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-   -   TWG 188: MAD17, Who's Role Is It Anyway? [GAME THREAD] (http://www.flashflashrevolution.com/vbz/showthread.php?t=151148)

jessiebessie 08-9-2019 08:07 PM

Re: TWG 188: MAD17, Who's Role Is It Anyway? [GAME THREAD]
my vote for sunfan was a joke vote, so im gonna unvote right now while i decide who i actually want to vote up

Svaz 08-9-2019 08:08 PM

Re: TWG 188: MAD17, Who's Role Is It Anyway? [GAME THREAD]

Originally Posted by cloud wine (Post 4691746)
Do you fuck up regularly or just one bad experience?

Oh I fuck up every single day of my life, but there I'm specifically referring to last game, where I was in F4 and fell for the wolf's cloying words, who later revealed they left me alive because I was a guaranteed easy target to persuade (essentially)

Charu 08-9-2019 08:10 PM

Re: TWG 188: MAD17, Who's Role Is It Anyway? [GAME THREAD]
the sun fan






Antori 08-9-2019 08:17 PM

Re: TWG 188: MAD17, Who's Role Is It Anyway? [GAME THREAD]

Originally Posted by the sun fan (Post 4691785)
antori's reads list giving me serial killer vibes from the last time he wasn't town

but there's enough content in it for me to let him live through the day regardless

i dont like this read o

_Zenith_ 08-9-2019 08:21 PM

Re: TWG 188: MAD17, Who's Role Is It Anyway? [GAME THREAD]

Originally Posted by the sun fan (Post 4691821)
never played with enquist
very limited experience with duskfall; I wouldn't even really count the game we played together for very much

very limited meta on Dragonmega, Antori, svaz, hateandhatred and jessiebessie, though I think I have a good read on svaz despite not playing too many games with her

everyone else I should be able to meta-read at least a little bit

Noted, thanks friend!

Antori 08-9-2019 08:24 PM

Re: TWG 188: MAD17, Who's Role Is It Anyway? [GAME THREAD]

Originally Posted by Xiz (Post 4691804)
The pic can be found below

But it's cropped so i don't get banned. I can send the full link if you want in post game so you all can make your own opinions.

Antori 08-9-2019 08:26 PM

Re: TWG 188: MAD17, Who's Role Is It Anyway? [GAME THREAD]

Originally Posted by _Zenith_ (Post 4691807)
Antori's list seems forced to get content and it doesn't even offer a good data point because some of the reasoning is "x, happened but you were all present for it". I don't like it, and I can't metaread anything because it's the first time playing with not only this person but several others.

i'll agree it's a tiny bit forced i wouldn't of made it if i could but people need reads list so i had to drop what i had

Antori 08-9-2019 08:31 PM

Re: TWG 188: MAD17, Who's Role Is It Anyway? [GAME THREAD]

Originally Posted by Hateandhatred (Post 4691823)
Same here, there better be deaths tonight or else things are gonna get slow


MixMasterLar 08-9-2019 08:32 PM

Re: TWG 188: MAD17, Who's Role Is It Anyway? [GAME THREAD]

Originally Posted by Svaz (Post 4691735)
Hey guys can we try not to be this hostile to people on their first game? Asking for a friend

I'm not voting them for bad play/newbie stuff I'm voting them for clearing being able to make thread deciding to not play.

Everyone had at least 24 hours head start that the game was going to begin (in some of our cases, it was weeks after we signed up) what is the justification for not being ready to play? I get someone can be new and make bad plays but that's at least doing something.


Originally Posted by cloud wine (Post 4691748)
Do you think mml is feigning activity more than the people who aren't posting content?

I already like you


Originally Posted by roundbox (Post 4691763)

I'm envisioning the future of TWG: a utopia/dystopia where nobody is the lowest poster or fucks up on Day0


the double vote on enquisite is raising my eyebrows considering its their first game
seems like easy pickings

1 - God I wish. Might happen if FFR stops enabling people.

2 - probably not what's happening.


Originally Posted by Funnygurl555 (Post 4691772)
what is this even trying to say

Exactly what you think it is saying

That your reasoning came after the vote.
I doubt I would have gotten any explanation had I not been there to say anything about it


Originally Posted by jessiebessie (Post 4691822)

i am trying to develop reads on people, but it's always rough for me in the first day phase. there's too much non-game related conversation lol.

one thing that did stand out to me was your choice of voting for mml. idk about mml yet, [b]but your justification for the vote seemed like you were genuinely trying to solve the game and gave me town vibes.[b]

Jessie, ya gonna have to explain how voting the guy who was trying to avoid town's less favorable EoD scenario with no explanation given at vote is solving the game

Pro tip: you can't.

