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-   -   TWG 194 - Game Thread (http://www.flashflashrevolution.com/vbz/showthread.php?t=151853)

Hakulyte 04-30-2020 11:58 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread
2 roleblockers blocking FFA ?


leetic 04-30-2020 11:59 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread
I'd like to see Mikey's response before commenting further

DaBackpack 04-30-2020 11:59 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by leetic (Post 4728490)
What are your thoughts on jessie?

she can die. she's done nothing and I'd bet money that FFA is covering for her this phase

flashflash account 05-1-2020 12:00 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread
we're lynching dbp

flashflash account 05-1-2020 12:01 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread
so, MML is actually the godfather and they had to come up with a claim that could coexist next to the cop claim

I bet you anything they would have claimed masons if it were possible by the setup

MixMasterLar 05-1-2020 12:01 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread
I was legit gonna lynch DBP
Even though i have all the evidence i needed to know FFA is lying.

What a fucking retard I am

DaBackpack 05-1-2020 12:02 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by leetic (Post 4728491)
Also, who do you think would be the most likely partners for Mikey?

jessie and duskfall imo
maybe shadow by poe

flashflash account 05-1-2020 12:02 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread
seriously? How plausible is it that MML just "forgot" to have roleblocked me N1? This is faked.

Hakulyte 05-1-2020 12:02 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by MixMasterLar (Post 4728505)
I was legit gonna lynch DBP
Even though i have all the evidence i needed to know FFA is lying.

What a fucking retard I am

That's very difficult to believe.

leetic 05-1-2020 12:03 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread
I did post about how a roleblocker was likely in the setup, so maybe the scum team is taking cues. Odd that neither claimed to block Xiz though

flashflash account 05-1-2020 12:03 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread
like, it sucks that you two had a crappy overlap schedule so you really couldn't work out a plan without being notably absent from the thread

MixMasterLar 05-1-2020 12:05 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by Hakulyte (Post 4728508)
That's very difficult to believe.

I owe you an immense apology for our last game by the way.

This is way worst then anything you've done

DaBackpack 05-1-2020 12:05 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by flashflash account (Post 4728504)
so, MML is actually the godfather and they had to come up with a claim that could coexist next to the cop claim

I bet you anything they would have claimed masons if it were possible by the setup

If we were both wolves then why on Earth would we both claim there? MML roleblocked mikey N1 is literally enough to show that mikey is full of shit. there is literally no reason for a double claim here

leetic 05-1-2020 12:05 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread
There's definitely scum between MML and Mikey, at least. Their claims are incompatible. And yeah, MML is looking much worse right now.

DaBackpack 05-1-2020 12:06 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by leetic (Post 4728513)
There's definitely scum between MML and Mikey, at least. Their claims are incompatible. And yeah, MML is looking much worse right now.

oh my fucking GOD

MixMasterLar 05-1-2020 12:06 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by flashflash account (Post 4728507)
seriously? How plausible is it that MML just "forgot" to have roleblocked me N1? This is faked.

Lynch me first
Watch me flip
Makes memes forever about it
Then kiss your scum ass goodbye

leetic 05-1-2020 12:06 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

"I forgot" is a pretty lame excuse.

flashflash account 05-1-2020 12:07 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by DaBackpack (Post 4728512)
If we were both wolves then why on Earth would we both claim there? MML roleblocked mikey N1 is literally enough to show that mikey is full of shit. there is literally no reason for a double claim here

because you have no other outs, lol
a double claim from two wolves is the only way to dispute a red check, and given the rolls we already have mason wasn't in the setup iirc

so yeah that's why

Hakulyte 05-1-2020 12:07 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by DaBackpack (Post 4728512)
If we were both wolves then why on Earth would we both claim there? MML roleblocked mikey N1 is literally enough to show that mikey is full of shit. there is literally no reason for a double claim here


The ultimate throw revolution.

