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-   -   TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD (http://www.flashflashrevolution.com/vbz/showthread.php?t=152946)

tn5421 04-8-2021 01:04 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by mellon_collie (Post 4759197)
why bug?

I'm not interested in pursuing sun today and they're the other 2 people with more than one vote each

tn5421 04-8-2021 01:10 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by SubaruPoptart (Post 4759128)
Oh yeah and also on top of that, should specify further and say not being able to get any info out of anything that's not already known.

Cuz like I've said a billion times, tn's town, and y'all've found out that Charu was townchecked, so what else is there? obv me but I can't really solve myself now can I so idk what that leaves me to find. Not a lotta people have really done much (which is alright) so there's not much discourse for me to use aside from obscure stuff from ages ago that's prolly already been discussed before.

There's always the chance that someone else gets pressured into spewing their alignment. There's also 3 wagons that are available to be speculated on.
There's a lot left to do if you're willing to seize the day.


Originally Posted by SubaruPoptart (Post 4759109)
If tn SOMEHOW flips wolf I will never play this game again

A bold claim. What if I was the deepest deepwolf?

You have a real low post count compared to other people in the game. I know you replaced in, but pls.

Of the three leading wagons, this one feels the worst.


It's not a large margin

tn5421 04-8-2021 02:29 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD
I am not going to be available again before deadline. Good night and may we dunk another wolf.

flashflash account 04-8-2021 03:04 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD
Sunfan on a scale of 1 to 10 how good of an idea is lynching you today

the sun fan 04-8-2021 04:53 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by Charu (Post 4759150)
I mean, it's a valid counter argument, no?

no, its not, because the wolves would have to
a) know that roundbox was the JOAT
b) know that he didn't actually seer you n1, or reasonably believe that he didn't
c) kill a JOAT who is misrepping their check without fearing them not being the JOAT

its a pretty bad idea

the sun fan 04-8-2021 05:03 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by flashflash account (Post 4759202)
Sunfan on a scale of 1 to 10 how good of an idea is lynching you today

I mean, town can win even if you mislynch me, so its not a 10
(I feel like I dropped BP cover a long time ago, most people not named bugkid should continue to pretend that they could be the BP)

I think town's chances decrease somewhat to significantly if you lynch me today, but my head hasn't been super in the game and I don't know if it will, so, idk, 6/10

the sun fan 04-8-2021 05:05 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD
I'm townreading raeko for a very, very silly reason.

There was a live game where danceguy and I were the wolves, and we voodoo'd her with the word "stupid" and she said the word "dumb" like 8 times in her last ten seconds (turns out she was also the seer and got killed lmao)

she used the word dumb with the same kind of passion here when talking about roundbox pushing on her, and I kind of want to be right about this read because of my reasoning being a little bit creative.

Charu 04-8-2021 05:10 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by the sun fan (Post 4759206)
no, its not, because the wolves would have to
a) know that roundbox was the JOAT
b) know that he didn't actually seer you n1, or reasonably believe that he didn't
c) kill a JOAT who is misrepping their check without fearing them not being the JOAT

its a pretty bad idea

If you read after my post I came to the same conclusion in like... three posts later or something, lmao.

the sun fan 04-8-2021 05:15 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by Charu (Post 4759209)
If you read after my post I came to the same conclusion in like... three posts later or something, lmao.

responded to it as I read it, but I don't remember reading you getting to that conclusion

Shadow_God_10 04-8-2021 05:58 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by SubaruPoptart (Post 4759167)
I believe Shadow was like "hey what if charu was townchecked" and then pulled up like 4 quotes from roundbox supporting that evidence and people just kinda went like "hey ok charu's green now sick"

I don't want to take credit for things I didn't say, that would lead to false information.

I BELIEVE it was Sunfan? Who said that what if Charu got checked.

I simply found a quote that gave life to that possibility... along with Raeko compiling a list and I think Haku?

It's pretty early on in the phase. I'll link the posts later for future reference

flashflash account 04-8-2021 06:20 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD
Town?- me charu tn haku poptart
Not town?- bugkid shadowgod raeko sunfan

the sun fan 04-8-2021 06:52 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by flashflash account (Post 4759213)
Town?- me charu tn haku poptart
Not town?- bugkid shadowgod raeko sunfan

I really don't think that auto wins

I think you gotta take poptart out of it

flashflash account 04-8-2021 07:00 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by the sun fan (Post 4759215)
I really don't think that auto wins

I think you gotta take poptart out of it

I liked V and I pop tart sounds really pure

the sun fan 04-8-2021 07:07 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by flashflash account (Post 4759216)
I liked V and I pop tart sounds really pure

I say this through very gritted teeth, but V is a good wolf when it comes to acting. He also had negative 14 posts, so maybe focusing on Subaru is a good idea

I don't see what you're seeing with Subaru

T-Force 04-8-2021 07:11 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD
the sun fan - 3: Charu (903), flashflash_account (935), Hakulyte (1002)
SubaruPoptart - 2: the sun fan (928), bugkid666 (963)
bugkid666 - 2: Shadow_God_10 (879), tn5421 (1022)
Yet to vote: mellon_collie, SubaruPoptart

Phase ends in 3 hours and 49 minutes.

mellon_collie 04-8-2021 07:26 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by flashflash account (Post 4759213)
Town?- me charu tn haku poptart
Not town?- bugkid shadowgod raeko sunfan

can you expand your reads on me and shadowgod, and is poptart purely a tone read?

flashflash account 04-8-2021 07:44 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by mellon_collie (Post 4759219)
can you expand your reads on me and shadowgod, and is poptart purely a tone read?

It's a lot of "well the wolves have to be somewhere" and theres something about shadowgod that I feel like I'm picking up on that might be wolfing might be me being dumb idk
As for poptart i dont think any kind of wolf complains about not being able to help, for example, it's one of those cases where i just cant see a wolf making these posts even if a wolf is theoretically capable of making them, they wont

the sun fan 04-8-2021 07:47 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by flashflash account (Post 4759220)
these posts even if a wolf is theoretically capable of making them, they wont

at the very least, I think this is a good way of describing one of the intricacies of this game
maybe I said it once, it feels familiar

the sun fan 04-8-2021 07:47 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD
lets see where this goes

flashflash account 04-8-2021 07:50 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by the sun fan (Post 4759222)
at the very least, I think this is a good way of describing one of the intricacies of this game
maybe I said it once, it feels familiar

It feels like a fallacy or contradiction somehow, because if you ever say "a wolf never ever makes this post" then a wolf can make that post

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