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TWG Ike 11-13-2016 09:54 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
tokzic (1)- storn
haku (1)- Lar
Zenith (2)- Shado, Pazzaz
V (1)- gold stinger
unvote (1)- Haku

TWG Ike 11-13-2016 10:01 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
mellonxcollie has replaced _Zenith_ effective immediately

MixMasterLar 11-13-2016 10:05 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by danceflashrevo (Post 4493324)
I disagree.

Notable: pg. 72 roundbox is very curious what gs thinks he is. Very self-aware and awkward for him to devote a lot of energy to.

Rip Haku.

And MML you forgot me in your latest scum reads. I have to go to walmart for the weekly dorm friend group stocking event. I'll be back by EoD and if I'm not I died or something.

True, you had finally faded away in my memory. But I also think you're not the top lynch even if you are scum, if that makes you feel better.

I've nothing to add, thanks for the response


Originally Posted by TWG Ike (Post 4493325)
tokzic (1)- storn
haku (1)- Lar
Zenith (2)- Shado, Pazzaz
V (1)- gold stinger
unvote (1)- Haku

Yeah ok my bad on that one



Originally Posted by TWG Ike (Post 4493327)
mellonxcollie has replaced _Zenith_ effective immediately

Hey Mellon

Boy oh boy do you have some work to do.

inDheart 11-13-2016 10:07 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
oh, guess i'm not getting that zenith explanation then

oh well

inDheart 11-13-2016 10:13 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
think storn bothers me most

he might be someone who wanted to see AA gone real bad

ShadoWolfe 11-13-2016 10:20 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by MixMasterLar (Post 4493317)
Hey Shado

You're reads change much since last you posted them?

Yeah, actually.

Zenith is still my top scum going into EoD, and his absence since yesterday and absence most of this game is rather upsetting. If he were just absent, it'd be one thing, but he came in earlier this phase and posted a whole string of posts that didn't say much, then disappeared for the entire phase until Haku mentioned him being town because of the tell, and only reappeared to defend the tell before disappearing again. That was really shady of him, so I'd actually encourage his lynch more than anyone else, although I don't like how quickly some of my other scumleans threw him under the bus if he's red.

Hakulyte I feel is almost certainly not playing for town this game. Haku does try to change up how he posts, but he always reverts back to posting in a certain style when town. That style never showed up this game. I don't know if he's a wolf or not, though, because he didn't wifom about himself (exception: Aryxi) at all this game (something he does in lesser amounts as wolf than town, but still does it. Either way, he said he won't be back until the end of the game, so this is not our problem until he either gets replaced or modkilled. Today is 11/13. If his "last seen" thing on FFR changes from today at any point in the game without him appearing in thread, then he's lying and should be lynched.

Tokzic is shady af. He was weird last phase with the Marth bullshit and not contributing at all. This phase, he's been entirely absent until he said he'd "brb after dinner", and has yet to materialize. Scum-lean, but it seems a little easy.

DFR has been back and forth for me, but his latest big post seemed more consistent with the DFR I knew, so I'm dropping him from a scumlean to a null-scum. I don't like that he said Hakulyte had no consistent meta though, and I'll have to go back and see if he's ever commented on a consistent meta by Haku.

Vendettahad good content when he first appeared, but hasn't done much since. Null, especially because I've only read a couple of his games, and those were when I first started playing.

XelNya is null for me. His claim last phase and suggestion that he should be lynched made me townlean him for a bit, but he's since tried to rest on those laurels and has made several posts talking about how cleared he is now but how shitty he played last game. I think there is definitely a good possibility that he's wolf. Of note: Vendetta claimed that he was 100% clear for him due to "wolves not switching". so if Vendetta ever flips wolf, I'd lynch Xel the following phase.

I had Storn as town last phase, but his absence in this phase and a re-examination of him last phase made me throw that away. Null until he starts posting again.

inDheart is also null for me. I don't like any of his long posts, and I don't like how it's taken him this entire phase to catch up because of them. They (due to their nature of being catch-up posts) were primarily observational, which is a really easy way for a wolf to pass time and make it look like he's really poring over everything in the game. He needs to step it up if he's actually trying to be a part of this game, because his posts have all been in the past and we need him to play right now.

I'm still reading Wineandbread and Precarious, but will update their reads when I do so.

Pazzaz is reluctantly town because of his claim.

YoshL has been posting fairly consistently town. His posts on mechanics were true, and he made some pushes. He's been very absent this phase, which I don't like. He's the weakest of my townreads because I feel like he hasn't done anything especially clearing.

Andy is probably town. He was shady for me all through this phase, but his big post let me read into him a lot better, and I can see myself as town doing most of what he's done. Town for now, if he slips then he'll slip.

MML is probably town. He's been posting like his normal blustery self, which I think is pretty town based on tone. In Survivor Valais, he seemed a lot calmer and more critical, so I'm thinking he's almost certainly town.

Gold Stinger is town. I've never played with him before, but a consistent mindmeld and analytical reads while he's here would lead me to stop playing this game if he flipped town.

