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XelNya 11-13-2016 05:12 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by ShadoWolfe (Post 4493117)
Is the reason there's so many questions to AA in your post because you didn't notice before typing it all up?
If that's the case, do you typically write up a big post like that and then copy it and shitpost a little before pasting and posting it?
I ask obviously because you noted that AA was dead before posting that larger post.

The posts written before the long post where during the writing of it as noted that I mention where I'm at a few times.

I don't modify the earlier sections of the post based on later sections of the post, think of it as a charu page by page where you see my flow of thoughts.

Questions asked to a dead AA are still relevant. It allows people to bounce off it, which is why I opt to leave in earlier sections of the post despite him being killed midday.


Originally Posted by XelNya (Post 4493107)
That said I'm only on pg 59 so it'll be a bit.


Originally Posted by XelNya (Post 4493111)
... I should have checked the thread sooner wtf.

tho greggles forgot to add AA to the dead list in the first post, so I'd have missed it anyways.

PS: I love the role flips in the 2nd post I just noticed.

Denote that these posts can tell you where I am at directly, or indirectly. I check on the later section to see if anyone pings me, and gives me a small break from the big post, as I can't focus on one thing for long periods of time (short of music.)

XelNya 11-13-2016 05:14 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
The ping check is in case someone says "hey xel I see you can you comment on X while you're here"

ect. You get the point.

XelNya 11-13-2016 05:14 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
I do however write said post in notepad. Having two screens is REALLY fucking nice let me tell you.

ShadoWolfe 11-13-2016 05:17 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
Oh, I had assumed you were updating us on where you were at with your reading, not with your writing. I guess you meant both tho lol

XelNya 11-13-2016 05:23 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by ShadoWolfe (Post 4493122)
Oh, I had assumed you were updating us on where you were at with your reading, not with your writing. I guess you meant both tho lol

If I don't do both at the same time it ends up being incoherent and stupid.

ShadoWolfe 11-13-2016 05:37 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by XelNya (Post 4493124)
If I don't do both at the same time it ends up being incoherent and stupid.

Makes sense.

Why am I not in your "reads list"?

Hakulyte 11-13-2016 05:37 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
@ShadoWolfe about me vs Zenith. It's pretty much as you said.


Thanks for the permission. More importantly, who are your "so many wolves vs towns"?
Please answer this ASAP^
I'm pretty sure most of these has to do with me not being here more actively to get a clue of what's going on.

Tokzic(he sounded fabricated to me early game(?)),
DFR(I'm just completely failing to relate and it's even different from the previous game where I've read him wrong as well)
Roundbox(I'm assuming he's very busy, but his game was like entirely centered over xelnya(?))
Precarious(mostly inactivity, stuck in Null, but good effort just now)
andy-o24(feel likes an extreme version of FreezinIce to me)
Storn (I just can't mind meld with him at all)
Vendetta(could be town, but we're basically seeing things the opposite way of each others)
Pazzaz(I'm pretty sure you know why. Tone read + response from after AA rip)

gold stinger 11-13-2016 05:49 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
Has no one pointed out that Pazzaz has made like all of his posts dedicated to explaining his situation for why he couldn't talk d0 and then 1 post commenting about how he's going to drop stuff off later?

If you ask me, I think he would be a lot more townish if he was bursting with thoughts & opinions that he couldn't share in d0, instead we're all waiting for tomorrow apparently.

Just wanting to make that abundantly clear. Still reading through stuff.

ShadoWolfe 11-13-2016 05:50 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by Hakulyte (Post 4493127)
@ShadoWolfe about me vs Zenith. It's pretty much as you said.

I.. don't know what to make of this. Can you like, at least answer my questions in that post regarding Zenith?


Originally Posted by Hakulyte (Post 4493127)
I'm pretty sure most of these has to do with me not being here more actively to get a clue of what's going on.

Tokzic(he sounded fabricated to me early game(?)),
DFR(I'm just completely failing to relate and it's even different from the previous game where I've read him wrong as well)
Roundbox(I'm assuming he's very busy, but his game was like entirely centered over xelnya(?))
Precarious(mostly inactivity, stuck in Null, but good effort just now)
andy-o24(feel likes an extreme version of FreezinIce to me)
Storn (I just can't mind meld with him at all)
Vendetta(could be town, but we're basically seeing things the opposite way of each others)
Pazzaz(I'm pretty sure you know why. Tone read + response from after AA rip)

Fair enough, though FreezinIce flipped town so an extreme version of that would still be town.

