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gold stinger 11-13-2016 08:38 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by MixMasterLar (Post 4493286)
What the hell? Haku is very likely scum this game you can't just ignore him.
Play or replace out man, I don't care which

MML confirmed can't handle my dank d1 maymays


Originally Posted by MixMasterLar (Post 4493286)
Where you a wolf your first game?

I was wolf my first game but it's definitely how I would have played if I was town :) Don't you think that even now, my game is somewhat reminiscient to Andy's? You see how packed to shit it is when I don't give a shit about thinking of what I say?


Originally Posted by MixMasterLar (Post 4493286)
Scumread solely because of how I always try to format my post in every game?

Hey man I told you that ya weren't going to like it because it was shit.

roundbox 11-13-2016 08:39 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by ShadoWolfe (Post 4493292)
I didn't notice any glaring differences. I had your post history up for both games and both your tone and playstyle seemed really similar. Few posts (especially earlier in the game), mainly touching on things that stood out for you. You'd briefly give your thoughts, and then fade out into the obscurity from which you emerged.

What are these "glaring differences"?

Uh, probably the substance of my posts?

Compare what I did last day phase to posts like this and TELL me there's no glaring difference:

Originally Posted by roundbox (Post 4482985)
dfr AKA best vengeful LTWG player

commentary, not a read. rip u

what does this mean? give me a read
he reads xel later in this post and says he likes his tone without examples

need evidence dawg. not even a slight wolf on precarious??


"tell me why you're weird"
come on DFR, you can do better than this

does this mean you like him, or?? you have him as null in your reads and don't really make any commentary as to why he's null, even with this aggressive thing

WHY? Citation missing

WHY? Citation missing

I appreciate the pressure vote here, but this made me laugh pretty hard. No, being quiet is not my wolf meta, as far as I know.

well, yeah, it WOULD be bad. it'd be different if I was in thread making baby posts instead of saying "I'll get caught up when I have time", which would fall in line more with the "quiet" meta you considered

:roll: :roll: :roll:

I don't get this last line of reasoning, mostly because you make a very neutral response saying "yeah he's town for randomly defending this guy. he could be a wolf, but he's probably not because (oh I don't have a reason why he couldn't be a wolf for doing this)"

I know I'm not on xelnya yet, but this is exactly what I'm thinking

dfr, you're looking rather SUSPICIOUS!!

roundbox 11-13-2016 08:42 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
Like I said to GS, my posts were intentionally circular in logic and cited zero evidence. It was a different, new gimmick I was trying to do to go for the more emotional read.

I forget who it was that said my push on Xelnya was suspicious since it's somewhat agreed upon he's towny now (I think it was MML), but come on dude, can I be wrong once in awhile? It was a d0 read, punk!!

inDheart 11-13-2016 08:42 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by MixMasterLar (Post 4493286)
Did I dump a heavy workload on someone or...something? Care to quote where I did this?

this thing:


Originally Posted by MixMasterLar (Post 4492782)
Only one nightkill? and it's fucking Charu?

So it looks like that A: there probably isn't a third party and B: Charu was right about somebody.

because it reads like an unfunded mandate, you didn't go look yourself to see who charu might be right about

andy-o24 11-13-2016 08:42 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by ShadoWolfe (Post 4493293)
Wow, you're going to ignore a proposal from a fellow leftscroller?

Fucking A, you're really just gonna do me like that?

I take it back. I want nothing to do with you, your hand in marriage, your babies, or anything else of yours.



inDheart 11-13-2016 08:42 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by ShadoWolfe (Post 4493290)
I said that to Aryxi because he looked to be in danger of leaving and never coming back, like he did last game. Whether wolf or town, if he disappeared, my push on him would have resulted in a net-negative outcome because he wouldn't be able to generate any more information. So, I chose to ease the pressure a bit (even though it was only one vote lol) and let him get back to me in his own time.

As for my being more reserved, there's multiple reasons for that. This isn't a turbo, so I don't feel rushed and don't have to hurry and push on weak slips as hard or as fast (ohbby). Also, I was 0 for two last game in terms of reads, despite being cleared. It was a turbo, so I'm trying not to dwell on it too much because turbo reads are always rushed, but I try to up my game every game and I realized I was starting to get lazy in my reading, and that meant my reads would get neglected too. Lastly, I haven't been nearly as stressed as normal this game, because I haven't been working as much or dealing with an insane schedule (hence why I was able to put like 10 hours into this game yesterday). All combined, I feel calmer and sharper lol and it reflects in my posting. I don't have anything to stress over, just analyze and post. I'll die when I die, so I should make my presence count for town while I can. If being too townread gets me killed, so be it, but hopefully my interactions will be worth something.

He was insinuating none, which is both rude to Haku and untrue.

you got better as i caught up on today

also thanks

inDheart 11-13-2016 08:48 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by roundbox (Post 4493299)
Like I said to GS, my posts were intentionally circular in logic and cited zero evidence. It was a different, new gimmick I was trying to do to go for the more emotional read.

