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ShadoWolfe 11-15-2016 01:32 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by TWG Mad Dummy (Post 4493571)
Some quick stuff about me, I consider myself a really good player in both alignments, especially because I am able to get cleared as town easily in either alignment.

I kinda wanted to sub in for a wolf, because pretending you are solving the game is much easier than ACTUALLY trying to solve the game with a bunch of people you don't really know. But unfortunately I did not. Stuck with being a villager. :/

lol thanks for the wifom, you really good player, you.


Originally Posted by TWG Mad Dummy (Post 4493571)
while this feels agenda driven (starting another cfd off a mafia right at EoD) the fact that it is a mechanical reason for it is /fine/ i guess? Ehh.. not my cup of tea personally.

When I went to write that post there weren't any votes on DFR, btw. the vast majority of votes were on mellonxcollie, which was a wagon I started and is a slot I still suspect. She promised to put in work trying to clear herself today (she was a replacement an hour before EoD), and andy had just claimed to have a role that seemingly contradicts OP, so I tried to get a CFD onto him (and off of mellonxcollie). I didn't realize DFR was even a wagon until I posted the second thing about andy, and I would've stuck with andy regardless because DFR had claimed a check.

andy-o24 11-15-2016 01:37 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by ShadoWolfe (Post 4493570)
Andy, care to explain your role? Don't quote your pm at all, but explain what your role does because it still sounds a little shady.

I have four items of varying ability that I may distribute to a player of my choice during a night phase. I know you don't want to believe that because of the no item trading clause, but that is at its core my role.


TWG Mad Dummy 11-15-2016 01:37 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

i can tell already this is gonna be a pain trying to contain my spammy nature.

I'm used to games where I personally post almost 800-1000 posts in a single game which takes 6 days..


roundbox 11-15-2016 01:38 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by TWG Mad Dummy (Post 4493583)
and why look through the two dead town's reads and the dead neutral's reads instead of looking through the dead mafia's reads? The mafia is the one who knows everyone's alignments. The dead towns did not.

Making a big post on it is next on my agenda. I did it during the night phase and most of his reads are NULL and it's really annoying. His major scum tunnel was on MML, who we now know was third party.

I guess I can leave my mason deduction out of public for the time being (note: I have not made any guesses/deductions yet).

ShadoWolfe 11-15-2016 01:40 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by TWG Mad Dummy (Post 4493586)

i can tell already this is gonna be a pain trying to contain my spammy nature.

I'm used to games where I personally post almost 800-1000 posts in a single game which takes 6 days..


lol shitposting is definitely a thing that happens closer to the start of the game. Still some shitposting in these phases, but not tooo much. I don't mind you taking off that filter, though. It'll help us all place you a little better. (so long as most posts have something to do with the game lols I don't wanna sift through 800 posts of your favorite fandom)

TWG Mad Dummy 11-15-2016 01:41 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by ShadoWolfe (Post 4493584)
lol thanks for the wifom, you really good player, you.

When I went to write that post there weren't any votes on DFR, btw. the vast majority of votes were on mellonxcollie, which was a wagon I started and is a slot I still suspect. She promised to put in work trying to clear herself today (she was a replacement an hour before EoD), and andy had just claimed to have a role that seemingly contradicts OP, so I tried to get a CFD onto him (and off of mellonxcollie). I didn't realize DFR was even a wagon until I posted the second thing about andy, and I would've stuck with andy regardless because DFR had claimed a check.

what is our beautiful game without wifom? ;)

and okay then?

so who do you think deserves credit for/should get essentially cleared for pushing on DFR/getting DFR lynched?

and how is it that everyone else had enough time to wagon DFR and DFR had enough time to formulate a claim and then claim before you posted that one post about Andy? And why was one post about 'items' enough to rip you off of your scumread mellon? especially since mellon had been, as you claim, 'your wagon'?

roundbox 11-15-2016 01:41 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by andy-o24 (Post 4493585)
I have four items of varying ability that I may distribute to a player of my choice during a night phase. I know you don't want to believe that because of the no item trading clause, but that is at its core my role.


Item providers have no inherent alignment, so we can't necessarily trust you too much at the moment, especially given DFR's very awkward defense of you.
Have we seen any benefit of these items? I don't feel like I've seen anything noteworthy.

roundbox 11-15-2016 01:43 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
Also @Shado

I believe the "items being passed" rule applies to players who receive an item to send it to another player in the night. I.E. a wolf receives it and wants a partner to have it instead, they cannot send it. I think item creators can still create + send their item, so I think his role is legit. His alignment is up for discussion, though.

