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_Zenith_ 11-12-2016 07:46 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
Alright so I have no idea when these phases start and end so don't mind me.

Just read what I missed from EoD post, going to catch up just from there for now and try to do some isolations later if I have the dedication to sit through it all.

_Zenith_ 11-12-2016 07:48 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
Confused at the first progression between AA/YoshL, maybe it'll be explained later during this read.

_Zenith_ 11-12-2016 07:50 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by YoshL (Post 4492775)
i guess, semi-developed as in, semblance of being pushed on in the past, and also like, something that i at least, didn't disagree with, for a lack of a better expression as of right now.

zenith was i guess the other option, but honestly i didn't really pay attention to much of what he said, because of him getting angry, my history of altercations with him, and gut

I'm just angry at the shit I got (beyond actually being IRL Unhappy making it's way into my posts didn't help at all) when I've established my thoughts on d0 and they didn't want to hear it so at that point I no longer care.

I wouldn't have worried about actually accusing me though.

_Zenith_ 11-12-2016 07:51 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by ShadoWolfe (Post 4492776)
Also a Charu nk makes no sense to me. AA was strongest town for most, and Charu didnt seem like he was blue. He was playing totally normal

Okay? Let me tack this in my notebook right here that says "FLUFF POSTS"

AragakiAyase 11-12-2016 07:51 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by Pazzaz (Post 4492849)
No not really, that was not why I chose him. Yes, choosing a scum and a townie and the scum then dying would have been good but the chances for that happening would be pretty low. If I choose two people who are probably townies, if one of them die then I'll know the other is a townie too. I didn't want to throw my ability way and have it not affecting anything.

I don't really follow

if you pick a townie and a scum, and the townie is targeted but the scum ends up dying, don't you get a similar result of the townie being pseudo confirmed? I think your claim is believable but just trying to make sense of this

_Zenith_ 11-12-2016 07:53 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by ShadoWolfe (Post 4492778)
Oh, and now that we're past D0, I'd like Zenith to know that his "I hate d0 bullshit" excuse for not doing shit won't fly anymore.

Here I am, don't start your bitching either.

It's just d0. That's why I like to replace (beyond actually having a dedicated replacement for games is kind of nice), although, the last time I replaced it was at the tail end of d0 and I wasn't happy.

_Zenith_ 11-12-2016 07:54 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by AragakiAyase (Post 4492780)
mindmeld, a good sign hopefully

Shit you too? Flufferino.

Though, liked your previous post before this one.

Pazzaz 11-12-2016 07:57 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by AragakiAyase (Post 4492855)
I don't really follow

if you pick a townie and a scum, and the townie is targeted but the scum ends up dying, don't you get a similar result of the townie being pseudo confirmed? I think your claim is believable but just trying to make sense of this

Yes you're right but if I choose two townies the chance that one of them would be a wolf target doubles. Even then, there was still a chance that none of them would be chosen.

_Zenith_ 11-12-2016 07:58 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by MixMasterLar (Post 4492782)
Only one nightkill? and it's fucking Charu?

So it looks like that A: there probably isn't a third party and B: Charu was right about somebody.

Don't even comprehend this logical string.

Right before the day started I was re-reading EoD and saw that Charu said that. It blew my mind and I wish I would have called him out for it sooner.

That said, he was VT, so I have no earthly idea what he was thinking there.

Wasn't here for this so that's my fault.

I would love to hear an explanation for this

It's shitty that he got modkilled for only copying a part of his PM.

I mean, rules are rules and I mean no disrespect to Sunfan, but wow. I don't really know how to feel about that.

You feel nothing. It happened. Get over it. Yes, sucks a town got modkilled, but everyone knows better than to copy any text from role PM.

Having been at EoD and knowing how fast and lose it was, I doubt a scum Xel threw this out there to look more towny super last second. As far as I care Xel can be welcomed into the Strong Town Pile of Town People.

This makes those who where pushing super hard early on super suspect.

Okay, I need to see this Xel post because this isn't the first mention of a huge swing.

Freaking why? Please explain this. The timing is really bad for this vote considering the timestamp and wagons that where going on. You're normally a champion of picking between ongoing wagons tbh

Hold on, am I missing a post or wheren't you the one that was copying YoshL?
Although I want to hear both of you give a reason to switch last second.

My comments in bold above.

_Zenith_ 11-12-2016 07:59 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by YoshL (Post 4492784)
I'm going to sleep soon, but notice that someone should go check if shado made any reads on charu for one

and for two, question why you were apparantly processing charu as "not blue" during d0

Agreeing with this sentiment.

_Zenith_ 11-12-2016 08:01 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by ShadoWolfe (Post 4492785)
That was for Zenith

Utterly confused at what you are directing this post to.

Like saying over there? No way over there! You went too far!

