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Funnygurl555 04-28-2020 04:54 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by DaBackpack (Post 4727761)
I walked into a MML vs Xiz shouting match, the thing I'm going to spend the most time understanding and contributing to is the MML vs Xiz shouting match

I'm not -done- solving the game, this is literally just the main thing happening right now. It's only been an hour.

but why has xiz been the only person you've put considerable effort in reading your entire time in the thread?

like shouldn't you know that one person dominating the discussion for two phases is anti-town?

surely leetic was thrown in too but he didn't receive nearly the amount of heat as xiz, especially from you

anyway i just hope you shift your focus elsewhere for now

flashflash account 04-28-2020 05:00 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread
not sure if fg hard sheeping me or just feel the exact same rn which I don't think happens to us often

DaBackpack 04-28-2020 05:02 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by flashflash account (Post 4727760)
who did you mostly interact with on d1 and how did that influence your reads of those players?

at first I pinged Xiz for his awkwardly-phrased post about info-lynching. then he claimed and I felt better about him, until he rescinded in the literal last 20 seconds of the phase, before anyone could react to him, where he returned to wolf territory. Only more so with what I've seen from him this phase

MML spent a large amount of time preoccupied with leetic's vote on him. I agree that leetic's vote had little merit but still wanted to see what happened (I had MML as town and leetic as null). at the end of it nothing really changed and things moved on--- MML still town and leetic ???, potentially being a fill slot for a wolf team by the end of the phase

jessie has had minor spikes in activity where she commented on basic observations and engaged with funnygurl, mostly to defend herself. not a good look but apparently she might be IRL busy. light wolf lean

aside from that, iirc I interacted with Haku mostly to get him to stop wasting his time on some dumb shit. most of the time I try not to think about haku's alignment but I see no specific reason to wolf-read him and that generally is my heuristic to solving him-- light town

other reads--

ully had some weird comments that left me with a null/wolf read
bolt had a bit of mindless commentary that felt like filler null/wolf read
duskfall I had as town mostly for tone

Duskfall 04-28-2020 05:07 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread
I am the designated lylo lynch

DaBackpack 04-28-2020 05:08 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by Funnygurl555 (Post 4727765)
but why has xiz been the only person you've put considerable effort in reading your entire time in the thread?

like shouldn't you know that one person dominating the discussion for two phases is anti-town?

surely leetic was thrown in too but he didn't receive nearly the amount of heat as xiz, especially from you

anyway i just hope you shift your focus elsewhere for now

if I'm being honest I don't understand what you're arguing here

spending one hour trying to engage with a top wolf read isn't me tunneling when I've only been here for one hour. again, I literally popped in during the middle of a conversation about Xiz. Xiz literally asked me to post when he saw my name at the bottom of the page. I never had time to fully reread, I started and then got more engaged with Xiz. And now here I am, having to justify myself over nothing

I have no reason to suspect leetic, there's no reason to talk about him

"like shouldn't you know that one person dominating the discussion for two phases is anti-town?"

I really hate this because it happens all the goddamn time

do you guys want me to lead or not? when I'm not "leading" I look bad (bolt LITERALLY mentioned this in this current game), when I'm leading you call it anti-town

what do you want from me????????

DaBackpack 04-28-2020 05:10 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread
the latter part being generally in the context of "hey dbp isn't being loud and myopic, he's wolfing" which is actually a thing people still use to justify scumreads on me in recent games

I'm just a person, stop it

DaBackpack 04-28-2020 05:11 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Xiz-jessie-shully-bolt is my current lynch order

DaBackpack 04-28-2020 05:14 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread
Xiz because I forgot

Makilaz 04-28-2020 05:18 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread
Vote Count:
4/28 @ 19:00

00:59 = GOOD
00:00 = BAD


DaBackpack [3]
Bolth mannn, flashflash account, funnygurl555

Xiz [3]
MixMasterLar, leetic, DaBackpack

flashflash account [1]

Duskfall [1]

jessiebessie [1]

