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-   -   TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD (http://www.flashflashrevolution.com/vbz/showthread.php?t=152946)

bugkid666 04-8-2021 03:33 AM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by SubaruPoptart (Post 4759128)
and y'all've found out that Charu was townchecked,

um what since when

the sun fan 04-8-2021 03:34 AM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by Charu (Post 4759119)
I don't know thesunfan, to me, I think you're more enticing of a vote than bugkid was for the last two phases. I don't know what you can do to persuade me otherwise.

you got me, Charu
I tried to push you and CURSES
people actually read the thread!!!! can you believe it???

Charu 04-8-2021 06:31 AM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD
Yeah man, got you good.

Lmao, owned

Charu 04-8-2021 06:36 AM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by bugkid666 (Post 4759146)
um what since when

It's not certain, however it's heavily implied by roundbox at EoD with his sudden wanting of keeping me alive.

...I'm kind of impressed the wolves haven't spun the tale around and state that I'm a wolf who saw this during the night and attempting to deep wolf through mechanical reasons. Kind of makes me think roundbox really did green check me than I already suspected.

Charu 04-8-2021 06:38 AM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD
I mean, it's a valid counter argument, no?

Shadow_God_10 04-8-2021 09:09 AM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by Charu (Post 4759149)
It's not certain, however it's heavily implied by roundbox at EoD with his sudden wanting of keeping me alive.

...I'm kind of impressed the wolves haven't spun the tale around and state that I'm a wolf who saw this during the night and attempting to deep wolf through mechanical reasons. Kind of makes me think roundbox really did green check me than I already suspected.

Charu can you try to explain this in a different way? I'm not sure I understand

Charu 04-8-2021 09:21 AM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by Shadow_God_10 (Post 4759157)
Charu can you try to explain this in a different way? I'm not sure I understand


So assume for the moment I'm the wolf and I, or my partner, saw that roundbox was certain I was a town. Lets also assume I, or my partner, figured out he was the PR and the kill wasn't just randomly made through other posts he made. I would then have a clear path to make use of a mechanical defense, the biggest defense a wolf could ask for.

It sounded more promising in my head, but I suppose the wolves didn't spin it around because the chances of this scenario happening is pretty low because as far as I could tell from roundbox's ISO, he gave no hints or softs regarding his role besides strongly declaring I'm town at EoD.

tn5421 04-8-2021 09:21 AM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD
wait, who is raeko?

Charu 04-8-2021 09:23 AM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD
Raeko is mellon_collie

tn5421 04-8-2021 09:35 AM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD
I am really irritated that this software doesn't support tables. Can't believe vB was ever considered the best forum software

tn5421 04-8-2021 09:42 AM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD

Charu 04-8-2021 09:50 AM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD
...Yeah, what you're seeing here is definitely remnants of the old Internet. Back when such features were never coded into a forum structure and the like.

This forum is 19 years old.

There IS a bullet function though, but it's pretty busted.
  1. lol
  2. epic
  3. totally owned
  4. radical

tn5421 04-8-2021 10:12 AM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD
Warning, these images are very high resolution, in case someone is visually impaired.

Votecount methodology: A votecount entry for every page of the game, guaranteed.
Some weirdness included due to official votecounts taking precedence over standard pagetop grouping. Raw data will also be included.

