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MixMasterLar 04-24-2020 10:15 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by DaBackpack (Post 4726372)
I don't know what you want me to do for you right now

stand up for you?

No no no I will never ever need someone to stand up for me in this game.

I'm just popping off raw thoughts that are (perhaps unfairly) directed at you

Funnygurl555 04-24-2020 10:18 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread
ok y'all started talking

MixMasterLar 04-24-2020 10:20 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by Funnygurl555 (Post 4726375)
ok y'all started talking

Those last through the door are expected to effort poat first btw

I have great expectations of you

Funnygurl555 04-24-2020 10:21 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by DaBackpack (Post 4726250)

this whole fucking time I thought this was Xelnya

literally didn't notice it until somebody quoted you and I thought "huh, I must have missed this xiz post"

dbp are you doing okay?

your tone is more acerbic than i'm used to

Funnygurl555 04-24-2020 10:24 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by leetic (Post 4726283)
276 just doesn't look good to me. I don't see a town getting all riled up for that reason and it seems like someone trying to fake an emotional reaction.

welcome to mml

Funnygurl555 04-24-2020 10:25 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by MixMasterLar (Post 4726376)
Those last through the door are expected to effort poat first btw

I have great expectations of you

you'll be sorely disappointed lmaoooo

DaBackpack 04-24-2020 10:25 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread
I was gonna wait for Xiz to come back but I'll just elaborate on this now

Xiz is in the low-poster pool obviously, but this post gave me extra reason to suspect him:


Originally Posted by Xiz (Post 4726125)
I see what you are saying, but this is still a huge mistake.

Killing town and misslynching is better then getting no new information. Always. Otherwise we only get new information from wolves (or in this game, potentially a SK)

no-lynching is only good if its not final 4, final 6, etc. End of story.

namely his hint of the SK

Normally I wouldn't raise an eyebrow about this, the SK might be part of the game, but there are a few red flags here in particular

His response is in terms of "getting information from the game". He asserts that mislynching is better than no-lynching, which is certainly true, even if the mislynch information is from an inactive. But then he says "we ONLY get new information from wolves" which is technically not true because of Power Roles, but ok I can see why you might say that in shorthand. But THEN he tacks on the SK as a source of information which is... not the logical next step there.

It's unnatural to stick the SK there and not, like, any other mention of PRs... even if you were thinking of nightkills, then surely there's the Vigi too. Unless something specific is in your consciousness as you type.

Add on top of this the fact that this is his only substantive post (out of four posts total), and that to the best of my knowledge, this is the first time anybody has mentioned the Serial Killer. Somebody's got Serial Killer on the mind. IMO that is wolf-aligned.

DaBackpack 04-24-2020 10:27 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by Funnygurl555 (Post 4726377)
dbp are you doing okay?

your tone is more acerbic than i'm used to

I was mad that I had to undo my reads because of a misreading, "unlearning" cognitive bias is hard, luckily Xiz only has four of those posts though

Funnygurl555 04-24-2020 10:27 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by MixMasterLar (Post 4726316)
Out of curiosity what doea mine sound like?

what do i sound like??????

Funnygurl555 04-24-2020 10:28 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by DaBackpack (Post 4726381)
I was mad that I had to undo my reads because of a misreading, "unlearning" cognitive bias is hard, luckily Xiz only has four of those posts though

fair. i don't remember a single thing xiz has posted so

Ulleabhara 04-24-2020 10:28 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread
Hey leetic

Is there a reason you ignored both of my questions?

Is there a reason why you've kept your vote on MML and (despite getting support from FFA) have started badgering DaBackpack instead of trying to convince people and build momentum?

MixMasterLar 04-24-2020 10:29 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by DaBackpack (Post 4726380)
I was gonna wait for Xiz to come back but I'll just elaborate on this now

Xiz is in the low-poster pool obviously, but this post gave me extra reason to suspect him:

namely his hint of the SK

Normally I wouldn't raise an eyebrow about this, the SK might be part of the game, but there are a few red flags here in particular

His response is in terms of "getting information from the game". He asserts that mislynching is better than no-lynching, which is certainly true, even if the mislynch information is from an inactive. But then he says "we ONLY get new information from wolves" which is technically not true because of Power Roles, but ok I can see why you might say that in shorthand. But THEN he tacks on the SK as a source of information which is... not the logical next step there.

