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fatfuck42 05-6-2020 03:23 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread
Do dusk and dap know each other? As in, do they have a history of playing TWG together, or are they friendly outside of TWG?

Hakulyte 05-6-2020 03:33 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread
I thought Duskfall/DBP were W/T, but I had Duskfall paired with MML in that context.

The problem is that MML flipped town and the setup doesn't work without DBP being a wolf.

It would assume the game has a SK and there's been no trace of them up to now.

Hakulyte 05-6-2020 03:37 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread
Basically, Duskfall/DBP thunderdome each others last phase and town decided to lynch outside of that which ended up on Jessie.

Jessie's flip + MML's flip outed DBP.

Hakulyte 05-6-2020 03:38 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread
So, I guess this game is going toward DBP -> no lynch(F4) -> F3.

Hakulyte 05-6-2020 03:45 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by fatfuck42 (Post 4730072)
How have MML, leetic, and shado read haku throughout the game? And how has haku read dusk and dap?

I think everyone town read me during like 95% of the game and the 5% being probably me creeping them out with hypothetical theories involving them.

..or I have bad memory.

Hakulyte 05-6-2020 03:49 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread
It's interesting to note that no kill really did happen 2 nights ago.

I can see the thematic on trying to go for that.

Pretty cool stuff.

Hakulyte 05-6-2020 03:50 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread
So, I guess my main suspect is back to Bolth/Fatfuck42 over the interest on me with that.


ShadoWolfe 05-6-2020 04:24 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by fatfuck42 (Post 4730076)
Do dusk and dap know each other? As in, do they have a history of playing TWG together, or are they friendly outside of TWG?

Why do you ask?

They played together (on opposing teams iirc) in the Mafia World Champs on MU, which is frankly my biggest cause of tinfoil.
If you read last EoD with the assumption they're partners, then certain things (two specific posts I remember) make more sense than if they aren't. The reason I always tend to dismiss this though is that it's a huge stretch to believe that two power wolves threw away their shot at a game winning mislynch to stage a thunder dome during Mylo. What would the intent be? To clear dbp when dusk flipped? Way too risky. Unless they did it specifically knowing Jessie would flip and the flip would then clear dusk. But that flip was beyond their control, so it's really hard to believe in a world like that

Hakulyte 05-6-2020 04:29 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by ShadoWolfe (Post 4730087)
Why do you ask?

They played together (on opposing teams iirc) in the Mafia World Champs on MU, which is frankly my biggest cause of tinfoil.
If you read last EoD with the assumption they're partners, then certain things (two specific posts I remember) make more sense than if they aren't. The reason I always tend to dismiss this though is that it's a huge stretch to believe that two power wolves threw away their shot at a game winning mislynch to stage a thunder dome during Mylo. What would the intent be? To clear dbp when dusk flipped? Way too risky. Unless they did it specifically knowing Jessie would flip and the flip would then clear dusk. But that flip was beyond their control, so it's really hard to believe in a world like that

It makes sense if the goal is MML's block on me + the no kill.

ShadoWolfe 05-6-2020 04:39 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by Hakulyte (Post 4730088)
It makes sense if the goal is MML's block on me + the no kill.

That happened the previous phase. How would it be their goal of thunder doming yesterday?

Hakulyte 05-6-2020 04:43 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread
I guess Dusk being the hammer in a Dusk/Jessie wagon is super awkward for hypothesizing about Dusk being W.

Hakulyte 05-6-2020 04:47 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by Duskfall (Post 4729972)
Dbp's claim is impossible in a setup with mafia 1 shot roleblock

Also the whole scum team just outted voting me yesterday p sure

That's either the game or the plan to make town lose pmuch.

Hakulyte 05-6-2020 04:52 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread
I'm literally rereading the thread to check Duskfall's equity with DBP.

Hakulyte 05-6-2020 05:01 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by DaBackpack (Post 4726259)
duskfall is town

saying it now for the post-game


fatfuck42 05-6-2020 05:17 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by ShadoWolfe (Post 4730087)
Why do you ask?

