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L.B.D.D 11-14-2013 03:24 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
judging by icon she's like 100% new to the game

but how is jinx lv 30 LOL

hi19hi19 11-14-2013 04:03 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
tear hurricane

just call that jinx genja

wow so hipster adc build

L.B.D.D 11-14-2013 04:06 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
such 3 doran

hi19hi19 11-14-2013 04:51 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]

Originally Posted by L.B.D.D (Post 4024383)
such 3 doran

dont forget your dorans shield and your phage that you build into nothing

Razor 11-14-2013 07:38 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
funniest part was when she said

"why dont u play a real fuckin adc instead of an assassin"


mi40 11-14-2013 07:59 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
stop ruining bronze dreams @ ! !

Pseudo Enigma 11-14-2013 08:52 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
wtf you had nearly 2x the second highest player's gold in that game.

nolimits112 11-14-2013 08:54 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
Only just started playing a month ago. Why not get completely outplayed by everyone here? :D
Summoner name: ObviouslySansom
Level: 21
Can't play ranked yet ofc
I'm typically adc or support. Can do top or jungle but I'm never mid.

hi19hi19 11-14-2013 10:35 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
I keep playing ADC because my buddy is really enjoying Annie and Nami support right now

Every time I try, I realize I'm a terrible ADC...

I do not have ADC mechanics or the ADC mindset, I embarrass myself so much>_<

Razor 11-14-2013 10:43 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
not hard to right click someone and use ur abilities to dodge skill shots

PriestREA 11-14-2013 10:46 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]

play with jesse = boosted supp average

mi40 11-14-2013 11:04 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]

hi19hi19 11-15-2013 01:56 AM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
aphromoo and doublelift are streaming more (they're on right now) and it literally makes my night every time they do

rush hour botlane is fkin hilarious

EDIT- holy fuc that entire game was literally made of nonstop reddit highlights there is no way i won't be seeing some of that shit on the front page tomorrow
if anyone wants to know how to make a stream entertaining just check out aphro, the man is a god at 1-liners and yelling random funny shit

L.B.D.D 11-15-2013 03:05 AM

Re: League of Legends [v2]

Originally Posted by hi19hi19 (Post 4024907)
aphromoo and doublelift are streaming more (they're on right now) and it literally makes my night every time they do

rush hour botlane is fkin hilarious

EDIT- holy fuc that entire game was literally made of nonstop reddit highlights there is no way i won't be seeing some of that shit on the front page tomorrow
if anyone wants to know how to make a stream entertaining just check out aphro, the man is a god at 1-liners and yelling random funny shit

holy SHIT why didnt i check my twitter

watching right now

e) FUCK they stopped

hi19hi19 11-16-2013 02:08 AM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
so today I learned that an ultimate is just referred to as "大" in Chinese (pronounced dà) which literally just means "big" and I find that way more amusing than it should be

next time I'm playing with my friends I'll just engage a teamfight with my big, they'll never see it coming

L.B.D.D 11-16-2013 03:46 AM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
in korean ult is pronounced Goong

which is kinda weird

Razor 11-16-2013 11:10 AM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
adventures of bronze 4 promos ft. warwick constantly ulting me while i go ham

Razor 11-16-2013 11:13 AM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
literally had 700 movement speed when i killed someone during final hour w/ that build

super woman wooosh flying through teamfights

ReikonKeiri 11-16-2013 01:28 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
I was in a 5 man premade last night playing normals and some diamond player was like fuck you I'm playing Syndra mid every game. I ended up delegating myself to top even though it's my least favorite role to see if I could teach myself anything. Since mid S2 when I was trash at league the only champs I've ever bothered taking top were Malphite and Rumble (besides random mid picks out of laziness) just cause they were comfort picks, but they all lose so many matchups it led to my hate of the lane. Ended up trying Irelia, Trundle, and Olaf and won every game. I haven't had that much fun playing league in ages haha ESPECIALLY the Irelia game, oh god the carnage.

tl;dr playing something new and winning nonstop in premade normals is a blast

I could have had so much fewer deaths on Irelia but I kept TPing into their base to dick flex. Trundle secret government counter to Renekton holy shit I bopped him.

hi19hi19 11-16-2013 01:44 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
People forget how good Trundle is in toplane, my friend plays him a lot and he bops a lot of the popular picks.

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