leetic 05-1-2020 12:07 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread
I'm going to look through MML and DBP's ISOs to see if there is any evidence they would have wanted to roleblock Mikey. I suggest everyone else do the same.

flashflash account 05-1-2020 12:07 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by leetic (Post 4728516)

"I forgot" is a pretty lame excuse.

we... should probably lynch the red peek first

MixMasterLar 05-1-2020 12:07 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread
I literally just wasnt even paying attention

Yeah i fucking blew it hard. Sorry town

The only vote i can make is FFA so I'll make it

DaBackpack 05-1-2020 12:08 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread
for fuck's sake MML you could have prevented this whole disaster a long time ago

now you're somehow making mikey look better

fuck this I'm going to my computer now

leetic 05-1-2020 12:08 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by MixMasterLar (Post 4728521)
I literally just wasnt even paying attention

Yeah i fucking blew it hard. Sorry town

The only vote i can make is FFA so I'll make it

Do you believe DBP's claim?

DBP, do you believe MML's claim?

flashflash account 05-1-2020 12:08 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by leetic (Post 4728519)
I'm going to look through MML and DBP's ISOs to see if there is any evidence they would have wanted to roleblock Mikey. I suggest everyone else do the same.

I literally posted 13 police car gifs on day 2, if they were town roleblockers they never risk roleblocking me
if they're scum roleblockers then they think I'm just fps baiting it
it's not plausible for either of them to have blocked me, but DBP much less so

MixMasterLar 05-1-2020 12:09 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by leetic (Post 4728516)

"I forgot" is a pretty lame excuse.

You're 100% correct

Hakulyte 05-1-2020 12:09 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread
Anyone else want to claim PR ?

MixMasterLar 05-1-2020 12:09 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by flashflash account (Post 4728524)
I literally posted 13 police car gifs on day 2, if they were town roleblockers they never risk roleblocking me
if they're scum roleblockers then they think I'm just fps baiting it
it's not plausible for either of them to have blocked me, but DBP much less so

Bro you were making a fucking gold stinger reference come on

flashflash account 05-1-2020 12:10 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by MixMasterLar (Post 4728527)
Bro you were making a fucking gold stinger reference come on


leetic 05-1-2020 12:10 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by flashflash account (Post 4728520)
we... should probably lynch the red peek first

I don't know, it might be better to resolve whether you were roleblocked N1, which in turn would resolve the redcheck. Resolving the redcheck might not necessarily resolve the other one

DaBackpack 05-1-2020 12:10 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by leetic (Post 4728523)
Do you believe DBP's claim?

DBP, do you believe MML's claim?

I have no reason to doubt it unless MML is distancing from FFA

I believe it

DaBackpack 05-1-2020 12:12 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread
nah I'm gonna go through FFA's history and prove that he's talking out his ass right now

MixMasterLar 05-1-2020 12:14 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by leetic (Post 4728523)
Do you believe DBP's claim?

DBP, do you believe MML's claim?

All i know is that I shouldn't have signed up this game
And that FFA has to be lying since we know Xiz was blocked.

DBP saying he didnt use his block n1 is a little out of character for him tho but unless we dealing with some next level shit I dont think DBP and FFA are scumteam

leetic 05-1-2020 12:14 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by MixMasterLar (Post 4726993)
If I was a cop, I checked Haku
If I was a blocker, I blocked FFA
If I was an angel, I targeted DBP
If I was the vigi, I'm dumb af and didn't counterclaim Xiz last phase.

This post is interesting though, Mikey, what are your thoughts?

flashflash account 05-1-2020 12:14 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by leetic (Post 4728529)
I don't know, it might be better to resolve whether you were roleblocked N1, which in turn would resolve the redcheck. Resolving the redcheck might not necessarily resolve the other one

how doesn't lynching dbp resolve MML? They're always partners.

flashflash account 05-1-2020 12:15 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by leetic (Post 4728533)
This post is interesting though, Mikey, what are your thoughts?

that post is what let me drop my greencheck
so no he's not the blocker

leetic 05-1-2020 12:16 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread
jessiebessie as a placeholder while I try to wrap my head around this.

