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AragakiAyase 11-12-2016 03:41 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by ShadoWolfe (Post 4492915)
No, I wouldn't. The whole point of the post you quoted is that I wouldn't, which is why I dropped it.

ok I misunderstood then

AragakiAyase 11-12-2016 03:42 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by ShadoWolfe (Post 4492920)
So you're claiming Bus Driver?

Eh, I can believe this, I suppose. Mainly because I don't expect Pazz to have studied enough roles to know about busdriver, or about post limitations on players. I don't think you should've outted the names of the people you switched, but alright.

No, I think it's good that he did because if he's telling the truth then this not only explains the charu kill, but would also help any other town-sided roles who may have used night actions on me/charu to realize that their information is a little bit different

ShadoWolfe 11-12-2016 03:44 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by AragakiAyase (Post 4492926)
No, I think it's good that he did because if he's telling the truth then this not only explains the charu kill, but would also help any other town-sided roles who may have used night actions on me/charu to realize that their information is a little bit different

Ah, I hadn't considered that. You're right, it's probably net positive then.

ShadoWolfe 11-12-2016 03:45 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
Also holy shitballs batmaninD

AragakiAyase 11-12-2016 03:49 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by inDheart (Post 4492923)
#480 twtbaw tbh but he was pretty wolfy before. yeah basically #488 is how i feel

what are you saying here? idk what twtbaw is

AragakiAyase 11-12-2016 03:52 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by danceflashrevo (Post 4492818)
Okay I'm not reading the thread yet. Sorry I've been gone, I've worked very hard on a project that's being presented at MIT into the late hours, I'm exhausted blah blah blah excuses I'll save you the sob story. Grill me while I'm gone, I'll respond when I wake up, hopefully feeling refreshed.

forgot about this post

I don't know that there's a lot to "grill" you on right now, I don't think you've done that much since you were originally pressured by yoshl. what concerns me (and this is a selfish read) is that normally I think you project town pretty easily as town, and I haven't felt that this game


Originally Posted by danceflashrevo (Post 4492172)
@precarious you might wanna unvote just in case sunfan reads through quickly if you don't want your vote on charu

side note I can see how this could be coming from a town perspective, when I saw prec's post I thought the same thing initially

ShadoWolfe 11-12-2016 03:56 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

#405 I'm fine with you not awarding me townpoints, but note that nobody had any reads on aryxi at all at that point. I was the first (potentially excluding YoshL's question that ninja'd me) to push on him.

#408-410 how did he "snap retort" even slightly similarly to you? He said he was tired and that the game and promised a full explanation for all the points I brought up, and apologized for keeping me waiting while noting that this game requires energy he didn't have. He then later disappeared after that interaction and eventually replaced out.

In the game you're referencing, your response was to insult me in three back to back posts, ending with "your reads are always shit so good to see nothing's changed". I'm sorry, but I don't see the similarity here with Aryxi at all, so of course it got a very different response.

inDheart 11-12-2016 04:07 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by AragakiAyase (Post 4492929)
what are you saying here? idk what twtbaw is

too wolfy to be a wolf


Originally Posted by ShadoWolfe (Post 4492932)

#405 I'm fine with you not awarding me townpoints, but note that nobody had any reads on aryxi at all at that point. I was the first (potentially excluding YoshL's question that ninja'd me) to push on him.

#408-410 how did he "snap retort" even slightly similarly to you? He said he was tired and that the game and promised a full explanation for all the points I brought up, and apologized for keeping me waiting while noting that this game requires energy he didn't have. He then later disappeared after that interaction and eventually replaced out.

In the game you're referencing, your response was to insult me in three back to back posts, ending with "your reads are always shit so good to see nothing's changed". I'm sorry, but I don't see the similarity here with Aryxi at all, so of course it got a very different response.

yoshl had an aryxi read that i remember, but yeah i guess it's not the balance of people, so fair point

aryxi posted about being mislynched again almost right away, which i still think is similar sentiment-wise, just obviously not nearly as high emotion or ad hominem

roundbox 11-12-2016 05:01 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
For now, we can assume AA is not part of the scum team (based Pazzaz). If we find there are two scum teams then we need to throw this out of the window.
After sleeping on it, MML is probably town?

storn42 11-12-2016 05:09 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
Forgot to tokzic

storn42 11-12-2016 05:16 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by Pazzaz (Post 4492838)
Ok guys, I'm alive! My role kind of kept me from posting the first day, sorry for not being part of it, I'll post a long post with my thoughts later today.

Assuming this is true. That means you have been able to read the thread. And surely by now you have a reads list you can post, or something of that idea.

