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AragakiAyase 11-11-2016 12:30 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
I don't like most of the case by gs on freezin, freezin pointed out the holes just now

Charu 11-11-2016 12:30 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by AragakiAyase (Post 4492539)
it also seems like you haven't been keeping up on the game, because if you had you'd realize that I've clearly addressed the majority ofthe players in that list, and have at least touched on the others (except maybe wnb cause he recently started posting)

Curious, where did you touch up with V with his morning posts? I don't remember reading anything like that.

Good be faulty memory I suppose.

AragakiAyase 11-11-2016 12:31 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
charu if you'd pay attention you'd see that I've done my very best to address every player to some extent in this game which is really hard given that there are 19 other ones and there are several (and were more) who weren't doing JACK SHIT, and it's really annoying that you act as if I haven't

AragakiAyase 11-11-2016 12:32 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by Charu (Post 4492542)
Curious, where did you touch up with V with his morning posts? I don't remember reading anything like that.

Good be faulty memory I suppose.

you're right, I didn't actually address V, it was really in my head. but I still don't see why there's this expectation that i *must* push all players equally, I think I've done the best job this game of actually trying to do that and it seems like you're trying to discredit my push on xelnya solely because I've missed someone

YoshL 11-11-2016 12:33 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
i see xelnya's post that AA rings as insecure as an honest introspection.

also i think it's contrived that AA on D0 is being like "YOU SCUMHUNT NOW OR ELSE IM READING YOU SCUM". Forcing people to make reads I feel is not the correct way of getting people to participate, much less a way of reading them at all

Charu 11-11-2016 12:33 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
I'm not saying you're not doing stuff. I'm just saying, as subtle as I could've been...

You're tunneling on Xel hard

AragakiAyase 11-11-2016 12:35 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by YoshL (Post 4492546)
i see xelnya's post that AA rings as insecure as an honest introspection.

also i think it's contrived that AA on D0 is being like "YOU SCUMHUNT NOW OR ELSE IM READING YOU SCUM". Forcing people to make reads I feel is not the correct way of getting people to participate, much less a way of reading them at all

I've brought up numerous points about him, one in particular being the fact that he is consistently refusing to scumhunt. I think that's the easiest point for him to address but so far he's refused to do anything, and I've said why I'd rather give freezin a pass at this point

Charu 11-11-2016 12:36 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
Well it's less than 30 minutes till the clock ticks.

Xel, got one quick question.

Are you someone important?

andy-o24 11-11-2016 12:36 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
Xel and Freezin. Whoever answers first, you want heads or tails? I'm flippin' a coin.


gold stinger 11-11-2016 12:36 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by FreezinIce (Post 4492540)
are you trying to make my brain explode GS?

You're kind of exploding it yourself here, since almost everything that everyone has said your way explodes you but ok. I like that you're actually going in on something now.

Charu 11-11-2016 12:36 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by andy-o24 (Post 4492551)
Xel and Freezin. Whoever answers first, you want heads or tails? I'm flippin' a coin.


...Ewwwww... this is a really gross post actually, LOL.


AragakiAyase 11-11-2016 12:37 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by Charu (Post 4492547)
I'm not saying you're not doing stuff. I'm just saying, as subtle as I could've been...

You're tunneling on Xel hard

I won't deny it, but I'm not feeling freezin anymore and I've said where I stand on pretty much all players

if you have another option please share

gold stinger 11-11-2016 12:37 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by andy-o24 (Post 4492551)
Xel and Freezin. Whoever answers first, you want heads or tails? I'm flippin' a coin.


The fuck you are

XelNya 11-11-2016 12:38 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by Charu (Post 4492550)
Well it's less than 30 minutes till the clock ticks.

Xel, got one quick question.

Are you someone important?

If I was super important I wouldn't have done the arbys stuff

yes by this I am asserting I rolled a vanilla town role, and the unlikely nature of that is astounding

Charu 11-11-2016 12:39 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by XelNya (Post 4492556)
If I was super important I wouldn't have done the arbys stuff

yes by this I am asserting I rolled a vanilla town role, and the unlikely nature of that is astounding

Oh come on, y'know you totally would if you were third party or whatever. But thanks for clarification.

AragakiAyase 11-11-2016 12:39 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by AragakiAyase (Post 4492466)
I'll tell you why I think he is

#1: more shitposting than usual, very little content
#2: complete lack of scumhunting
#3: lack of strong prolonged reaction to being pushed, not actually pushing back that hard if you look outside the enlarged words. yeah he had an outburst but he's not actually going anywhere with it
#4: focus on zenith and no one else, not even pushing roundbox who if I were xel, I'd be pushing hard if I was town and someone tossed a read like that on me

here's my argument

#1 is not a strong factor in my argument
#2 is
#3 is a lesser factor but it's heavily subjective
#4 is definitely a factor and is tied into #2

so #2 is the strongest factor and also something xel can easily flip but he's just sitting there

you know what

unvote, let's see if any options present themselves

MixMasterLar 11-11-2016 12:39 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by gold stinger (Post 4492521)
Also read a lot of posts that there's no one actively trying to defend FreezeinIce but also have seen a couple posts saying that it might not be best to vote that way because wolves aren't defending which may or may not be a defense all in itself, no?

I'm feeling kind of inconclusive on it. I think I'm just going to vote based on other stuff that's already happened prior to emotional stuff as cold as it sounds.

Yeah I got that sense as well. I'm a little surprised but it's not unheard of.

I'm going to go FreezinIce for reasons already covered, and even his emotionally reaction could easily just be being pissed that he got caught.

I hope my other scum leans fucking step it up tomorrow.

AragakiAyase 11-11-2016 12:39 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by andy-o24 (Post 4492551)
Xel and Freezin. Whoever answers first, you want heads or tails? I'm flippin' a coin.


what the fuck

FreezinIce 11-11-2016 12:40 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by andy-o24 (Post 4492551)
Xel and Freezin. Whoever answers first, you want heads or tails? I'm flippin' a coin.



FreezinIce 11-11-2016 12:40 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
You don't get to be Xiv.

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