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-   -   TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version) (http://www.flashflashrevolution.com/vbz/showthread.php?t=149163)

blindreper1179 05-6-2018 05:04 PM

TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)
The Resident Evil Game

14 player set up
3 Umbrella Employees
10 S.T.A.R.S. Members
1 "The Organization"

Day start
OOTC off except for wolfs NIGHT chat
48 hour Day phases
24 hour night phases
Phantoms off
Instalynch/no lynch on
Night talk off

Umbrella Corporation
1. Albert Wesker- When checked, you give back S.T.A.R.S alignment. You cannot make the night kill unless you are the last remaining employee. You have a 1-shot kill dodge in the night, and used automatically when targeted for death.*

2. William Birkin- You are a man of science. Once every other night, you may infect another player with the T-virus. After being infected for TWO DAY PHASES, when they are lynched, they "eat" the last voter killing them as well. You cannot kill and infect in the same night, even as the last alive. The infected do not know they are infected.

3. Red Queen- You are a force that is uncontended. You manipulate with such ease. In the night, you may select a player, and convince them to cease any actions they may be performing, "Blocking" their role.*


1. Jill Valentine- You are great at knowing someones end game despite what they may say. During the night, you may listen in on another player. You will find out if they are S.T.A.R.S. or not S.T.A.R.S.

2. Leon Kennedy- The hero in shining armor, you protect others around you. During the night, you may hide another player so they cannot be targeted by other actions or make actions themselves. You CANNOT hide the same player twice in a row.

3. Chris Redfield- A town will be named Chris, but WILL NOT know that they are. (This is in order to keep Claire balanced in the smaller set up.

4. Claire Redfield- A woman with one objective, finding your brother, nothing stands in your way. During the night, you may shoot another player. If you shoot Chris Redfield, you cannot live with such a mistake, and kill yourself as well.* You have 2 shots to use.

5. Rebbeca Chambers- You are a young innocent S.T.A.R.S. member, and everyone will know so at the start of the game.

"The Organization"

1. Ada Wong- You care about no one but yourself, killing anyone who stands in your way. During the pregame phase, you may either choose 1-shot bulletproof, or seer as S.T.A.R.S.. During the night phases, you may kill another player.

1.haku- Killed N1 Chris Redfield
4.curry Lynched D3 Albert Wesker
5.psycho- replaced by star
6.mellon- Killed N2 Red Queen
7.Xelnya- Lynched D2 S.T.A.R.S. member
8.gun92- Killed N2 Rebecca Chambers
9.zoshi- Killed N3 S.T.A.R.S. member
10.darkmanticorex2- Killed N1 Leon Kennedy
12.ffa- lynched D0 william birkin
13.Funnywolf- Lynched D1 Jill Valentine




blindreper1179 05-7-2018 12:38 AM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)
I have to go pick up my friend from the hospital. I will not be here on time to say day phase has started. So you may post at 12:00:01 which is in about 22 minutes.
Gun 92 is Rebecca Chambers. (The innocent child)

flashflash account 05-7-2018 01:00 AM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)
Hakulyte is town

inDheart 05-7-2018 01:29 AM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)
funny's a wolf

i'll be spending today finding her partners

inDheart 05-7-2018 01:34 AM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)
i played a bunch of aria of sorrow rando today and got a seed where skula was my last item, so i didn't need to touch water until the final area

it would have been convenient if i knew hammer could sell books because i needed book3 for a while and was basically out of locations, but now i know at least

i've also been awake since about 5:30 and i don't really know why i'm still awake

flashflash account 05-7-2018 01:45 AM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)

inDheart 05-7-2018 01:46 AM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)

Originally Posted by flashflash account (Post 4618719)

what what

DarkManticoreX2 05-7-2018 01:49 AM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)
What what what

flashflash account 05-7-2018 01:50 AM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)
What you said just made no sense

I like the vote on funny though

roundbox 05-7-2018 01:50 AM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)
let's not continue this
also goodnight

flashflash account 05-7-2018 01:50 AM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)
Hi Manti I have a question for you

flashflash account 05-7-2018 01:54 AM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)
He's gone
That's wolfy

inDheart 05-7-2018 02:02 AM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)

Originally Posted by flashflash account (Post 4618723)
What you said just made no sense


inDheart 05-7-2018 02:04 AM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)
manti probably left because he tends to when nothing is happening and he's not much of a shitposter

i don't think it's wolfy for him

flashflash account 05-7-2018 02:07 AM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)
I had a very serious question for him though
Oh well

