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YoshL 11-11-2016 12:07 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by FreezinIce (Post 4492491)
Well the contrast between the beginning and the end is plain to see, but how is it scummy? Is posting a reads list that has an intro scummy? Maybe I should've cut out the intro, and I would have HAD I KNOW IT WOULD CAUSE SO MANY PROBLEMS. I promised content. I felt pressured to deliver it. I was excited to do so hence the hype. But my care did not keep pace, and you have the result. I am literally explaining this exactly as it happened, and all of this is stuff I've said before mind you. So I get that for some reason you think it's shit but without using WIFOM how is it indicative of a scum freezinice? I'm honestly not seeing what the issue is. Are my reads so horrible that I would have been better off not saying anything? What quantifies bad reads anyways? My reads list wasnt crazy in depth and it had a few mistakes but what's scummy about mistakes? Everyone makes mistakes. Well ill read the rest of your post when I get home

I'm reading your intent to appear to be making a quality top notch post that really isn't a quality top notch post as scummy.

had you cut out the intro, it would have been a balls awful excuse for a detailed reads list.

In addition, I personally don't believe that you would mention that you had a detailed reads list that you deleted because people replaced.

XelNya 11-11-2016 12:07 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by roundbox (Post 4492474)
hey Xel

remember last game where I called you a wolfy fuck and you had this reaction?

because I do

So you're telling me that I was actually right when I said you didn't actually think I was wolfy and you used to this as an attempt to see if it was a tell or not.

Which you know, I could see this being a particularly note worthy tell. In fact it'd be a damning one. I can see where you come from.


Originally Posted by ShadoWolfe (Post 4492484)
Xel I'm not sure of. I wasn't getting wolfish vibes, but it's definitely a possibility since he feigns anger fairly well as wolf and that seems to be his go-to response to pressure (except for the last turbo where he was like "yeah fuck this I concede".

Look this isn't relevant to the game, but to be frank I think people read my posts with a significantly different tone than I do. A lot of my posts contain strong harsh , childish insult language, and unless you've voice chatted with me frequently, admittedly I understand how that is the case.

However let me swing back and go back into what my original post to roundbox showing intent on me:


Originally Posted by XelNya (Post 4491574)
Shitpost, serious post, all of them are useless posts.

Very blatant sarcasm.

However to be fair:


Originally Posted by XelNya (Post 4491956)
Oh you, that's like the easiest fucking thing you could do, isn't it. SIt there comfortably knowing you stand a chance of obtaing the easiest mislynch possible.

Cute. Top-tier. Really good.

I do give him the reaction he thinks is the tell he's looking for, and zero explanations I give for this are relevant tot he game and won't sound like a pity party.

If I were actually wolf this game goddamn roundbox, I'm sorry man. You'd have fucking wrecked me. Like dude, holy shit. It's JUST NOW hitting me how damning that sort of reaction is.

You picked a game where I rolled town to do it though, and it really sucks for me, because frankly I don't have a counter argument.

I'm gonna flip town guys, but shit, at least I know that if I WAS the scum team I got fucking schooled in the most basic way possible.

I can accept that.

FreezinIce 11-11-2016 12:07 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by Charu (Post 4492494)
They were just extremely short and lackluster to what was promised really. Not so much as the pandering intro, but the reads themselves.

Not to mention you kind of kept assuming people were going after your tone, when in reality, when you made that post, people were going after you for that post.

Least... I think so... lol. I certainly was giving you the stinkeye because of that post.

Sorry, next time I won't get your hopes up unless I'm certain I can deliver [READ: I have whatever I'm promising mostly done already ]

Charu 11-11-2016 12:08 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by storn42 (Post 4492500)
i found people defending him :P

Quite, you woof, I'm only doing it now because he made a wall-o-anger-text.

Otherwise, I would just yawn in his direction and wouldn't care if he lived or die.

...Still kind of don't, but now I think it's a miss, so there ya go.

gold stinger 11-11-2016 12:09 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by Charu (Post 4492499)
GS, I'm proud of you. I like your posts that don't have dicks in it.

there are dicks

XelNya 11-11-2016 12:09 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by XelNya (Post 4492502)
If I were actually wolf this game goddamn roundbox, I'm sorry man. You'd have fucking wrecked me. Like dude, holy shit. It's JUST NOW hitting me how damning that sort of reaction is.