I forget who it was that said my push on Xelnya was suspicious since it's somewhat agreed upon he's towny now (I think it was MML), but come on dude, can I be wrong once in awhile? It was a d0 read, punk!!

i just know you two aren't w/w

it's easy to back off when you see a pseudo clear and it already got pointed out, and yeah your gameplay has pretty marked differences

what i odn't get is just never revisiting your reasoning yesterday, or actually just continuing to see him as scummier, given that to me it didn't look like you started with a reason when you voted xel

idk your dramatic differences are all WEIRD and i don't like change

MixMasterLar 11-13-2016 08:54 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by gold stinger (Post 4493297)
MML confirmed can't handle my dank d1 maymays

I was wolf my first game but it's definitely how I would have played if I was town :) Don't you think that even now, my game is somewhat reminiscient to Andy's? You see how packed to shit it is when I don't give a shit about thinking of what I say?

Hey man I told you that ya weren't going to like it because it was shit.

So would you have acted the way Andy has for the last, let's say 10 of his posts, in his situation as town?

Because I really do think better of you then that.


Originally Posted by inDheart (Post 4493300)
this thing:

because it reads like an unfunded mandate, you didn't go look yourself to see who charu might be right about

Ah man I guess I didn't go do that myself and OH WAIT YES I FUCKING DID LOOK


Originally Posted by MixMasterLar (Post 4492812)

1 - Charu has too many post for what little he actually was saying most of the time

2 - He was on Andy's nuts the last leg their after that "I'll toss a coin" post.
What's interesting is that, Andy being a new player, I can totally see Wolf Andy thinking he's been caught and trying to get rid of the only player who noticed. And fast!

Then again I can see someone more experience seeing that situation and thinking Ah yes easy framin' boys

Whole thing stinks. I do want to see more Andy posts though.


Yeah. I mean I did it a little later but I didn't ask anyone to do it, I did it myself after I was caught up

gold stinger 11-13-2016 08:57 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
Currently Active Users Viewing This Thread: 40 (9 members and 31 guests)

MixMasterLar 11-13-2016 08:57 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
So many people to scumread

Andy's scum
Haku's scum
I don't know if I should buy that new tactic excuse from RB
InDHeart is just now getting mildly current in thread and trying to pin shit on me
Zenith still stinks
I still don't like GS that much
Where the fuck is Storn?
We have way too many inactives actually

gold stinger 11-13-2016 08:59 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by MixMasterLar (Post 4493306)
I still don't like GS that much

Wait until d2 I have an item that forces me to talk in size 5

gold stinger 11-13-2016 09:01 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
dicks dicks dicks dicks dicks dicks dicks dicks dicks dicks dicks dicks dicks dicks dicks dicks dicks dicks dicks dicks

inDheart 11-13-2016 09:04 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by MixMasterLar (Post 4493304)
Ah man I guess I didn't go do that myself and OH WAIT YES I FUCKING DID LOOK

Yeah. I mean I did it a little later but I didn't ask anyone to do it, I did it myself after I was caught up


i see you still calling andy scum so ok

MixMasterLar 11-13-2016 09:12 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by inDheart (Post 4493309)

i see you still calling andy scum so ok

Not for the Charu reason

Very much not for the Charu reason

You should catch up sometime it'll be great.

ShadoWolfe 11-13-2016 09:19 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by roundbox (Post 4493298)
Uh, probably the substance of my posts?

Compare what I did last day phase to posts like this and TELL me there's no glaring difference:

Like I said, I was talking about your early game comparison because we're still in the early game now.

These are four back to back quotes of yours from D0:


Originally Posted by roundbox (Post 4482129)
DaBackpack is not mafia aligned
Will this hold up?



Originally Posted by roundbox (Post 4482059)
Gradiant is town
Calm down with all the posting holy shit


Originally Posted by roundbox (Post 4482131)
For those criticising me not posting AKA GRADIANT the game hasn't been on for a full day and the majority of action took place while I was asleep.

More activity later dudes

Fwiw Charu is legit. No more needs to be said for the gambit possibility


Originally Posted by roundbox (Post 4482439)
nah, more @Gradiant and @DaBackpack
Gradiant is definitely not scum sided this game from what I've seen of the tone of his posts.

Go ahead, TELL ME there's no similarity.

I can't believe I had to go back and reread your posts in CLIX again, just to convince you that my town read on you is accurate.
Fucking hell lmao, only with roundbox.

Eh, good on you for asking me to prove it, I guess.

