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-   -   TWG 188: MAD17, Who's Role Is It Anyway? [GAME THREAD] (http://www.flashflashrevolution.com/vbz/showthread.php?t=151148)

Charu 08-8-2019 12:27 AM

TWG 188: MAD17, Who's Role Is It Anyway? [GAME THREAD]
The MU Champs Version


13x Town
4x Mafia

Of the following 18 roles, 1 will randomly be discarded and the other 17 will be assigned at random to one player in the game without regard for the player's alignment. Each role is restricted to using its action only on the nights listed on the chart. The Mafia will be told which role is not present in the game.

Watcher: Learns who visited the target, but not what actions they did

Alignment Cop: Learns whether the target is town or mafia, but not their role

Vigilante: Kills the target

Doctor: Protects the target from kills on that night only (cannot self-protect)

Tracker: Learns who the target visited, but not what actions they did

Roleblocker: Prevents the target from using their action on that night only

Jailkeeper: Performs both a Doctor and Roleblocker action on the target, both protecting and blocking them (cannot self-protect)

Role Cop: Learns the role of the target, but not whether they are town or mafia

Jack of All Trades: Can use one of their abilities per night without repeats

Voyeur: Learns what type of actions were performed on the target, but not who did them

Macho: The player cannot be protected from kills

Strongman: Kills performed with Strongman cannot be stopped in any way (serves no purpose if the player is town)

Ninja: Night actions performed on the night that Ninja is used are invisible to investigative roles (Trackers, Watchers, and Voyeurs)

  • Role reveals at death are alignment only. You will not learn a player's exact role when they die.
  • Usage of night actions is optional, but unused actions will be lost.
  • Mafia factional kills are optional. Mafia may submit a factional kill each night, but are not required to. However, starting night 5, the factional kill will be mandatory.
  • Mafia factional kills are assigned. They can be tracked, watched, or roleblocked.
  • Mafia share a factional Night Kill, which is a single standard shot for their faction.
  • Mafia members may perform the faction kill in addition to their regular action at the same time.

Role PMs
Please go to this page to find the exact wording of the Role PMs: https://www.mafiauniverse.com/forums...oles-Modifiers

FAQ [Specifics for this setup]

Q: What changes to the setup have been made since the practice games?

A: The Roleblocker role has been split into two roles, creating 18 total. One role will randomly be excluded from the setup, and the Mafia will be told which one it is. Also, both Tracker roles have gained Strongman modifiers.

Q: What does Cycle mean?

A: Cycle is MU terminology for the night(s) on which a role can act. This is an example of how some roles might appear in Role PMs and Role Cop investigations:

Jack of All Trades (x1 Doctor, x1 Jailkeeper, x1 Voyeur) | Cycle 1, 2, 3
Doctor | Cycle 2, 4
Alignment Cop | x1 Ninja | Cycle 2
Macho Watcher | Cycle 1

Q: What do the Voyeur results look like?

A: The Voyeur sees the type of action performed on the target, but not the exact action. There's four categories: Protection (Doctor), Manipulative (Roleblocker, Jailkeeper), Killing (Vigilante, Mafia Faction Kill), and Investigative (all others). The Voyeur does not see their own action in their results. This is a sample results PM: "the sun fan had Manipulative, Investigative, Killing done to them."

Q: What is the order of operations? What happens if a roleblocker targets a roleblocker?


Night actions are processed in this order:

Strongman kills

However, there is one important clarification: the order of operations lists Strongman Kills first because they are immune to blocks, and regular kills are listed ahead of investigative actions because investigative roles can witness killing actions, but this only means that the target is marked for death before other actions are processed. No deaths actually occur until after all actions have been processed. In other words, dying at night never stops a player's action from happening.

The other important pieces of information are that Roleblockers act before Jailkeepers and that those roles are capable of blocking another player who attempts to use the same action.

Q: Can Mafia players target their teammates with night actions?

A: Yes. The Mafia's faction kill cannot be used on a member of their own team, but all other actions (including Vigilante kills) may be used on members of their own team.

Q: Can Doctors and Jailkeepers self-target in order to protect themselves?

A: No.

Q: Which roles can self-target?

A: Only Watchers.

Q: Are the Strongman and Ninja actions limited only to the nights listed on the chart?

A: No. If a player is Mafia, they may use their Strongman or Ninja ability on any night.

Q: Can players be investigated while they are jailkept?

A: Yes. Jailkeep is a combination of roleblock and doctor, neither of which prevent investigations on the target.



These are the results you will get when you submit certain actions.

Non-investigative roles when they submit an action (they also receive this if they are roleblocked):


Your action on Player A was received.
Investigative actions return results even if the target dies on the same night.

Actions that count as visits are counted as visits even if the actor dies on the same night.