If you had to pick one of them to lynch right now, who would it be?

ShadoWolfe 11-13-2016 05:53 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by gold stinger (Post 4493128)
Has no one pointed out that Pazzaz has made like all of his posts dedicated to explaining his situation for why he couldn't talk d0 and then 1 post commenting about how he's going to drop stuff off later?

If you ask me, I think he would be a lot more townish if he was bursting with thoughts & opinions that he couldn't share in d0, instead we're all waiting for tomorrow apparently.

Just wanting to make that abundantly clear. Still reading through stuff.

Ah, there you are. Where are you in your reading? If you've reached the Pazzaz claim then you should be pretty close, no?

I look forward to a nice post with some dank thoughts. Hopefully even danker than the dank ones yesterday that made me town read you in the first place.

gold stinger 11-13-2016 06:02 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by ShadoWolfe (Post 4493130)
Ah, there you are. Where are you in your reading? If you've reached the Pazzaz claim then you should be pretty close, no?

I look forward to a nice post with some dank thoughts. Hopefully even danker than the dank ones yesterday that made me town read you in the first place.

I am somewhat close. I'd still like to reread a couple things from people in d0 interactions, and also see if there's any good Charu stuff laying about.

andy-o24 11-13-2016 06:18 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
I omitted the replacements, because this already took like five hours on and off. Spoilers so it doesn't stretch the page too much. Hot reads.

Originally Posted by storn42 (Post 4492235)
you ready for some serious hardcore tinfoil:

whenever charu rolls woof and i roll town, he always seems to mindmeld with me. therefore charu is town.

now some tinfoil for the tinfoil:

charu knows this and therefore is going to be strictly against me to make me think he's town!

And 887

Make me seriously question storn right now. He definitely lacked a mindmeld with Charu this game, and we know Charu rolled town, so maybe I'm just dumb, but doesn't that suggest you could rearrange the sentence to say "Whenever Charu rolls town and I roll wolf, we don't mindmeld."
Also relevant:


Originally Posted by MixMasterLar (Post 4493035)
I noticed that but if Clix (was it Clix that Charu was bodyguard?) taught me anything is that you gotta believe the mechanical aspect of the game more then tone/shitty posts.

If this is true then :

Originally Posted by storn42 (Post 4492284)
the thing that you need to remember about boats is that there were multiple woof teams, so its a lot easier to come off as town. As a woof i tend to be pretty cool, and my downfall usually comes with mechanical play. Since i was already scum hunting anyways, it was a lot easier to be presented as town.

Should be at least of some note. It seems likely there is a third faction, much like there was in boats (correct me if I'm wrong). But if there is, then he is having an easier time seeming like town, because of the similar circumstances.

It's also quite convenient that he's phone posting at the time of the shot. Being on the phone does not preclude someone from sending a PM to use that ability/item, so that is a pretty decent cover. Him being so comfortable being read wolf is offputting, but I don't know his meta. It seems being comfortable in being read wolf would be something you could manipulate quite easily in either role.

AA of course was strongest town, so he was the biggest target. So we have to look at how AA and storn interacted. There was a bit of a kerfuffle around 480 which was justified quite a bit later as emotion in 707. That's fine, emotions invade post quality, Zenith said this himself. But regardless, there was a snag there between the two of them, a wolf candidate (for me now) and our top town. Past that, I didn't see a whole lot of meaningful interaction between the two, unless I missed it, which is entirely possible.

He pushed me early, seems to be scumhunting pretty actively, in general I like his play. Posts like this make me aware of his observance, so I don't think many things would slip by him easily. He is also self aware of his playstyle and activity in the game seen in 710.

Here we see more mentions of mechanics, something I can't really comment on from lack of personal knowledge. It would be interesting to see some comment from YoshL on storn's weak mechanics play. Perhaps the timing of the AA kill is an example of the poor mechanic play from storn. This is all I can find, which isn't exactly what I'm looking for.

His reaction to the AA day-vigi 1297 was purely analysis. I'm reading him very town right now. Not overly active in the thread like AA was (I don't think overactivity is a bad thing), but makes his posts count.

First reads here at 395, not a whole lot to go off of. Votes Xel 562. When pressed by MML for reason, he gives none saying "it's already out there" We finally see his reasoning in a spoiler in this post.

I would like to see if roundbox has changed his analysis of the setup in light of recent events.
1141 and 1229 need some mention from roundbox before d1 is over.

