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Duskfall 04-28-2020 02:00 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by flashflash account (Post 4727554)
Dbps iso isn't overly towny

Not towny is a good reason to fake scumread someone

MixMasterLar 04-28-2020 02:11 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread
Back and a little less angry. See Haku is still trying to justify that MML scumread that came out of nowhere and had no logic.


Dear Bolth

I noticed you like to get pissy about me calling out you putting Funny on the scum list right after Leetic's check

I also noticed you puffed out your chest and declared that you put her there because leetic could have been lying, as FFA pointed out.

Please remember that your first excuse when you did it was that you didn't understand the check, and you coming back later pretending you had a point is hindsight bullshit.


Originally Posted by ShadoWolfe (Post 4727472)
also y'all really did lynch psycho when she had less posts than the minimum.

You know had you read mine and DBP's post you'll have read thr amswer but once more for the people in the back: Replacements do not benefit town

I voted Leetic because i felt there was a better chance Leetic was red, but I supported the Pyscho lynch because it was a dead slot that would have had to be replaced and then basically reset to 0 om d2. That puts town at a information disadvantage.

Speaking of you not reading stuff


Originally Posted by ShadoWolfe (Post 4727488)

DBP this phase seems better than DBP last phase, and I didn't have much against him last phase so I don't think I'd include him here yet.

He hasnt posted, and i know you gave an excuse for this ----


Originally Posted by ShadoWolfe (Post 4727493)
He hasn't? I coulda sworn he was posting around the time MML and FFA were coalescing against Xiz, but I may have gotten names confused.

Like I said, I haven't really read this phase so I may have gotten the names confused. uuughhh now I gotta go check

---but I don't know if I believe it because what name are you getting confused with it?

Give me the username of someone who starts with a D and posts believably close to how DBP does, mate. Sell me on this mistake


Originally Posted by leetic (Post 4727550)
I do have to wonder what people's obsession with lynching inactives here is.

We'd tell you but its clear you don't actually wonder about this

MixMasterLar 04-28-2020 02:14 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread
Considering DBP's schedule and habits i will only vote him over dipping this long if he makes absolutely no effort this EoD

Voting DBP here because he isn't present, knowing that he's posted more in d0 then he normally does whole games, is basically saying you don't feel like making a real vote.

There are other people you could be solving

MixMasterLar 04-28-2020 02:18 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread
Leetic's push on FFA is good shit

Funny's amount of work is good shit.

Xiz's reads seem entirely based off of who wants to keep him alive or not. I was scum until I backed off last phase (my towniess "went up" after I showed the slightest bit hesitation) and I'm back at scum for voting him. I don't see any guinine solving happening from him. If he's really town aligned he needs to step it the hell up

MixMasterLar 04-28-2020 02:24 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread
The only fucking reason to entertain Xiz's claim at this point is that as wolf the claim was way the hell early, unless wolves have information where they knew it wouldn't be countered, in which case a d0 claim makes a little more sense.

But it makes just as little sense as doing it as town so womp womp

If he had no defenders I would probably feel like i was overthinking it but frankly I can see Partner FFA trying to keep the slot alive as long as possible, then pointing to all the posts where he does call Xiz a wolf and be lile "see i scumread him too! I totally wasn't just defending him. Mechanical Claims!"

jessiebessie 04-28-2020 02:29 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread
Just popping in to say that I’m prob not going to be present for EOD today because I’m packing up my apartment for my move tomorrow morning.

MixMasterLar 04-28-2020 02:31 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread
Haku's already called Im gonna say this (which is easy because I had like, already said it and have every game its popped up) but I really feel like Xiz lynch points us in the right direction regardless of the color flipped.

"Oh but Lar youre tryna say if you're wrong then its ok and that blah blah" shut'em. That's why too much of a blackbox and I don't see any serious solving from the slot anyway. Xiz defender's top lynch candidates are what, me and DBP? Yeah ok fucking naw dawg

MixMasterLar 04-28-2020 02:32 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by jessiebessie (Post 4727560)
Just popping in to say that I’m prob not going to be present for EOD today because I’m packing up my apartment for my move tomorrow morning.