Investigative roles (Tracker, Cop, etc.) when roleblocked:


Your action on Player B did not return any results.
Trackers when tracking a person that didn't visit anyone (or if they targeted a Ninja):


Player C did not visit anyone.
Watchers when watching a person that wasn't visited by anyone (or only visited by a Ninja):


Player D was not visited by anyone.
Alignment Cop when investigating a town-aligned player (or a Godfather):


Player E is Town
Watcher when watching a person that was visited by multiple people:


Player F was visited by Player G, Player H, Player I



1. the sun fan TOWN [Killed Night 5]

2. Xiz TOWN [Lynched Day 3]

3. Funnygurl555 TOWN [Killed Night 2]

4. MixMasterLar TOWN [Lynched Day 6

5. roundbox

6. Shadow_God_10 WOLF [Lynched Day 1]

7. SubaruPoptart TOWN [Killed Night 6]

8. DaBackPack TOWN [Killed Night 1]

9. XelNya/Xelicopter

10. HateandHatred TOWN [Killed Night 3]

11. 123kappa3

12. jessiebessie TOWN [Killed Night 3]

13. Precarious WOLF [Lynched Day 4]

14. dragonmegaXX WOLF [Lynched Day 2]

15. Svaz TOWN [ModKilled]

16. _Zenith_ TOWN [Killed Night 2]

17. psychoangel691 TOWN [Lynched Day 5]



[I really need some]

Charu 08-8-2019 12:29 AM

Re: TWG 188: MAD17, Who's Role Is It Anyway? [GAME THREAD]

Charu 08-8-2019 12:30 AM

Re: TWG 188: MAD17, Who's Role Is It Anyway? [GAME THREAD]

Charu 08-8-2019 10:55 AM

Re: TWG 188: MAD17, Who's Role Is It Anyway? [GAME THREAD]
Before the game starts proper, I did not state in the signups or the first post here in regards to post requirements.

Assume that it's 5-7 posts, please. No one likes playing a game where someone joins up... and then actively doesn't participate. I'd like to avoid having to scurry around and harass the offending players to actually play their game.

Assume any players with less than 5 posts to get ..."warned"... before the phase is over. And if they bring a valid reason in for which they can not reach this requirement, I'll state, in thread, that they're pardon'd. A valid reasoning being they could not, in any way, post at all. (So extreme circumstances)

Any other will be immediately replaced AFTER EoD, and if I can't find one, modkilled.


Please enjoy this setup fam, it's pretty fun and I hope you all will find enjoyment as well. For those that are familiar with this setup because of a season of champs over at Mafia Universe, then I'm glad I'm able to provide with more practice before your Wild Cards and Finals.

Charu 08-8-2019 11:01 AM

Re: TWG 188: MAD17, Who's Role Is It Anyway? [GAME THREAD]
[Post reserved for maybe flavor]

Charu 08-8-2019 11:01 AM

Re: TWG 188: MAD17, Who's Role Is It Anyway? [GAME THREAD]
You may now post

EoD is on 8/9/19 at 10PM SERVER TIME
Any votes casted at 10:01PM Server Time will NOT be counted

Have fun fam~

Xiz 08-8-2019 11:27 AM

Re: TWG 188: MAD17, Who's Role Is It Anyway? [GAME THREAD]

psychoangel691 08-8-2019 11:30 AM

Re: TWG 188: MAD17, Who's Role Is It Anyway? [GAME THREAD]
Ohey it's time

Xelicopter 08-8-2019 11:42 AM

Re: TWG 188: MAD17, Who's Role Is It Anyway? [GAME THREAD]


the sun fan 08-8-2019 11:59 AM

Re: TWG 188: MAD17, Who's Role Is It Anyway? [GAME THREAD]
hello yes welcome back to the werewolf game

the sun fan 08-8-2019 12:36 PM

Re: TWG 188: MAD17, Who's Role Is It Anyway? [GAME THREAD]
Cocoa, I have a word of advice moving forward
I'll give u a d0 pass for today, you have my word that I won't push you
I want to see you try to get at least 5 reads by the end of the day

You were starting to do that last game, but I think, even if its really tough, having an idea on a little bit under 1/3 of the game will help you since you've felt especially lost these past few games

psychoangel691 08-8-2019 12:37 PM

Re: TWG 188: MAD17, Who's Role Is It Anyway? [GAME THREAD]
I don't even know some of you o_- must be wolves

Xelicopter 08-8-2019 12:49 PM

Re: TWG 188: MAD17, Who's Role Is It Anyway? [GAME THREAD]


DaBackpack 08-8-2019 02:32 PM

Re: TWG 188: MAD17, Who's Role Is It Anyway? [GAME THREAD]

Originally Posted by psychoangel691 (Post 4691460)
I don't even know some of you o_- must be wolves

Good to see you back! I know this is super random but I used to live in Bel Air and was one of Coach Paye's first students. Tell him Chris says hi :)

roundbox 08-8-2019 02:33 PM

Re: TWG 188: MAD17, Who's Role Is It Anyway? [GAME THREAD]
henlo gang

DaBackpack 08-8-2019 02:34 PM

Re: TWG 188: MAD17, Who's Role Is It Anyway? [GAME THREAD]
Coach Paye is so fucking cool. One time while I was waiting for a bout and he sat next to me and we talked about Street Fighter 2 and DnD. And how he was able to leave his IT job to focus on the fencing club was really inspiring to me. I'd like to visit the club sometime but I'm a bit far atm.

DaBackpack 08-8-2019 02:36 PM

Re: TWG 188: MAD17, Who's Role Is It Anyway? [GAME THREAD]
I only got to E2010 classification and an 8 epee referee certification but of for whatever reason I was able to join that club again I would keep trying

DaBackpack 08-8-2019 02:38 PM

Re: TWG 188: MAD17, Who's Role Is It Anyway? [GAME THREAD]
man now I'm excited and nostalgic

I hope his son is doing well these days

DaBackpack 08-8-2019 02:39 PM

Re: TWG 188: MAD17, Who's Role Is It Anyway? [GAME THREAD]
He and his ex-wife built a kingdom-themed playroom partition for his kid in a corner of the club by the office and it was badass af

Funnygurl555 08-8-2019 03:01 PM

Re: TWG 188: MAD17, Who's Role Is It Anyway? [GAME THREAD]
the number of people's sigs i'm in makes me very happy

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