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-   -   League of Legends [v2] (http://www.flashflashrevolution.com/vbz/showthread.php?t=132864)

Samwais 04-1-2014 07:58 AM

Re: League of Legends [v2]

Also makes for great mechanics practice since you're spamming out stuff so much faster.

Litodude 04-1-2014 08:29 AM

Re: League of Legends [v2]

ya that timer is right

BeatMania Rotate Mod 04-1-2014 09:04 AM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
Zed and Sona are disgusting on the new mode.

hi19hi19 04-1-2014 09:46 AM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
Hurricane Darius is so fucking fun to play in new mode

Also Hecarim, Garen, Katarina, Tyndamere. The 5 of them was a great team, spin to win! (we lost lol)

Litodude 04-1-2014 10:01 AM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
nidalee is a fucking terror i love it

insta heals, insta leaps, 5 man chase around the map is so fucking fun

Litodude 04-1-2014 10:30 AM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
haha oh good lord shaco is fun as fuck

masterhickle 04-1-2014 05:11 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
Fiddle is so much fun in this.

MinaciousGrace 04-1-2014 06:28 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
im just going to spam yi until i face a team with no shields heals or hard cc

Doug31 04-1-2014 07:10 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
I happened to get yi on a team with no useful shields or heals. I just killed them so fast it was awesome. They had cc with morgana but I made mercury treads to try to stop her. Didn't actually help much endgame but it was really useful when I was laning with her. 28 kills including a penta.

.Gazelle. 04-1-2014 07:18 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]

danny53x 04-1-2014 09:31 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
someone invite me I'm Yotipo

Magicturbo 04-2-2014 01:19 AM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
I've determined Morgana to be the ultimate answer to this game mode. Chain snaring, Zero CC affects you, natural spellvamp lets you fight forever, and stacking swamps.

Super fun game mode though =p

Orianna mechanics practice is ridiculously fun too

lumphoboextreme 04-2-2014 01:56 AM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
lol I def have an incoming ban with the amount I've been trolling on league lately. I can't seem to have any fun with this game anymore ever since my mmr broke I might just quit until s5.

.Rarity 04-2-2014 03:15 AM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
Anivia is fun.

intensez 04-2-2014 02:06 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
ok guys this is really hilarious on this mode try it out

a friend of mine and me went sion and pantheon top (both stuns on like 1.7 second cd at level 5) and literally you just chain cc the crap out of anyone

i think a 5 team of all low cd stuns would be hilarious (taric, panth, sion, tf, etc) i remember seeing it on reddit but on here its even better

Litodude 04-2-2014 02:48 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
you get poked down too hard

Xiz 04-2-2014 03:00 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
^ This.

Let me play jayce against you, good luck to both of you being in lane.

vantilburg 04-2-2014 03:14 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]

Apparently their zed was 600 pts in Challenger o.o

colt.45 04-2-2014 09:23 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
Got to play with videogamedunkey!

Litodude 04-2-2014 09:30 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
man, i played with sky williams as my support leona and i feel bad for calling him out for being shitty but he was

i even got his autograph at worlds how shit am i

colt.45 04-2-2014 09:38 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
^ thats pretty awesome. Sky is a friend of mine.
Now if only I could play w/ Lemonnation....

Razor 04-3-2014 02:48 AM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
dw tho, got queued against XDG Mancloud first game of rapid fire

we bm'd him pretty hard lel

vantilburg 04-3-2014 11:05 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
Super Galaxy Rumble's drill is the drill that will pierce the heavens

ReikonKeiri 04-3-2014 11:30 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]

Originally Posted by Razor (Post 4109815)
dw tho, got queued against XDG Mancloud first game of rapid fire

we bm'd him pretty hard lel

"if you're in lcs i should be in ogn"
"wow rude"
"im sorry i didnt mean it ill vote for you for all stars"

Best part I didn't even do it

Razor 04-4-2014 12:28 AM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
how to be 13 kills and 7 towers up and full build graves, enemy yasuo/malph 4 man ult our team in their base, they come back and push mid for win........

platinum II is so fucking aggravating

Litodude 04-4-2014 12:32 AM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
get gud

Trogdor!!!! 04-4-2014 02:37 AM

Re: League of Legends [v2]

twitch vu is rad as fuck

NFD 04-4-2014 03:58 AM

Re: League of Legends [v2]

Originally Posted by colt.45 (Post 4109639)
Got to play with videogamedunkey!

