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gold stinger 11-13-2016 06:51 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
The only thing that could make my day any better, is if YoshL posted in this thread with just 'butts.' in it.

inDheart 11-13-2016 06:52 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by YoshL (Post 4492790)
mml didn't refresh soon enough

mindmeld with him on the strangeness of only 1 N0 death, but assuming/asserting there's no third party at this point is stupid

also asserting that "charu is right about someone" is about as base and general as you can get. Also note that you're shoving a "wolves obviously killed charu because he was putting pressure in the right places" reasoning up there.

both of those possibilities are shit and it'd be nice if you didn't operate under either of those assumptions. They're possibilities, yes, but nowhere near as substantial as you're making them out to be

like this post

i don't like it when people set work out for other people like he did

it's MML's lead, it's his to pursue with those assumptions as long as he knows they're there

gold stinger 11-13-2016 06:56 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
Do it YoshL I dare you, fight the TWG system of posting nothing but sensical, high quality, thoughtful posts, and post a single post with just 'butts.' in it.

YoshL 11-13-2016 06:56 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

inDheart 11-13-2016 06:56 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by AragakiAyase (Post 4492804)
it's strange because haku usually manages to attract a lot of attention to himself regardless of alignment and he's just been passed over this game

yeah he replaced but there was plenty of time left

imo he usually is a significant poster even when he tries not to be and i just didn't feel that this time, but he's also laid the groundwork to slack because of his vacation

so continued ??? pretty much, might deserve actually a harder look at what he has given us

gold stinger 11-13-2016 06:56 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

gold stinger 11-13-2016 07:00 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
siggying like fuc I don't even care

inDheart 11-13-2016 07:02 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by ShadoWolfe (Post 4492815)
This is a faulty assumption because it negates the existence of an entire wolfteam would have had input into "Andy's decision".

Is that what you thought when you saw it, Lar?

just wanna remind since i haven't seen it so far that xiz's vote was not actually a coin flip even as mad as people got over it

Hakulyte 11-13-2016 07:07 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by inDheart (Post 4493253)
imo he usually is a significant poster even when he tries not to be and i just didn't feel that this time, but he's also laid the groundwork to slack because of his vacation

so continued ??? pretty much, might deserve actually a harder look at what he has given us

I'm getting my butt kicked at a SSBM tournament right now. :v

ShadoWolfe 11-13-2016 07:11 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by Pazzaz (Post 4493150)
So my thought about the game is this:

Generally d0 was a shitfest. Freeze was acting silly, I don't blame anyone who voted for him. I'm trying to find people who acted suspicious but basically everyone acted like the confirmed towns. If you look at the people who posted a lot, like charu and AA, they are now confirmed town. The wolves didn't really need to say much (I think) to get what they wanted.
I also don't like how so many people justify peoples dumb actions with "they always act dumb". It's avoiding the issue and not helping at all. Everyone should try and be as clear as possible and help town. The only one who would act weird is a wolf in my eyes (like zenith).

Uhm, no. You're basing far too much on normality that doesn't exist. Everyone is inherently different, so acting as clear as possible and helping town will be interpreted differently for each person. Also, people with different roles often DON'T WANT TO BE TOO UNIVERSALLY CLEARED, because then they get nightkilled just for being too townread. You shouldn't be reading people based on how you think the ideal town would act, but on how each one of them would act if they were town.
Plus, if every town just "acted as clear as possible to help town", then every wolf would also "act as clear as possible to help town" and we'd end up in the same situation but without accounting for individual motivations.