The apology here is for the name calling general stupidity on my end, not for anything else.*

Wineandbread 11-11-2016 12:10 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by FreezinIce (Post 4492442)
I know the stereotype of good town play is to never give in and always fight to stay alive, but its pretty demoralizing to see people piling on you using secondhand logic and things that aren't even indicative of scum.

1. What points did they make that you liked so I can destroy them.

2. Holy crap would you lay off condemning me for my freaking intro, it's WIFOM at its finest. "Ohhhhh did he put it there to give the ILLUSION OF CONTRIBUTING?" No, I explained in the paragraph that literally came right before it why I made it.

3. As an aside, I loathe the fact that people think that sloppy play is some kind of scum tell. Your paragon of town play is a myth. It doesn't exist. Wolves play bad, make unwise decisions, yolo, ect. So does town. So what is the deal? What's the point of bringing it up? You can say "Freeze your play is bad you need to step it up or you could be in danger for not helping town." To that I will agree, that is a logical point to make. But when you say "Your play sucks, therefore your scum here let me vote you" I just shake my head.

4. What specifically was scummy about my reaction to getting dogpiled?

5. If it's not about my tone, what is it about? Please enlighten me, don't keep me in the dark ;)

5. Don't fucking compare me to zenith. He has 0 content. Almost 0 interactions. Nothing to show for the time he's spent in this thread except a load of complaining and whining. You can pick apart what I contributed all day and all night, but in the end it will still be more than what zenith has. So that begs the question, do you prefer his "content" over mine? Your vote is telling me yes. How disgusting.

6. In the end I'm just concluding alot of the stuff piled up on me is WIFOM stretches on "typical" scumplay. But when you have nothing else to go on but that and "tone", I'm sure that's infinitely more appealing than just killing an inactive. Now I just think back to MML and his assertion that tone is an "excellent" tool to catch scum d0, and I chuckle. The annoying thing is I can't refute this nonsense without using WIFOM myself, because the premise is flawed to begin with.

Unfortunately I don't have the time nor the willpower to respond in full to this. However, I do think that it's a good post and much better than "shut up".

1. You said you had a better read list and you didn't put it up, not even part of it. Why? You wanted to vote for inactives but you didn't commit. Why?
2. I understand why you said you made it. But what made you feel the need to format it in this manner? Why not just point out the specific tendencies for each player? Would it be that hard to follow your 'wolf tendencies' otherwise? In 676 you just write you wanted to put it up cause you worked hard on it, that's fine. It doesn't take that much more effort to say you wanted to put it up because you wanted to show your work.
3. Sloppy play is what leads to questioning, and reaction/response to said questioning is what most people base their reads on. Why bring anything up if not to talk about it? TWG might attack your rhetoric, but it is not supposed to be a personal attack. It is meant to be a mentally exhausting challenge. What else would you say we should base our reads off of on d0? When people shut down because they're butthurt like Zenith, nothing useful is accomplished.
4. Unhelpful attitude. It was like you didn't even want to entertain the comments, because you didn't care enough to fully flesh out your original collosal post. To me, that sounds like you are afraid that your logic is wrong, which is scummy to me.
5. You want to vote for inactives but you lean on storn/gs/tokzic?
5.2 Sorry if I offended you. Like I said, you did try to contribute. It was just kind of vapid to me, and when people asked why, you shut them out.
6. It's not typical, according to your Wolf Tendencies.

There just isn't a better option right now unless you give us one Freezin. Speak up against the people you want dead. Don't get swallowed up defending yourself because you're not doing a good job of it.

AragakiAyase 11-11-2016 12:10 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by XelNya (Post 4492502)
However to be fair:

I do give him the reaction he thinks is the tell he's looking for, and zero explanations I give for this are relevant tot he game and won't sound like a pity party.

If I were actually wolf this game goddamn roundbox, I'm sorry man. You'd have fucking wrecked me. Like dude, holy shit. It's JUST NOW hitting me how damning that sort of reaction is.

You picked a game where I rolled town to do it though, and it really sucks for me, because frankly I don't have a counter argument.