I have one of those, you might not recognize some of the items though.

colt.45 04-4-2014 10:51 AM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
When was that screenshot taken?? Some of those items like Shurelyas was around when I started.
I hope I'm in his video that would be hilarious. . I was freaking out in the loading screen to my friends ... I had to take a picture.

Tokei 04-4-2014 11:50 AM

Re: League of Legends [v2]

Originally Posted by colt.45 (Post 4110438)
When was that screenshot taken?? Some of those items like Shurelyas was around when I started.
I hope I'm in his video that would be hilarious. . I was freaking out in the loading screen to my friends ... I had to take a picture.

I'd probably guess Season 2, looking at Morgana's splash art icon

[and tryndameres, and brands]

MinaciousGrace 04-4-2014 01:30 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
my god ogn whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat

prime optimus uses phoenix down on skt k?????

MinaciousGrace 04-4-2014 01:48 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]

darklordsarumon9 04-5-2014 04:46 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
How is xpecial so fucking good

Razor 04-5-2014 09:14 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
4-1 in ranked 5's provisionals, seed Gold II

win 6th and 7th game in a row, Plat inc.

Xiz 04-6-2014 03:24 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
First round of this tournament im in. God damn it. ABOUT TO GET RAPED.

ReikonKeiri 04-6-2014 05:34 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]

( also mfw HoG in NFDs screenshot -> ;_; )

.Rarity 04-6-2014 06:31 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
I need to work on finishing matches fast as an adc :(

Trogdor!!!! 04-6-2014 07:28 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
shiphtur confirmed for elo hell

Litodude 04-6-2014 09:29 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
u need to work on building correctly as adc

Xiz 04-6-2014 09:47 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]

Originally Posted by Litodude (Post 4111981)
u need to work on building correctly as adc

This ^

stargroup100 04-6-2014 11:36 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
bv there probably would've allowed you to apply a bit more pressure than mallet

stargroup100 04-6-2014 11:40 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]

Originally Posted by intensez (Post 4109433)
ok guys this is really hilarious on this mode try it out

a friend of mine and me went sion and pantheon top (both stuns on like 1.7 second cd at level 5) and literally you just chain cc the crap out of anyone

i think a 5 team of all low cd stuns would be hilarious (taric, panth, sion, tf, etc) i remember seeing it on reddit but on here its even better

hard countered by spell shield (morgana)

a really hilarious strat in urf mode is to pick twitch and backdoor towers. during the duration of the ultimate you outrange the towers, so you can actually rip a tower from 100 to 0 with one ult + plus a few more autos

NFD 04-7-2014 04:21 AM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
I need somebody to play a good support because that is how I prefer to play Caitlyn but I don't have any of those to duo with

I absolutely hate Lucian, he is awful.

Litodude 04-7-2014 09:33 AM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
i was originally going to say 'if you're good enough to ad CARRY you do not need a good support, or team, in any stage of the game' but that unfortunately is not so with a lot of you - be honest. blaming your shit support or lost-mid-lane-therefore-enemy-mid-roamed-bot is easier than criticizing your own ineptitude. until you start looking at yourself on replay (which i dont think any of you scrubs do), even during the situations when it isn't entirely the fault of other players and you know [but won't admit], you will continue to suck.

tbqh if you want to be able to climb ranked quickly you need to be able to play more impactful roles better, that is jungle and mid lanes (early) and ad (late). yes you will be able to learn a lot from every different position and it is important to have the inherent knowledge of each lane/role. but if you wanna climb you better do some rows cause you need a big back to carry your entire team. adcarry is great but even some of you who self-proclaim to be RLY good, i spectate your games and your positioning is horrid along with your map-awareness and CS that it's SMH bad.

if you can't handle cs'ing while trading in bot lane then you shouldn't complain. if you can't handle playing 1v2 bot (as the mentality you should hold until you get to maybe gold2) then you shouldn't be playing bot, or have the audacity to blame any other teammate.

if you can't adequately hypothesize where the enemy jungler will be or what objective to push then you have no right to fucking complain about your loss.

if you have this mentality that you're going to lose the game if your team can't do their part, then why the fuck are you playing soloQ?

everytime i press that button to Q i know that it's me against the world. if i have an amazing team, great, i hope i'll win - if i don't, it doesn't matter because i'm going to fucking tryhard and carry 1v5. there is no godlike player who doesn't think they're in a different league than others, and honestly some of you are so lackluster in your appetite to want to get better, and just -say- you want to but actually do -nothing- that it sickens me.