Mikey's post suggests that it was something that they just decided to do, but for MML at least he would have had to plan this since at least D2.

MixMasterLar 05-1-2020 12:19 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by DaBackpack (Post 4728522)
for fuck's sake MML you could have prevented this whole disaster a long time ago

now you're somehow making mikey look better


leetic 05-1-2020 12:19 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread
Or maybe it was a lucky accident? Still would be weird though

flashflash account 05-1-2020 12:19 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread
*dbp reading through my iso realizing I was dropping buckets of cop soft wine all over the place*

DaBackpack 05-1-2020 12:20 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by MixMasterLar (Post 4728537)

sorry I got angry that people are doubting us, it's not you

leetic 05-1-2020 12:21 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread
Still though, DBP and MML's coordination in this still has me a bit off. I don't really see why they would have absolutely no doubt in regards to each other's claims.

flashflash account 05-1-2020 12:23 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread
to be perfectly clear

I had done a lot of thinking about what DBP could come back with, and the only solution I could see was wolves claiming 2 roles
when setup math was done and masons were confirmed not in the setup that made it a lot easier
this is their only real play

we are lynching my red check, dbp

DaBackpack 05-1-2020 12:24 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by leetic (Post 4728541)
Still though, DBP and MML's coordination in this still has me a bit off. I don't really see why they would have absolutely no doubt in regards to each other's claims.

MML saw my post and was presumably reminded of his own check

I believe him because there is no reason for wolf MML to turn on wolf FFA now instead of just killing me.

leetic 05-1-2020 12:24 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread
Like MML's claim is decently backed up and all, but when he's tying the legitimacy of his claim to the legitimacy of DBP's, it adds in a ton of variables

flashflash account 05-1-2020 12:25 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by leetic (Post 4728544)
Like MML's claim is decently backed up and all, but when he's tying the legitimacy of his claim to the legitimacy of DBP's, it adds in a ton of variables

except I hypo'd my green on MML after I saw him hypo'ing, if I were a wolf, I would have had to play around that

leetic 05-1-2020 12:27 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by flashflash account (Post 4728542)
to be perfectly clear

I had done a lot of thinking about what DBP could come back with, and the only solution I could see was wolves claiming 2 roles
when setup math was done and masons were confirmed not in the setup that made it a lot easier
this is their only real play

we are lynching my red check, dbp

Still, the setup indicates that we need one more power role or there's an SK, if your claim is to be believed. If both DBP and MML are faking, it would have to be someone else

DaBackpack 05-1-2020 12:27 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by flashflash account (Post 4728542)
to be perfectly clear

I had done a lot of thinking about what DBP could come back with, and the only solution I could see was wolves claiming 2 roles
when setup math was done and masons were confirmed not in the setup that made it a lot easier
this is their only real play

we are lynching my red check, dbp

Nah and I'll prove it.

If there are ANY single-letter claims out there, make them now. VCBBBTT has no serial killers. Any single letter claim right now would make there a serial killer which I'm pretty sure isn't possible right now.

leetic 05-1-2020 12:27 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by flashflash account (Post 4728545)
except I hypo'd my green on MML after I saw him hypo'ing, if I were a wolf, I would have had to play around that

He just so happened to say he roleblocked you if he was a roleblocker, what are your thoughts on that?

flashflash account 05-1-2020 12:28 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by DaBackpack (Post 4728547)
Nah and I'll prove it.

If there are ANY single-letter claims out there, make them now. VCBBBTT has no serial killers. Any single letter claim right now would make there a serial killer which I'm pretty sure isn't possible right now.



flashflash account 05-1-2020 12:29 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by leetic (Post 4728548)
He just so happened to say he roleblocked you if he was a roleblocker, what are your thoughts on that?