They played together (on opposing teams iirc) in the Mafia World Champs on MU, which is frankly my biggest cause of tinfoil.
If you read last EoD with the assumption they're partners, then certain things (two specific posts I remember) make more sense than if they aren't. The reason I always tend to dismiss this though is that it's a huge stretch to believe that two power wolves threw away their shot at a game winning mislynch to stage a thunder dome during Mylo. What would the intent be? To clear dbp when dusk flipped? Way too risky. Unless they did it specifically knowing Jessie would flip and the flip would then clear dusk. But that flip was beyond their control, so it's really hard to believe in a world like that

I ask because a wolf vs wolf thunderdome is more likely to happen when it's two players who are friendly with each other and enthusiastic about the game. Dap is the type of player to pull off those sorts of stunts (like his fake save-a-partner CFD in the one champs game), but I wasn't sure if dusk is too.

Hakulyte 05-6-2020 05:21 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread
I feel like DBP would be the type of player to account for posterity and what happens next if something fails.

Bolth might just be too easy.

Hakulyte 05-6-2020 05:22 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by Duskfall (Post 4726510)
I think the towniest player is dbp followed by dusk followed by bolth


Hakulyte 05-6-2020 05:28 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by Xiz (Post 4726552)
I won’t be able to successfully explain it to you, especially if your mindset is “game halted until I figure out why xiz/uli/psycho all entered the thread by chance near the same time”

No offense to you but I just don’t care enough to defend against that argument, it’s so unimportant that it should never be a read, and I already know I can’t convince you otherwise so I’m not bothering.

That kinds of hurt to reread at this point while looking up for Dusk, but I guess it's partly my fault for not being more cooperative.

Hakulyte 05-6-2020 05:50 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by Hakulyte (Post 4726836)
Do I get Xiz lynched over him saying 3 letters when 1 shot vigi contains 1 number.

I apologize for the passive aggressive garbage post here.

I think it's my worst post all game and I was concerned about getting dunked over a chaos play.

Not really game relevant tho.

fatfuck42 05-6-2020 05:53 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread
I've tried to dissect yesterday's EOD, and ultimately dusk being the last wolf is the only option that makes sense.

MML and leetic started the jessie wagon, and at that point it was dap and bolth on jessie and dusk on dap. Then these happen:


Originally Posted by ShadoWolfe (Post 4729894)

@MML fingers crossed bud

MML and leetic are both on this, If you're town, come consolidate the wagon.


Originally Posted by Makilaz (Post 4729897)
Vote Count:
5/4 @ 19:00

00:59 = GOOD
00:00 = BAD


jessiebessie [3]
MixMasterLar, leetic, ShadoWolfe

Duskfall [2]
DaBackpack, Bolth mannn

DaBackpack [1]


Originally Posted by Hakulyte (Post 4729900)
Wait- no. That might work.


Unless wolf haku miscalculated here, I think this goes to show he's town. As a wolf, he would've put his partner at 4 with his vote. Jessie self pres's to make it 4v3, and dusk obviously isn't going to put himself into a KITB, so haku's pretty much hammering jessie at this point.

The only big brain play I could imagine is if haku knows either mml, leetic, or shado are sketched out by him to the point that him voting there would make them switch over to dusk, hence why I asked how others were reading him. But that doesn't seem to be the case.

Also, in my experience playing with haku, he seems like more of a no nonsense type of player, so I don't think he'd hammer a wolf partner when the victory was right there.

As for shado, he's the one who set the jessie wagon as the frontrunner, and I'm also reading his tone as pure. Him explaining his mindset to haku this phase, going through each step of his read on dap, both makes sense as well as sounds legit, as does his response to me about dusk. His mind seems to be more open to possibilities (entertaining the tinfoil, etc) compared to dusk, who responded to me today like everything was already set in stone and that's that on that. I think shado's approach is the townier one.

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