you wanna get better and rank up? then put in the necessary time and effort to get better you shitstain, stop fuckin complaining about how shit you are

Litodude 04-7-2014 09:36 AM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
i had an acquaintance of a girl from china who immigrated to the US and holy fuck talk about putting in work; literally bottom-of-the-barrel-bronze-5 to now almost gold in a few months just because she puts in the hours to learn and analyze and practice. she can't even speak 30 words of english but god damn can she exh and keep timers like a mother fucker.

i'm not saying you all should be more like a chinese woman but goddamn don't you realize you don't get good at something by being lazy and complaining?

Trogdor!!!! 04-7-2014 12:03 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]

Originally Posted by NFD (Post 4112246)

I absolutely hate Lucian, he is awful.


colt.45 04-7-2014 12:20 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
Learn 2 cs better. 80 cs at 10 mins. 180 cs at 20 mins. Set those goals. You will carry games much easier if you can do that. Especially in gold elo should be very easy.
This is your friend: http://mullinator.com/tools/cscore?c=183&t=20.0&p=78
Always be positive. You can carry the worst of teams if you play it out correctly.
It doesn't matter about kills and deaths thats not whats going to solely win a game, its about objectives and strategy. Good example is the LCS match yesterday of Cloud9 and Coast:

I do think support plays a big role in bot lane success (coming from a support main).
I do have issues where there is nothing I can do to carry a bad adc. Ive had many games where the ADC has 60 cs at 28 mins in compared to their vayne who has around 178.. and this was in High Gold/Low Plat Elo. T_T
You just gotta do your best... There will always be baddies.

hi19hi19 04-8-2014 02:26 AM

Re: League of Legends [v2]

Originally Posted by NFD (Post 4112246)
I absolutely hate Lucian, he is awful.


He sits comfortably between 50-53% win rate across divisions in ranked solo queue and is a contested botlane pick in competitive play... hardly awful.

Usually, when people play the balanced champions and do badly, it's because they don't know what they are doing on the champion (how to trade, build, what the teamfight role is, etc)
That or the champ just doesn't fit your style well, but with practice you can overcome this.

stargroup100 04-8-2014 02:36 AM

Re: League of Legends [v2]

Originally Posted by Litodude (Post 4112278)
everytime i press that button to Q i know that it's me against the world. if i have an amazing team, great, i hope i'll win - if i don't, it doesn't matter because i'm going to fucking tryhard and carry 1v5. there is no godlike player who doesn't think they're in a different league than others, and honestly some of you are so lackluster in your appetite to want to get better, and just -say- you want to but actually do -nothing- that it sickens me.

you wanna get better and rank up? then put in the necessary time and effort to get better you shitstain, stop fuckin complaining about how shit you are


we all pretty much by this point understand that generally speaking you can carry yourself as long as you play well, but this kind of attitude goes too far in that direction

yes, we should improve our play. yes, we should spend time and think and practice. but it's people like you that don't understand game theory and team dynamics and try to talk big, only to reveal you're not as smart as you actually are. maybe your point is "tough love," but even then you're still not doing it right

it's GENERALLY true that if you play consistently, you should win your game, but this is not always the case. when you lose, you need to think critically about where you went wrong, not blame others when it's your fault, and not to put yourself down and/or get frustrated when it's not your fault

in lower tiers, players don't understand how to catch people in lane, so you can pretty much freefarm and build a gold advantage that you can use to carry. in higher tiers, support play is important because it's nigh-impossible for an ad to lane properly by himself 1v2, so the support is actually relevant (trust me im a support player if you try to lane against me and an ad carry 1v2 you're gonna get destroyed). this is not black and white and it's not always true for every game, but one needs to be able to recognize this in order to understand to what degree to trust and use your teammates. in addition, sometimes a game is actually virtually impossible due to disconnected teammates or cases of extreme feeding

suppose the enemy jungler camps you all game, from the very beginning. your jungler cares more about farming than helping you, and you can't touch the creep wave without getting dived. unless there's some brilliant idea you can come up with, you're basically going to be starved

strategic choices in games are based off a couple of major elements: the game's current state, the possible strategies of other players and the probabilities of them, and the payoffs for your response to each of those strategies