storn42 - neutral - doesn't seem scum but I don't really like him. He doesn't post much and also; don't use white text in posts. It's really weird.
Yoshl - town - mainly gut feeling, been pretty active and acted a lot like the confirmed townies.
wineandbread - seems pretty town, doesn't post much but when he does it's quality.
roundbox - neutral - He is acting pretty weird but not enough for me say scum.
MixMasterLar - town - Seems to be calling out stupid stuff and his posts generally make sence to me.
XelNya - scum - All he does is act aggressive and belittle everyone instead of using arguments and being productive. He also seemed to avoid his accusations by pretty much just saying "guess you're killing a townie then", felt like a cop-out
Also, I don't even know what arbys is
Precarious - neutral - please post more
Vendetta21 - neutral - please post more
Hakulyte - scum - seems really suspicious of me for almost no reason. I would be happy if you could explain more.
ShadoWolfe - town - not sure what to say, don't really have any strong feelings about him. Seems good for the most part.
Andy-o24 - neutral - Hard to say anything about him. Seems pretty nice.
gold stinger - town - dicks all the way in the beginning, but his serious posts have been really good.
inDheart - neutral - Reading youre stream of thoughts is pretty annoying, I hope you actually write what you think of each person.
danceflashrevo - neutral/scum - doesn't really respond enough to all the accusations that people throw against him. I really hope he responds with more later today.
_Zenith_ - scum - childish; I didn't like how he acted during d0. He improved a little now but still _Zenith_. Answer the call.
Tokzic - scum - gut feeling, also please post more

Biggest suspect: Zenith
I really wish everyone would be more active (inb4 "you didn't post anything on d0")

See above ^. Your reads are based on your opinions on their personality. If you don't like someone, that doesn't actually mean that they're scum. You called Xel scum because he's too aggressive, but oftentimes aggression is a useful tool for town. You called Zenith scum because he's "childish", but that wouldn't be alignment indicative even if it were true. You called Haku scum for calling you scum.

Sorry, but these reads are pretty terrible because reads shouldn't be entirely based on your judgment of a person's personality.

ShadoWolfe 11-13-2016 07:12 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
Whoops, fucked up formatting.

In my previous post quoting pazzazz, the section from "reads:" up until "[/quote]" were his words, not mine lol

Hakulyte 11-13-2016 07:13 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
Huh, I won't be able to post until the end of the entire game. I just fried my laptop battery and I don't have a backup for that.

bye and gl.

Sorry for unbelievable explanation.

inDheart 11-13-2016 07:13 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by _Zenith_ (Post 4492860)
Agreeing with this sentiment.

oh yeah speaking of other people passing work along though, we have this

ShadoWolfe 11-13-2016 07:15 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by gold stinger (Post 4493251)
fight the TWG system of posting nothing but sensical, high quality, thoughtful posts, and post a single post with just 'butts.' in it.

dicks dicks butts butts dicks dicks dicks in butts dicks dicks butts butts dicks dicks dicks dicks butts butts dicks dicks dicks dicks butts butts dicks dicks dicks dicks butts butts dicks dicks dicks dicks butts butts dicks dicks dicks dicks butts butts dicks dicks dicks dicks butts butts dicks dicks dicks dicks butts butts dicks dicks dicks dicks butts butts dicks dicks dicks dicks butts butts dicks dicks dicks dicks butts in butts dicks dicks dicks dicks butts butts dicks dicks dicks dicks butts butts dicks dicks dicks dicks butts butts dicks dicks in dicks dicks butts butts dicks dicks dicks dicks butts butts dicks dicks dicks dicks butts butts dicks dicks dicks dicks butts butts dicks dicks dicks dicks butts butts dicks dicks dicks dicks butts butts dicks dicks dicks dicks butts butts dicks dicks dicks dicks butts butts dicks dicks dicks dicks butts butts dicks dicks dicks dicks butts butts dicks dicks dicks dicks butts butts dicks dicks dicks dicks butts butts in dicks dicks dicks dicks butts butts dicks dicks dicks dicks butts butts dicks dicks dicks dicks butts butts dicks dicks dicks dicks butts butts dicks dicks dicks dicks butts butts dicks dicks dicks dicks butts butts dicks dicks dicks dicks butts butts dicks dicks dicks dicks butts butts dicks dicks dicks dicks butts butts dicks dicks dicks dicks butts butts dicks dicks dicks dicks butts butts dicks dicks dicks dicks in butts in butts in dicks in dicks

andy-o24 11-13-2016 07:16 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by ShadoWolfe (Post 4493240)
This is a part of your really big post, which I liked. I was leaning you scum, but this brought you back to null (slight town-lean overall when accounting for this being your first game). One question though, when you addressed DFR, what does "I think I've sudoku'd" mean?

