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flashflash account 04-28-2020 07:20 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by Makilaz (Post 4727866)
flashflash account [1]

Duskfall [1]

ShadoWolfe [1]
flashflash account


flashflash account 04-28-2020 07:21 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread
if xiz is anything I'm putting money on sk honestly

Xiz 04-28-2020 07:22 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by flashflash account (Post 4727870)
if xiz is anything I'm putting money on sk honestly

can you mechanically explain why, and how my play benefits me from doing this

im the only one here who has even LOOKED at letters this game and it's a little depressing

is it because nobody else knows how to?

DaBackpack 04-28-2020 07:22 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by flashflash account (Post 4727811)


dude I spent like 30-40 minutes defending myself for pushing too hard on my main scumread this game, sorry I took a break for painting

if you want me to hold your your hand through my ISO post-by-post that's not gonna happen. I told you exactly what happened. Everything I said, those are things that happened, you can check yourself. Otherwise you're gonna be wasting my fucking time on a nothing-burger instead of pushing forward

flashflash account 04-28-2020 07:23 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread
3) DaBackpack- scum lean
2) Bolth mannn- town lean
3) Hakulyte- towny
4) flashflash account- town
5) Funnygurl555- town
6) jessiebessie- null
7) Ulleabhara / ShadoWolfe- scum lean
8) psychoangel691 - vanilla town (lynched d0)
9) leetic- town
10) Xiz- token scum read
11) XelNya - vanilla town (died n1)
12) MixMasterLar- town
13) Duskfall- towny

MixMasterLar 04-28-2020 07:23 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by Xiz (Post 4727871)
can you mechanically explain why, and how my play benefits me from doing this

im the only one here who has even LOOKED at letters this game and it's a little depressing

is it because nobody else knows how to?

Haku, FFA and DBP did last phase

.......I'll just, add that to the long list of inconsistencies

flashflash account 04-28-2020 07:23 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by DaBackpack (Post 4727872)
dude I spent like 30-40 minutes defending myself for pushing too hard on my main scumread this game, sorry I took a break for painting

if you want me to hold your your hand through my ISO post-by-post that's not gonna happen. I told you exactly what happened. Everything I said, those are things that happened, you can check yourself. Otherwise you're gonna be wasting my fucking time on a nothing-burger instead of pushing forward

then the conclusion is scum

ShadoWolfe 04-28-2020 07:26 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by flashflash account (Post 4727851)
I guess it can rand, whatever

we could cfd wolfe
they didn't respond to me either when I asked them about xiz

when did you ask me about Xiz? I'm reading, chill your beans fam

if you must know, I don't like either of the wagons right now. as far as I've read, I haven't seen anything from DBP meriting a lynch. Is his playstyle different in terms of posting more during the phase itself and less trying to control EoD? yes. Do I think it's AI? No. I like that change. I know DBP has historically been stressed thinking people *needed* him to come in at EoD and hero mode it to save town, so seeing him put it to the backburner is a welcome change. everything I've read of him so far has been aight.

Xiz I've commented on extensively in my posts thus far. I think can be resolved later as more claims come in, though after reading his more recent meltdown and recovery, I'm beginning to think his presence alone is gonna split town even if he may be town himself. I don't think there's much he can do at this state to convince certain people that he's truly town, so he'll be an easy mislynch later on if people let emotions make their decisions when claims come in and mechanical lynches becomes more crucial.

So between the two, I'd lynch Xiz over DBP if it comes to it.

I'd much rather we lynch duskfall. Say what you will about D0 reads, but I think that over and over and over again his posts dripped scumminess too many times for me to let it go. I think you can tell alignment from even one post if it betrays the underlaying intention enough, and I think his posts do that. my thoughts there are outlined in my bigger post about D0 as well.

I'm also really hesitant on accepting FG's green. A godfather almost certainly exists in this setup, and I'm normally really good at reading her. In all the games I've played with her, I don't think I've ever mislynched her as town and the one time she was wolf I caught her D0 and pushed for her lynch thru the following day phase. Aside from this phase where she's seemed more normal (perhaps due to the green check), she's really been off to me. My thoughts there are outlined in my big post from yesterday.

DaBackpack 04-28-2020 07:27 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by flashflash account (Post 4727815)
I'm taking the 99% that xiz gets outed later
that's a 96%+ chief

No, fuck you. You don't get to push him back until F3/F5 whatever, because at that point it will be super easy for you/anybody else to bail him out. You know how that happens, you've SEEN it happen, how an open wolf gets to live until endgame for whatever bullshit reason

we HAVE him NOW, you have him at 95% percent wolf yourself. Instead of taking the 95% chance NOW you are literally choosing to commit to the 5% minority chance that I'm a wolf just to be a special snowflake apparently

what the fuck are you on?

Bolth mannn 04-28-2020 07:27 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by MixMasterLar (Post 4727865)
Why unvote and not swap?

Hello, still narrowing things down

I'm at Xiz, Dbp or Dusk

Xiz 04-28-2020 07:27 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread
if funnygurl is a wolf i think im too far gone to where i could vote for her

Duskfall 04-28-2020 07:28 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread
ok bolth i know i gave you permission to bus but please stop

Duskfall 04-28-2020 07:28 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread
bolth why zxiz and dbp btw?

Xiz 04-28-2020 07:29 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread
Okay, im realizing town will be lynching a blue today. okay.

Nothing I say at this point will help so i'll just leave it at this.

Funny, I believe in you. Good luck. If im wrong on you then you are mvp
Leetic, ya should have lead more
MML, when you see im blue, I need you to really try to not tunnel funny, and take a good look at shado/haku/jess
Dusk, keep meme'n bro your funny

DaBackpack 04-28-2020 07:30 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread
didn't this same shit happen in the animal crossing game? town had someone major scummy live for three straight fucking phases and then eventually they lynched that person and surprise, it was too late, that person was such a wild-card that the wolves took advantage of the chaos that this one person made and it was over

why are we going to let this happen to ourselves????

flashflash account 04-28-2020 07:30 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by DaBackpack (Post 4727878)
Instead of taking the 95% chance NOW you are literally choosing to commit to the 5% minority chance that I'm a wolf

I... don't necessarily think you and xiz are a dichotomy
why are you attaching the 5% to your alignment and not xiz being vigi?

ShadoWolfe 04-28-2020 07:30 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by flashflash account (Post 4727858)

unvote me you wannabe sherlock dingus barking up the wrong fucking tree

Bolth mannn 04-28-2020 07:31 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by Duskfall (Post 4727882)
bolth why zxiz and dbp btw?

Xiz I've already talked about, I think their play is disgusting and anti-town.

Dbp is more of a gut read, feels very different than usual

Xiz 04-28-2020 07:31 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

i'll accept my death here

good luck

DaBackpack 04-28-2020 07:31 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by flashflash account (Post 4727885)
I... don't necessarily think you and xiz are a dichotomy
why are you attaching the 5% to your alignment and not xiz being vigi?

Because you have to be fucking daft to think Xiz and I are W/W right now and that I've been bussing him this entire goddamned game

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