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_Zenith_ 11-12-2016 08:15 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
Stopping there.

AragakiAyase 11-12-2016 08:25 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by Pazzaz (Post 4492858)
Yes you're right but if I choose two townies the chance that one of them would be a wolf target doubles. Even then, there was still a chance that none of them would be chosen.

I see

I buy your claim, only thing that concerns me is that usually bus driver (which is what you've described) is a scum role, but that's not too important I don't think

storn42 11-12-2016 09:12 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by AragakiAyase (Post 4492874)
I see

I buy your claim, only thing that concerns me is that usually bus driver (which is what you've described) is a scum role, but that's not too important I don't think

Not always though. I once played a game where I had a bus driver save me from a nk.

storn42 11-12-2016 09:14 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
Phone posting for today and tomorrow, and will be more inactive because as well. ill be able to give my full attention on Monday though.

storn42 11-12-2016 09:27 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by AragakiAyase (Post 4492799)
not sure why you'd assume there are no extra 3rd parties because there are plenty of 3rd party roles that don't have killing powers

like lyncher, for one

Lyncher eh? Well that's funny cus i was thinking the same thing.

I'd like to talk about tokzic. He seems to fit that inactive thing you're going for with only 23 posts., and more importantly I'd like to talk about his vote on me. Ifor you read back to it, it actually feels quite forced. He just "has a strong gut read" on how woofy I'm being. I can see this being a world where he rolled lyncher and me the lynched, or even simply him being a woof and trying to fake reads on people like me. But even so as he has this strong read on me in the end he goes and votes for xel. He jumps on that wagon for seemingly no reason despite his read on me.

storn42 11-12-2016 09:29 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by Tokzic (Post 4491440)
Alright AA, I'll make an Actual Post. There's a billion people in this game, so I guess I'll just start going off about whoever stands out:

YoshL is clearly going hard in the paint this game - I like it. His reads are both hot and good, and I find myself agreeing with most of them. I'm hesitant to give him too confident a townread, since YoshL trying hard as either alignment can look similar, but I feel a certain thirst in his scumhunting so far that makes me want to assume he's on my side.

AA said something of note: He questioned why MML was quick to townread me. I found myself nodding to this - I was kind of surprised at how many leans my shitposts resulted in, since I didn't really find them indicative of alignment. Or maybe they were? Is it possible to make towny shitposts? *considers deeply*

Besides YoshL and AA, so far I feel pretty good about Charu, andy, dfr, gold stinger. All giving me that towny vibe. In terms of scummy entrances, I didn't like the first post(s) of Zenith, XelNya, and maybe Freezin? Not sure about Freezin yet.

But my absolute top gutread this game is Storn. My gut is so confident that Storn is a wolf that I'm going to vote for Storn. BOOM. Just like that.


Originally Posted by Tokzic (Post 4492435)
Fuck. I tried to catch up but I ended up just skimming the last 6 pages or so. I need to pass out.

I tried to soft-reset my Storn read but my gut just instantly slammed it back into the red after I read another post. Kind of surprised Charu's the only one who openly agrees with me about Storn so far. I liked his points about Storn acting complacent about the wolfread -there's one post back there that straight up had me feeling like I was a baby being rocked in Storn's arms and it just screams red to me. I'll dig it up later if nobody else brings it up, but I'm interested to see if anyone does.

Looks like the most interesting thing I could do with my vote right now is put it on Xel.

Here are the tokzic posts I make reference to in my post

inDheart 11-12-2016 10:49 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
hi i'm here

my computer came back to me so i can actually play! they didn't fix anything though so i am kinda susp of it still

reading now

also: hos

Wineandbread 11-12-2016 11:04 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by Pazzaz (Post 4492846)
Ok, I've been thinking about the consequences of what I'm about to say, I hope this provides clarity. I thought about keeping this a secret but I will have to say this before the EOD incase I die so here's the truth.
I couldn't speak D0 but instead I received the ability to switch the positions of two people at the beginning of N1. I switched AragakiAyase and Charu. This is why several people reacted weird, they thought AA was gonna die or atleast not that Charu was gonna die. So if I die as town, AA is confirmed town (or the wolves tried to kill one of their own lol).


From now on I'm normal townie and will be scumhunting. I'll post my thoughts about everyone later.

I'm pretty willing to believe this because you actually didn't post AT ALL d0

However I do think it's a bit odd that you would mention this but preface with saying "before EOD incase I die" because it's quite early into d1.

inDheart 11-12-2016 11:19 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by Wineandbread (Post 4492890)
I'm pretty willing to believe this because you actually didn't post AT ALL d0

However I do think it's a bit odd that you would mention this but preface with saying "before EOD incase I die" because it's quite early into d1.

he's in a weird time zone so he may not necessarily make it to eods, so not worried about that part

Pazzaz 11-12-2016 11:25 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by Wineandbread (Post 4492890)
However I do think it's a bit odd that you would mention this but preface with saying "before EOD incase I die" because it's quite early into d1.

