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hi19hi19 03-1-2015 10:02 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]

Originally Posted by _Zenith_ (Post 4283880)
Speaking of Ranked, what in the fuck is AD Fizz?

The rework moved a ton of power to his W, so he works really well with an on-hit/AS bruiser-style build, similar to how you build Irelia or Jax.
He's squishier than them (no W heal or tenacity as Irelia has and no Jax E/Ult to tank) but he does more damage than them because of the R debuff and even more sticking power.

Originally Posted by _Zenith_ (Post 4283880)
Garen is still broken.


_Zenith_ 03-1-2015 10:16 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]

Originally Posted by hi19hi19 (Post 4283885)
The rework moved a ton of power to his W, so he works really well with an on-hit/AS bruiser-style build, similar to how you build Irelia or Jax.
He's squishier than them (no W heal or tenacity as Irelia has and no Jax E/Ult to tank) but he does more damage than them because of the R debuff and even more sticking power.


Ever since Garen's passive buff, he is literally unstoppable. I haven't lost as Garen in Ranked yet because you can rush a brutilizer and immediately get sunfire/warmogs and you can survive anything at that point.

iirc if you max Garen's E first (starts at 60% iirc), by level 5 it is doing 90% which with a brut plus 11 AD from runes has it about ~130-150 damage per hit from E that rips through the enemies' life.

Vs squish like riven, lee, jax top (compared to Garen) are simple, having tanks top vs Garen makes it a CS match leading to Garen having an advantage because of his high damage minion clear.

YoshL 03-1-2015 10:28 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
yeah, i'm only at level 10 and it seems like a looooong way to level 30

_Zenith_ 03-1-2015 10:31 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]

Originally Posted by YoshL (Post 4283905)
yeah, i'm only at level 10 and it seems like a looooong way to level 30

When I started I just played 3s until 30 (back before they had queue restrictions) but it's gotten a lot more serious in recent times

Games are literally decided in the first 7 minutes of a 3s Game

Trogdor!!!! 03-1-2015 10:36 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]

Originally Posted by _Zenith_ (Post 4283902)
Ever since Garen's passive buff, he is literally unstoppable. I haven't lost as Garen in Ranked yet because you can rush a brutilizer and immediately get sunfire/warmogs and you can survive anything at that point.

iirc if you max Garen's E first (starts at 60% iirc), by level 5 it is doing 90% which with a brut plus 11 AD from runes has it about ~130-150 damage per hit from E that rips through the enemies' life.

Vs squish like riven, lee, jax top (compared to Garen) are simple, having tanks top vs Garen makes it a CS match leading to Garen having an advantage because of his high damage minion clear.


Doug31 03-1-2015 10:44 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
Garen isn't that good. You must be low elo or something. If the other team works together and positions well, there's really not much he can do in teamfights. Although surely if they're way out of position and you can spin to win against 1 enemy at a time he'd sure seem OP.

hi19hi19 03-1-2015 10:45 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]

Originally Posted by YoshL (Post 4283905)
yeah, i'm only at level 10 and it seems like a looooong way to level 30

It is a long way.
Enjoy it, no need to rush, 30 isn't anything particularly special.
Like you hit 30 and, congrats you unlocked a more expensive tier of runes and are now queued with people who have been playing longer and are more jaded and prone to raging. Wow, what a reward- enjoy the climb man.

Also Garen in 5s is pretty useful as a situational lane bully counterpick (definitely nice against poke-less melee ability-based champs like Riven), but he's hardly broken. I'd be glad to lane against a first pick Garen any day, just pick Lissandra and roll my face on the keyboard to win lane, then have 100x the impact in teamfights too. Garen in 3s is a different beast, largely because I don't even think Riot's balance team knows 3s is a game mode.

_Zenith_ 03-1-2015 10:48 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]

Originally Posted by Doug31 (Post 428391)
You must be low elo or something.

Plat 5 (94 LP) Solo Queue

Plat 3 (0 LP) Ranked 3s.