Roundbox is town. He's (to me, at least) staying true to his last meta, and the fact that he questioned and pushed me on this just further verifies that he's town.

ShadoWolfe 11-13-2016 10:20 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
brb dinner

storn42 11-13-2016 10:26 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
Just going to remind you people that I couldn't play this weekend. Irl stuff happened where I couldn't view the thread for most of the day which I posted about earlier in this thread. I have done shit this phase because I couldn't do shit cus i was busy. I'm free now, but I warned you all earlier that I would be inactive.

MixMasterLar 11-13-2016 10:27 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by ShadoWolfe (Post 4493334)

Yeah, actually.

Zenith is still my top scum going into EoD, and his absence since yesterday and absence most of this game is rather upsetting. If he were just absent, it'd be one thing, but he came in earlier this phase and posted a whole string of posts that didn't say much, then disappeared for the entire phase until Haku mentioned him being town because of the tell, and only reappeared to defend the tell before disappearing again. That was really shady of him, so I'd actually encourage his lynch more than anyone else, although I don't like how quickly some of my other scumleans threw him under the bus if he's red.

Hakulyte I feel is almost certainly not playing for town this game. Haku does try to change up how he posts, but he always reverts back to posting in a certain style when town. That style never showed up this game. I don't know if he's a wolf or not, though, because he didn't wifom about himself (exception: Aryxi) at all this game (something he does in lesser amounts as wolf than town, but still does it. Either way, he said he won't be back until the end of the game, so this is not our problem until he either gets replaced or modkilled. Today is 11/13. If his "last seen" thing on FFR changes from today at any point in the game without him appearing in thread, then he's lying and should be lynched.

Tokzic is shady af. He was weird last phase with the Marth bullshit and not contributing at all. This phase, he's been entirely absent until he said he'd "brb after dinner", and has yet to materialize. Scum-lean, but it seems a little easy.

DFR has been back and forth for me, but his latest big post seemed more consistent with the DFR I knew, so I'm dropping him from a scumlean to a null-scum. I don't like that he said Hakulyte had no consistent meta though, and I'll have to go back and see if he's ever commented on a consistent meta by Haku.

Vendettahad good content when he first appeared, but hasn't done much since. Null, especially because I've only read a couple of his games, and those were when I first started playing.

XelNya is null for me. His claim last phase and suggestion that he should be lynched made me townlean him for a bit, but he's since tried to rest on those laurels and has made several posts talking about how cleared he is now but how shitty he played last game. I think there is definitely a good possibility that he's wolf. Of note: Vendetta claimed that he was 100% clear for him due to "wolves not switching". so if Vendetta ever flips wolf, I'd lynch Xel the following phase.

I had Storn as town last phase, but his absence in this phase and a re-examination of him last phase made me throw that away. Null until he starts posting again.

inDheart is also null for me. I don't like any of his long posts, and I don't like how it's taken him this entire phase to catch up because of them. They (due to their nature of being catch-up posts) were primarily observational, which is a really easy way for a wolf to pass time and make it look like he's really poring over everything in the game. He needs to step it up if he's actually trying to be a part of this game, because his posts have all been in the past and we need him to play right now.

I'm still reading Wineandbread and Precarious, but will update their reads when I do so.

Pazzaz is reluctantly town because of his claim.

YoshL has been posting fairly consistently town. His posts on mechanics were true, and he made some pushes. He's been very absent this phase, which I don't like. He's the weakest of my townreads because I feel like he hasn't done anything especially clearing.

Andy is probably town. He was shady for me all through this phase, but his big post let me read into him a lot better, and I can see myself as town doing most of what he's done. Town for now, if he slips then he'll slip.

MML is probably town. He's been posting like his normal blustery self, which I think is pretty town based on tone. In Survivor Valais, he seemed a lot calmer and more critical, so I'm thinking he's almost certainly town.

Gold Stinger is town. I've never played with him before, but a consistent mindmeld and analytical reads while he's here would lead me to stop playing this game if he flipped town.

Roundbox is town. He's (to me, at least) staying true to his last meta, and the fact that he questioned and pushed me on this just further verifies that he's town.

Man you know I'm going to disagree with you on Andy!

Fah. Well of your 3 scums I truly believe that if Haku isn't a wolf then he's like a 3rd fraction shot (I can't shake that theory that he was the one to kill AA) so I could support that lynch.

Tokzic might actually be wolf but that's alot less of a sure bet, considering his past games.