_Zenith_ 11-12-2016 08:02 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by MixMasterLar (Post 4492794)
I guess a third party (or for that matter, wolves) didn't kill/roleblock/item use/whatever, and Charu could have just been a randomed kill/someone knowing how good he tends to magically get d2-3 and wanting to get rid of the problem ahead of time.

But all the same, I'll assume we have a larger wolveteam and no 3rd parties until we see another nightkill. And looking at Charu's post can't hurt.

Man that's garbage, and I --------- actually that's angleshooting

But let's say gut tells me he's totally aware of the game and choosing not to play.

Pazzaz You're reading this, right? Get in here

This entire post made me vomit.

_Zenith_ 11-12-2016 08:05 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by YoshL (Post 4492795)
watching MML fixate on supposed slips makes me dump him into the town pile for good tbh.

I'm looking at my general feelings towards the players in the game, and it's either null, or town leaning to varying degrees.

I have to commentate osu stuff tomorrow, so I'll be probably attempt to iso people for the first time fucking ever because it feels weird having like a bunch of strong town leans, and no real substance on any scum (AragakiAyase, roundbox, MixMasterLar, XelNya, Vendetta21 for anyone's reference)

feel free to yell at me if i don't actually iso people


Questioning if you are hesitant (can't believe I'm about to say this) about shoving someone down in the ground and calling them wolf. Then again, I've only kept a thin line of acknowledging and reading a healthy amount of d0, so I don't know how you are progressing through reading people yet.

_Zenith_ 11-12-2016 08:06 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by ShadoWolfe (Post 4492797)
Hah, that's funny 'cause I actually thought it'd be funny if someone tinfoiled into that while I was typing it, but figured anyone with a semi-decent grasp of the language would understand that "other options" here relates to "wonder who was gonna die".

What's even funnier is that it isn't either of the options you gave, though. It wasn't a slip, and the "poor vocabulary" comment doesn't apply either because my sentence made grammatical sense. If anything, you could try faulting my word choice, but that still wouldn't apply because the original syntax was not incorrect.

Learn to read, bruh


_Zenith_ 11-12-2016 08:07 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by AragakiAyase (Post 4492799)
not sure why you'd assume there are no extra 3rd parties because there are plenty of 3rd party roles that don't have killing powers

like lyncher, for one

Thank you

_Zenith_ 11-12-2016 08:09 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by YoshL (Post 4492800)
Aye, i'm not saying to completely discount the assumption, just that it's not a very founded one. Given 20 players, and a mystery setup, shit happens. Even with a larger wolf team, you would expect more than 1 kp per night phase at the very least, otherwise the game would drag on til no tomorrow.

Another completely valid option is that some protective role landed a hit or something, however it's not really good at all for anyone to claim with something as insubstantial as like "hey guys i did xyz during the night and maybe this happened whoops i claimed"

and again, i'm not saying to not look at what charu was thinking, just that assuming that there's a guaranteed wolf in charu's wolfreads is also not really a good way to go about things. Of course, given like, general statistics, there's probably a chance that there may be one, and if there's one thing that ffr twg players don't do as often as they should, it's look at dead player's reads.

juckter was playing ffr quite a bit while not making any posts.

psychoangel also popped into the thread and didn't actually say much.


Had to double take on this post for a moment in bolded but I really enjoy this post.

A little shocked you have these two (one of which was replaced by this time) but not me. I had what, <10 posts throughout d0?

_Zenith_ 11-12-2016 08:10 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by ShadoWolfe (Post 4492801)
To be fair, his "choices" were the only people really discussed at length yesterday.

I think MML's likely town, but more for tone than anything else.


_Zenith_ 11-12-2016 08:10 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by AragakiAyase (Post 4492802)
did anyone besides me actually discuss haku?

Ultimately nobody wants to do this. Hats off to you.

_Zenith_ 11-12-2016 08:11 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by roundbox (Post 4492803)
A little busy with parents visiting this weekend but I'll try

I really think there are third party roles this game MML, so I disagree with you there. I don't think your assumption that they don't exist is scummy, so you've got that going for you. However, you trying to instantly frame a lynch based on your two assumptions isn't healthy for you.

Again, thank you

_Zenith_ 11-12-2016 08:14 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by MixMasterLar (Post 4492807)
You knew it looked funny and that someone could take that the wrong way

Yet decided before you hit send anyway because for whatever reason you liked the word choice

Just to say I could fault you for bad word choice when you get called on it, which again you kind of already knew that and decided it was fine before so ???????????

Fuck my ability to read it's my lack of understanding how someone could do those things for those reasons that's making me question you

1: I like YoshL a little better now. Seems like he's calmed down and is trying.
2: Fuck those players too, but they each at least have one post or more IIRC.

Oh well? Some of us just don't care to nitpick ourselves with word choice? Like stop being a bitch about it.

Someone already commented before this about your reading comprehension being garbage so maybe not actually dissuade your mind from thinking you're bad and try to get better.

2. *glorified opinion*

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