a hunter rush and leave them open for another turn to give you more time to burn.

As for paladins, hero power whenever you aren't going to spend the mana on something more important, even against a mage/druid/rogue making them spend that mana to keep the board clear can be good for you. Most people are conditioned to never leave an initiate alive for fear that it will be Blessing Of Kings'd into a free 5/5 that can attack that turn.

Also turn 5/6 Counterspell on mage can be funny vs rush hunter, though dangerous.

Forgot another rule: Don't overplay your hand. If you have solid board control don't be afraid to pass the turn with 8/10 mana (generally you should hero power) otherwise you can be vulnerable to AoE removal especially vs Mage/Warlock and to a lesser extent Paladin/Priest. Having the cards to play for later gives you more options, and means you're that much less likely to rely on top decking for answers.(Screw RNGsus)

The biggest cost of playing any card is the fact your expending a card, its why things like Wisp and healing spells are considered bad. They set you behind cardwise for very little benefit. On the other hand things like Twilight/Azure Drake are considered great because they draw that replacement and you still get something out of the cost. as a paladin, If you opponent spends a card deal with your HERO POWER, you're way ahead in the long run. And at worst, they counter with 2 mana and their hero power, even trade. It means they had to choose between having 2 more mana that turn to play cards with, or leaving you with a slightly stronger board presence.

L.B.D.D 11-30-2013 06:30 AM

Re: Hearthstone
yeah, i just hit 10 with my pally and put in 2 blessing of kings

any ideas on how to open up turn1-3 granted i draw only one or two 1 mana cards?

idk if i should lay a 1/1 on my first turn (if i'm going first)

L.B.D.D 11-30-2013 06:43 AM

Re: Hearthstone

just fought a priest who had onyxia

yea ok

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