the other problem with your comments is that you assume that everyone can improve their play to a certain point. this is not fundamentally true. some people are born short and cannot grow taller, some people are less intelligent and cannot grasp complex concepts no matter how hard they try, some people have slow reflexes and cannot improve them no matter how much they practice. video games are the same way. while we can keep practicing to improve, we can only get so good, and the skill cap for each person is pretty much genetic and can't fundamentally change. everyone has their limits. don't talk as if everyone has the potential to hit diamond if they try hard enough (which is also impossible because you can't have near 100% of players in diamond). saying that people who want to improve but are too lazy disgust you is arrogant and makes you look like a pussy. you can tell them to stop bitching but you shouldn't let dumb shit like that get to you


Originally Posted by Litodude (Post 4112279)
i'm not saying you all should be more like a chinese woman but goddamn don't you realize you don't get good at something by being lazy and complaining?

find me one person that doesn't already understand this

in short, help people actually improve instead of being a douchebag or shut up

hi19hi19 04-8-2014 03:09 AM

Re: League of Legends [v2]

Originally Posted by stargroup100 (Post 4112707)
help people actually improve instead of being a douchebag or shut up

asking this of lito?

rofl better luck curing cancer

NFD 04-8-2014 04:28 AM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
no i just feel like whenever i'm playing him i do no damage even with bt tri but when they have lucian it's like they're fucking uzi or some shit

and i dunno, if i had to pick a dueler like him i know he's less superior but graves will always be my go to

his w just seems useless to me and the culling i don't know man it's like eh. i feel he can get bullied out of teamfights pretty quickly but i guess he's mobile so people play him

idk i guess i don't get the mentality you have to have with him, i prefer cait where you're literally just pushing or ez but i don't even play adc horribly often, tanky bruisers are too fun

also i wasn't like, blaming any losses on support, i just prefer to have more communication than what i have been getting. being a social person bleeds into my gameplay and i do better in my opinion if i'm either just chatting with someone or we're talking about timers or things like that or cooldowns etc, i need the noise, even if it's just typing

colt.45 04-8-2014 01:48 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
^ Well if you ever want to duo I'm down. Im a good support but I only play Sona. (Unless she is taken then I will go morgana or karma) and I can communicate.


As for cooldowns, id look into getting curse voice beta. It tells you cooldowns of all your teammates and dragon/baron timer.


Trogdor!!!! 04-8-2014 09:42 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
So is MF good now or

stargroup100 04-8-2014 09:54 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
she feels like a cross between jinx and lucian

depending on what you need I feel like those two would generally be better than mf

though this is just speculation

Litodude 04-9-2014 01:53 AM

Re: League of Legends [v2]

Originally Posted by stargroup100 (Post 4112707)

find me one person that doesn't already understand this

90% of millennials and quite a large population of man-children that play video games

trust me, the less you rely on your team and start understanding that you need to practice and learn the entirety of the game yourself the better you'll do. when you have an expectation that isn't met, the aggravation is compounded

knyaz 04-9-2014 03:41 AM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
MF for aoe based teams feels superior to those two
for the prev discusion if you want to carry your team be a jungler/mid. they have most impact.
but as a main jungler i got blamed for f***g every mistake in lane everyone does, no love at all. dude on top being camped? he blames me for no help thought we got every drag and both other lanes wins hard with my help, no i'm the worst.

love lol community

Litodude 04-9-2014 04:40 AM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
that's what happens when you main jungle, but imho it's probably the most impactful role: you have to establish early on from team comp whether or not you can afford to be carry jungle (esp with the new AS buff on claw) or if you're going to have to be a ganker/sballer. regardless, you should go for carry jungler 80% of the time

laning is simple: win it. mid lane is more impactful when it comes to the three lanes only because of the gank-ability of most mid lanes, and is usually the lane that, if snowballed early, can guarantee a victory. but when faced with a evenly matched mid laner? how are you going to win? your jungler ofc.

with the nerfs to wukong, lee, vi, elise, and possibly panth soon, really the most ideal strat now is a burst jungler that can scale hard and can afford to split late game. warwick, shaco, yi, udyr, voli (rarely the bear). it's been a lot more rare to see a tank jungle unless you're up against a full ad team or something, but the meta's shifted in that regard. imo best jungler strat:

get ward trinket

if blue, start red, go mid and camp until smite up again. ward their wraith path near their red (assuming their blue start) before going to your blue. yes you are behind one camp of wraith but assuming you can an early summoner off on mid, mid can't say shit. get blue, farm wolves, smite wight, go top if needed.