And her reasoning after the fact included feigning activity which is a bit of a hoot because not only did I ask every in thread a question that everyone is ignoring anyway (but please I'm feigning activity) but I actually placed a pressure vote which is the very definition of doing shit.

But her voting me with that reason is her trying to solve the game ?

You're wrong

MixMasterLar 08-9-2019 08:36 PM

Re: TWG 188: MAD17, Who's Role Is It Anyway? [GAME THREAD]
[Tgwv]unvote [/twgv]

Enquisit is probably not best lynch at the moment

MixMasterLar 08-9-2019 08:37 PM

Re: TWG 188: MAD17, Who's Role Is It Anyway? [GAME THREAD]


_Zenith_ 08-9-2019 08:38 PM

Re: TWG 188: MAD17, Who's Role Is It Anyway? [GAME THREAD]

Originally Posted by Antori (Post 4691834)
i'll agree it's a tiny bit forced i wouldn't of made it if i could but people need reads list so i had to drop what i had

I do not like this response.

Antori 08-9-2019 08:39 PM

Re: TWG 188: MAD17, Who's Role Is It Anyway? [GAME THREAD]

Originally Posted by _Zenith_ (Post 4691840)
I do not like this response.

i am a very self conscious guys

Antori 08-9-2019 08:40 PM

Re: TWG 188: MAD17, Who's Role Is It Anyway? [GAME THREAD]
guy* also i am very bad at speaking human language

Xelicopter 08-9-2019 08:41 PM

Re: TWG 188: MAD17, Who's Role Is It Anyway? [GAME THREAD]

Originally Posted by Antori (Post 4691776)
so far most gut feelings i got are that i wanna lynch xelicopter
-my reads on xelnya are 99% of the time wrong but it's something to go off, but i get the feeling that he's more active than usual and that's to hide something, could also be that they're just enjoying the roleplay but it's also the first time i see him roleplay like this, there's just something weird in it
-i'm getting hints of town MML play with his posts and his decision to vote inactives even though i disagree with it it's still something a town mml would do in my head
-the sun fan is doing usual the sun fan stuff by being good player that points out important stuff and votes people i dont suspect at all and somehow turns out to be correct always
-i didn't get much from the other players, psychoangel's wolfin post seemed fine to me i didn't i didn't think much of the jessie and sunfan interaction and i'm down to vote jessie or not doesn't change much in my book
-i dont know how to read shadowgod i admit that much so i'll not think of it until he becomes a main wagon cause otherwise i would just probably be flipping a coin behind the scenes lol
-zenith is a pink lion um yeah next person
-cloud wine is doing stuff, it's good i guess i can't tell it's my first game with him so i'm not happy with lynching him since i'm still trying to solve him
-funny is acting abit proactive and it's nice to see wouldn't lynch but it's someone i'll keep an eye out for, maby im just thinking too much into it
-i dont know how to read roundbox i'm sorry dont hate me most stuff they do just goes past me as normal except for his votes and we haven't had any votes on his side yet
-i like how relaxed dabackpack was for d0 it makes me wanna relax aswell so when i was going through thread i didn't read into him alot i'm just happy he's not reading into me instead
-i hope other players dont get nuked

wolf read(i'm not taking these simple reads seriously(but maby i am(but maby not(nobody knows))))



MixMasterLar 08-9-2019 08:41 PM

Re: TWG 188: MAD17, Who's Role Is It Anyway? [GAME THREAD]

Originally Posted by _Zenith_ (Post 4691840)
I do not like this response.

I don't either but to be fair it's a response he could make as town

English is like his third language, he lives in Morocco and I think he legit doesn't see the word "forced" in the same light as we would.

Not defending his reads or anything just stated that I can see that response coming from town Antori

Funnygurl555 08-9-2019 08:49 PM

Re: TWG 188: MAD17, Who's Role Is It Anyway? [GAME THREAD]

Originally Posted by jessiebessie (Post 4691822)

i am trying to develop reads on people, but it's always rough for me in the first day phase. there's too much non-game related conversation lol.

one thing that did stand out to me was your choice of voting for mml. idk about mml yet, but your justification for the vote seemed like you were genuinely trying to solve the game and gave me town vibes.

wanna vote for mml with me

think there's something there

Hateandhatred 08-9-2019 08:50 PM

Re: TWG 188: MAD17, Who's Role Is It Anyway? [GAME THREAD]


vote me for this idk

Funnygurl555 08-9-2019 08:50 PM

Re: TWG 188: MAD17, Who's Role Is It Anyway? [GAME THREAD]
"oh no you provided your reasoning after you voted it's not like that's a legitimate tactic in twg or anything"


Funnygurl555 08-9-2019 08:53 PM

Re: TWG 188: MAD17, Who's Role Is It Anyway? [GAME THREAD]
there's a noticeable lack of dbp in thread

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