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Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
Stopping there.
Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
I buy your claim, only thing that concerns me is that usually bus driver (which is what you've described) is a scum role, but that's not too important I don't think |
Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
Phone posting for today and tomorrow, and will be more inactive because as well. ill be able to give my full attention on Monday though.
Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
I'd like to talk about tokzic. He seems to fit that inactive thing you're going for with only 23 posts., and more importantly I'd like to talk about his vote on me. Ifor you read back to it, it actually feels quite forced. He just "has a strong gut read" on how woofy I'm being. I can see this being a world where he rolled lyncher and me the lynched, or even simply him being a woof and trying to fake reads on people like me. But even so as he has this strong read on me in the end he goes and votes for xel. He jumps on that wagon for seemingly no reason despite his read on me. |
Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
hi i'm here
my computer came back to me so i can actually play! they didn't fix anything though so i am kinda susp of it still reading now also: hos |
Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
However I do think it's a bit odd that you would mention this but preface with saying "before EOD incase I die" because it's quite early into d1. |
Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
Do you have reasons to believe AA is really town over being a third party? (If targeted by wolves) |
Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
up to post #214 have to get laundry
omg there's actually some good shitposting here #43 this is the first post where i'm like "what even is this post" though, because you know there's like...a player list #103-#110 not sure if i get the people jumping on MML for his commentary on the vote, but at least AA wanted to talk to him about his townread like if you're townreading the dude then of course people voting your townread is gonna make you worry idgi arbys #136 yer gonna be in a great mood all day because yer gonna be slappin yer DICKs away with the SlapChop(tm) #149 lol i know it's spoilered but did you really feel the need to respond to all the thread shitposting and like none of the content? and that's your catch-up? #182 & #192 see i just get the impression that shitposting isn't in AA's veins like it apparently is in many of ours, and MML's apparent townread was worth questioning as well like yoshl's vote in #195-#198 #209 then in this follow-up from andy he gives yoshl a townread purely for his aggression? but i do like that he was able to come down from his claim and be like "sorry i did a bad" instead of pushing the bad thing further #214 is also good from yoshl for keeping pressure |
Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
skim skim
hakulyte is doing actual thinking about the setup, which i really like agree with aas sentiments that bus driver is usually a sc role, but with the caveat of not being able to talk is lol aa has been mentioning lyncher quite often, which leads me to believe that he possibly has a target, but in the form of a character name? just speculating on mechanics. i dont think though that given his play so far, hes like, antitown third party, or even a wolf targetted by somwone with kp. he looks super clear, but please remember to reevaluate constantly as the need arises probably super jumbled cause i just got up lol |
Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
also kinda surprised that V keeps popping in and out without saying anything, idk what to think
Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
Eh, I can believe this, I suppose. Mainly because I don't expect Pazz to have studied enough roles to know about busdriver, or about post limitations on players. I don't think you should've outted the names of the people you switched, but alright. |
Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
Idk, back to reading I guess |
Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
up to post #489
#218 uhh why are you defending andy quite this hard, he seems to be capable of posting for himself and he's getting game tips from yoshl so? i think it's the dfr in you #221 & #222 i know you're dead but...lol #223 you may want to google a term called "wine in front of me" (and AA says as much in #247 ok) #230 i'm inclined to disagree on your dfr thought here from that one time recently when he didn't self pres like at all as town, and this post you're quoting in particular feels like it has the same kind of emotion driving it, but that's meta #234 charu with the occam's razor, though i get the feeling by yoshl moving his vote that he actually agrees with you here. #243 if it's andy's first time playing ever i doubt he has meta on you *shrug* charu mindmeld on dfr emotion talk basically #253 i actually don't remember huge MML thread presence by this point lol. as he posts more when the game gets serious he tends to reveal towniness imo #260 okay bwuh dfr's dragging this out quite a bit. i don't see dfr/andy as w/w unless there's like a full team of lolwolves who just don't even #262 but like all of town would have to potato for that to happen posts are getting samey/treading old ground around here, meh #269 lmfao, another victim of not reading the player list unless he means dfr #287 you know at this point i don't think xel shitposting is alignment indicative anymore. zenith read him wolf in twgabout for not shitposting as much (and he was), sunfan read him wolf in the turbo i hosted for being exceedingly normal (and he was), but thing is i thought he did a reasonable amount of shitposting in twgabout? so shitposting is probably a spectrum for him #301 gold stinger wants the ~DeTaiLz~. don't really like the zenith part because it's a strat to not spill all right away, so you could ask him to explain himself, but him not having reasoning for liking yoshl there right away isn't a bad thing by itself. could be more inquisitive and insightful and lol, so again given yoshl seemingly backing off and even having said something to that effect by this point, i would think he agrees with you on andy just without saying it. question to yshl on dfr is a good look though #306 like this vote, storn pretty much slacking