TWG Ike 11-12-2016 05:29 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
lets see how well this thing is working...

TWG Ike 11-12-2016 05:30 PM

Vote Count
Votes from post 1102 to post 1231
Night in 31:30:50

  • Votes -- Lynch -- Voters
  • 1 -- Tokzic -- storn42 (6)
  • 1 -- danceflashrevo -- AragakiAyase (29)
  • 16 -- not voting -- _Zenith_ (19), andy-o24 (3), danceflashrevo (1), gold stinger (0), Hakulyte (3), inDheart (5), MixMasterLar (19), Pazzaz (5), Precarious (0), roundbox (2), ShadoWolfe (25), Tokzic (0), Vendetta21 (0), Wineandbread (1), XelNya (1), YoshL (9)

AragakiAyase 11-12-2016 05:32 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
Where is everybody? So many people with single digit posts this phase

AragakiAyase 11-12-2016 05:38 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by Precarious (Post 4492583)
I periodically refresh to try to keep up with the thread on this tab, while reading from the beginning on another. There's no way I'll catch up to the thread by EoD, but I am here.

also worth noting that precarious said this and then nothing lol

AragakiAyase 11-12-2016 05:39 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
I feel like a lot of my posts lately are activity related but

Wineandbread 11-12-2016 05:44 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by roundbox (Post 4492938)
For now, we can assume AA is not part of the scum team (based Pazzaz). If we find there are two scum teams then we need to throw this out of the window.
After sleeping on it, MML is probably town?

I should bring this up now since I guess I'm not sure about double wolf faction mechanics. This would mean each team has their own kill power right? Would they kill each other/are they aware of the other team?

Wineandbread 11-12-2016 05:47 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by AragakiAyase (Post 4492945)
I feel like a lot of my posts lately are activity related but

That TWG Ike guy seems pretty fishy

I think Pazzaz, ind get some passes considering one replaced and the other "couldn't speak d0". I would definitely like Precarious to say something since he's said he would, and Aryxi too. I'd also like to see Tokzic's response to what storn has to say because I had a similar feeling when he "strongly gutread" him but still decided to vote Xel anyway d0

Anyone have a V summoning ritual?

Wineandbread 11-12-2016 05:52 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
Zenith's string of posts pg 60 are promising for activity. Still a bit defensive about his d0 which is nothing surprising at this point. But if you're gonna call out fluff posts, maybe don't post your own fluff posts.

It seems merely observational and not analytical. I'd like some thoughts from him about the Pazzaz development when he comes back.

inDheart 11-12-2016 06:48 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
ok i wanna make it to at least page 10 before i have to go

well i said "freezin happens" but that's probably preemptive given how much there is left to go, it's just the post i left off on isn't his greatest

freezin votes AA and that vote does definitely seem like nagl to me, so let's see what people think

#492 & #493 AA doesn't like, understandably. in general there seem to be people in this game who take issue with others' pushes at all, but pushes are what move games, you know?
#495 dfr doesn't like the whole wagon
#497 shado doesn't like, and again is coming off like my high school coaches as everyone's superfriend or something

then #504 just serves to emphasize AA's point lol

charu picks up the trail at #508 after a bit of ambivalence
#513 AA restates a fuller case
AA's #515 & #521 actually strikes me as reminiscent of the CLIX tone wars where freezin was town though... and of course freezin eats that up in #519 heh

oh then this ends in #540. AA looked good going through here but then this feels a little fast to turn away? charu noticed, think that's towny from charu

#544 is an all right MML post if not remarkably groundbreaking, but i wouldn't call dfr's reasons for saying gs is town illegitimate. you quoted them dude, they're there, what you want is evidence. can add MML to the pile of people coming out of the argument above on AA's side though. the amount of support for AA, and comparative lack thereof for freezin, could have wolves just choosing the right side, is what i wanna get at, though AA's base also includes some pretty towny people

#548 you nkow AA's been really good about reminding us that inactives exist, but it's getting to the point where they're least resistance to push for continuing to not show up - like all the actives have to be just towny enough for this to stand up for him. meta read in #550 is good for why juck out of the possible candidates is his top one though.

noting at #562 that roundbox has popped in (right after AA prods??) and voted xel, gonna watch for explanation
i also like how all of us who read/were in the hydra game are still marked by that stupid ending, heh

#568 gs back with a decent post, and what's unique about it is he's the first to really pursue a freezin lead with a vote following AA even though by this point AA's considering flipping that around. he must think there's still something worth seeing there. gs/AA not w/w