if purple,

start blue, do wolves, ward behind red camp, finish red, either gank mid or top (preferrably top). if cannot kill, smite golems, recall. if ganking mid, camp until smite is up, do wraiths, recall. gg

stargroup100 04-9-2014 06:39 AM

Re: League of Legends [v2]

Originally Posted by Litodude (Post 4113255)
90% of millennials and quite a large population of man-children that play video games

if they're everywhere link me one example where someone states they believe they can get better by being lazy/complaining


Originally Posted by Litodude (Post 4113255)
trust me, the less you rely on your team and start understanding that you need to practice and learn the entirety of the game yourself the better you'll do. when you have an expectation that isn't met, the aggravation is compounded

you clearly didn't read what I said. self-improvement and learning is the goal when you're trying to get better (by definition????), but you can tell people to stop bitching and/or give advice to improve without being an arrogant dick


Originally Posted by Litodude (Post 4112278)
some of you are so lackluster in your appetite to want to get better, and just -say- you want to but actually do -nothing- that it sickens me.

I don't care if you're diamond 1 or challenger. if you think this way you're a cunt and pathetic

Litodude 04-9-2014 10:33 AM

Re: League of Legends [v2]

Originally Posted by stargroup100 (Post 4113323)
you can tell people to stop bitching and/or give advice to improve without being an arrogant dick

I don't care if you're diamond 1 or challenger. if you think this way you're a cunt and pathetic

no i can't

it's lonely at the top

i don't know why this is such a great offense to you such that you have to throw fallacious blows left and right. maybe you're trash yourself? :shrug: not my problem

the aforementioned statements were strictly for soloQ, and particularly the lower elos anyway. the mentality gets better sure, as you rank up and realize that maybe, possibly, you can expect your team to do certain things, but you shouldn't immediately assume so. that assumption is what causes most of the rage, frustration, and hinders the ability to look internally and figure out what the problem is. playing with noobie clan members who are actually arrogant, and can audibly hear how everything is another person's fault: i'm not talking out of my ass.

you think the mentality is the same in team 5s? [i]dumb[/b]

also no, i normally don't read tl;dr's because i think most opinion's that can't be said in 20 words is a waste of time BUT


Originally Posted by stargroup100 (Post 4112707)

the other problem with your comments is that you assume that everyone can improve their play to a certain point. this is not fundamentally true. some people are born short and cannot grow taller, some people are less intelligent and cannot grasp complex concepts no matter how hard they try, some people have slow reflexes and cannot improve them no matter how much they practice. video games are the same way.

i really can't believe you have the audacity to suggest that there is literally a biological difference in skill aptitude that among players; there is a cap a player can reach that no one else can achieve.

That's fucking bullshit and -you- ho boy you look like an ignoramus.

do you think koreans are good at video games because there is a genetic difference to their muscluar twitch reponses? because of heredity? you do realize that if you broke down the amount of hours playing and practicing LoL to those who are ranked higher there is nearly a 1.0 correlation mark? or to like...anything other video game, doing work, practicing a skill, practicing an instrument, working, training, fucking everything in existence? and DID YOU KNOW there's this thing in the world called the empirical rule that explains statistical distributions which you so incorrectly referenced?

holy shit lmao you're the type of person with that defeatist attitude, aren't you? the ':shrug that person is just better than me because there is a biological difference in our skill' that i fucking hate being around. you're a pussy dude! no wonder you took my statement to heart, i'm talking about you aren't i? i wasn't even directing that at anyone - it was merely a statement of my disappointment and how i look down upon those that will not put in effort and complain of their ineptness.