...I knew he wasn't the roleblocker
which, given he's the godfather, still makes sense

leetic 05-1-2020 12:31 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread
If what Mikey says is true, then two wolves right now are out. There would be a third wolf, who decided to sit this out (or was unable to, looking at you jessie). Here's the thing though: why would MML feel the need to insert himself between DBP and Mikey? If he's the godfather, then it would be a really play suboptimal to throw away any potential town cred just for a shot at saving DBP.

DaBackpack 05-1-2020 12:32 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by flashflash account (Post 4728549)


No it's fine. It's a gamble but my point is that there are literally zero unclaimed PRs left.

If MML and I coordinated a fakeclaim it makes sense to do MM or AA. BBB fakeclaim is extremely dangerous because of the serial killer issue.

flashflash account 05-1-2020 12:32 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread
What's the setup right now? VCCCxTT?

so dbp's logic is that if there's one more 1x role I can't be the cop
as you can see, there's room for one more 1x role
he's just trying to out it before he dies

leetic 05-1-2020 12:32 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by flashflash account (Post 4728550)
...I knew he wasn't the roleblocker
which, given he's the godfather, still makes sense

My point is, you suggest that DBP and MML came up with this play today in a chance to save them. However, MML saying that he roleblocked you in D2 seems to suggest that this plan would have had to have started in D2.

leetic 05-1-2020 12:33 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread
Hakulyte is here, if you are a PR, now is the time to claim it

DaBackpack 05-1-2020 12:34 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread
For example, Mikey's fakeclaim adds C (from leetic) to CCC, which is him only adding 2 letters.

Fakeclaiming 2 letters is the safest route. Faking an odd number of letters is extremely dangerous. You can run the numbers yourself.

I'm pretty sure we are running BBBVCTT.

flashflash account 05-1-2020 12:34 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by leetic (Post 4728554)
My point is, you suggest that DBP and MML came up with this play today in a chance to save them. However, MML saying that he roleblocked you in D2 seems to suggest that this plan would have had to have started in D2.

no, it means they decide to retroactively stick with roleblocker claims to look credible

unfortunately, MML's behavior today was not very credible

flashflash account 05-1-2020 12:35 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by leetic (Post 4728555)
Hakulyte is here, if you are a PR, now is the time to claim it

no, this does nothing



DaBackpack 05-1-2020 12:35 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by flashflash account (Post 4728557)
no, it means they decide to retroactively stick with roleblocker claims to look credible

unfortunately, MML's behavior today was not very credible

this same logic LITERALLY applies to you

flashflash account 05-1-2020 12:36 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread
I'm gonna go play vidya gaems with friends

under no circumstances does the last PR claiming here change anything

do not do that

flashflash account 05-1-2020 12:37 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by DaBackpack (Post 4728559)
this same logic LITERALLY applies to you

that's fine, it's a dichotomy
I didn't "forget" that I green checked MML

Hakulyte 05-1-2020 12:37 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread
[Haku is thinking]

leetic 05-1-2020 12:39 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread
This whole thing makes my head hurt. So either:

One of the wolves just decided to claim cop to push through a lynch, when it wasn't even at LyLo, and when wolves clearly had the advantage so there was no real haste to push things through. (MML and DBP's version)

One of the wolves, who would have had a potential green check clear, decided it would be a good idea to try and discredit the town cop by making a claim, which oddly was able to line up with a previous post, and even if they succeeded the lynch would clearly incriminate two wolves when only one needed to go down. (Mikey's version)

I don't know man

DaBackpack 05-1-2020 12:39 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by flashflash account (Post 4728560)
I'm gonna go play vidya gaems with friends

under no circumstances does the last PR claiming here change anything

do not do that

Ok, you don't have to claim if you're a PR, I'm pretty sure there aren't any left anyway

But my point about 3 letters vs 2 letters stands. Fakeclaiming cop is way easier than fakeclaiming two fucking roleblockers

Hakulyte 05-1-2020 12:41 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by leetic (Post 4728563)
This whole thing makes my head hurt. So either:

One of the wolves just decided to claim cop to push through a lynch, when it wasn't even at LyLo, and when wolves clearly had the advantage so there was no real haste to push things through. (MML and DBP's version)

One of the wolves, who would have had a potential green check clear, decided it would be a good idea to try and discredit the town cop by making a claim, which oddly was able to line up with a previous post, and even if they succeeded the lynch would clearly incriminate two wolves when only one needed to go down. (Mikey's version)

I don't know man

I feel like if MML was a wolf, FFA would have died in the night.