Ind I have a question for you

inDheart 05-7-2018 02:10 AM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)
what's up

Funnygurl555 05-7-2018 02:13 AM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)

Originally Posted by inDheart (Post 4618715)
funny's a wolf

i'll be spending today finding her partners

u rite tho

sup y'all how's it going i wrote a big ass thesis and now im a free bird

flashflash account 05-7-2018 02:18 AM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)

Originally Posted by inDheart (Post 4618731)
what's up

What, in your own words, is the function of a rubber duck

inDheart 05-7-2018 02:24 AM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)

Originally Posted by flashflash account (Post 4618733)
What, in your own words, is the function of a rubber duck

it makes for a nice bath floaty, but i haven't taken a bath in a long time, so as i get older it's not all it's quacked up to be anymore

inDheart 05-7-2018 02:25 AM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)

Originally Posted by Funnygurl555 (Post 4618732)
u rite tho

sup y'all how's it going i wrote a big ass thesis and now im a free bird

NICE, may your thesis be praised

walcom to a twg that we're actually playing together for once instead of me just hosting

flashflash account 05-7-2018 02:29 AM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)
Hey funnygurl we haven't been in a game together for a while

flashflash account 05-7-2018 02:31 AM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)

Originally Posted by inDheart (Post 4618734)
it makes for a nice bath floaty, but i haven't taken a bath in a long time, so as i get older it's not all it's quacked up to be anymore

Brought tears to my eyes

inDheart 05-7-2018 02:33 AM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)

Originally Posted by inDheart (Post 4618718)
i played a bunch of castlevania: aria of sorrow rando today and got a seed where skula (soul that lets you walk underwater) was my last item, so i didn't need to touch water until the final area

it would have been convenient if i knew hammer (shop guy you rescue early in the game) could sell books (they tell you what souls you need for the good ending) because i needed book3 for a while and was basically out of locations, but now i know at least

explained in more words. aria has a monster soul system where there are 3 different types of souls, and you can equip 1 of each type to get bonuses. the randomizer shuffles all the items in the game and shakes up what souls you need for the good ending

idk i have fun with it

flashflash account 05-7-2018 02:37 AM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)
That makes so much more sense, wow

Funnygurl555 05-7-2018 03:44 AM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)
hi flashflash! 8)

Zoshi 05-7-2018 06:21 AM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)
What’s up with all the shit posting wtf guys

Celirra 05-7-2018 07:16 AM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)
I thought 12:01am meant noon not midnight

I might miss EoD's sometimes because I'm usually asleep by like 10pm server to wake up for 5am server

Does this count as a shitpost

XelNya 05-7-2018 07:29 AM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)

Originally Posted by Zoshi (Post 4618743)
What’s up with all the shit posting wtf guys

FFR has a healthy shit posting time for day 0.

Also I've just moved (no internet lol phone posting send help), and changed jobs, and my brother's getting married on the 12th. Some of you activity readers on me are in for a rough time dis game. I'm town tho so just, cross me off the list eh? : /

Also phone posting means less memes, except for this


XelNya 05-7-2018 07:31 AM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)
I am loterally stuck in this parking lot for another 30 minutes

I left hella early because i needed breakfast and havent driven the route i took here before lolol

XelNya 05-7-2018 07:31 AM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)
Yep, fuck phone posting.

Celirra 05-7-2018 07:46 AM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)
Xel are you just bitter cause we have similar sounding names?

Celirra 05-7-2018 07:50 AM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)
Also aren't we supposed to know the innocent childly stars member or whatever

Hakulyte 05-7-2018 08:20 AM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)
I don't have time for this, but I'll be back in 9-10 hours after school. See you Space Cowboy..

Hakulyte 05-7-2018 08:21 AM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)

Originally Posted by flashflash account (Post 4618712)
Hakulyte is town

You're wrong.

Hakulyte 05-7-2018 08:26 AM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)
flashflash account

blindreper1179 05-7-2018 09:12 AM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)

Originally Posted by Celirra (Post 4618750)
Also aren't we supposed to know the innocent childly stars member or whatever

i really do apologize for this. Yes you should. Brb

blindreper1179 05-7-2018 09:14 AM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)
Gun 92 is Rebecca Chambers. (The innocent child)

blindreper1179 05-7-2018 09:15 AM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)
Updated second post with that info.

blindreper1179 05-7-2018 10:37 AM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)


Celirra 05-7-2018 11:10 AM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)
I agree that inD is funny

DarkManticoreX2 05-7-2018 11:13 AM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)

Originally Posted by flashflash account (Post 4618725)
Hi Manti I have a question for you


DarkManticoreX2 05-7-2018 11:15 AM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)
Hot, now I don’t have to worry about killing Gun this whole game!