Litodude 04-9-2014 10:34 AM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
lmao "you can only get so good"

LMFAO i can't get over the fact that you are that much of a pussy

stop typing to me

ur a waste my my energy lmfao

Coolboyrulez0 04-9-2014 10:39 AM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
omg i cant rank up cuz im german pls help me lito :(

Litodude 04-9-2014 10:40 AM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
sorry baby u gotta speak english and have korean symbol in ur name to show that ur good

dAnceguy117 04-9-2014 11:15 AM

Re: League of Legends [v2]

Originally Posted by Litodude (Post 4113349)
do you think koreans are good at video games because there is a genetic difference to their muscluar twitch reponses? because of heredity? you do realize that if you broke down the amount of hours playing and practicing LoL to those who are ranked higher there is nearly a 1.0 correlation mark? or to like...anything other video game, doing work, practicing a skill, practicing an instrument, working, training, fucking everything in existence? and DID YOU KNOW there's this thing in the world called the empirical rule that explains statistical distributions which you so incorrectly referenced?

might be a misconception on stargroup's part due to being used to the competitive rhythm game scene, where skill caps are 1) more based on physical limits, and 2) probably more solidly defined because you're playing against arrows or whatever instead of against a living, breathing opponent.

still skill ceilings tend to exist and do vary from person to person. two different players will remain different from each other after putting in 1000 hours, and you can probably figure out which player is "better" at that point.

I would imagine it's pretty fluid in LoL as the meta can change, you can do a lot of different things in order to outplay your opponents, etc. in that sense there might always be room for individual improvement relative to other players. I wanna say some people will have more of a natural aptitude for improvement than other people, though. it has to do with everything about the person. if I'm born blind then I probably can't get very good at LoL. if my upbringing led me to become impatient and easily frustrated then I probably can't get very good at LoL.

how much genetics matters I dunno, maybe not a lot, but I don't think you can say it's not a thing at all.


Litodude 04-9-2014 11:47 AM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
i'm not saying that there isn't a ceiling at all, but to suggest that one cannot make it to diamond based on hours of practice is of little faith and determination

phe0nixblade 04-9-2014 12:17 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
i'd much rather read one of your posts about telling someone how to play while being a dick than i would rather read one of stargroups mile long posts about something he could have said in 2 sentences without using 14 different math solutions to talk about it

dAnceguy117 04-9-2014 12:22 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]

Originally Posted by Litodude (Post 4113365)
i'm not saying that there isn't a ceiling at all, but to suggest that one cannot make it to diamond based on hours of practice is of little faith and determination

that could theoretically not hold true if enough of the game's player pool also puts in that much practice ;) ;)

but yeah effort goes a long way. oh hahahaha this reminds me of something I saw recently

chump posts several walls of text about how shitty and elitist the community is, only to later claim that the game might programmed to give him bad teams in promo matches. hahahahaha

Litodude 04-9-2014 12:41 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
theoretically if everyone practiced the same, the differences in skill, even though more minute, will still have to follow the empirical rule. you can see it if you played FFR/SM over the years: the averages got higher (for those who still played rofl) and the scores were omg did insane, but the ones who could get past the scrubs were still idolized.

those individuals that were/are outstanding can account for the hours they've spent playing, practicing and getting better. yes, there are some who excel based on biology alone (e.g. dossar kid), but -most- of the time it was through hours and hours of practice (e.g. shash)

i won't say all of you can make it to challenger or D1, but good lord, everyone, and i mean EVERYONE that has put in hours in this game can make it to D5 at LEAST.

so quit being a pussy

clasko1000 04-9-2014 12:48 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
This guy made it to diamond with no hands, whats your excuse??


Litodude 04-9-2014 12:56 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
[point] case [point]

stargroup100 04-9-2014 01:38 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]

Originally Posted by Litodude (Post 4113349)
the aforementioned statements ... and can audibly hear how everything is another person's fault: i'm not talking out of my ass.

thanks for dumbing down exactly what I said. gj retard


Originally Posted by Litodude
i really can't believe you have the audacity to suggest that there is literally a biological difference in skill aptitude that among players; there is a cap a player can reach that no one else can achieve.

everyone, and i mean EVERYONE that has put in hours in this game can make it to D5 at LEAST.

that's exactly what I'm suggesting retard

extreme examples: blind people, most people who don't have limbs, most mentally challenged people, etc

and there is absolutely no question that there exist people across the entire spectrum between that and players with the potential to hit D5

