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YoshL 11-10-2016 11:34 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by FreezinIce (Post 4492442)
Holy crap would you lay off condemning me for my freaking intro, it's WIFOM at its finest. "Ohhhhh did he put it there to give the ILLUSION OF CONTRIBUTING?" No, I explained in the paragraph that literally came right before it why I made it.

it's not wifom at all. I'm saying that anyone can give commentary about how you think wolves are supposed to act. You quite obviously spent more time formatting that post than actually making any substantial reads. It's illusory contributions because you don't follow up by elaborating any of your reads in the context of wolfiness that you have so nicely provided. By coupling the idea that your megapost was a reads post, and filling it with something other than reads in hopes that people are impressed by quantity (you were hyping it up like, ok here's a big post incoming big reads post let's go i'm writing a big reads post) it becomes filler that seems disengenuous. None of this is WIFOM. this is analysis of your post.


In the end I'm just concluding alot of the stuff piled up on me is WIFOM stretches on "typical" scumplay. But when you have nothing else to go on but that and "tone", I'm sure that's infinitely more appealing than just killing an inactive. Now I just think back to MML and his assertion that tone is an "excellent" tool to catch scum d0, and I chuckle. The annoying thing is I can't refute this nonsense without using WIFOM myself, because the premise is flawed to begin with.
And given that your general reaction has been to lash out at anyone who's tried to call you out on shit (when i called you out on you mentioning that i called AA out very early but actually didn't) you immediately turned hostile after that, and after i noted to you that it was my 23rd post out of 60 at the time, you completely ignored the fact, didn't even "oh ok. I was wrong", but essentially dropped it off to the side and never addressed it again. I find it interesting, because i was questioning one of your reasons for town reading me, and dropping that one point should have actually been pretty non-consequential. However, freezin is kinda giving off a very avoidance type tone with the majority of his posts.

Even here he says "The annoying thing is I can't refute this nonsense without using WIFOM myself, because the premise is flawed to begin with." and like, that's false. You can literally say why the premise is flawed to begin with, and state why, instead of trying to WIFOM?????

I'm actually super set on freezin, and I don't think my vote is moving. Xell is reading null to me, probably because I actually h aven't been paying much attention to him at all this game

storn42 11-10-2016 11:34 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by AragakiAyase (Post 4492466)
I'll tell you why I think he is

#1: more shitposting than usual, very little content
#2: complete lack of scumhunting
#3: lack of strong prolonged reaction to being pushed, not actually pushing back that hard if you look outside the enlarged words. yeah he had an outburst but he's not actually going anywhere with it
#4: focus on zenith and no one else, not even pushing roundbox who if I were xel, I'd be pushing hard if I was town and someone tossed a read like that on me

thank you. I dont think i will hop on this wagon though. though i didn't like the amount of shitposting at the beginning, his shitposts have turned to a more normal xel level imo, and i dont find these reasons to be solid enough for me to want to lynch him yet.

roundbox 11-10-2016 11:34 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by XelNya (Post 4484219)
You know what will grab you by the pussy and do whatever it wants: the cold, unfeeling dead hand of encroaching shitty mis-lynches. Enjoy Arbys.

my favorite part is that this quote is from last game

sorry you rolled wolf again bro LOL

storn42 11-10-2016 11:36 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by storn42 (Post 4492476)
thank you. I dont think i will hop on this wagon though. though i didn't like the amount of shitposting at the beginning, his shitposts have turned to a more normal xel level imo, and i dont find these reasons to be solid enough for me to want to lynch him yet.

i also realize this was a complicated af way of simply saying "thank you. xel is still null for me"

andy-o24 11-10-2016 11:40 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by storn42 (Post 4492478)
i also realize this was a complicated af way of simply saying "thank you. xel is still null for me"

Better you put the reasoning there, even if you've already said it.


Charu 11-10-2016 11:47 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
Heya folks, looks like a lot of fun in here, hmm?

Charu 11-10-2016 11:48 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
Who's ready for EoD? Because I am with my storn-y-worn-y vote.

Most likely won't get traction and the obvious safe vote plus not looking bad vote if I stay there.

So I will! Get owned, nerds.

XelNya 11-10-2016 11:50 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by roundbox (Post 4492477)
sorry you rolled wolf again bro LOL

I didn't

ShadoWolfe 11-10-2016 11:52 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
Here til EoD.

I don't want to lynch Freezin. His tone/responses read too similar to CLIX imo.

Xel I'm not sure of. I wasn't getting wolfish vibes, but it's definitely a possibility since he feigns anger fairly well as wolf and that seems to be his go-to response to pressure (except for the last turbo where he was like "yeah fuck this I concede".
I probably will have to ISO him, but I feel like it'll all be a certain kind of XelPost and I'm too fucked already just trying to sort the last 300 posts (3pages/100ppp) and trying to read nineteen fucking players.

I'm not gonna vote him since this is D0 and he isn't here to defend himself, but my top scumread is Haku. He consistently attempts to take a specific protown approach to his wolfgames, and he's doing that here despite never doing it as town.

I think Zenith is playing worse than either Xel or Freezin, but that's not necessarily alignment-indicative. I'm gonna take a closer look in a moment (EoD's in 75mins but it shouldn't take me long lol)

Also wanna take another look at Tokzic. He seems to be flying really UTR so I'mma take a closer look.

