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Hakulyte 04-7-2021 04:07 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by flashflash account (Post 4759061)
Someone said tn freezin was town town but I dont remember who
Anyone recall that?

I can't find that somehow.

Hakulyte 04-7-2021 04:08 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by mellon_collie (Post 4758790)
I would like to vote outside of them

many thunderdomes I've been in personally were T/T

there are a lot of other options

This maybe ?

flashflash account 04-7-2021 04:16 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by Hakulyte (Post 4759065)
This maybe ?

Yes p sure that's what I was thinking of thanks

the sun fan 04-7-2021 04:42 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by Charu (Post 4759038)
I'm more interested in thesunfan anyways. He seemed to be hyperactive upon phase start. Maybe because he found the PR and was correct, hmm?

He was pretty quick to try to say I'm a wolf here before me and some others pointed out the likely-hood that I was the green check.

Know what I mean? the sun fan?

well, I can't fight the fact that I would be happy that I would have found the blue, but if I had found the blue, wouldn't I already know its pretty likely you were the green, and that other people would find it too?

obviously that's not clearing but I think part of the accusation tugs one way, and the other part tugs the other

the sun fan 04-7-2021 04:44 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by flashflash account (Post 4759045)
what are everyone's thoughts on sunfan
I keep thinking about freezin's desire to push them eod
and I remember they both rolled wolf together recently-ish and kind of distanced each other that game too, might just be freezin's game plan to set sunfan up deep every game

freezin isn't trying to set up other people to go deep, he's trying to keep people distanced

at least, that's what the wolfteam's plan was that game
might've even been last game, I don't really remember

the sun fan 04-7-2021 04:47 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by Hakulyte (Post 4759046)
Also, why aren't you interested to vote FFA anymore ? Did something change between the first phase and now ?

ffa already covered this but I'll say it anyways
I will pretend to think about ffa being a wolf if I am in mylo/lylo with him.

he voted freezin in a way that he really, really is unlikely to do if freezin is also a wolf. I know ffa was the 2nd wagon but the wolves are generally going to be more grouped together with ffa in wolfchat, I think.

I don't think last EOD goes like that basically ever if ffa is a wolf with freezin.

the sun fan 04-7-2021 04:51 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by Hakulyte (Post 4759046)
I get it, it looks like your priority this phase is defending tn5421.

my TOP priority, no, but I guess you can call it a priority

I like this new guy (or rather I like the adjustments he's made to his lingo and the way he thinks about the game; stuff like declaring the thunderdome for Freezin and himself was cool to read), and I think he's having a rough time adjusting to the place.

I also think he's obscenely likely to be town, and people were postulating that its possible he could be a wolf, and he was annoyed by that. I thought it wasn't productive since we're literally never killing him today and because it was upsetting him.

the sun fan 04-7-2021 04:57 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD
I'm beginning to kind of struggle with finding anything wolfy of my own accord, like the vote on raeko is mostly following roundbox and while I did have it sigged that if he died we should follow his reads, maybe I'll ignore it this time

subaru post number is really low

Hakulyte 04-7-2021 05:09 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD
The Subaru vote here looks fair. I guess the real question is what to expect out of him.

bugkid666 04-7-2021 05:18 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by Shadow_God_10 (Post 4759039)
Wanna explain your leap between Subaru and myself?

There are an outstanding 0 posts of which you progress Subaru as town and put me in this world

I'm gonna chalk this up to the fact that I was essentially incapacitated yesterday due to severe headache/stomachache. it's a shit excuse, but that's because it's true. I am however most suspicious of you three at the moment. those posts do seem super weird when places back to back lol

ffa, tn, and haku are town imo

sunfan is townleaning for me at this point now that he's actually started playing the game.

charu has made some posts today that I like, so while I'm still not convinced on his alignment I'm gonna hold off on him for today.

raeko and suburu I don't like for different reasons. raeko's panic at last eod was super peculiar (which I don't think I have to explain because everyone seems to agree with this at least somewhat) and suburu's post count is frankly too low for me to determine anything. I was sus on Vendetta for similar reasons, so it's only fair I carry that over to suburu.

lewdy, I'm genuinely unsure how to feel about you this game. your posts seem strange to me but I'm not exactly sure why. I don't think it's worth voting you today but it's definitely worth looking into more as time progresses.

suburupoptart for now this feels ok

SubaruPoptart 04-7-2021 05:27 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by bugkid666 (Post 4759075)
I'm gonna chalk this up to the fact that I was essentially incapacitated yesterday due to severe headache/stomachache. it's a shit excuse, but that's because it's true. I am however most suspicious of you three at the moment. those posts do seem super weird when places back to back lol

ffa, tn, and haku are town imo

sunfan is townleaning for me at this point now that he's actually started playing the game.

charu has made some posts today that I like, so while I'm still not convinced on his alignment I'm gonna hold off on him for today.

raeko and suburu I don't like for different reasons. raeko's panic at last eod was super peculiar (which I don't think I have to explain because everyone seems to agree with this at least somewhat) and suburu's post count is frankly too low for me to determine anything. I was sus on Vendetta for similar reasons, so it's only fair I carry that over to suburu.

suburupoptart for now this feels ok


Originally Posted by the sun fan (Post 4759072)

subaru post number is really low

These two posts are the same to me. but I really don't understand how to do anything with what I'm given rn.