DarkManticoreX2 05-7-2018 11:15 AM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)
The NRA will be mad at me for that post

flashflash account 05-7-2018 11:29 AM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)

Originally Posted by DarkManticoreX2 (Post 4618763)

Are you a wolf

DarkManticoreX2 05-7-2018 12:15 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)
I’m a lion/bat/scorpion in some realms and a lion/dragon/scorpion in others.

No wolf in that genome

Hakulyte 05-7-2018 12:26 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)

Originally Posted by flashflash account (Post 4618736)
Hey funnygurl we haven't been in a game together for a while


Originally Posted by Funnygurl555 (Post 4618740)
hi flashflash! 8)

I see, you two aren't suspicious of each others.

Clearly, it can only mean one thing; you know more than you should.

Hakulyte 05-7-2018 12:28 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)

Originally Posted by flashflash account (Post 4618712)
Hakulyte is town

Reinforcing my point tenfold.

Hakulyte 05-7-2018 12:30 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)

Originally Posted by inDheart (Post 4618715)
funny's a wolf

i'll be spending today finding her partners

Still curious about how you ended up here or if it was just to get the discussion somewhere.

Hakulyte 05-7-2018 12:31 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)

Originally Posted by flashflash account (Post 4618719)


Originally Posted by inDheart (Post 4618720)
what what


Originally Posted by DarkManticoreX2 (Post 4618722)
What what what

This is the entire wolf team if I'm wrong.

Yup. It has to be it.

Hakulyte 05-7-2018 12:37 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)

Originally Posted by DarkManticoreX2 (Post 4618764)
Hot, now I don’t have to worry about killing Gun this whole game!


Originally Posted by DarkManticoreX2 (Post 4618767)
I’m a lion/bat/scorpion in some realms and a lion/dragon/scorpion in others.

No wolf in that genome

If I had a suggestion box that is destined to you, I would mention that you're hard to read properly and quote these 2 posts.

Hakulyte 05-7-2018 12:38 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)
The Haku experts should have me solved by this point.

brb 4-5 more hours. Lynch lunch break is almost over.

inDheart 05-7-2018 12:39 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)

Originally Posted by Celirra (Post 4618750)
Also aren't we supposed to know the innocent childly stars member or whatever

oh shoot, someone read the setup

it's way too soon for that, please escort this man backstage

DarkManticoreX2 05-7-2018 12:40 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)

Originally Posted by Hakulyte (Post 4618773)
If I had a suggestion box that is destined to you, I would mention that you're hard to read properly and quote these 2 posts.

Well for post 1, i’d Say you’ll need more background on me and gun’s history.

Idk what’s confusing about post 2 though

inDheart 05-7-2018 12:46 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)

Originally Posted by Celirra (Post 4618762)
I agree that inD is funny

i try sometimes


Originally Posted by Hakulyte (Post 4618770)
Still curious about how you ended up here or if it was just to get the discussion somewhere.

why thank you for asking. no, my first post vote was not a rational decision. i'm just borrowing t-force's usual job this game

was this a poor decision? do i realize only now that it allows fg to play the early game the same way pretty much every time, and in a way not meaningful to reading her? probably


Originally Posted by Hakulyte (Post 4618774)
The Haku experts should have me solved by this point.

brb 4-5 more hours. Lynch lunch break is almost over.

well you are playing toward your town game, yes

mellon_collie 05-7-2018 01:14 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)

Originally Posted by inDheart (Post 4618734)
it's not all it's quacked up to be

I think we should lynch ind

flashflash account 05-7-2018 02:24 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)
Hello I'm a haku expert
Haku is town and so are ind and Manti because #haku logic (and me too but i already knew that)

I will solve this game by memeing and frivolity

Also, I read the setup and if every single kill goes through and misses we've only got one mislynch lol

Fortunately odds of missing are low
If all kills go through and miss, Claire shouldn't use her second shot as that gives us a second mislynch

I think

Hakulyte 05-7-2018 02:41 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)

Originally Posted by flashflash account (Post 4618781)
Hello I'm a haku expert
Haku is town and so are ind and Manti because #haku logic (and me too but i already knew that)