MixMasterLar 11-13-2016 09:26 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
Hey Shado

You're reads change much since last you posted them?

roundbox 11-13-2016 09:38 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by MixMasterLar (Post 4493306)
I don't know if I should buy that new tactic excuse from RB

Yes, I'm going to use a very obvious anti-play from my usual schtick as a wolf

Come on dude, just think for a second

inDheart 11-13-2016 09:43 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by MixMasterLar (Post 4493310)
Not for the Charu reason

Very much not for the Charu reason

then that's good

inDheart 11-13-2016 09:44 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
2) storn42 - has spent a decent amount of time being self-centered which isn't that helpful to town, and he was someone against AAggression. post #838 feels very tryhard. plus i know he wants to push tokzic, but he's been there for a while now railing against a gut read and i don't have a good sense of his lynch pool if something changes his mind. think this kind of thing turns up more antitown than not, so scum lean

3) Yoshl - fricken town

4) juckter1 wineandbread - self vote thing is weird but his other posts feel nice, especially #967 in response to freezin, town lean

5) roundbox - i don't get what he's doing this game. obv he/xel aren't w/w but his previous day approach has also obscured most of the other thoughts he could have about people, which is pretty marked of his town play. xel getting pseudo cleared doesn't really improve his look, so if he's dropping an act i think he ought to share with the town. null pending content that isn't self pres

6) MixMasterLar - probably town over his spat with yoshl alone tbh, i haven't found anything remarkable to town tell him off but i have a good feeling coming from how deja vu that interaction was

7) XelNya - looked decent coming out of eod but i highly disagree with his push on zenith for his "we're not so different you and i" attitude in doing it. he made a big post that seemed good to tell us where he was at though, which seems like he's coming around to the scumhunting he wanted people to do yesterday, and i think the questions he posed in that post are definitely a good place to start. plus he has reads now that aren't zenith. not considering today for actually trying to get town to go places

8) psychoangel691 Precarious - dude has some posts in his usual style, probably the longest one on pazzaz that doesn't seem to take him much of anywhere. feel like he was more muted in the games where he rolled wolf though which would be in line with this game. null pending content

i'm probably going to end up with a lot of nulls aren't i

9) Vendetta21 - i wish he came back but the posts that he's made give me a similar fuzzy feeling to wabby when he actually makes them, so also town lean

10) R.E. Aryxi Hakulyte - so this is haku, but i don't think i like his reasons for doubting pazzaz's claim, if only because believing it seems like it would be path of least resistance imo. also he was right there apparently when AA got shot and he was the one who posted the list of people ITT, which could be a kind of deflection for a team member. moreover when he has thread presence he seems mechanically minded, thinking about items and roles, which reminds me of the game where his first post was straight up just about whether he should fake a claim or not. scum lean here

12) ShadoWolfe - has gotten back to typical solvey prime today, so even if he was involved in that arrow mess idc he gets a town lean for coming out of it looking better than haku. him and haku probably not w/w as well without being able to draft a whole wolf symphony ahead of time

13) Pazzaz - has a claim, claim bears out so far as a reasonable option, town

15) andy-o24 - coin flip is maybe ok if he wasn't being serious, him defending it doesn't look as good, and clearing someone based on an odd w/w relation reason doesn't even make sense. i think the honeymoon's over, scum lean

16) gold stinger - actively shitposting rather than scum hunting me thinks because he wants to poke inactives. clearly none of those people are doing anything to change his mind so maybe he's content with just shitposting while he waits? feels weak/lazy to me, but he has presence and reads, which is a plus - i think he gets the tiniest of town leans for now

18) danceflashrevo - idk i was still riding his unfiltered early d0 emotion but he didn't step up much from there. reads have a bit of reasoning attached yet it feels like enough to get by, and that was after some prodding from MML. i think at the very least they're not naked reads like i think he's made before, but he also hasn't been around to back them up. scum lean

19) _Zenith_ - disappeared after the tell thing which shado already took apart? i wanna see him come back for that, could just be bad memory or you two aren't connecting on meaning, but things like his catch-up today seem like usual zenith. i seem to misread zenith more often than not but i don't find myself wanting to touch him today

20) Tokzic - i think i liked tokzic's play yesterday but i also find tokzic a huge wildcard always. at least he's not trying a stupid gambit, but null otherwise

danceflashrevo 11-13-2016 09:53 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by MixMasterLar (Post 4493206)
Then I still disagree with it probably.
But seriously if you just don't want to write it again at least say "Storn-already covered" or something because it really looks like you want to just say he's town definitively.

I'll try to convenience you next time ;) but I mean for now I'd say that.


Town as a collective voting inactives would be a gamble.
Haku voting for an inactive at that time by himself would just be Haku trying to play like shit.
I mean, there's a gamble that people jump on it and it's wrong. It's literally a crapshoot. Eh, I don't really have much to say on this other than my opinion is just different from yours.


There are many reasons to fish for a reaction, but most importantly I spend most of my time responding to things Andy has said, so I don't get why you're acting like I am the aggressor.

I mean, when I see stupid shit I get pissed and call people out. That's aggressive, but I didn't get in the thread and go mmmmm tasy Andy ass imma bite me some of that! I hope that was as fun to read as it was to type I lol'd

Your tone is very aggressive, the way you phrase things, although this is true for most games. It was fun to read in a gay tone.


We're both just going to have to accept we disagree on his entrance then.
Fair enough.


That is not a good enough reason that Is nOt A GOOd eNOUGH REASON THAT REASON IS NOT GOOD ENOUGH

I disagree.

Notable: pg. 72 roundbox is very curious what gs thinks he is. Very self-aware and awkward for him to devote a lot of energy to.

Rip Haku.

And MML you forgot me in your latest scum reads. I have to go to walmart for the weekly dorm friend group stocking event. I'll be back by EoD and if I'm not I died or something.

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