I know a lot of people in my personal life who won't be able to hit D5 no matter how hard they try, for example one friend who can't even navigate in minecraft or beat the first world of super mario, and has a pretty damn slow reaction time

if you're talking about the difference between mental and physical limits, I'd like to challenge you to become a world-renowned quantum physicist, or memorize thousands of digits and recite them back, or be able to pick out all of the pitches in a dense block chord. I guarantee you won't be able to do these things no matter how hard you try. mental limits are just as real as physical limits

it's as if you don't think there exist people in the world who are just naturally bad at video games. and this isn't even counting the fact that most people who play this game are casuals that don't have the free time to spend grinding on a game. saying you want to be better at something that you can't, whether it's due to limits or constraints, is something that virtually all people experience. you think just because I want something I'm gonna work towards it? it's literally impossible for almost everyone to achieve everything they want, and to try to do everything is ridiculous nonsense

yeah, some people rage and blame others. read this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunning...3Kruger_effect
it's not that they won't spend the time to get better, it's that they don't even know how. if you don't know how to improve or identify good play from bad play, then how is it possible to even improve? my dad used to be a university professor who eventually quit, part of the reason being that he struggled with poor graduate students, some whom he had struggled to teach how to add fractions. think about that: someone people can't even learn how to add fractions. try teaching them game strategy

and finally you totally skipped over the point where I said that not everyone can be diamond. if 100% of all players are diamond, what's even the point of having tiers? not to mention it's actually literally impossible because the league system is set up in such a way that when someone goes up someone else goes down, which overall keeps the distribution of players constant


Originally Posted by Litodude (Post 4113349)
i don't know why this is such a great offense to you such that you have to throw fallacious blows left and right. maybe you're trash yourself? :shrug: not my problem

o when you say mean stuff it's ok but when I say mean stuff I'm butthurt
nice comeback im so offended

tough love dude. you use harsh language to attack lazy people. I use harsh language to attack douchebags, don't be a baby about it


Originally Posted by Litodude (Post 4113349)
holy shit lmao you're the type of person with that defeatist attitude, aren't you? the ':shrug that person is just better than me because there is a biological difference in our skill' that i fucking hate being around.

anyone that's been around here long enough knows that's pretty much the opposite of me. the difference between you and me is that you need a reality check. you talk as if I'm actually upset in some way. you think I give a shit whether or not you're an arrogant cunt? you should be thankful I'm giving you criticism

"I hate being around people who want to get better at sports but are too lazy to do anything" <--- dick
"I hate being around people who want to get better at picking up girls but are too lazy to do anything" <--- dick
"I hate being around people who want to get better at math but are too lazy to do anything" <--- dick
"I hate being around people who want to get better at league but are too lazy to do anything" <--- not a dick? ok

helping people is good. telling them when they're being unreasonable is good. giving them useful advice is good. teaching them how to control their emotions is good. caring about whether or not people spend a buttload of time and effort to improve is stupid and ignorant. saying that absolutely everyone can be good at something is even more stupid.

stargroup100 04-9-2014 01:40 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]

Originally Posted by clasko1000 (Post 4113392)
This guy made it to diamond with no hands, whats your excuse??



legally blind man who was former world number one in ARCHERY

go tell every human being who has better eyesight that if they tried hard enough they can also be the world's best archer and you won't even be able to count the number of people who think you're full of shit

blind woman who won the third season of masterchef. go tell everyone with eyesight they can cook better than her, that's not ridiculous or offensive in the slightest, nope

how about comparing yourself to mentally handicapped autistic savants? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Savant_syndrome
good luck

dAnceguy117 04-9-2014 01:48 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]

Originally Posted by stargroup100 (Post 4113406)
and this isn't even counting the fact that most people who play this game are casuals that don't have the free time to spend grinding on a game.

if a lot of people who play ranked matches play the game casually then grinding and training your way past them should be possible for almost anyone who is inclined to play video games in the first place and has the time, though. like I think the point is if you want to reach whatever skill level then you have to work for it. a lot of people who say they don't have time could pull hours from other leisure stuff to put into practicing if they made a conscious decision to do so.

also I don't think lito was saying he wasn't being a dick, I don't think that requires a "reality check"

PriestREA 04-9-2014 02:03 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]

Originally Posted by stargroup100 (Post 4113406)

and finally you totally skipped over the point where I said that not everyone can be diamond. if 100% of all players are diamond, what's even the point of having tiers? not to mention it's actually literally impossible because the league system is set up in such a way that when someone goes up someone else goes down, which overall keeps the distribution of players constant.

The tier system will still work because of the inchworm concept; the idea that people have their A, B, and C games. In the situation that "everyone" would be diamond by today's standards, what is diamond now may not serve as a real expectation in the future. If everyone was diamond in this current system, it would be very easy to maintain a tier system, the difference is that people at the top consistently play their A game while people at the bottom are inconsistent. Both players are skilled, one is consistent and is constantly able to adapt to changing situations, thus improving their A game.