I'm gonna flip town guys, but shit, at least I know that if I WAS the scum team I got fucking schooled in the most basic way possible.

I can accept that.

just rings totally insincere

and you're still not scumhunting

Charu 11-11-2016 12:11 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by XelNya (Post 4492502)
If I were actually wolf this game goddamn roundbox, I'm sorry man. You'd have fucking wrecked me. Like dude, holy shit. It's JUST NOW hitting me how damning that sort of reaction is.

You picked a game where I rolled town to do it though, and it really sucks for me, because frankly I don't have a counter argument.

I'm gonna flip town guys, but shit, at least I know that if I WAS the scum team I got fucking schooled in the most basic way possible.

I can accept that.

Aaaaaand there goes the wagons imo.

Gonna probably assume freezin is gonna get the votes now with that type of post Xel just made.

...Or it could be Xel knows people would back off if he admits his play looks scummy. Hmmmmmmm...

FreezinIce 11-11-2016 12:11 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by YoshL (Post 4492501)
I'm reading your intent to appear to be making a quality top notch post that really isn't a quality top notch post as scummy.

had you cut out the intro, it would have been a balls awful excuse for a detailed reads list.

In addition, I personally don't believe that you would mention that you had a detailed reads list that you deleted because people replaced.

At this point pretty sure there's no pleasing you. Just look at it as a mediocre to average reads list if it makes you feel better. If anyone else's survival is ever indicative on a quality read list, I'll be sure to call you to grade it

Charu 11-11-2016 12:12 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by AragakiAyase (Post 4492508)
just rings totally insincere

and you're still not scumhunting

lol, remember that one game where Xel came in EoD and he was in some bathroom at work in Walmart?

AragakiAyase 11-11-2016 12:12 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by Charu (Post 4492509)
Aaaaaand there goes the wagons imo.

Gonna probably assume freezin is gonna get the votes now with that type of post Xel just made.

...Or it could be Xel knows people would back off if he admits his play looks scummy. Hmmmmmmm...


vote xel

gold stinger 11-11-2016 12:13 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
some spicy reads before the day's out

AA (Town lean) - There's been a couple of things that seem a bit suspicious like how the argument between them & Freezein dropped quickly and was part of what got my attention in the first place to vote Freezein, but has posted a lot of stuff helping town imo.

storn (Null) - I will admit that I don't think I've paid enough attention to storn's posts and the line of questioning that Charu put on him, and some of his earlier posts I'm finding myself not agreeing with. However, his more recent posts about voting I do agree with.

YoshL (town lean) - The interaction between dfr & YoshL earlier on in the game gave me really strong town vibes from both of them. For YoshL in particular, it was the aggression but it slowly tipped off around the same time YoshL & others were arguing about analogies. YoshL really hasn't posted all that much since then. Really wish he'd have kept the same sort of aggression but just toned it down a little bit. Got next to nothing instead.

wineandbread (town lean) - Not very much to go off of since a substitute in, but I did like the content post that he did recently. Specifically pointing out the Zenith stuff which was nice since I overlooked that.

roundbox (null) - Guy's doing 1 word posts and it's just sort of hard to get anything out of him really besides some reasoning as to why he put his vote on Xelnya. He brings up a good point imo that Xel is probably the better lynch candidate than Zenith here, since not only was he doing the arby's act early game but also talked a ton more shit than Zenith.

MML (town lean) - me & him had an early mindmeld and I like what he's pushing out there for a lot of other people, but again it's one of those things where I wish I could reread just to make sure. Haven't had a lot of chance to reread stuff since just recently I became a Community Moderator on some other website. Ultimately I blame his formatting tho bad formatting MML I blame you no takebacks you said it yourself.

Xelnya (scum lean) - Hasn't imo really contributed to the overall pressure & opinions that are happening, and has been more focused on shittalking really. He would be my 2nd vote this day but FreezeinIce is taking the cake for me on this.

Precarious (Null) - hasn't posted yet, looking forwards to a good quality post if he can get one in before EoD.

V (Null) - his words are like butter it might just be me but I think I might be too dumb to actually understand his poetry without reading it really really hard, and I only read through his stuff once. Regardless, he's not in a position where I'd like to see him gone right now.