I had a good laugh at this, but whatever you all may say about Garen, he has never failed for me when I have used him. I don't play him as a tank in the sense I don't sit around to soak damage, I single out a carry and ignite Q E Ult and that carry 95% of the time gets melted.

Still using the mindset of Season 1 where Garen is more as an Assassin than tank. That's the complete opposite now in recent time.

hi19hi19 03-1-2015 10:51 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
I think he's implying the fact that if you can successfully get on a carry as a zero gap-closer melee champion with no tank items, the problem is with the people you are facing more than the champ you are playing. I feel that works only as long as their Thresh doesn't know how to press E, when he does then suddenly your champion is completely useless outside Flashing on them.

_Zenith_ 03-1-2015 10:55 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]

Originally Posted by hi19hi19 (Post 4283919)
I think he's implying the fact that if you can successfully get on a carry as a zero gap-closer melee champion with no tank items, the problem is with the people you are facing more than the champ you are playing. I feel that works only as long as their Thresh doesn't know how to press E, then suddenly your champion is completely useless.

Zero gap closer? Ghost plus Q and you're pretty much outrunning anyone without a dash even if they have the chance to use it.

Garen in 3s is different because now the Challenger teams use duo comps to counter such a pick. Duo > Solo in 3s any time, hell, they even counter jungles in 3s.

That is pretty obvious though.

Xiz 03-1-2015 10:57 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
3s games are so much fun, because 90% of people in em don't know proper strats to win it.

And I fucked up my MMR this season sadly. I lost 12 in a row and tanked down to plat 5. Now it's +13 -21 lol.

Xiz 03-1-2015 10:58 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]

Originally Posted by YoshL (Post 4283905)
yeah, i'm only at level 10 and it seems like a looooong way to level 30

Best advice I can give. Do NOT buy any runes until level 30. Or if you do, make sure they are the highest tier runes, not the low tier.

hi19hi19 03-1-2015 10:59 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
They nerfed the price (and variety) of low tier runes, they're literally like 5 IP each now, so they're actually not a bad investment if you care to get them. Of course they still barely do anything and do clutter up your rune book though once you hit 30, which can be annoying. idk if there's a way to hide all but t3 runes or something.

_Zenith_ 03-1-2015 11:00 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]

Originally Posted by Xiz (Post 4283924)
3s games are so much fun, because 90% of people in em don't know proper strats to win it.

And I fucked up my MMR this season sadly. I lost 12 in a row and tanked down to plat 5. Now it's +13 -21 lol.

Lower than Plat in 3s still rocks double solo with a jungler but it's becoming so popular that supports are now popular bans in 3s such as Leo, Thresh, and Braum.

Though it's stupid how easy first blood is when you invade jungle early or setup in bottom or top bush.

iirc there is a way to just show tier 3 runes in your book but I only have T3 runes so I cannot confirm.

EDIT: Oh, Hi19, I do not ever go straight damage on Garen. Warmog, Sunfire, Randuin or Visage (situational) are must-buys when I play him. Even a Giant Belt rush in lane is well enough sustain with his passive buff.

YoshL 03-1-2015 11:35 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
someone teach me things lol

_Zenith_ 03-1-2015 11:47 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]

Originally Posted by YoshL (Post 4283946)
someone teach me things lol

You're a smart dude; the more you play, the more you'll start to learn about the basics.

Play who you feel like playing. Any champion that sparks your interest or roles.

Xiz 03-2-2015 12:06 AM

Re: League of Legends [v2]

Originally Posted by YoshL (Post 4283946)
someone teach me things lol

i'll be on tomorrow. I'll play a few games with you then.

PhantomPuppy 03-2-2015 12:11 AM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
oooh, finally got level 30 lol. decided against transferring back to NA because i dont have any money. simple enough reason imo. GOOD LUCK ON THE FFR TEAM THO!!! :)

edit: 3rd account to level 30 i meant... gave the others away. im not THAT much of a noob :P

Xiz 03-2-2015 09:26 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
Anyone wanna give me their account? I'll grind it to 30 / plat as long as I can play on it every now n then lol

darklordsarumon9 03-3-2015 12:55 AM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
League of Legends.

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