Fairly observant, but nothing extremely noteworthy 648. Not like noticing juckter playing FFR instead of posting. This is more interesting to me, and certainly doesn't help Xel's case still into d1. Self aware, though, which I think is an interesting tactic 923. Especially important for wolves, imo, but I'm not sure if roundbox should be read that way.

994 is especially interesting to me and makes roundbox even harder for me to pin one way or the other. He could very easily have said

Originally Posted by roundbox (Post 4492493)
freezin's a miss

because he's a wolf and knows it. But that doesn't really make sense since he's adamant on Xel being a wolf and a better lynch for d0. We're treading on WIFOM here, so I'll just let that sit there for consideration. Null for now.

MML, you're playing like I've seen in the one thread I read on here. Granted it was a turbo, so playstyles might differ, but yours feels exactly the same in this game as that turbo. You're pushing on my pretty consistently, looking for something I imagine, but I can't tell if I'm giving it to you or not. Either way, it's moot.

Slip list (probably missed some lol):
180 And funnily enough Xel wolf call out. I don't think this is relevant, but I thought it was kinda interesting looking back.

547 we get a scum read. I think maybe his first, frankly he has a lot of posts. DFR has been in question and freezin, the eventual kill, is here. A bit interesting because most of the freezin wagon happened after his mega post, but he justifies these reads. Around the 600s, he argues with roundbox about roundbox not supporting his Xel lynch. This ends up with 655 being a roundbox vote. round was definitely playing weird and not supporting his lynch well, so this is fair. Unvotes roundbox 788 when roundbox finally supports Xel lynch. Nothing weird here, MML got what he asked for. Mentions the mystery game boats 863, moderately interesting to see the dialogue between players about it, but there's not much here. 1017 votes freezin agreeing with other players' reasons. There was plenty of evidence to suggest freezin was a good lynch back then. I'm not sure if that's helpful for a town read or not. I can't shake that Xel is still scummy, and voting freezin could save Xel, so MML/Xel wolf/wolf is possible, but probably unlikely.

1120 assuming there is no third party I think is wrong at that point, but I do agree on his questioning shadowolfe votes. Those seemed a little weird, but I haven't looked at shadowolfe yet as I'm writing this section. From here he is upset about mid-day role kills and attacks Haku. I agree mid-day role kills are pretty silly and I didn't expect them, but it is a mystery game, so these surprises are bound to happen. His reaction seems genuine, suggesting town but I'm just gonna plop him in the null bucket for now.

Shitposts forever. I voted him d0, so he's got some residual scum. AA cited a post about clearing Xel, but I can't be fucked right now to go look it up. I've been drafting this post for a couple hours.

739 he reacts to roundbox calling him out for being a lynch target with a very sarcastic post. 807, maybe 803 is more accurate, but this is the start of Xel's main outburst and questioning of why Zenith's play is okay and his isn't. I can understand where Xel is coming from, Zenith played like ass, if you can call it playing. But the difference is in the amount of shitposting, really. It was pretty silly and that excess doesn't help reading town for me.

819 may be the turning point for Xel into an actual player, and I like this point he's making here. 919 however, I disagree with. I think Zenith's absence from d0 because he dislikes d0 is quite different from how Xel played. The emotional outburst and big font don't seem warranted to me. 962 is probably more relevant than I can give it credit for because I don't really see what was so damning. But Xel seems self aware of his actions and their potential consequences, and as I said earlier, I appreciate that quality.

1014 I think was what AA referred to. Admission of a vanilla town draw. Makes sense that you would want to play more carefully with a power role and avoid the excessive shitposts, but I don't know if I can believe him. 1046 is moderately interesting, as if he knows shadowolfe is someone important. CFD is Can't Fucking Decide? Either way, if Xel and Shadow are both wolves, that justifies Xel saying that. I'm still leaning scum, but we'll see how his play goes the rest of d1.

Not a large quantity of posts to go off of, but as I recall good content.

699 first read. Probably has changed since then, but this really doesn't say too much. 700 scum leans dfr for defending me in the manner he did. I appreciate it, dfr, but you gotta play your game. Good observations about how the defense was made, very analytical. Next post in thread is him calling AA town, which turned out to be true. It became an obvious call, but validation is always good.

704 votes Xel. As I've said, I still feel Xel is scummy, so I agree with this. Xel wasn't really adding anything and roundbox was first to really call him out on it. If Xel's claim that roundbox got a tell from Xel, I think this further proves Vendetta's ability to read people. 705 is his last post as of writing this. It seems to mention potential game mechanics, in this case policy lynches, and I would like to see Vendetta come back and express his opinions on the current happenings. Town lean for me, his analysis seems spot on.

