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Shadow_God_10 04-10-2021 04:17 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD
To tack onto that

It would look far worse for Raeko to claim later than sooner

SubaruPoptart 04-10-2021 04:20 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by Shadow_God_10 (Post 4759598)
Subaru... Buddy...

Come with me...sit over here for a minute... What I'm going to tell you may or may not blow your mind...


Raeko knows her role, but we do not.

The obvious thing to do when someone claims YOUR role is to say "Uh, yeah, HI. That's not true because I'm that role"

This makes sense but at the same time raeko was talking about the reason why haku claimed was to out her which makes no sense to me because why would he just know that she's bulletproof and why would she cc knowing that if there's a gf still in the game her being bulletproof ends up in her getting killed

SubaruPoptart 04-10-2021 04:21 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD
no logic from either of them makes any sense to me

Shadow_God_10 04-10-2021 04:24 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by SubaruPoptart (Post 4759600)
why would he just know that she's bulletproof

How.... are you... What?

How would Haku know that Raeko is Bulletproof BEFORE Raeko says that she's bulletproof?

SubaruPoptart 04-10-2021 04:26 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD
Cuz i'd imagine most people would have a sense of self-preservation when it comes to this game; I sure as hell do, anyway. Why would you ever claim the only power role when there's a strong chance that there's another role still alive that can nullify yours and effectively make it useless, while also bringing attention to yourself for the bad guys to nk you, or somehow convince others to vote you off.

I feel regardless of what's going to happen tonight it'll probably end up in both of them being dead but still from my pov none of what they're doing makes any sense to me.

SubaruPoptart 04-10-2021 04:27 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by Shadow_God_10 (Post 4759602)
How.... are you... What?

How would Haku know that Raeko is Bulletproof BEFORE Raeko says that she's bulletproof?

That's LITERALLY what I'm saying. Raeko herself said he did it to out her, which makes me think she's thinking haku somehow knew she was bp

SubaruPoptart 04-10-2021 04:28 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by mellon_collie (Post 4759534)
if other people can't figure it out that's honestly their own problem, you had absolutely no reason to claim when you did other than to out me because you are a wolf. it's self-evident if you look at intentions as you suggested


Shadow_God_10 04-10-2021 04:33 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by SubaruPoptart (Post 4759605)

I wanna pick at your brain for a minute here, Hopecaster.

Who do you believe?

Hakulyte 04-10-2021 04:33 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by SubaruPoptart (Post 4759604)
That's LITERALLY what I'm saying. Raeko herself said he did it to out her, which makes me think she's thinking haku somehow knew she was bp

In that world, you would claim to make the person you don't know is the BP claim so you can get rid of them.

Hakulyte 04-10-2021 04:35 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD
You claim here as town bulletproof to increase the chances for town to take the right decisions to win this game.

It's vital it's done this specific phase to either

A) Confirm a town 100%


B) Force a CC.

SubaruPoptart 04-10-2021 04:37 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by Shadow_God_10 (Post 4759606)
I wanna pick at your brain for a minute here, Hopecaster.

Who do you believe?

I'm still tryna decide that. I have n o idea atm

SubaruPoptart 04-10-2021 04:40 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by Hakulyte (Post 4759608)
You claim here as town bulletproof to increase the chances for town to take the right decisions to win this game.

It's vital it's done this specific phase to either

A) Confirm a town 100%


B) Force a CC.

but wouldn't doing that also put a target on your own back and cause a town to die here anyway

Hakulyte 04-10-2021 04:41 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by SubaruPoptart (Post 4759610)
but wouldn't doing that also put a target on your own back and cause a town to die here anyway

If you trade a town player for a wolf it's always a big win for town.

Hakulyte 04-10-2021 04:41 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD
It mathematically also decrease the chances for town to mislynch another town because there's one less town in the pool.

Hakulyte 04-10-2021 04:49 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by SubaruPoptart (Post 4759610)
but wouldn't doing that also put a target on your own back and cause a town to die here anyway

If you meant something else, I don't understand your question.

SubaruPoptart 04-10-2021 04:50 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD
OK OK OK OK 7 peopel alive

2 towns die it'd be 2v3 wolf v town right?
1 town dies it'll be 1v4 wolf v town

the sun fan 04-10-2021 04:51 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by SubaruPoptart (Post 4759511)
I'm more keen on resolving the shadow kitb from last phase. Cuz while this raeko/haku thing is definitely an issue I feel there's more room to fuck up between those two, whereas in my eyes it's a lot more obvious to me there was someone between bug/shadow.

its a bit smarter to resolve raeko/haku first, because the wolf could be within shadow/sunfan/subaru for the other one (assuming its never tn/ffa, which I guess it can be but I'll only consider it if I really have to)

you resolve the world of 2 before you resolve the world of 3, but yeah, I agree that the way last phase went down looks really bad for lewdy

SubaruPoptart 04-10-2021 04:51 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD
if whoever tf's the bp out of both of you successfully pulls off a vest assuming freezin was the gf only one person dies so it'd be 1v5 wolf v town yeah?

SubaruPoptart 04-10-2021 04:52 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by SubaruPoptart (Post 4759616)
if whoever tf's the bp out of both of you successfully pulls off a vest assuming freezin was the gf only one person dies so it'd be 1v5 wolf v town yeah?

because in my eyes if one of raeko/haku flips town tonight and there's only o n e death we got a fuckin situation goin on

Hakulyte 04-10-2021 04:53 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by SubaruPoptart (Post 4759614)
OK OK OK OK 7 peopel alive

2 towns die it'd be 2v3 wolf v town right?
1 town dies it'll be 1v4 wolf v town


Originally Posted by SubaruPoptart (Post 4759616)
if whoever tf's the bp out of both of you successfully pulls off a vest assuming freezin was the gf only one person dies so it'd be 1v5 wolf v town yeah?

Also, correct.

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