Bolth mannn [1]

Duskfall 04-28-2020 05:19 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread
Mikey has the coldest pokemon opinions

flashflash account 04-28-2020 05:21 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by Duskfall (Post 4727774)
Mikey has the coldest pokemon opinions

dude what not cool

this is game relevant info now bleh


that's my opinion

flashflash account 04-28-2020 05:22 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread
I didn't realize makilaz was the tsundereplane
brings back memories of playing TWG on a literal DVD player

Duskfall 04-28-2020 05:22 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread
ty for backing me up

Hakulyte 04-28-2020 05:23 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread
I'm confused by DBP having 3 votes.

flashflash account 04-28-2020 05:24 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by DaBackpack (Post 4727767)
at first I pinged Xiz for his awkwardly-phrased post about info-lynching. then he claimed and I felt better about him, until he rescinded in the literal last 20 seconds of the phase, before anyone could react to him, where he returned to wolf territory. Only more so with what I've seen from him this phase

MML spent a large amount of time preoccupied with leetic's vote on him. I agree that leetic's vote had little merit but still wanted to see what happened (I had MML as town and leetic as null). at the end of it nothing really changed and things moved on--- MML still town and leetic ???, potentially being a fill slot for a wolf team by the end of the phase

jessie has had minor spikes in activity where she commented on basic observations and engaged with funnygurl, mostly to defend herself. not a good look but apparently she might be IRL busy. light wolf lean

aside from that, iirc I interacted with Haku mostly to get him to stop wasting his time on some dumb shit. most of the time I try not to think about haku's alignment but I see no specific reason to wolf-read him and that generally is my heuristic to solving him-- light town

other reads--

ully had some weird comments that left me with a null/wolf read
bolt had a bit of mindless commentary that felt like filler null/wolf read
duskfall I had as town mostly for tone

your reads on d1 suggested to me that most of your interactions were with haku/mml/dusk/xiz, but your actual iso to me felt like you were shouting into the void rather than actually interacting with people

can you walk me through some parts of your iso where you felt like you were engaging people and kind of explain what was going through your head at the time

flashflash account 04-28-2020 05:25 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread
also I'm publicly shaming duskfall for suggesting that incineroar is broken

Hakulyte 04-28-2020 05:28 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by flashflash account (Post 4727779)
your reads on d1 suggested to me that most of your interactions were with haku/mml/dusk/xiz, but your actual iso to me felt like you were shouting into the void rather than actually interacting with people

can you walk me through some parts of your iso where you felt like you were engaging people and kind of explain what was going through your head at the time

Are you serious ? Everyone was shouting in the void this game.

ShadoWolfe 04-28-2020 05:31 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by flashflash account (Post 4727763)
you're on my to do list, I just had higher priorities, like solving mml

He's town. He's my strongest read of the game.

Go back to D0 and read his interactions with ulle, even at times where ulle was under pressure. I think there's a lot to be said for being able to solve a slot thru intention, and all I see there and throughout the game do someone who's really just trying to solve it.

Obviously you can't be as confident as I am because you don't know for sure that I'm town and don't get to come in after the fact and look at the situations of my predecessor with the unbiased eye of someone who wasn't involved, but yea I'm pretty confident on this one

flashflash account 04-28-2020 05:34 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by ShadoWolfe (Post 4727782)
He's town. He's my strongest read of the game.

Go back to D0 and read his interactions with ulle, even at times where ulle was under pressure. I think there's a lot to be said for being able to solve a slot thru intention, and all I see there and throughout the game do someone who's really just trying to solve it.

Obviously you can't be as confident as I am because you don't know for sure that I'm town and don't get to come in after the fact and look at the situations of my predecessor with the unbiased eye of someone who wasn't involved, but yea I'm pretty confident on this one

if you're talking about mml, I've been confident he's town all day

Funnygurl555 04-28-2020 05:36 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by flashflash account (Post 4727766)
not sure if fg hard sheeping me or just feel the exact same rn which I don't think happens to us often

haha you're town

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