Lots of posts to get through, and I'm getting pretty tired, so the quality might slip a bit if there was quality to begin with.

405 votes Aryxi, after a long paragraph of analysis. Not sure how relevant this is since Aryxi replaced out, but I like the analysis. 497 is also a nice analysis and vote parking sounds like a game mechanic to discuss. I'm gonna skip his drunken posts because that's not the state of mind for great analysis.

949 reaching EOD with some reads in this post. Addresses the two wagons and calls out Zenith's play, though inactivity I agree is not necessarily alignment indicative. 1072 I admire the conviction to his vote. Reads town to me, especially in defiance of top town. 1116 This is a nice precursor to his call out of Zenith in the recent game.

I'm a bit tired of combing through his posts, but I will echo what was said recently, ShadoWolfe has a pretty serious conviction for his scum hunting. Going though multiple old games and back through this one, that is some really impressive sleuthing I don't think a wolf would take the time to do. Zenith has kinda been on the shit list, and ShadoW's recent string of posts shows signs of a scummy Zenith. Town read for ShadoWolfe for me.

No posts d0 because of his apparent role. Seen checking the thread and playing FFR, so that would seem to check out. I agree he should have swapped AA with a scum read instead of Charu. His reaction to the AA day vigi was a bit over the top, maybe because he felt his power was wasted. His intentions with his apparent ability seem pure, but I'm gonna place him null for now.

Mostly dicks.

568 First content post. Votes freezin, insinuates town Charu (was right!) says storn and Zenith might be scum. A little push on freezin indicates scum hunting intentions, so a bit towny so far. 583 town leans dfr and YoshL. I agree with YoshL, not sure right now about dfr, he's next. His admission to not liking people clinging to him without a reason is a little suspect to me, but that might just be his own judgement of other players and nothing to look to much into.

928 getting close to EOD, and he suspects either Xel or freezin are a wolf. We've cleared freezin as town, so I'd like to see if Gold still thinks Xel wolf is a possibility. 973 his big reads post. Don't want to analyze it, but it's here for reference. Notably Xel, freezin, Zenith as his scum leans. 1095 he ends the day with a Xel vote.

I didn't link where he told me reason not to do the coin flip thing. I appreciate the tip and reasoning for it, and I can totally see a wolf not saying anything like that. I'll lean Gold town for now, but only slightly. He hasn't really scumhunted too much, but nothing stands out as explicitly wolfish. I'll be interested to see his reaction to the AA/Charu/freezin kills. Null.

Thanks for the defense, buddy. I appreciate it. Don't get lynched for it though! I'm not worth it. My role is pretty nifty, but I think I've sudoku'd, so save yourself.

224 A bit too emotionally charged over someone he probably doesn't know whether he's aligned with or not. I honestly think it's just good intentions, but I can understand reading it differently. This pretty much sums up the whole interaction, with some fine points here and there people have probably mentioned, but I'm a little lazy.

431 small town reads list, continuing into the next post. 495 contests votes on AA, our top town at the time. Seems towny to me. I'm not sure why a wolf would want to pull votes off of a strong town. 610 Not sure if hesitant to scum read, or legitimately doesn't think anything has been weird. I guess this leans him a bit more wolf to me. Just a gut read here. 730 concerned about a misvote on Charu. I think this is just trying to make sure Prec doesn't waste his vote and nothing to look into. If anything it's a towny move to me. Last relevant thing is his reads list 1327. Notably very few scum reads and a lot of nulls. Granted, most nulls are because of lack of content, it would still be interesting to see those change one way or the other. I'm reading dfr town right now. His play isn't sinister enough for a wolf, though I take him as a gentler person.

Scrolling through his post history, there were more than I thought.

455 I don't like this sentiment. I understand he hates d0, but you may as well chime in with a question rather than a I don't feel the need to, others will play the game for me. Wolfy to me. 468 I fully understand being lazy, and I've admitted it in this post, but you said you'd go fish it up later. I don't remember if you actually did. Either way, it seems weird to bring it up this way.
The use of the first name here struck me when I first saw it from post 752:

Originally Posted by _Zenith_ (Post 4492209)
It's pathetic you are doing this right now Ethan.