Well, MML is firmly implanted in my snatch about that wolf/anti-wolf logic "slip" in 1352 and that may very well be the nail in my coffin depending how hard he wants to push a lynch on me. I pretty much just don't want dfr to dig himself a hole just because I'm new and making mistakes. I said early on I didn't want to use my inexperience as an excuse for bad plays, and I'm not trying to. Ultimately it's up to me to defend myself and dfr shouldn't risk his position in the game over me.

Also, just in case you were only asking why I used sudoku instead of...well anything else, I think it's from seppuku, a ritualistic suicide. Instead of saying the word seppuku, people will use sudoku kinda as a joke. I debated whether to add that, and welp, there it is.


gold stinger 11-13-2016 07:16 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
I agree, dicks dicks butts butts dicks dicks dicks in butts dicks dicks butts butts dicks dicks dicks dicks butts butts dicks dicks dicks dicks butts butts dicks dicks dicks dicks butts butts dicks dicks dicks dicks butts butts dicks dicks dicks dicks butts butts dicks dicks dicks dicks butts butts dicks dicks dicks dicks butts butts dicks dicks dicks dicks butts butts dicks dicks dicks dicks butts butts dicks dicks dicks dicks butts in butts dicks dicks dicks dicks butts butts dicks dicks dicks dicks butts butts dicks dicks dicks dicks butts butts dicks dicks in dicks dicks butts butts dicks dicks dicks dicks butts butts dicks dicks dicks dicks butts butts dicks dicks dicks dicks butts butts dicks dicks dicks dicks butts butts dicks dicks dicks dicks butts butts dicks dicks dicks dicks butts butts dicks dicks dicks dicks butts butts dicks dicks dicks dicks butts butts dicks dicks dicks dicks butts butts dicks dicks dicks dicks butts butts dicks dicks dicks dicks butts butts in dicks dicks dicks dicks butts butts dicks dicks dicks dicks butts butts dicks dicks dicks dicks butts butts dicks dicks dicks dicks butts butts dicks dicks dicks dicks butts butts dicks dicks dicks dicks butts butts dicks dicks dicks dicks butts butts dicks dicks dicks dicks butts butts dicks dicks dicks dicks butts butts dicks dicks dicks dicks butts butts dicks dicks dicks dicks butts butts dicks dicks dicks dicks in butts

inDheart 11-13-2016 07:18 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by storn42 (Post 4492881)
Lyncher eh? Well that's funny cus i was thinking the same thing.

I'd like to talk about tokzic. He seems to fit that inactive thing you're going for with only 23 posts., and more importantly I'd like to talk about his vote on me. Ifor you read back to it, it actually feels quite forced. He just "has a strong gut read" on how woofy I'm being. I can see this being a world where he rolled lyncher and me the lynched, or even simply him being a woof and trying to fake reads on people like me. But even so as he has this strong read on me in the end he goes and votes for xel. He jumps on that wagon for seemingly no reason despite his read on me.

still trying to reconcile this with you not really worrying about being read wolf, because it seems like this vote got to you right from the start when you called it the grossest of gut reads

tbf though i'm reading that sentiment through a charu filter

ShadoWolfe 11-13-2016 07:18 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by Hakulyte (Post 4493261)
Huh, I won't be able to post until the end of the entire game. I just fried my laptop battery and I don't have a backup for that.

bye and gl.

Sorry for unbelievable explanation.

Wow, I'm sorry to hear that! Really leaves us with our dicks in our hands, though.

@TWG Ike I'd like to request a replacement here if possible

andy-o24 11-13-2016 07:22 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by Hakulyte (Post 4493261)
Huh, I won't be able to post until the end of the entire game. I just fried my laptop battery and I don't have a backup for that.

bye and gl.

Sorry for unbelievable explanation.

Also, lol wut. This is odd. Does Haku normally drop excuses like this? What about phone posting? Should we follow through on scummy Haku reads because of this? Seems like a shitty way to go, but if we don't find a better candidate is this a safe lynch?


inDheart 11-13-2016 07:22 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by ShadoWolfe (Post 4492927)
Ah, I hadn't considered that. You're right, it's probably net positive then.

the fact that it's not the optimal play per se lends some truth to it for me, and as has been said it's good to know

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