This is a really weird wolf night actions.

leetic 05-1-2020 12:41 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread
Like, I just took my physics final exam and this is way more complicated than any of the stuff that was in my exam

Hakulyte 05-1-2020 12:44 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread
Mech info seems to point to lynching FFA here because it would solve both MML/DBP.

leetic 05-1-2020 12:44 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread
Like, the only reason that MML would out himself like that was for a better chance to take down Mikey, but couldn't they just shoot him in the night? They're probably not worried about an angel, so what gives?

DaBackpack 05-1-2020 12:44 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by leetic (Post 4728563)
This whole thing makes my head hurt. So either:

One of the wolves just decided to claim cop to push through a lynch, when it wasn't even at LyLo, and when wolves clearly had the advantage so there was no real haste to push things through. (MML and DBP's version)

One of the wolves, who would have had a potential green check clear, decided it would be a good idea to try and discredit the town cop by making a claim, which oddly was able to line up with a previous post, and even if they succeeded the lynch would clearly incriminate two wolves when only one needed to go down. (Mikey's version)

I don't know man

Because he's fucking protecting jessiebessie

Bolth mannn 05-1-2020 12:45 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread
What the actual fuck has happened

leetic 05-1-2020 12:45 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by Hakulyte (Post 4728567)
Mech info seems to point to lynching FFA here because it would solve both MML/DBP.

I'm not sure I like this interjection, lynching any of these will solve the rest

Hakulyte 05-1-2020 12:45 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by DaBackpack (Post 4728569)
Because he's fucking protecting jessiebessie

I missed that chapter. I also wish jessie didn't magically vanish again.

MixMasterLar 05-1-2020 12:45 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread
Look man I know there's no reasonto but stock in a guy who a second ago was calling people stupid bit cant remember his night actions but in my defense

If you think forgetting things is unbelievable, then turning around and saying that wolfLar and wolfDBP both claiming roleblocker in a situation where WolfLar could have just let wolfDBP claim and stayed out of it, or even just claimed instead of his partner if he wanted to use the hypo credit just seems like wolfLar had been on the hardest of drugs.

Also I thought Mikey wanted a massclaim?

leetic 05-1-2020 12:45 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by DaBackpack (Post 4728569)
Because he's fucking protecting jessiebessie

But why would they put an active wolf at risk to save an inactive one?

Bolth mannn 05-1-2020 12:46 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by Hakulyte (Post 4728567)
Mech info seems to point to lynching FFA here because it would solve both MML/DBP.

This is currently where my heads at..

MML seems genuine but also how the fuck do you forget that????

Bolth mannn 05-1-2020 12:47 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by leetic (Post 4728574)
But why would they put an active wolf at risk to save an inactive one?

Maybe a more important wolf role?

leetic 05-1-2020 12:47 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by Bolth mannn (Post 4728576)
Maybe a more important wolf role?

What wolf role would be important enough to justify sacrificing Mikey?

DaBackpack 05-1-2020 12:47 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by leetic (Post 4728574)
But why would they put an active wolf at risk to save an inactive one?

because jessie's power is stronger than his

if she's inactive she'll just get replaced, that's it

I wrote a whole post of reasons why he would do this yesterday

MixMasterLar 05-1-2020 12:48 AM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread
It's extremely funny that he wanted a massclaim and now that hes so close to getting it he wants people to stay mum

I guess he didnt push it after he hardclaimed tho, huh?

Anyway if you guys lynch me you still get to put me on blast in post I aint gonna pretend this isn't on me

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