Emotionally charged, but it feels different than dfr. This is more on the attack than the defense, as I read dfr's. Any scrutiny toward a wolf is automatically false, so I'm reading wolf here. Really large chain of posts around 1190 but I thought 1192 was particularly interesting. Zenith seems to really not like MML this game. I'm gonna chalk it up to opposing factions, and put Zenith as the wolf.

The last two posts, the very last one as I'm writing this, are the ones ShadoWolfe mentions and tries to pick apart. I'm reading Zenith scum right now, so maybe that will change when he addresses ShadoW, but he's gonna sit tight at scum right now.

Not a lot to go off of, but there's some stuff to look at.

359 Drops some reads notably Zenith, Xel and freezin as scum. Gut votes storn. Really likes YoshL, and I too agree. 889 not honestly sure if he's joking here or really thinks storn is deflecting because he's a wolf. I can read it either way, but Tokzic backing up his gut read by questioning storn I like. 897 I really like this insight. It is something I would not have thought to consider, but positive reinforcement to justify actions feels more believable than negative comparison to show contrast. Good insight, even if the freezin lynch was ultimately wrong.

He's a little aloof from the thread, with not a huge wealth of content to go off. No real scum hunting, but a nice questioning mindset that leans him town for me. I'll be interested of course to see his insights into the d1 events which happened.


XelNya 11-13-2016 06:31 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by ShadoWolfe (Post 4493126)
Makes sense.

Why am I not in your "reads list"?

I would make a mistake wouldn't I.

MixMasterLar 11-13-2016 06:36 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by andy-o24 (Post 4493109)
If you're so sure I'm a wolf, then I can definitely clear you as town. I seriously doubt if you were a wolf you would let me play this recklessly without even an attempt to intervene. I can think of no world where wolves would let one of their own play like this if they had any intention of winning. It simply doesn't make sense to me that wolves would ever have a member on their team that they felt was expendable this early. There would have to be some obscene edge case win condition for that to ever be viable, or an excessive over confidence in the other wolf players.


Did you


...or are you trying to bait me into voting you? I find it weird that you wrote well thought out posts in d0 but now something like this.


Originally Posted by XelNya (Post 4493113)

I kinda get why Yoshl voted you but a solid explanation would be gr8.

Is YoshL voting for me? The dick


Originally Posted by XelNya (Post 4493113)
Would you reference the post with Haku's wolf tell for me please? (I'm lazy.)

His entrance was super serious and he only does that as wolf

Ignoring the "Imma read this now" posts, he really starts here
Note that there is alot more against him at this time then that.


Originally Posted by XelNya (Post 4493113)
The string of Zenith's posts now, don't impress me in the least.

It gets worst.


Originally Posted by XelNya (Post 4493113)
So in short mine'd look like

AA <- Towns

WnB <- town lean

GS <- Type:Null

Zenith <- Would lynch atm

reads subject to change*

You left Shado and me off, that's weird.


Originally Posted by XelNya (Post 4493113)

Let me explain the roundbox read though.

I was being an obnoxious FUCK in the game by refusing to do more than shitpost. Roundbox formulating a shit wagon on me and looking for my tell can sure be wolfy because if he can incite the reaction he wants, it's an easy mislynch. HOWEVER, I don't think round would do that in this time in the game if he was scum because an easier wagon on freezin was there. A wolf could just ride the wagon or pick on an afk like I was doing. I feel Roundbox was trying to clean up a potential mess for town.

If that makes any sense.

I mean

If Roundbox will show up and do a little more work I'm totally down to join your stance

Until then


Originally Posted by XelNya (Post 4493113)
tldr: who do we think would:

A: Make an AA night kill originally? B: AND make the Charu kill in case of Pazzazz nonsense.
C: Who has highest odds of selecting to shoot during the day on AA? D: Do we still trust Pazzazz's claim?

Compile and form a lynch pool and we could prob go from there I think?

A: Anyone with common sense to lynch top town
B: I don't understand the question. Wolves wouldn't target Charu in case of Pazz
C: Look at my breakdown of who all was here (Too lazy to find it so your turn to do some work and search) I've reached to Haku and Shado being the two likely, but really really REALLY lean Haku for reasons already stated.
And I do.


Originally Posted by ShadoWolfe (Post 4493116)
.....what? If he were a wolf, he wouldn't let you play recklessly? Did you just admit to being a wolf? Is this going to become a classic example of a slip? You realize if he a were a wolf, and you were town, he would have no reason to intervene? oh my god, you really did just admit to being a wolf.