vc mellon_collie flashflash_account roundbox the sun fan FreezinIce Shadow_God_10 tn5421 Hakulyte SubaruPoptart Funnygurl555 bugkid666 choof Charu
1 Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting
21 Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting
41 Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting
61 Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting Charu Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting
81 Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting Charu Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting
101 Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting Charu Not Voting Charu Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting
121 Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting Charu Not Voting Charu Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting
141 Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting Charu Not Voting tn5421 Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting
161 SubaruPoptart the sun fan Not Voting flashflash_account Not Voting Funnygurl555 Charu Not Voting tn5421 Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting mellon_collie
181 SubaruPoptart the sun fan Not Voting flashflash_account Not Voting Funnygurl555 Charu Not Voting tn5421 Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting mellon_collie
vc1.1 SubaruPoptart the sun fan Not Voting flashflash_account Not Voting Funnygurl555 Charu the sun fan tn5421 Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting mellon_collie
201 SubaruPoptart the sun fan Not Voting flashflash_account Not Voting Funnygurl555 Charu the sun fan tn5421 Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting mellon_collie
221 SubaruPoptart the sun fan Not Voting flashflash_account Not Voting Funnygurl555 Charu the sun fan tn5421 Shadow_God_10 Not Voting Not Voting mellon_collie
241 SubaruPoptart the sun fan Not Voting flashflash_account Not Voting Funnygurl555 Charu the sun fan tn5421 bugkid666 Not Voting Not Voting mellon_collie
261 SubaruPoptart the sun fan Not Voting flashflash_account Not Voting Funnygurl555 Charu the sun fan tn5421 bugkid666 Not Voting tn5421 mellon_collie
281 SubaruPoptart the sun fan Not Voting flashflash_account Not Voting Funnygurl555 Charu the sun fan tn5421 bugkid666 Not Voting tn5421 mellon_collie
301 SubaruPoptart the sun fan Not Voting flashflash_account Not Voting Funnygurl555 Charu the sun fan tn5421 bugkid666 SubaruPoptart tn5421 bugkid666
vc1.2 SubaruPoptart the sun fan Not Voting flashflash_account Not Voting Funnygurl555 Not Voting the sun fan tn5421 bugkid666 SubaruPoptart tn5421 bugkid666
321 SubaruPoptart the sun fan Not Voting flashflash_account Not Voting Funnygurl555 Not Voting the sun fan tn5421 bugkid666 SubaruPoptart tn5421 bugkid666
341 SubaruPoptart the sun fan Not Voting flashflash_account Not Voting Funnygurl555 Not Voting the sun fan tn5421 bugkid666 SubaruPoptart tn5421 bugkid666
361 Charu the sun fan Not Voting flashflash_account Not Voting Funnygurl555 Funnygurl555 the sun fan tn5421 bugkid666 SubaruPoptart tn5421 bugkid666
381 Charu the sun fan Funnygurl555 Funnygurl555 Funnygurl555 Funnygurl555 Funnygurl555 the sun fan tn5421 bugkid666 SubaruPoptart tn5421 bugkid666

382 Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting
421 Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting
441 Not Voting the sun fan Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting the sun fan Not Voting bugkid666
vc2.1 Not Voting the sun fan Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting the sun fan Charu bugkid666
461 Not Voting the sun fan Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting the sun fan Charu bugkid666
481 Not Voting the sun fan Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting the sun fan the sun fan Charu bugkid666
501 Not Voting the sun fan Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting the sun fan the sun fan Charu bugkid666
vc2.2 Not Voting the sun fan Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting SubaruPoptart the sun fan the sun fan Charu bugkid666
541 Not Voting the sun fan Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting the sun fan Not Voting Charu bugkid666
561 Not Voting the sun fan Not Voting flashflash_account Not Voting SubaruPoptart Not Voting flashflash_account Not Voting Charu bugkid666
581 Not Voting the sun fan Not Voting flashflash_account Not Voting SubaruPoptart FreezinIce flashflash_account Not Voting Charu FreezinIce
601 Not Voting the sun fan Not Voting flashflash_account the sun fan SubaruPoptart FreezinIce flashflash_account Not Voting Charu FreezinIce
621 Not Voting the sun fan Not Voting flashflash_account the sun fan SubaruPoptart FreezinIce flashflash_account Not Voting Charu FreezinIce
641 Not Voting the sun fan Not Voting flashflash_account the sun fan SubaruPoptart FreezinIce flashflash_account Not Voting Charu FreezinIce
661 Not Voting the sun fan Not Voting flashflash_account the sun fan SubaruPoptart FreezinIce flashflash_account Not Voting Charu FreezinIce
vc2.3 Not Voting the sun fan Not Voting flashflash_account the sun fan SubaruPoptart FreezinIce flashflash_account Not Voting Charu FreezinIce
681 Not Voting FreezinIce Not Voting flashflash_account the sun fan SubaruPoptart FreezinIce flashflash_account Not Voting Charu FreezinIce
701 Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting flashflash_account the sun fan SubaruPoptart FreezinIce flashflash_account Not Voting Charu FreezinIce
721 Charu Not Voting Not Voting flashflash_account the sun fan SubaruPoptart FreezinIce flashflash_account Not Voting Charu FreezinIce
741 Charu Not Voting Shadow_God_10 flashflash_account the sun fan SubaruPoptart mellon_collie flashflash_account Not Voting Charu FreezinIce
761 tn5421 FreezinIce FreezinIce flashflash_account the sun fan SubaruPoptart FreezinIce flashflash_account Not Voting Charu bugkid666