Oh hey didn't you have your vote on me? If youre not gonna be here for EoD lets talk about that now then

MixMasterLar 04-28-2020 02:33 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread
What was the case again? Just answer off the top of your head is fine i don't need quotes

MixMasterLar 04-28-2020 02:45 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread
....well ok Jessie just whenever you decide to turn that read into a case I guess no rush or anything -_-


FFA doesn't seem to be acting/voting with his reads (stated I'm the only one strong enough for me to sheep before and that Xiz is more likely a wolf then not bit votes and pushes don't support this) and it makes me almost want to join Leetic on the FFA wagon.

I'm trying to decide if FFA and Xiz solbe eachother and how I would feel about Xiz if I saw FFA's flip first. I think there's a world where townXiz gets defended hard by wolfMikey though. IDK if they really do solve the other

Vote stands.

Xiz 04-28-2020 03:00 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread
Okay so i have little time, mechanics time.

We have two un-cc'd claims. Because they are un-cc'd it is irresponsible to lynch leetic or xiz at this time.

1 1-shot cop (leetic)
1 1-shot vigi (xiz)


We also have two confirmed town. Max # of T's is 5 without any other claims.

TTTTT = 1-Shot Role Cop + Godfather, Serial Killer (Conditional Extra Ability)
TTTT = 1-Shot Role Cop + Roleblocker + Godfather
TTT = Role Cop + Roleblocker + Godfather, Serial Killer (Conditional Extra Ability)
TT = Role Cop + Roleblocker + Godfather
T = Role Cop + Roleblocker + Godfather Serial Killer (Conditional Extra Ability)
0 Ts = 2 Role Cops + Roleblocker

Xiz shot leetic, but they did not die. The possibilities are:

- Xiz was blocked by a town blocker
- Xiz was blocked by a wolf blocker
- Leetic's vest broke
- Leetic was angel saved

Leetic claimed funny is green

- Funny is town
- Funny is the godfather (unlucky, but funny will be resolved (or dead) later)

We have no other confirmed out players at this time.

This part doesn't need to be said but...

- Cannot have 3 Cops
- Cannot have 3 Angels
- Cannot have 2 masons + 2 masons

MixMasterLar 04-28-2020 03:02 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread
Entire posts where someone unironically posts in third person are....are something I guess

Xiz 04-28-2020 03:03 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread
There is a good chance that wolves blocked me, and in return fucked themselves over for me shooting leetic. This puts MML actually into better light. Or a town blocker is mvp.

Mechanics wise, it's not smart to think leetic is a SK, or wolf.

MixMasterLar 04-28-2020 03:03 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread
Hey are the people who scumread Uli for mechanic talk gonna stay consistant and s unread Xiz

stay tuned

MixMasterLar 04-28-2020 03:05 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by Xiz (Post 4727569)
There is a good chance that wolves blocked me, and in return fucked themselves over for me shooting leetic. This puts MML actually into better light. Or a town blocker is mvp.

Mechanics wise, it's not smart to think leetic is a SK, or wolf.

Wait, how does this put me in better light?

Like in both worlds where im either alignment, how?

Xiz 04-28-2020 03:07 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread
For night actions...

Only one person died, Xelnya. There are a few options:

Xelnya died from wolves, no SK in play
Xelnya died from wolves, with SK blocked (not on leetic)
Xelnya died from wolves, with SK kill angel saved (on leetic)
Xelnya died from SK, wolves were blocked (not on leetic)
Xelnya died from SK, wolves kill angel saved (on leetic)
Xelnya died from SK AND wolves double-stacked.

MixMasterLar 04-28-2020 03:08 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread
Answer me Xiz

Xiz 04-28-2020 03:11 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by MixMasterLar (Post 4727571)
Wait, how does this put me in better light?

Like in both worlds where im either alignment, how?

If you were a wolf and wanted leetic dead so badly from being the counterwagon d1, you would have convinced your team to not block me and allow me to shoot leetic because thats what my plan of action was. There is NO way you could have fully known who I was going to shoot (because i was initially gonna shoot Ull), so for ME it looks better for you.

Xiz 04-28-2020 03:11 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread
dude im typing chill

Funnygurl555 04-28-2020 03:14 PM

Re: TWG 194 - Game Thread

Originally Posted by jessiebessie (Post 4727560)
Just popping in to say that I’m prob not going to be present for EOD today because I’m packing up my apartment for my move tomorrow morning.


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