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hi19hi19 12-18-2013 03:22 AM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
hav u seen mah beah tibbehs

L.B.D.D 12-18-2013 05:32 AM

Re: League of Legends [v2]

Jimmymi 12-18-2013 06:11 AM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
more broken than riben swordd

clasko1000 12-18-2013 10:20 AM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
I really feel annie should have had a small nerf. Problem is shes balanced for mid right now, and i dont want them to hit that(I dont play her)

Hakulyte 12-18-2013 01:50 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
I know it's only bots, but :monkey:

darklordsarumon9 12-18-2013 07:00 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]

icontrolyourworld 12-18-2013 10:11 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
haven't posted a league score in a while x)

hi19hi19 12-18-2013 11:39 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
fucking kassadin is such a stupid champion to play against as a traditional AP mid
yeah yeah you can ban/counterpick him, but he more or less singlehandedly makes going mid in blind pick not fun
honestly i dont have much fun playing as him either, there's no interaction with your enemy. you play like a bitch and chug pots until you're six then you can just do your combo with no counterplay because they are silenced and walk out

i really hope the rework (again) that is coming up finally makes him not completely retarded.
new W seems interesting, and at the very least i hope the Q and E meganerfs at least olaf him to a useless state until riot figures out that a 5 sec free flash and a ranged, impossible-to-miss silence that lasts half that duration is not fun to play against in blind pick

MinaciousGrace 12-19-2013 12:08 AM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
hey what is this new xin xiao skin and why does it give him a spear with a rly long blade :???::???::???::???::???:

hi19hi19 12-19-2013 12:14 AM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
"Yasuo feels like driving Master Yi with stick shift"

probably the best description I've heard yet

L.B.D.D 12-19-2013 01:07 AM

Re: League of Legends [v2]

Originally Posted by MinaciousGrace (Post 4046232)
hey what is this new xin xiao skin and why does it give him a spear with a rly long blade :???::???::???::???::???:

he's Called Gay

cetaka 12-19-2013 01:25 AM

Re: League of Legends [v2]

L.B.D.D 12-19-2013 06:20 AM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
fucking godlike

Jimmymi 12-19-2013 10:03 AM

Re: League of Legends [v2]

Originally Posted by hi19hi19 (Post 4046223)
fucking kassadin is such a stupid champion to play against as a traditional AP mid
yeah yeah you can ban/counterpick him, but he more or less singlehandedly makes going mid in blind pick not fun
honestly i dont have much fun playing as him either, there's no interaction with your enemy. you play like a bitch and chug pots until you're six then you can just do your combo with no counterplay because they are silenced and walk out

i really hope the rework (again) that is coming up finally makes him not completely retarded.
new W seems interesting, and at the very least i hope the Q and E meganerfs at least olaf him to a useless state until riot figures out that a 5 sec free flash and a ranged, impossible-to-miss silence that lasts half that duration is not fun to play against in blind pick

play agressive early

Xiz 12-19-2013 12:18 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
I got reported for saying "Filthy peasants" in a game

colt.45 12-19-2013 12:38 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
Can anyone link me to a good Alistar Guide/Video? I already can do his W/Q initiate combo.
Confused on what runes to get for him. Build him tanky or??
Want to pick him up for support since he's underused.

L.B.D.D 12-19-2013 12:43 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]

Originally Posted by Xiz (Post 4046440)
I got reported for saying "Filthy peasants" in a game

well at ur mmr everyone is p much a filthy peasant so idk why

clasko1000 12-19-2013 01:29 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]

Originally Posted by Xiz (Post 4046440)
I got reported for saying "Filthy peasants" in a game

On the NA ladder you can trash talk all you want, nothing will happen. I used to play starcraft on NA, and also on the EU ladder(as a second account), and during one game i said "fuck you" to someone on EU, i got an official email from blizzard stating that if i said that again i would be suspended. I was like really, 1 fuck you and i was warned. GG Europe.

Unless you wall of txt fuck you every game, your never getting banned.

Razor 12-19-2013 02:21 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
news flash: you will never be warned/banned unless you are reported in 10% of the games you play

Pseudo Enigma 12-19-2013 02:27 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
lol that is so not true in normals or whatever. I've gotten reported for saying someone was an idiot. (NA)

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