770 Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting
781 Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting Charu Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting
801 Not Voting Not Voting Charu Not Voting Charu Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting
821 Not Voting Not Voting SubaruPoptart Not Voting Charu Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting
841 Not Voting Not Voting SubaruPoptart Not Voting flashflash_account Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting
861 Not Voting Not Voting mellon_collie Not Voting flashflash_account Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting
881 Not Voting Not Voting mellon_collie bugkid666 flashflash_account Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting Not Voting
901 Not Voting Not Voting mellon_collie bugkid666 flashflash_account Not Voting Not Voting mellon_collie Not Voting
921 Not Voting Not Voting mellon_collie bugkid666 flashflash_account Not Voting Not Voting mellon_collie the sun fan
vc3.1 Not Voting the sun fan SubaruPoptart bugkid666 flashflash_account Not Voting Not Voting SubaruPoptart the sun fan
961 Not Voting the sun fan SubaruPoptart bugkid666 tn5421 Not Voting Not Voting SubaruPoptart the sun fan
981 Not Voting the sun fan SubaruPoptart bugkid666 tn5421 Not Voting Not Voting SubaruPoptart the sun fan

Hakulyte 04-8-2021 11:31 AM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD
Do you have some sort of data interpretation on the other mafia site ?

Is there common voting patterns that seems to appear here ?

SubaruPoptart 04-8-2021 11:53 AM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by bugkid666 (Post 4759146)
um what since when

I believe Shadow was like "hey what if charu was townchecked" and then pulled up like 4 quotes from roundbox supporting that evidence and people just kinda went like "hey ok charu's green now sick"

tn5421 04-8-2021 11:56 AM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD
i think there are some patterns that could be uncovered but it's really not that helpful to me. it's a tool that's meant to work with one's reads and their familiarity with other players to find a correlation that you otherwise wouldn't

I IIoA'd because I don't think I'm going to be the one to find that correlation and wanted to make it easier for anyone that might want to put that level of effort in themselves

mellon_collie 04-8-2021 11:58 AM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD
I was thinking about it in the shower and I think we really gotta honour roundbox's legacy and accept charu as the green check

There's no way I believe roundbox would do something other than a seer N1

Given Charu's behaviour D1, easiest seer target decision ever

Then he left those posts for us, we gotta use them

I believe in roundbox even though he did not believe in me

I am ride or die with Charu

Hakulyte 04-8-2021 12:02 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by the sun fan (Post 4759147)
you got me, Charu
I tried to push you and CURSES
people actually read the thread!!!! can you believe it???

Hey if you want a meta read, this looks like a Sunfan lolcatting.

Hakulyte 04-8-2021 12:09 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by flashflash account (Post 4759141)
Does anyone disagree with kicking Subaru out of the poe? Cause they should be kicked out of the poe

Do you think Subaru is wolfing ? If no, stop thinking here.

Hakulyte 04-8-2021 12:20 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by tn5421 (Post 4759168)
I IIoA'd

I don't know that acronym actually.

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