Anyway, I too need to step away (Mom wants to chat) but will be back soon, well before EoD

storn42 11-13-2016 10:40 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by inDheart (Post 4493321)
2) storn42 - has spent a decent amount of time being self-centered which isn't that helpful to town, and he was someone against AAggression. post #838 feels very tryhard. plus i know he wants to push tokzic, but he's been there for a while now railing against a gut read and i don't have a good sense of his lynch pool if something changes his mind. think this kind of thing turns up more antitown than not, so scum lean

i honestly love how people are taking that quote without understanding it. literally i saw tokzic vote me on a gut read, said the equivalent to "lol ur shit" with some added flare. my "agression" to tokzic has pretty much been D0 where i saw tokzic post some shit and laugh, followed by me reading into his posting as a whole. N1 i saw the idea that he could be scum, and knowing that i was going to be gone for most of D1, posted a my thoughts on him. and you know what, its hard for my thoughts to change on a guy when both him and i haven't been posting

XelNya 11-13-2016 10:41 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
Sigh really


Better get somethin' done.

inDheart 11-13-2016 10:44 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by storn42 (Post 4493344)
i honestly love how people are taking that quote without understanding it. literally i saw tokzic vote me on a gut read, said the equivalent to "lol ur shit" with some added flare. my "agression" to tokzic has pretty much been D0 where i saw tokzic post some shit and laugh, followed by me reading into his posting as a whole. N1 i saw the idea that he could be scum, and knowing that i was going to be gone for most of D1, posted a my thoughts on him. and you know what, its hard for my thoughts to change on a guy when both him and i haven't been posting

ok, so i take it you're fine with staying on him if he doesn't turn up to respond to you?

long dinner, hmm

storn42 11-13-2016 10:52 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by inDheart (Post 4493346)
ok, so i take it you're fine with staying on him if he doesn't turn up to respond to you?

long dinner, hmm

pretty much yes. Unless he or someone else changes my mind on who i want to lynch the vote is staying

MixMasterLar 11-13-2016 10:58 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
That was much quicker then I thought it'll be


Originally Posted by XelNya (Post 4493345)
Sigh really


Better get somethin' done.

Oh hey

How's your reads list right now?


Originally Posted by storn42 (Post 4493349)
pretty much yes. Unless he or someone else changes my mind on who i want to lynch the vote is staying

I can't hate you voting for Tokzic but chances are he's probably forgot he even has a vote on you. I think he's likely to do kind of shit that as both town and wolf.

Meanwhile I have Andy and Haku over here as pretty damn obvious scumlords, and Zenith/Mellon is looking really bad atm.

Oh, you have a current reads list? Or is Tokzic the only one you have strong feelings for?

inDheart 11-13-2016 11:06 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by storn42 (Post 4493349)
pretty much yes. Unless he or someone else changes my mind on who i want to lynch the vote is staying

well like i said i just don't know who else is in your field of sight right now. it can be healthy to be ambivalent but you seem lacking on alternatives that you've told us about iirc

mellonxcollie 11-13-2016 11:24 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
hello everybody ~

ShadoWolfe 11-13-2016 11:25 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by mellonxcollie (Post 4493354)
hello everybody ~

You're heavily scumread across the board. Thoughts?

mellonxcollie 11-13-2016 11:36 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by ShadoWolfe (Post 4493355)
You're heavily scumread across the board. Thoughts?

that kind of sucks about being a replacement but what can you do?

I'm going to try my best in this game ^^

ShadoWolfe 11-13-2016 11:43 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
Oh, I have a confession to make. I was walking around when I tripped on a rock and banged my head and got a concussion and started hallucinating more trippily than on any hallucinogen and slowly realized that I had the answers to everything in the universe and most of it is fading still like still fading slowly away back into the nothingness that is the knowledge I possess currently which is infinitesimally little compared to the infinite wisdom I had attained at the height of banging my head upon the rock and tripping balls but the point of all this is that I must relate some of this wisdom upon you before I wake up and regain full consciousness and lose all of the infinite knowledge I currently possess.

VTs can have items, and those items are not a part of their role (and will therefore not be revealed upon roleflip.)

Tokzic 11-13-2016 11:45 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
I'm very behind on producing content, so I'm just going to rapid-fire a bunch of concise information about a variety of topics for your reading pleasure.

The Daykill/Pazzaz

So I want to start with this because it's the most tangible thing in the game right now. Pazzaz claimed bus driver and that AA was clear for him because of his bus last night, and immediately after that, AA gets an arrow in the head in broad daylight.

My initial impression is that this must clear Pazzaz, since he claimed he disrupted the only kill made last night (which you would assume is the wolfkill?) and announced AA's alignment properly as a result.

But thinking about it more, it's strange how precisely the series of events unfolded, and how quickly. Immediately after the Pazzaz call on AA based on the nightkill, his alignment call is justified by daykill on AA.

AA was already towntelling very well, and was in a lot of town circles on D1, so it's not like he needed this support or this claim to look good. So this Pazzaz coming forward as a power role just for a green clear on someone who was already looking good just seems like a poor play, and a little questionable. And just the way he responded to the daykill... it feels a little over the top.


Originally Posted by Pazzaz (Post 4493010)
NOOOOOO, why did he have too die!!!!??? He was the only confirmed town for me and he goes and dies. :(


The role he's claiming is not inherently pro-town - that not posting during D1 thing struck me as an odd thing for a town PR to have, so even if he's telling the truth about being a bus driver, it doesn't mean that he's on our side.

So I guess what I'm saying is I don't want to lynch Pazzaz now, but I'm feeling some suspicion and I'm gonna be spending a lot more of my attention on him.

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