ShadoWolfe 11-15-2016 01:43 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by andy-o24 (Post 4493585)
I have four items of varying ability that I may distribute to a player of my choice during a night phase. I know you don't want to believe that because of the no item trading clause, but that is at its core my role.


Ohh, I see what you meant now. So you're claiming something akin to a santa, then? (aside from the naughty/nice aspect)
something like gun/vest/crystall ball/bread?


andy-o24 11-15-2016 01:44 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
YoshL was the recipient of one item which he could have used last night. His death renders the item I gave him useless.


ShadoWolfe 11-15-2016 01:46 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
Okay, then. I had to be sure (hence the softer approach to andy today), but I currently possess a knife.

andy-o24 11-15-2016 01:46 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
And yes. That Santa role is very similar.


andy-o24 11-15-2016 01:46 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by ShadoWolfe (Post 4493594)
Okay, then. I had to be sure (hence the softer approach to andy today), but I currently possess a knife.

You're welcome.


roundbox 11-15-2016 01:47 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by ShadoWolfe (Post 4493594)
Okay, then. I had to be sure (hence the softer approach to andy today), but I currently possess a knife.


ShadoWolfe 11-15-2016 01:48 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by andy-o24 (Post 4493593)
YoshL was the recipient of one item which he could have used last night. His death renders the item I gave him useless.


I'm curious, why didn't you out gifting it to me here?

Like, what made you choose to refrain from including that?

roundbox 11-15-2016 01:50 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by YoshL (Post 4493030)
It's not Pazzaz.

I believe his claim is legit, and he said he bussed 2 players, AA, and Charu - 2 townspeople.

I'm worried right now because the current turn of events was dfr getting pressure from AA and MML (i think, still hav en't reread) and AA getting day vig'd.

I want to say the most likely person to do that is dfr at the moment, but it seems so fucking easy.

if only this reaction wasn't god awful forced feeling, i wouldn't be willing to look at pazz

second suspicion falls to shadowolfe for overreaction:

I'm not exactly sure why you're adopting such an alarmist point of view.

17/20 players is about equivalent to 11/13 players, or one day phase of a normal 13 person setup assuming 3 wolves. Like, you seem to be blowing the urgency of the situation out of proportion to make it look like you're in a more desperate haze trying to scumhunt, but all you're really doing is not actually reading people. you've said "if you are town" to multiple players like, telling them to play better but not actually scumhunting at all?

final suspicion is haku.
instant fixation onto "gunsmith" throws up major alarm bells, given that according to the OP, items are on. Noting the other reactions that people gave to AA being day-vig'd, literally the only person that seemed to be primed to think of items was Haku, and I'd daresay that it's surprising given the intelligence of mechanical play and setup understanding he's shown in the past

This is his last major analysis post.

DFR = most likely candidate but it's almost too easy (it was, but we both panic swapped LOL)
Pazzaz = curious reaction, but he wasn't responsible for the shot
Shado = overly alarmist reaction, but he is confirmed to not have made the shot now
Haku = also not the shot maker

Unless one of these three that aren't DFR are trying to save face/suspicion, I'm not sure why they killed him?


Originally Posted by YoshL (Post 4492795)
I have to commentate osu stuff tomorrow, so I'll be probably attempt to iso people for the first time fucking ever because it feels weird having like a bunch of strong town leans, and no real substance on any scum (AragakiAyase, roundbox, MixMasterLar, XelNya, Vendetta21 for anyone's reference)

Here are his town reads. Looks like he's right on two (me/AA), and half-right on MML since he's a non-hostile third-party.

YoshL's presence last day phase was very, VERY lackluster, so I feel like the wolf crew scouted his role the night before. I don't see any other reason to kill him over Pazzaz, a semi-confirmed town. Not sure if this will get us anywhere. It's still worth looking into mellon today, however. She's in a pretty suspicious slot.

andy-o24 11-15-2016 01:51 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
I'm not sure how much I can say without being modkilled lol. First game excuse, etc, etc.


roundbox 11-15-2016 01:52 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by ShadoWolfe (Post 4493599)
I'm curious, why didn't you out gifting it to me here?

Like, what made you choose to refrain from including that?

might be reading too much into it?

ShadoWolfe 11-15-2016 01:52 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
Also, open-question. Does anyone know of a santa-type role that is aligned against town?

I was under the assumption that the inherent nature of choosing between four pro-town items to gift is generally pro-town.

Also, if he were aligned against town, why would he gift me a knife? I'm inclined to believe andy and conclude that he's town for now.

andy-o24 11-15-2016 01:52 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
YoshL lynch I think was either a confirmed role (more than just vanilla town) or residual top town rankings from d0. He was strong d0, lackluster d1, I agree.


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