#575 oh ok here's a xel reaction already to box voting him. that said is xel an "easy" mislynch by this point especially now that he's in content mode? i would disagree

kayla -> prec i don't even remember kayla posting so nothing to say about her slot besides low content


aryxi -> haku oh boy, going from a scummish read to someone who's all over the place, exciting

#596 box still riding ~reasons~? i mean usually we can see the results of box's work before he votes people so this is somewhat of a switch up from what i understand as his typical game. granted though there is time left in the day, but this and the following exchange seem dodgier than usual, and it doesn't look like MML is just missing something. i mean, if he has, i have too, same with AA in #611 etc

#609 i saw some lyncher talk zooming through today and wanted to mark this as i think it's actually the first mention of lyncher i've seen by anyone. knowing what we know at least it seems a reaosnable speculation

#619 box also has a different stated take on lynching inactives, than most others who have weighed in, but this might be just because he has a scum read in the actives

#629 haku commenting on who he's replacing in on just seems a little tone deaf to me because that kind of deja vu thing he's reiterating has already been disregarded, i would say. he feels the need to self pres or something when shado has just corrected me in the present day about how like he's the only one to make a case on aryxi and one of few to scum read him? haku's usually pretty out there the way i see him and this seems rather focused from the start, but i could be focusing too much on his play in the game that had to get rerolled where we both practically exhaled shitposts that whole day

#645 guh. by this point i think it's been dragged out to the point of ridiculousness

also by this point i have started drinking so we'll see how this goes

#670 lol resetting haku's slot and scum reading it again in the same post

anything to see in freezin's reads in that big post about wolf universals or something that has gamefaqs tags for some reason? wolf reads are storn, gs, maybe zenith for "bad stuff"? but then goes to say inactives should go instead...huh

roundbox calls the post nice, huuuh

#678 by this opint i'm pretty sure xel has directly addressed box 3x and not gotten anything satisfying out of the dude

kind of ignoring shado's drunk posts otherwise but i remember in other games he's readlily kept us updated with his life

#700 oh hey V's here and he has a vocabulary lesson for us - thing is in the game(s?) i've been in with dfr i think he's had a tendency to be more self-absorbed tbh, especially when people want to pressure him. agree with #701 that AA has been town though or at least been able to fly solo

ok acutally MML posts are reading better to me now whaa

V agrees with box but actually gives a reason so there, i remember box and andy clashing on reasons so maybe this would be ok for box? maybe AA agrees as well? starting to feel like it's a meta thing i didn't pick up on

sotrn comes back to basically do self pres but also points at freezin, ok

no surprise in AA's reads really, besides that seems to answer my question about how people are seeing xel - that one reaction post to box's vote. idk it actually feels in character for him to me? i remember him getting bent out of hsape by what seemed to be small things in games before, most of which i remember from twgabout, and though he was a wolf in that game he fooled like everyone

#710 this is one tendency i've seen from yoshl as well, to be mindful of the arguments people could make/are not making against him, so he's in character with himself for that (reiterated in 715 as well)

wow AA is like the inactive enforcer the way it rereads now but i'm guessing he is seeing people in the viewing list and pinging them that way

charu's another one susp of box, but then the logic lands in the next post it looks like:
#727 okay yeah it was a meta argument i didn't see. now the thing with your reticence is like, wihtout really stating what you might expect to see as you didn't here, a reaction test can technically yield anything you can parse into being scummy as you shift expectations. i feel like it would be an excuse to remain in a tunnel, in waiting that long, and that might be what you're doing given we don't have any recent insights into other thoughts you might have.

#728 precarious way behind and congrats you're the third person to not read the player list and also miss posts like there's no marth (i was pretty sure that was pointed out on the same page, maybe not that tokzic knows though)

#735 yet another person, wab, coming in with another take on xel, which is he's scum for shitposting? no vote though but he's admittedly not caught up

#739 so i guess one question i have about this anon game is: was it recognizable that xel was pikachu during the game? that's something to research

#742 thus far i don't think i've seen haku scum read anyone besides maaaybe shado, and saying freez is "projecting wolf" is silly

#766 ok no. i don't like seeing people try to ride their meta. show us why, in this game, right now, that lynching you is a bad idea

#806 so here's haku with an original thing on freezin and how his game is not like CLIX: his reads aren't like his known town game, even though it's been said his tone is. +1 because it's probably easy to scumread freezin by now but hard to do from a new perspective. the one thing devaluing this is that post in CLIX was literally last minute but this still has merit.

k i'm just glazing over the posts now so i'm gonna stop for now, just not too much struck me as i went through the first part of page 11 but also beverage

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