My town shortlist:
andy town
gold stinger so town I wanna marry him and his dicks plural
storn probably town
Vendetta probably town
Charu probably town, but this is TBA depending on potential tell.

Charu 11-10-2016 11:53 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
Also, Freezin's little outburst makes me see him using emotional ammo now since he's got so many votes.

I can respect that, and I'll so calmly state right now I don't think this lynch is a hit. Mostly because of that emotional anger he just displayed in that wall-o-text in his latest post. Don't think a wolf would take the time to bitch at everyone with that many words in one post. It'd be more spread out in multiple posts.

Either or, wouldn't miss either if you guys want to keep going with it. His lynch would give some relationship mysteries that we can probably solve.

Charu 11-10-2016 11:53 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by Charu (Post 4492486)
Also, Freezin's little outburst makes me see him using emotional ammo now since he's got so many votes.

I can respect that, and I'll so calmly state right now I don't think this lynch is a hit. Mostly because of that emotional anger he just displayed in that wall-o-text in his latest post. Don't think a wolf would take the time to bitch at everyone with that many words in one post. It'd be more spread out in multiple posts.

Either or, wouldn't miss either if you guys want to keep going with it. His lynch would give some relationship mysteries that we can probably solve.

But of course, this is me reading myself, because I certainly would do that regardless, hee hee hee.

Charu 11-10-2016 11:55 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
HOWEVER, if there's a difference, it's that he's actually defending himself.

Last game I had with him. He was pretty much going "you're right" and not saying a lick of anything else. Oh yeah, made a reads list I think last minute when I last played, but it was WAAAAAAAAAY too late to reconsider.

FreezinIce 11-10-2016 11:57 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by YoshL (Post 4492475)
it's not wifom at all. I'm saying that anyone can give commentary about how you think wolves are supposed to act. You quite obviously spent more time formatting that post than actually making any substantial reads. It's illusory contributions because you don't follow up by elaborating any of your reads in the context of wolfiness that you have so nicely provided. By coupling the idea that your megapost was a reads post, and filling it with something other than reads in hopes that people are impressed by quantity (you were hyping it up like, ok here's a big post incoming big reads post let's go i'm writing a big reads post) it becomes filler that seems disengenuous. None of this is WIFOM. this is analysis of your post.

Well the contrast between the beginning and the end is plain to see, but how is it scummy? Is posting a reads list that has an intro scummy? Maybe I should've cut out the intro, and I would have HAD I KNOW IT WOULD CAUSE SO MANY PROBLEMS. I promised content. I felt pressured to deliver it. I was excited to do so hence the hype. But my care did not keep pace, and you have the result. I am literally explaining this exactly as it happened, and all of this is stuff I've said before mind you. So I get that for some reason you think it's shit but without using WIFOM how is it indicative of a scum freezinice? I'm honestly not seeing what the issue is. Are my reads so horrible that I would have been better off not saying anything? What quantifies bad reads anyways? My reads list wasnt crazy in depth and it had a few mistakes but what's scummy about mistakes? Everyone makes mistakes. Well ill read the rest of your post when I get home

roundbox 11-10-2016 11:58 PM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
freezin's a miss

Charu 11-11-2016 12:02 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by FreezinIce (Post 4492491)
Well the contrast between the beginning and the end is plain to see, but how is it scummy? Is posting a reads list that has an intro scummy? Maybe I should've cut out the intro, and I would have HAD I KNOW IT WOULD CAUSE SO MANY PROBLEMS. I promised content. I felt pressured to deliver it. I was excited to do so hence the hype. But my care did not keep pace, and you have the result. I am literally explaining this exactly as it happened, and all of this is stuff I've said before mind you. So I get that for some reason you think it's shit but without using WIFOM how is it indicative of a scum freezinice? I'm honestly not seeing what the issue is. Are my reads so horrible that I would have been better off not saying anything? What quantifies bad reads anyways? My reads list wasnt crazy in depth and it had a few mistakes but what's scummy about mistakes? Everyone makes mistakes. Well ill read the rest of your post when I get home

They were just extremely short and lackluster to what was promised really. Not so much as the pandering intro, but the reads themselves.

Not to mention you kind of kept assuming people were going after your tone, when in reality, when you made that post, people were going after you for that post.

Least... I think so... lol. I certainly was giving you the stinkeye because of that post.

gold stinger 11-11-2016 12:03 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by Charu (Post 4492482)
Who's ready for EoD?

I am no ready for EoD I make read post bird dick

Charu 11-11-2016 12:03 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
PS, I think Xel's overreactions thus far are pretty cute.

AragakiAyase 11-11-2016 12:04 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread
charu you better not actually sit on storn, there are a lot of people on freezin

Charu 11-11-2016 12:05 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by gold stinger (Post 4492495)
I am no ready for EoD I make read post bird dick

GS, I'm proud of you. I like your posts that don't have dicks in it.

But at the same time, that makes me KIND OF worried.

But maybe it's a paranoia worry because you're really REALLY good at articulating your thoughts when you're a wolf and you just SCREAM town when you do so.

storn42 11-11-2016 12:06 AM

Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by AragakiAyase (Post 4492323)
I think there's a chance he's town because of the fact no one is defending, but that's about it

everything else is making me lean him scum

i found people defending him :P

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