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-   -   TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD (http://www.flashflashrevolution.com/vbz/showthread.php?t=152946)

Hakulyte 04-10-2021 07:16 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD
Instead of like delaying and then considering other options.

Hakulyte 04-10-2021 07:18 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD
What I'm saying is that with these current rules going on with roles, A counterclaim should always happen here or you're stuck with a bulletproof until the game ends.

Hakulyte 04-10-2021 07:32 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD
This is like the game where Charu just hard claimed bulletproof at the beginning of the game and then was pmuch an immortal innocent child until the end.

Hakulyte 04-10-2021 07:34 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD
Literally the best play in this game was to hard claim bulletproof right after the game started, but since I thought roleblock would lead to dying I was like "that's not happening".

the sun fan 04-10-2021 07:46 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD
IF the joat gets a save on someone AND the wolves also shoot the bulletproof, town gains a lynch

its a reason why the 3x bulletproof might not want to claim immediately

Shadow_God_10 04-10-2021 07:52 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by the sun fan (Post 4759664)
IF the joat gets a save on someone AND the wolves also shoot the bulletproof, town gains a lynch

its a reason why the 3x bulletproof might not want to claim immediately

Okay wait wait...

So our 3x bulletproof is basically immortal?

I thought the 3x was a joke and it was just only one?

I ALSO thought that bulletproof vests don't work against wolf kills

flashflash account 04-10-2021 08:02 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD
If bp cant be blocked (which it shouldn't that makes no sense to me personally)
Then yes
We have an immortal towny assuming we don't mislynch then today

Hakulyte 04-10-2021 08:18 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by flashflash account (Post 4759668)
If bp cant be blocked (which it shouldn't that makes no sense to me personally)
Then yes
We have an immortal towny assuming we don't mislynch then today


See normal version.

Hakulyte 04-10-2021 08:21 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD
If JOAT checked the bulletproof when the game started then claiming is very op here.

Hakulyte 04-10-2021 08:21 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD
The problem is that you may want to use your seer elsewhere I guess.

Hakulyte 04-10-2021 08:22 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD
It just creates an unstoppable force in the game.

Hakulyte 04-10-2021 08:41 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD
Is it possible to solve poe while keeping both raeko and me alive ? :thinking:

The idea is that if the other wolves fall, everyone outside of raeko/me is confirmed town.

That sounds op too.

flashflash account 04-10-2021 08:41 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by mellon_collie (Post 4758342)
I do not want to vote for lewdy, bugkid, tn, haku

roundbox, choof, sunfan, ffa null

That leaves V, charu, FG

FG would be my last choice of the three, Charu probably first choice, idk

hey check this out
1, 2, 3, 4
5, 6, 7, 8
9, 10, 11, (raeko 12)

where's ck/freezin

flashflash account 04-10-2021 08:44 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by mellon_collie (Post 4758358)
oh I forgot about freezi in my list but yeah not gonna vote freezi until he has time to catch up, kitten did not give off any particularly wolfy vibes

it was addressed here

flashflash account 04-10-2021 08:47 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by mellon_collie (Post 4758770)
welcome to FFR

I've never (hard) fakeclaimed, how many people can say that lol

big if true

flashflash account 04-10-2021 08:48 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD
regardless of haku's alignment, claiming bp was the most pro town thing to do

the sun fan 04-10-2021 08:50 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by flashflash account (Post 4759677)
big if true

I talked about how it wasn't true

the sun fan 04-10-2021 08:51 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by flashflash account (Post 4759679)
regardless of haku's alignment, claiming bp was the most pro town thing to do

how pro-town is it really if we kill the town?

flashflash account 04-10-2021 08:54 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD
okay here's where I'm at
now that I know (or think to know) that the bulletproof is living through endgame if they don't get mislynched
wolves can't win without fake claiming, I don't think
in the scenario where raeko claims here without a cc, wolves kill me, then TN, and it's a F3 with a mechanical clear vs the scenarios where the real bulletproof loses the F3 has three unconfirmed players
so Haku claiming first isn't as int as I thought it was at first, keeping the bulletproof alive actually has big swings for town
it comes down to things like timing, IE did haku claim early to make the claim more believable or did raeko's wolf team realize that bulletproof needs to be mislynched and haku forced them to play their hand early

flashflash account 04-10-2021 08:55 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by the sun fan (Post 4759681)
how pro-town is it really if we kill the town?

more pro town than them not claiming at all, I think

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