even though present #307 oh gee MML and yoshl bumping heads again, that's never happened in a game ever. like this post less for its content but more because tone sounds like town MML #312 YUP lmfao it's twgabout all over again #320 oh ok maybe i'm misunderstanding yoshl's stance then after all if he has to make this post OOC the sheer amount of double posts yoshl has gotten in this game is pretty much wow #331 it's easy to be upset about MML's posts. cf. yoshl's posts. #350 perhaps it's a liiiiiiiiittle early to speculate on the setup but yeah that huge warning about character names being in the rules means it's not a slip #357 well this is a first for me, seeing a player point out where they shitposted. maybe it's just charu fishing for ~reactions~ but MML's not been remarkably stoic outside of the match of the century good hot #378 so this is an interesting point actually because charu had previously posted that he likes yoshl's prodding/aggression just not necessarily the directions it was going in. flipping back on that? i mean i know charu's flipped now but good thing to notice from MML ... oh but #383 kind of undoes this lol #397 lol i feel like this utter disgust is a recently developed thing from zenith #399 the :/est of takes #405 you know i know shado aggros a good bit but this time it's on a target that people don't really have townreads on, so not really tempted to award him any town points for it. #408-#410 but then after aryxi snap retorts in a way similar to how i did in the W15 it gets a way different response. it's a big difference here because shado was way tilted in that game but this interplay right here comes off as very strange. think there's at least one scum here and based on before i'd favor aryxi for that (and yeah i see he's out now but it's not like his slot changed alignments) #413 storn a bit bent out of shape by a single scum read? #416 okay what. has xel been arby'sposting literally just to escape a postcount poe... not sure how to feel about him dropping the gimmick but i also think having it is nai so switching to seriousposting probably isn't a huge deal it's just the stated reason is some garbage and there's enough people in this game who know better #421 interesting that MML wasn't setting you off but maybe you're inured to it by now after several games with him? #437 also prefer this to AA's reasoning. was it metanet where they wanted to purge the site of Zero Posting Accounts (ZPAs)? if they don't exist already then not likely they will later #442 part of me is just happy gold stinger has a pulse up to now, and i liked a good bit of that post lot of inactivity talk that comes off as rather airy to me #465 kind of sympathetic to zenith's emotion when i have to catch up like this but i'm also glad he seems to get more in gear here #474 well i would think this has to be taking into account aryxi's posts at the top of the page, no? not that those did much for me either, but they exist and i haven't seen AA interact with those up to now #480 twtbaw tbh but he was pretty wolfy before. yeah basically #488 is how i feel okay yeah then freezin happens, so next post will start at #489 |
Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
Pazz, I get where you were coming from in using it to investigate towns, but it's more effective if you choose the one town player you think is most likely to die, and then your top scum. If it lands, you'd have a cleared town and a dead scum. It is what it is, though. |
Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
Also holy shitballs batmaninD
Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
I don't know that there's a lot to "grill" you on right now, I don't think you've done that much since you were originally pressured by yoshl. what concerns me (and this is a selfish read) is that normally I think you project town pretty easily as town, and I haven't felt that this game Quote:
Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
#405 I'm fine with you not awarding me townpoints, but note that nobody had any reads on aryxi at all at that point. I was the first (potentially excluding YoshL's question that ninja'd me) to push on him. #408-410 how did he "snap retort" even slightly similarly to you? He said he was tired and that the game and promised a full explanation for all the points I brought up, and apologized for keeping me waiting while noting that this game requires energy he didn't have. He then later disappeared after that interaction and eventually replaced out. In the game you're referencing, your response was to insult me in three back to back posts, ending with "your reads are always shit so good to see nothing's changed". I'm sorry, but I don't see the similarity here with Aryxi at all, so of course it got a very different response. |
Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
aryxi posted about being mislynched again almost right away, which i still think is similar sentiment-wise, just obviously not nearly as high emotion or ad hominem |
Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
For now, we can assume AA is not part of the scum team (based Pazzaz). If we find there are two scum teams then we need to throw this out of the window.
After sleeping on it, MML is probably town? |
Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
Forgot to tokzic
Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
lets see how well this thing is working...
Vote Count
Votes from post 1102 to post 1231
Night in 31:30:50 ---
Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
Where is everybody? So many people with single digit posts this phase
Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
I feel like a lot of my posts lately are activity related but
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Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
I think Pazzaz, ind get some passes considering one replaced and the other "couldn't speak d0". I would definitely like Precarious to say something since he's said he would, and Aryxi too. I'd also like to see Tokzic's response to what storn has to say because I had a similar feeling when he "strongly gutread" him but still decided to vote Xel anyway d0 Anyone have a V summoning ritual? |
Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
Zenith's string of posts pg 60 are promising for activity. Still a bit defensive about his d0 which is nothing surprising at this point. But if you're gonna call out fluff posts, maybe don't post your own fluff posts.