The new bronze would be old diamond players who cannot play their A game often, the majority would fall back into that position. As you move up, everyone becomes far more consistent. Eventually, the new diamond I would still contain diamond players according to old standards, but these players are very consistent and can perform well on a whim.

It's not that out of reach to practice and get better at a skill. I believe that some people will need more time; if two players both play 1000 games, the improvement that each will see is not the same. Each player still has the capability of making it to a new league. It depends on the quality of the practice you are putting in. What are you learning from each game? I am certainly not a high ranking league player, but from experience in FFR/SM and other ladders I can tell you that you can definitely go from bottom to the top of the ladder.

stargroup100 04-9-2014 02:13 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]

Originally Posted by PriestREA (Post 4113416)
In the situation that "everyone" would be diamond by today's standards, what is diamond now may not serve as a real expectation in the future.

As you move up, everyone becomes far more consistent. Eventually, the new diamond I would still contain diamond players according to old standards, but these players are very consistent and can perform well on a whim.

It's not that out of reach to practice and get better at a skill. I believe that some people will need more time; if two players both play 1000 games, the improvement that each will see is not the same.

In this case we're talking about the natural limits of people, hypothetical limits of their ability. You're talking about improvement rates. The point is that there will always be a large difference in skill. Comparing "diamond this year" to "diamond next year" means nothing and by the time next year rolls along people like lito will still be referring to the "current diamond" in the future.

Literally everyone on this planet has something they're good at and something they're bad at, and almost everyone can identify at least one thing they're bad at. Go ahead, right now, think of one thing you feel you're absolutely terrible at, regardless of how exotic or obscure it might be. Imagine dedicating yourself to that. You think you can reach the top 3% of the population that also dedicate themselves to that same thing?


Originally Posted by dAnceguy117 (Post 4113410)
if a lot of people who play ranked matches play the game casually then grinding and training your way past them should be possible for almost anyone who is inclined to play video games in the first place and has the time, though. like I think the point is if you want to reach whatever skill level then you have to work for it. a lot of people who say they don't have time could pull hours from other leisure stuff to put into practicing if they made a conscious decision to do so.

also I don't think lito was saying he wasn't being a dick, I don't think that requires a "reality check"

I have plenty of friends whose goal was to hit Gold league. They did exactly that, and although they wished they were better still, they didn't choose to spend more time. It's not about the fundamental relationship between working and getting what you want, it's about to what extent and how far people are willing to go to reach their own specific set goals (and also the limits of how far they can actually go).

dAnceguy117 04-9-2014 02:23 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]

Originally Posted by stargroup100 (Post 4113419)
I have plenty of friends whose goal was to hit Gold league. They did exactly that, and although they wished they were better still, they didn't choose to spend more time. It's not about the fundamental relationship between working and getting what you want, it's about to what extent and how far people are willing to go to reach their own specific set goals (and also the limits of how far they can actually go).

right that makes plenty of sense. I think that was the original point. if you want to achieve something then you must put in the necessary amount of work for you, otherwise no matter how much you talk about wanting it you won't get it. at that point your complaining about not getting it is just noise.

Litodude 04-9-2014 02:28 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
i don't think you know what the dunning-kruger effect is...lol.

again you expect to argue that people get frustrated about not being able to become when my entire premise the entire time was to indicate (1) how to get better (2) stop raging at others because of your own shortcomings

jesus fucking christ you're a retarded cuntrag

Litodude 04-9-2014 02:31 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
stargroup all of your posts are basic regurgitated information that lack any depth, do you assume you're talking to illiterates? you ask for statistical dat yet prove none of your own except for anecdotal data and case studies

seriously, archery? savant syndrome? lol

plz ***** u can stop anytime

Litodude 04-9-2014 02:34 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
please condense what you're going to say to like 2 sentences because really your opinion doesn't matter to the point where i don't even want to read past line 3 of any of your post

Litodude 04-9-2014 02:35 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]
i'm glad to make you feel inferior tho, plz keep trying to explain your faulty reasoning to me

stargroup100 04-9-2014 02:36 PM

Re: League of Legends [v2]

Originally Posted by Litodude (Post 4113438)
seriously, archery? savant syndrome? lol

plz ***** u can stop anytime

yeah you got me that makes sense

apparently you're the illiterate one because you pretty much missed everything I said

w/e ****** your loss

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