I am very much okay with an andy lynch today. Hell, it looks like it might even be more promising than the Zenith lynch, depending on Zenith's responses.

Steal my thunder why don'cha?


Originally Posted by Hakulyte (Post 4493127)

Pazzaz(I'm pretty sure you know why. Tone read + response from after AA rip)


No I do not


Originally Posted by gold stinger (Post 4493128)
Has no one pointed out that Pazzaz has made like all of his posts dedicated to explaining his situation for why he couldn't talk d0 and then 1 post commenting about how he's going to drop stuff off later?

If you ask me, I think he would be a lot more townish if he was bursting with thoughts & opinions that he couldn't share in d0, instead we're all waiting for tomorrow apparently.

Just wanting to make that abundantly clear. Still reading through stuff.

Don't talk to me about waiting. Where have you been?
And you're return being to try and slander a very likely town when we have more then enough scummy folk running around looks like shit btw.

Still need to read Andy's big post. About to go to bed but will try to squeeze in a reply to it.

Not that I need to, he basically confessed already but whatever I'll play along

MixMasterLar 11-13-2016 06:43 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by andy-o24 (Post 4493132)
Slip list (probably missed some lol):


That joke post where I was joking?

You know what Imma stop reading right there and go cook some fish to eat before bedtime I'm hungry and don't have time for this bullshit. I promise to read all of it when I get back tomorrow though but I can promise you it's probably not going to change my mind

MixMasterLar 11-13-2016 06:45 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
Ok I kind of peeked at where everyone sat with Andy

At least he has Zenith as scum

Ok gone for real this time. see y'all in 12 hours probably

XelNya 11-13-2016 06:45 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
Also Andy I find if you're going to keep a scum read on me that's w.e I'm not afraid of it

but you probably should reread the later section between roundbox and I, where he explains it's for the purpose of drawing out my scum tell he suspects I have, and it is the response I admittedly give.

I don't fathom how me saying to not randomly pile on shado is a bad thing as aside from that timing his play hasn't been note-worthily scummy and I'm honestly not a bad lynch right there.

If Freezin' hadn't mistakenly panicked I predict I'd have died there as mechanically I think if you're going to make a random mistake it may as well clear up an issue town may have to struggle with later.

If that makes any sense? I fail to word this any better.

XelNya 11-13-2016 06:56 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by MixMasterLar (Post 4493134)
A: Anyone with common sense to lynch top town
B: I don't understand the question. Wolves wouldn't target Charu in case of Pazz
C: Look at my breakdown of who all was here (Too lazy to find it so your turn to do some work and search) I've reached to Haku and Shado being the two likely, but really really REALLY lean Haku for reasons already stated.
And I do.

I fucked up entirely in what actually needed to be asked

as to me missing two people I'm gonna blame it being past midnight.

andy-o24 11-13-2016 07:24 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by XelNya (Post 4493137)
Also Andy I find if you're going to keep a scum read on me that's w.e I'm not afraid of it

but you probably should reread the later section between roundbox and I, where he explains it's for the purpose of drawing out my scum tell he suspects I have, and it is the response I admittedly give.

I don't fathom how me saying to not randomly pile on shado is a bad thing as aside from that timing his play hasn't been note-worthily scummy and I'm honestly not a bad lynch right there.

If Freezin' hadn't mistakenly panicked I predict I'd have died there as mechanically I think if you're going to make a random mistake it may as well clear up an issue town may have to struggle with later.

If that makes any sense? I fail to word this any better.

I think the issue is, I missed whatever the tell was supposed to be roundbox was baiting from you. Your post 1356 seems a bit too thoughtful and helpful to town for me to really keep you on scum. And you shouldn't fear my scum reads lol.


Originally Posted by MixMasterLar (Post 4493134)
Did you


...or are you trying to bait me into voting you? I find it weird that you wrote well thought out posts in d0 but now something like this.

I fail to see how that would suggest I am a wolf. But admittedly I'm really tired and shouldn't be postulating anything. If I said I was a wolf in there somewhere, completely unintentional.


Originally Posted by MixMasterLar (Post 4493135)
That joke post where I was joking?

The point of that list was just times I saw you use the word "slip", which was a lot and I thought it was funny. It's really not analysis of you. If anything it serves as analysis for whomever you caught slipping.


gold stinger 11-13-2016 07:31 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
Decided I don't very much care for this game all that much anymore after the 4 - 5 days or so of playing. Guess I shouldn't play TWG anymore. It's still fun to read at times though, I just am not a fan of all the thinking. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯




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