It's unnatural to stick the SK there and not, like, any other mention of PRs... even if you were thinking of nightkills, then surely there's the Vigi too. Unless something specific is in your consciousness as you type.

Add on top of this the fact that this is his only substantive post (out of four posts total), and that to the best of my knowledge, this is the first time anybody has mentioned the Serial Killer. Somebody's got Serial Killer on the mind. IMO that is wolf-aligned.

Didn't catch this at the time

Worth having Xiz answer for.

flashflash account 04-24-2020 10:30 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread
that makes sense

MixMasterLar 04-24-2020 10:30 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread
ii pocketing me hard

DaBackpack 04-24-2020 10:31 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by DaBackpack (Post 4726380)
I was gonna wait for Xiz to come back but I'll just elaborate on this now

Xiz is in the low-poster pool obviously, but this post gave me extra reason to suspect him:

namely his hint of the SK

Normally I wouldn't raise an eyebrow about this, the SK might be part of the game, but there are a few red flags here in particular

His response is in terms of "getting information from the game". He asserts that mislynching is better than no-lynching, which is certainly true, even if the mislynch information is from an inactive. But then he says "we ONLY get new information from wolves" which is technically not true because of Power Roles, but ok I can see why you might say that in shorthand. But THEN he tacks on the SK as a source of information which is... not the logical next step there.

It's unnatural to stick the SK there and not, like, any other mention of PRs... even if you were thinking of nightkills, then surely there's the Vigi too. Unless something specific is in your consciousness as you type.

Add on top of this the fact that this is his only substantive post (out of four posts total), and that to the best of my knowledge, this is the first time anybody has mentioned the Serial Killer. Somebody's got Serial Killer on the mind. IMO that is wolf-aligned.

To be precise, the question is about "getting information about player alignment." If you mention lynches and wolf kills, those are usually the default things we would jump to as information sources. But then you add Serial Killer. You can then say "OK Serial Killer gives a night kill too", but then so does Vigilante. It doesn't feel natural to add SK and NOT any other PRs.

flashflash account 04-24-2020 10:33 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread
could dbp be town

Ulleabhara 04-24-2020 10:34 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by flashflash account (Post 4726389)
could dbp be town

I think so!

MixMasterLar 04-24-2020 10:34 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread
Ok i know i typed Uli
Not sure what word autocorrect was reaching for but considering as much as I've mistyped and warped the feature it doesn't surprise me


I'm stepping away from the game for a few hours. Wanna see Uli push more and wanna see Leetic address the questions and posts aimed at him.

And morw from you Funny

Dont quote people, make jokes and then dip, it wouldnt be nice to talk me into a game and then not give it your all. We gotta have you drop serious insights.

DaBackpack 04-24-2020 10:35 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread
In general it's really dangerous to reason about other players' states of mind on something like this, which is why I find it important that Xiz come back and have something specific to respond to so that we can directly engage with him

I know he's playing FF14, which is gonna take some time from him, but I'm hoping that any kind of further interaction will at least steer us in the right direction

Funnygurl555 04-24-2020 10:36 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by DaBackpack (Post 4726380)
I was gonna wait for Xiz to come back but I'll just elaborate on this now

Xiz is in the low-poster pool obviously, but this post gave me extra reason to suspect him:

namely his hint of the SK

Normally I wouldn't raise an eyebrow about this, the SK might be part of the game, but there are a few red flags here in particular

His response is in terms of "getting information from the game". He asserts that mislynching is better than no-lynching, which is certainly true, even if the mislynch information is from an inactive. But then he says "we ONLY get new information from wolves" which is technically not true because of Power Roles, but ok I can see why you might say that in shorthand. But THEN he tacks on the SK as a source of information which is... not the logical next step there.

It's unnatural to stick the SK there and not, like, any other mention of PRs... even if you were thinking of nightkills, then surely there's the Vigi too. Unless something specific is in your consciousness as you type.

Add on top of this the fact that this is his only substantive post (out of four posts total), and that to the best of my knowledge, this is the first time anybody has mentioned the Serial Killer. Somebody's got Serial Killer on the mind. IMO that is wolf-aligned.

ok yeah that pings me now tbh. the wording like you said is off

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