Well if I didn't respond I would seem pretty suspicious and if I for some reason became a target at EOD my explanation would seem pretty weak if I said it then. If I got hanged, me saying AA is safe wouldn't really have an impact as the wolfs would probably kill him.

Hakulyte 11-12-2016 11:37 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Do you have reasons to believe AA is really town over being a third party?
(If targeted by wolves)

inDheart 11-12-2016 11:49 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
up to post #214 have to get laundry

omg there's actually some good shitposting here

#43 this is the first post where i'm like "what even is this post" though, because you know there's like...a player list

#103-#110 not sure if i get the people jumping on MML for his commentary on the vote, but at least AA wanted to talk to him about his townread
like if you're townreading the dude then of course people voting your townread is gonna make you worry


#136 yer gonna be in a great mood all day because yer gonna be slappin yer DICKs away with the SlapChop(tm)

#149 lol i know it's spoilered but did you really feel the need to respond to all the thread shitposting and like none of the content? and that's your catch-up?

#182 & #192 see i just get the impression that shitposting isn't in AA's veins like it apparently is in many of ours, and MML's apparent townread was worth questioning as well

like yoshl's vote in #195-#198

#209 then in this follow-up from andy he gives yoshl a townread purely for his aggression? but i do like that he was able to come down from his claim and be like "sorry i did a bad" instead of pushing the bad thing further

#214 is also good from yoshl for keeping pressure

YoshL 11-12-2016 12:13 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
skim skim

hakulyte is doing actual thinking about the setup, which i really like

agree with aas sentiments that bus driver is usually a sc role, but with the caveat of not being able to talk is lol

aa has been mentioning lyncher quite often, which leads me to believe that he possibly has a target, but in the form of a character name? just speculating on mechanics. i dont think though that given his play so far, hes like, antitown third party, or even a wolf targetted by somwone with kp. he looks super clear, but please remember to reevaluate constantly as the need arises

probably super jumbled cause i just got up lol

AragakiAyase 11-12-2016 01:14 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by YoshL (Post 4492895)
skim skim

hakulyte is doing actual thinking about the setup, which i really like

agree with aas sentiments that bus driver is usually a sc role, but with the caveat of not being able to talk is lol

aa has been mentioning lyncher quite often, which leads me to believe that he possibly has a target, but in the form of a character name? just speculating on mechanics. i dont think though that given his play so far, hes like, antitown third party, or even a wolf targetted by somwone with kp. he looks super clear, but please remember to reevaluate constantly as the need arises

probably super jumbled cause i just got up lol

I've mentioned lyncher twice I think, once in response to MML questioning you "slipping" early on, and once in response to storn, but sure

AragakiAyase 11-12-2016 01:17 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
also kinda surprised that V keeps popping in and out without saying anything, idk what to think

ShadoWolfe 11-12-2016 03:04 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by AragakiAyase (Post 4492843)
Lmao so you'd potentially scumread me for my posts seeming townie? Ok

No, I wouldn't. The whole point of the post you quoted is that I wouldn't, which is why I dropped it.

ShadoWolfe 11-12-2016 03:13 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by Pazzaz (Post 4492846)
Ok, I've been thinking about the consequences of what I'm about to say, I hope this provides clarity. I thought about keeping this a secret but I will have to say this before the EOD incase I die so here's the truth.
I couldn't speak D0 but instead I received the ability to switch the positions of two people at the beginning of N1. I switched AragakiAyase and Charu. This is why several people reacted weird, they thought AA was gonna die or atleast not that Charu was gonna die. So if I die as town, AA is confirmed town (or the wolves tried to kill one of their own lol).


From now on I'm normal townie and will be scumhunting. I'll post my thoughts about everyone later.

So you're claiming Bus Driver?

Eh, I can believe this, I suppose. Mainly because I don't expect Pazz to have studied enough roles to know about busdriver, or about post limitations on players. I don't think you should've outted the names of the people you switched, but alright.

ShadoWolfe 11-12-2016 03:17 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by ShadoWolfe (Post 4492920)
So you're claiming Bus Driver?

Eh, I can believe this, I suppose. Mainly because I don't expect Pazz to have studied enough roles to know about busdriver, or about post limitations on players. I don't think you should've outted the names of the people you switched, but alright.

Nvm, forgot about wolfchat and coaching for a moment. A claim like this could easily have been orchestrated by an experienced woof.
Idk, back to reading I guess

inDheart 11-12-2016 03:28 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
up to post #489

#218 uhh why are you defending andy quite this hard, he seems to be capable of posting for himself and he's getting game tips from yoshl so? i think it's the dfr in you

#221 & #222 i know you're dead but...lol

#223 you may want to google a term called "wine in front of me" (and AA says as much in #247 ok)

#230 i'm inclined to disagree on your dfr thought here from that one time recently when he didn't self pres like at all as town, and this post you're quoting in particular feels like it has the same kind of emotion driving it, but that's meta

#234 charu with the occam's razor, though i get the feeling by yoshl moving his vote that he actually agrees with you here.