It seems merely observational and not analytical. I'd like some thoughts from him about the Pazzaz development when he comes back. |
Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
ok i wanna make it to at least page 10 before i have to go
k i'm just glazing over the posts now so i'm gonna stop for now, just not too much struck me as i went through the first part of page 11 but also beverage |
Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
And it isn't like he cleared my top scum. I don't see a reason not to take him at his word. Quote:
Which I want to point out, is garbage btw. I buy you're probably town but you should have been reading the thread and you should have been keeping up with your own list. I'm thankful for clearing a town that most of us cleared already but unless you seriously thought Charu was scum there was work you could have accomplished to have made this situation better. Quote:
I have too many scumleans to feel that going after Tokzic right now is worth the effort, but I can't defend him by any means. Quote:
I want to disagree, I really really do want to believe he's drastically changing his meta after Turbo 7 and trying. But eh I just can't see it. Quote:
Funny this is coming from Storn though Quote:
I'll probably be in the thread on and off all night though. Quote:
So many people under the fucking hostwould rip about the anus of Commentrics so bad Quote:
2: Yeah AA pointed that out. As legit as that reasoning is, Freezin wasn't helping his case. |
Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
....alright then |
Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
also indheart the reason I'm the inactive enforcer this game is because I've realized (finally) that more often than not, wolves sit in the inactive players because it's difficult to be comfortable posting a lot as a wolf also if I look at the more active players, I don't have a solid scumlean on any of them I think MML/yoshl are pretty towny xel semi cleared himself with post 1092 or something, where he said to lynch him instead of freezing shadowolfe I *thought* was scummy, now I'm kind of null on him, wouldn't lynch today though and now is where it gets murky, dfr has not done anything this game that makes me townread him roundbox had his push on xel which seemed fine, if annoying because he took forever to make a concrete case, but I'm also not particularly townreading him storn/gs I actually have townleans on, storn moreso than gs then there's zenith/andy who are null, and the clusterfuck of inactives who I think have at least 2 scum I'm hesitant to meta juckter's slot off of inactivity because of wineandbread, and wnb's content has seemed ok to me. pazzaz I also believe, I think he's more likely town than not, but this read depends a lot on whether or not he follows through with the large post with thoughts that he promised and what it contains I'm not feeling good about precarious, V is null, I actually think haku is scummy (will have to go back and dig more), and I'd like to see more definitive conclusions from indheart when he manages to finish catching up so tldr the top actives seem towny-null for me (really just shado who is null), and the inactives are a lot of ???/scum which is why I KEEP pushing them but it's hard when nothing seems to gain traction |
Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
MML is your vote still on pazzaz? join me on dfr, he needs more pressure
Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
Onky notable thing from ISOing is that tokzic is weird as hell. Point is, I've got way too many town/nulls and almost no solid scumreads. Aside from Haku, who else are you scumleaning? |
Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
Where I stand right now.
A Ayase - Mentioned mutiple times he seems towny, pretty cleared by Paz Xel - That post from EoD, and the fact that his wagon started simply because Roundbox can't be bothered to do work before voting anyway, makes me feel good about him. He had a shit d0 but hoping that'll change this phase. Pazzaz - is probably telling the truth and following that logic he's town. - YoshL - Seems alright. We mindmelded for awhile and he makes solid points most of the time. His game got hella better this phase. Zenith is probably is town because he's always a little bitch when he's town. Glad to see he's at least considering solving the game. - Storn could really post more, but he isn't what I would consider an inactive. WiB Is just now coming back into the game. Keep posting, bub Precarious needs to make a comeback. Did he ever do a solid post? A reads list? Do I not remember them? Shadowolfe is always hard for me to read. He hasn't totally lost his shit at me this game which is nice, albeit out of chararcter for him. I could see him being scum but there isn't a strong reason to believe it right now. InDHeart is playing recap episode. I like this considering how far behind he was, but I want to see more before placing him - V needs to fucking post Gold Stinger needs to fucking post Tokzic needs to fucking post - Haku is probably a wolf, but the vacation story checks out so I am hesitant to paint him red. Andy's post still doesn't look right to me, guys. No one else sees it, so maybe he is horribly misplaced on this list. But he's awfully wise about some things and not about others, and that rubs me the wrong way. - Roundbox's only real contribution is starting a bullshit wagon on Xel, who as it turns out is probably town. Had he bounced back and tried something else he wouldn't be this far down, but that's it. In near 100 hours that is it. danceflashrevo Never made me feel better about him, I don't see alot of new post that strike me as good, and I agree with AA that he isn't projecting town like he normally does. I had him down here mid-d0 and he's still down here. |
Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
either wolves are hiding in inactives or you're a wolf having trouble picking scumleans but I think the latter is far less likely, although both is a possibility |
Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
I didn't have as many scumleans as I thought once I really tried to sort them lol. Well, Haku and the inactives I guess bring the number up.
Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
If I were a wolf I would be pushing someone. There's always bullshit to find and push on if that were the case. Instead, I'm stuck just halfheartedly rereading people while internally screaming at this game. |
Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
I would like to see you do a Haku post. Quote:
DFR you got two votes on you now. Better pick up the pace Quote:
....well anyway, ask and ye shall receive. Just posted my reads |
Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
Roundbox I'm pretty sure is town after ISOing him and comparing that to a reread of CLIX. He's doing exactly what he did there. |
Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
You're a woof! Whelp, I guess I'mma go back to tryna ISO YoshL and stop playing his stepfiles. |
Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
You can always just comment on my reads list first tho
Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
I feel like doing a gamble here.
Vendetta21 |
Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
AragakiAyase was discovered dead, with a single arrow lodged between their eyes.
AragakiAyase's Role PM is as follows: AragakiAyase, you are Rolf. You are a child who has joined the Greil Mercenaries as a budding Archer. Your inexperience often shows, both in camp as well as on the battlefield. You are too young to know much, and are vanilla town. Not included in initial PM: Rolf has a Loved Modifier. |
Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
awesome. so there's guns in this game? awesome. |
Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
Haku gambles too!
I'll put some effort into this day in a little bit. Been enjoying playing World of Warcraft too much. Not sure who to look at most closely though. Definitely need to see what cleared Xel for y'all. -o24 |
Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
You really don't sound like a first time newbie andy. Nice timing.
Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
![]() ^ Keeping this as reference for after the shot. |
Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
Really? The same could be said of you and Zenith, materializing out of nowhere moments before the kill came in. I wasn't sure of you before this, and I was hoping you'd post more because voting you just based on meta alone was weak, but I'm not waiting any longer. Hakulyte |
Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
I'm not gunsmith btw
Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
reevaluate, I'm the one who bring up AA as third party. That would be really dumb of me to shot him right here.
Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
In the middle of the day fucking what That's garbage. What a load of shitfuck What all possible roles could do this? I never played a game where that was a thing Quote:
What kind of gamble is voting an inactive anyway? Is the gamble that you're voting for your partner? Quote:
You got anything to say about our top town dying in the middle of the fucking day like that? Quote:
Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
I don't care about you moving tbh, I just care about tracking down that gunsmith shot.
Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
Guys I am legit triggered I didn't fucking expect a role that kills in the fucking daytime
Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
AA and Zenith found a tell about Aryxi that makes him highly likely to be town. I know his alignment because I'm replacing him.
I can confirm that he's right. I don't think he would go as far as creating fake town tells. That doesn't make him confirmed, but that makes him as the top of my town leans. |
Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
Mafiawiki is down what is a Love Modifier?
Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
Mechanically, this could either be a gunsmith-type role that gunned the wrong person last night, a town-aligned vigilante day-kill variant(I believe there's a day-kill variant of Vigi, but can't confirm since mafiascum is down for some reason), a scum-aligned hitman (day-kill variant), or some weird third party role that I'm not familiar with and will have to look up once mafiascum comes back online. |
Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
Not Ike Possibly Shadow Really doubtful it's Pazzaz. Like that'll be stupid Andy would have shot me as I have been roasting him hard and am also seen as town right now Haku I was already scum reading So Haku, you're saying that it's likely you or Shado, huh? While Shado placing a vote on Haku does seem pretty damn rushed, I can see Haku trying to clear himself by playing detective. I wouldn't doubt there's scum in these two. |
Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
NOOOOOO, why did he have too die!!!!??? He was the only confirmed town for me and he goes and dies. :(
It's also pretty bad now that this doesn't even prove that I'm town. Why couldn't you have killed me???!!!! Quote:
Well going to bed now, will post reads and stuff tomorrow. Still reading through the thread again with all the new info. |
Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
Is this common for mystery games to have wacky roles like day time vigis? From what I've read, there are no traditional day-killing wolf roles, so I think this definitely opens up the possibility of a third faction. Especially considering how large the game is. If we are under the assumption the wolves put their kill on AA but that was swapped to Charu because of Pazzaz's ability, it begs the question in my mind who they would have used this day kill on if AA had been hit with the normal night kill. Who is our second top town? Cursory recollection is Shadow or YoshL maybe. Fuck.... -o24 |
Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
So if insta is at 4, you need 5 votes to get instad. If you're at 3 votes and someone else is at 2, kitb occurs. If you're in kitb with someone else, it's not really kitb and the other person dies. |
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