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AragakiAyase 02-24-2016 08:35 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by Hakulyte (Post 4410797)
I'm not expecting you to like me this game considering you're replacing Zenith.

I don't like anyone this game because I didn't intend to play in it

I do hope to have more reads by the end of this reread other than charu town and dfr scummy

Charu 02-24-2016 08:36 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by Hakulyte (Post 4410797)
I'm not expecting you to like me this game considering you're replacing Zenith.

Are you going to be a butt still?

rzr 02-24-2016 08:36 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD
is no kill on or off? going to check as that may influence they way I perceive the Xel killing

Charu 02-24-2016 08:38 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by thesunfan (Post 4407935)
If I do not receive an action from a town role or a serial killer, I will not random.org the action. If I receive no action from the mafia team, I will random.org it, but don't make me do that guys =*(.

Doesn't flat out say, but I'm going to say maybe if this is the case.

rzr 02-24-2016 08:38 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD
No-Kill Off (For Mafia only)

Okay, so, did we ever figure out if it would display as "Maf and SK killed Xelnya"
If we're being duped by the word play
Or if not, there was a true guarding that must have been successful? Not sure why this all popped in my head, mainly just to analyze what players could be left vs what players are probably left

Hakulyte 02-24-2016 08:39 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by Charu (Post 4410800)
Are you going to be a butt still?

How can I help you my good sir?

Charu 02-24-2016 08:40 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD
Yes, I posted that the mechanics would make it abundantly clear on who killed who, including if they converged.

Charu 02-24-2016 08:42 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by Hakulyte (Post 4410804)
How can I help you my good sir?

By looking at what's going on, come with a conclusion, and then actually have a real vote.

Unless your vote on me is still because you think you got me because of that one post where I corrected myself.

Charu 02-24-2016 08:43 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD
If so, you're no better than Botchi at the moment, and he's doing not so good right now.

AragakiAyase 02-24-2016 08:43 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD
wow page 19 and still nothing has happened

danceflashrevo 02-24-2016 08:43 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD
My interpretation of the mechanics with the way killing works is that the wolves cannot "no kill", and if nothing is sent from a blue or SK, nothing happens from them. I also think it would make sense that if both wolves and SK targeted same person, it would say "mafia and SK killed X" or something like that.

Charu 02-24-2016 08:45 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by danceflashrevo (Post 4410809)
My interpretation of the mechanics with the way killing works is that the wolves cannot "no kill", and if nothing is sent from a blue or SK, nothing happens from them. I also think it would make sense that if both wolves and SK targeted same person, it would say "mafia and SK killed X" or something like that.

Do me a favor and make a super convincing reads list.


Charu 02-24-2016 08:46 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by AragakiAyase (Post 4410808)
wow page 19 and still nothing has happened

We do a lot of flinging and jarring and jokes. It gets sort of juicy as you god I think, but it's mostly jokes.

Charu 02-24-2016 08:47 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by Charu (Post 4410810)
Do me a favor and make a super convincing reads list.


And not when the phase is about to end.

I want you writing it NOW and I want to see if BEFORE 9 SERVER TIME

You have an hour and fifteen.

danceflashrevo 02-24-2016 08:48 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD
mmk i have dinner in like 10 minutes but i'll try my best to get it done with reasonable time left

Charu 02-24-2016 08:49 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD
Good man

Charu 02-24-2016 08:50 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by Charu (Post 4410811)
We do a lot of flinging and jarring and jokes. It gets sort of juicy as you god I think, but it's mostly jokes.

Why, I'm terrible at writing.

It gets sort of juicy as you go through it I think

AragakiAyase 02-24-2016 08:53 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD
trying to put together a reads list, page 24

Vendetta21 02-24-2016 09:04 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD
Nope, don't have it in me to do this. Not enough time. Please replace.

Also charu is town probably

AragakiAyase 02-24-2016 09:15 PM

Re: TWG CXLIX: Cedolad Replaces Out GAME THREAD
ok it's 45 minutes before EOD, I'm on page 35 and this is where I'm at

1. rzr - early on seems like he's in observation mode, most of his posts have been about semantics and why answering would be biased etc. etc. seems towny from that point on with his usual questioning and gathering information, I haven't seen any red flags from him yet.

2. Red Blaster - seems town cause he's being pushy and doesn't seem unjustified

3. roundbox Killed by SK n0 - nothing, idk why people think he could be a wolf because I have nothing

4. Vendetta21 - very busy, still gave some stuff

5. XelNya Killed by SK n1 - shitpost early on but this post and this post stuck out to me as really town. It's funny because he said somewhere that as long as he puts in a shred of care he'll be townread which is exactly what I'm doing here. since he was killed by SK in the unlikely event he was wolfing then I'd definitely look at people scumreading him (V) for candidates

6. Xiz - theme posting

7. DaBackPack - town (or SK lmao but probably not)

8. Hakulyte - idk what he's on about with his reaction to yoshl and his lately ugly posts but this feels like what he's done before in town games (haven't seen a wolf game from him yet). He seems frustrated that things aren't going the way he wants them to and that he's seemingly unable to make headway, town lean for now

9. cedolad - ???

10. botchi246 - feels kind of awkward like in the game where he wolfed with dbp. scum lean

11. Tokzic Killed by Mafia n0 - nothing

12. reuben_tate - shitposting and nothing else

13. Charu - town for the reads I saw earlier and my general impression from reading early on

14. tiloco217 Makilaz Yoshl - I can't really read yoshl, there was the one game where I thought he felt off and then he was VT. seems about normal this game, *maybe* a little bit nicer than normal if anything, I don't think that's alignment indicative. null

15. danceflashrevo - sheep/helicopter, I stand by my earlier impression

16. helphelp11 Lynched d1- been a while since I played with him. his tone is usually hesitant regardless of alignment so that's not very helpful. The key is whether or not he tries avoiding questions directed at him and I haven't seen that yet. this post seemed really towny to me. I think he was a miss

17. Sinistrosuede - has done nothing noteworthy. 6 posts really?

19. SKG_Scintill

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