All I've got is that tn is townlean, yet I really didn't like how he handled pushing the wolf out.

I'm still trying to understand how shadow managed to find the charu check thing from the posts that there were is the only other thing I've been tryna do. cuz how that looked to me was he quoted a few posts and everyone just kinda agreed. I'm not against that but I just kinda wanna know how that progressed to there.

SubaruPoptart 04-7-2021 05:32 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD
also ykw since that's like two in a row lemme make a votecount rq

SubaruPoptart 04-7-2021 05:42 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD
SubaruPoptart - 2: the sun fan (928), bugkid666 (930)
bugkid666 - 1: Shadow_God_10 (879)
flashflash account - 1: tn5421 (838)
the sun fan - 1: Charu (903)

tn5421 votes Charu (776)
the sun fan votes Charu (795)
the sun fan votes SubaruPoptart (812)
tn5421 votes flashflash account (838)
the sun fan votes mellon_collie (858)
Shadow_God_10 votes bugkid666 (879)
bugkid666 votes mellon_collie (894)
Charu votes the sun fan (903)
the sun fan votes SubaruPoptart (928)
bugkid666 votes SubaruPoptart (930)

Mighta gotten smth wrong but this made me realize; bugkid's been kinda following sunfan's votes based on this. is that on purpose or like?

SubaruPoptart 04-7-2021 05:42 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by Hakulyte (Post 4759060)
Do you have a take on what your predecessor (Vendetta) was trying to do before you ? I feel like you two have very different playstyles so, that might be kinda incompatible. It's okay if nothing special comes in mind.

Another avenue that might be better for you is to look for a middle ground. Don't think of things as towny or wolfy, but like try to spot was seems unconventional. Things that you're not used to see in a normal game. That should eventually help generate the right discussion to get somewhere.

The tn/Freezin thunderdome was unusual.
Sunfan vanishing was unusual.
Your internet dying was unusual.
Sunfan/FFA cross vote into nothingness is unusual.

The bugkid/Charu interaction was peculiar, but I'd argue that this was closer of a regular scenario of 2 town players clashing in opinions.

I also didn't see this whole page til now but lemme go back and see what V was doing

flashflash account 04-7-2021 06:15 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD
sunfan lol idk

the sun fan 04-7-2021 06:17 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by flashflash account (Post 4759080)
sunfan lol idk


SubaruPoptart 04-7-2021 06:23 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD
OK honestly I have zero idea what Vendetta was doing. Only real posts of any substance that I can gleam are these two


Originally Posted by Vendetta21 (Post 4758118)
btw not having a vote out is only beneficial to wolves you should literally always have a votr on someone arent most of you like veterans wheres youre hygiene


Originally Posted by Vendetta21 (Post 4758119)
d1 youre only going to get anywhere with the ebb and flow of votes, and the chance of insta-ing someone is super low and if someone did get insta'd thats a pretty nuclear option that speed up the tempo of the game drastically

everyone can throw out little questioning remarks here or there and make a light joke or talk about their meta but the stochasticity of voting is where non-random patterns emerge whjere they shouldnt

whereas the second one feels more important than the first one, all I can really say is that dude doesn't like anyone not having a vote on people.

The bolded part of the second one feels the most important out of all of them

SubaruPoptart 04-7-2021 06:25 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD
I find that part important cuz i had to look up what stochasticity meant but also cuz I found that pattern of bugkid either on purpose or just so happening to follow sunfan's pattern of voting somewhat.

bugkid666 04-7-2021 06:30 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by SubaruPoptart (Post 4759083)
I find that part important cuz i had to look up what stochasticity meant but also cuz I found that pattern of bugkid either on purpose or just so happening to follow sunfan's pattern of voting somewhat.

nobody else has been saying anything of value today, sorry for the hot take

SubaruPoptart 04-7-2021 06:32 PM

Re: TWG 199: The Reaper's Game -Final Remix- GAME THREAD

Originally Posted by bugkid666 (Post 4759084)
nobody else has been saying anything of value today, sorry for the hot take

tbh I'm feeling the same; I'm not quite sure what you're apologizing for here tho

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