#243 if it's andy's first time playing ever i doubt he has meta on you *shrug*

charu mindmeld on dfr emotion talk basically

#253 i actually don't remember huge MML thread presence by this point lol. as he posts more when the game gets serious he tends to reveal towniness imo

#260 okay bwuh dfr's dragging this out quite a bit. i don't see dfr/andy as w/w unless there's like a full team of lolwolves who just don't even

#262 but like all of town would have to potato for that to happen

posts are getting samey/treading old ground around here, meh

#269 lmfao, another victim of not reading the player list unless he means dfr

#287 you know at this point i don't think xel shitposting is alignment indicative anymore. zenith read him wolf in twgabout for not shitposting as much (and he was), sunfan read him wolf in the turbo i hosted for being exceedingly normal (and he was), but thing is i thought he did a reasonable amount of shitposting in twgabout? so shitposting is probably a spectrum for him

#301 gold stinger wants the ~DeTaiLz~. don't really like the zenith part because it's a strat to not spill all right away, so you could ask him to explain himself, but him not having reasoning for liking yoshl there right away isn't a bad thing by itself. could be more inquisitive and insightful

and lol, so again given yoshl seemingly backing off and even having said something to that effect by this point, i would think he agrees with you on andy just without saying it. question to yshl on dfr is a good look though

#306 like this vote, storn pretty much slacking even though present

#307 oh gee MML and yoshl bumping heads again, that's never happened in a game ever. like this post less for its content but more because tone sounds like town MML

#312 YUP lmfao it's twgabout all over again

#320 oh ok maybe i'm misunderstanding yoshl's stance then after all if he has to make this post

OOC the sheer amount of double posts yoshl has gotten in this game is pretty much wow

#331 it's easy to be upset about MML's posts. cf. yoshl's posts.

#350 perhaps it's a liiiiiiiiittle early to speculate on the setup but yeah that huge warning about character names being in the rules means it's not a slip

#357 well this is a first for me, seeing a player point out where they shitposted. maybe it's just charu fishing for ~reactions~ but MML's not been remarkably stoic outside of the match of the century

good hot

#378 so this is an interesting point actually because charu had previously posted that he likes yoshl's prodding/aggression just not necessarily the directions it was going in. flipping back on that? i mean i know charu's flipped now but good thing to notice from MML ... oh but #383 kind of undoes this lol

#397 lol i feel like this utter disgust is a recently developed thing from zenith

#399 the :/est of takes

#405 you know i know shado aggros a good bit but this time it's on a target that people don't really have townreads on, so not really tempted to award him any town points for it.

#408-#410 but then after aryxi snap retorts in a way similar to how i did in the W15 it gets a way different response. it's a big difference here because shado was way tilted in that game but this interplay right here comes off as very strange. think there's at least one scum here and based on before i'd favor aryxi for that (and yeah i see he's out now but it's not like his slot changed alignments)

#413 storn a bit bent out of shape by a single scum read?

#416 okay what. has xel been arby'sposting literally just to escape a postcount poe...
not sure how to feel about him dropping the gimmick but i also think having it is nai so switching to seriousposting probably isn't a huge deal
it's just the stated reason is some garbage and there's enough people in this game who know better

#421 interesting that MML wasn't setting you off but maybe you're inured to it by now after several games with him?

#437 also prefer this to AA's reasoning. was it metanet where they wanted to purge the site of Zero Posting Accounts (ZPAs)? if they don't exist already then not likely they will later

#442 part of me is just happy gold stinger has a pulse up to now, and i liked a good bit of that post

lot of inactivity talk that comes off as rather airy to me

#465 kind of sympathetic to zenith's emotion when i have to catch up like this but i'm also glad he seems to get more in gear here

#474 well i would think this has to be taking into account aryxi's posts at the top of the page, no? not that those did much for me either, but they exist and i haven't seen AA interact with those up to now

#480 twtbaw tbh but he was pretty wolfy before. yeah basically #488 is how i feel

okay yeah then freezin happens, so next post will start at #489

ShadoWolfe 11-12-2016 03:32 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by AragakiAyase (Post 4492874)
I see

I buy your claim, only thing that concerns me is that usually bus driver (which is what you've described) is a scum role, but that's not too important I don't think

"Bus Driver has been seen as each alignment and historically is a pro-Town role; however, some moderators consider Bus Driver to be a Negative Utility role in Town hands, since it is more likely to thwart or confuse power roles than help. The pro-Town intent of this role is to attempt to redirect the scum's kill onto a better target." From mafscum

Pazz, I get where you were coming from in using it to investigate towns, but it's more effective if you choose the one town player you think is most likely to die, and then your top scum. If it lands, you'd have a cleared town and a dead scum. It is what it is, though.

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