Haku (town lean) - I liked a couple of the posts he made from when he subbed in, but I'm still not sure what to think yet, especially with him saying that he's going to be inactive as fuck probably after today since he's travelling.

FreezeinIce (top scum) - What didn't I like about what he's said so far? I disagree with the way he checks for wolves, I hate it that he even put that out there as if he could come back to it in the future to secure his case, he made multiple votes early into the game and then rescinded them sometimes in the same sentence but left the vote, there was also that one situation where pressure between him & AA immediately stopped because he got told by someone what to do instead of maybe putting pressure down on it. And they are sticking to that mindset in choosing their votes through a possible EoD lynch. A lot of people right now are saying that because the reads post looks super pretty that's a valid reason to go in on it but I'm not seeing it. Even then, everything else is enough for me to warrant my vote there.

Shado (town lean) - He's made a couple of quality posts that I agree with around page 15 - 20 into the thread I forget exactly where. I'd like to reread just to confirm as I was in the middle of doing so but then something came up for me on another website that I had to take care of. Again gotta say I'm not a fan of people clinging to me because it makes me think people are trying to save face (especially when they're drunk <,<) but for right now, there's worse out there.

Pazzaz (Null) - dicks dicks dicks dicks dicks dicks dicks dicks dicks dicks dicks dicks

Charu (town) - Dude's contributed a quite a bit to discussion and I think he holds the best post in this entire thread right now of voting who you seriously consider the worst and figure out the nitty-gritty later. Don't spend time overanalyzing just to make your vote, get it out, spit your reason, and be done with it.

Andy (town lean) - Early on in the game he got into a match with YoshL, and had quite a couple of things in there that screamed noob town to me, of which YoshL was riding off of. I believe those types of responses under that pressure is a good sign that he's trying, he just doesn't know where to go with it quite yet.

gold stinger (dicks) -

botchi (Null) - the fuck? I didn't know botchi was playing this game what the fuck

dfr (town lean) - His emotional outburst in favor of andy I believe is showing strong will to display that he's willing to get himself into possible bad situations this game. Also, the majority of posts afterwards in the thread were mostly commenting on things people have said/saying what they liked/disliked imo so for right now, they're not helping find scum as much as I'd like to see them doing, but they're doing alright for right now.

Zenith (scum lean) - Dude feels like he doesn't want to play, and is not being very open with everyone else about how they feel on interactions and votes. Feels very bottled up, but I don't necessary feel like voting because it doesn't feel alignment indicative to me. Just feels like the dude doesn't want to play. It is kind of screwing with town right now though so I'm leaving it as scum lean for now.

Tokzic (Null) - I don't necessarily know what to think of him yet, I believe I need to reread his posts. If I'm not mistaken I think there's a lot of agreeing/disagreeing with others but ehhhhhhh.

storn42 11-11-2016 12:13 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by Charu (Post 4492504)
Quite, you woof, I'm only doing it now because he made a wall-o-anger-text.

Otherwise, I would just yawn in his direction and wouldn't care if he lived or die.

...Still kind of don't, but now I think it's a miss, so there ya go.

im not quiet sure you typed what you meant to type.

gold stinger 11-11-2016 12:13 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
Going back 2 reread som missed stuff now

AragakiAyase 11-11-2016 12:13 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by Charu (Post 4492511)
lol, remember that one game where Xel came in EoD and he was in some bathroom at work in Walmart?

I don't remember his alignment and I don't really care at this point

Charu 11-11-2016 12:15 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by storn42 (Post 4492514)
im not quiet sure you typed what you meant to type.


storn42 11-11-2016 12:16 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by Charu (Post 4492517)

you typed quite instead of quiet

Charu 11-11-2016 12:16 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by AragakiAyase (Post 4492516)
I don't remember his alignment and I don't really care at this point


Why not? Isn't that what you were considering with Freezin with you "Weeellllll... he could be town but all his posts point the other direction."

Isn't that LITERALLY what you said about Freezin?

Charu 11-11-2016 12:16 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by storn42 (Post 4492518)
you typed quite instead of quiet

Only grammar nazi's are wolves.


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