I will solve this game by memeing and frivolity

Also, I read the setup and if every single kill goes through and misses we've only got one mislynch lol

Fortunately odds of missing are low
If all kills go through and miss, Claire shouldn't use her second shot as that gives us a second mislynch

I think

Unfortunately, the town team doesn't have guns with aimbot that autoshoot wolves as much as we believe we should have the technology by now in 2018.

inDheart 05-7-2018 03:05 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)
it should be helped by SK townsiding for a bit; they don't just want to lose unexpectedly by rolling over the town


Zoshi 05-7-2018 03:13 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)

Originally Posted by flashflash account (Post 4618781)
Hello I'm a haku expert
Haku is town and so are ind and Manti because #haku logic (and me too but i already knew that)

I will solve this game by memeing and frivolity

Also, I read the setup and if every single kill goes through and misses we've only got one mislynch lol

Fortunately odds of missing are low
If all kills go through and miss, Claire shouldn't use her second shot as that gives us a second mislynch

I think

you say misses, but do you mean hits humans

flashflash account 05-7-2018 03:32 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)

Originally Posted by Zoshi (Post 4618786)
you say misses, but do you mean hits humans

I consider that a miss /shrug

flashflash account 05-7-2018 03:33 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)
I think Raeko is here

Hi Raeko are you high right now

Funnygurl555 05-7-2018 03:34 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)

Originally Posted by inDheart (Post 4618777)
was this a poor decision? do i realize only now that it allows fg to play the early game the same way pretty much every time, and in a way not meaningful to reading her? probably

prolly woulda claimed wolf anyway :P

Funnygurl555 05-7-2018 03:35 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)

Originally Posted by flashflash account (Post 4618781)
Hello I'm a haku expert
Haku is town and so are ind and Manti because #haku logic (and me too but i already knew that)

I will solve this game by memeing and frivolity

Also, I read the setup and if every single kill goes through and misses we've only got one mislynch lol

Fortunately odds of missing are low
If all kills go through and miss, Claire shouldn't use her second shot as that gives us a second mislynch

I think

maybe i should read up on the game mechanics

Zoshi 05-7-2018 03:39 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)

Originally Posted by flashflash account (Post 4618787)
I consider that a miss /shrug

well i thought you were including the third party kill, which wouldn't be a miss. Unless you take them missing wolves as a miss idk

flashflash account 05-7-2018 03:40 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)
Reading the setup is wolfy, but only when somebody else does it

Funnygurl555 05-7-2018 03:42 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)
why are the odds of missing low?

flashflash account 05-7-2018 03:42 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)

Originally Posted by Zoshi (Post 4618791)
well i thought you were including the third party kill, which wouldn't be a miss. Unless you take them missing wolves as a miss idk

Lol I'm also counting the wolfkill as a miss technically

Are you latching onto strange wording for a reason?

flashflash account 05-7-2018 03:45 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)

Originally Posted by Funnygurl555 (Post 4618793)
why are the odds of missing low?

Because there are so many darn kills that one of them is bound to hit a wolf within 2 nights
I guess if you figure 3rd party will intentionally avoid hitting wolves and Claire is just bad then it gets harder sure

Zoshi 05-7-2018 04:04 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)

Originally Posted by flashflash account (Post 4618794)
Lol I'm also counting the wolfkill as a miss technically

Are you latching onto strange wording for a reason?

my first intention was to strengthen your point on how many mislynches we have, because im too lazy to do the math myself right now.

but maybe there was a reason you used strange wording

flashflash account 05-7-2018 04:10 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)
*throws mild shade in zoshi's direction*

Zoshi 05-7-2018 04:21 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)

Originally Posted by flashflash account (Post 4618797)
*throws mild shade in zoshi's direction*

honey, throw all the shade you want at me, i'll still shine brighter than you

Hakulyte 05-7-2018 05:09 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)

Originally Posted by blindreper1179 (Post 4618694)


Originally Posted by blindreper1179 (Post 4618694)


Originally Posted by blindreper1179 (Post 4618694)

I see. The host never lie. Funny has to be a wolf.

XelNya 05-7-2018 05:11 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)

Originally Posted by Celirra (Post 4618750)
Also aren't we supposed to know the innocent childly stars member or whatever



Originally Posted by Celirra (Post 4618748)
Xel are you just bitter cause we have similar sounding names?

I'm not bitter, I don't have time to be.

But yes. I did vote you because similar names.

XelNya 05-7-2018 05:12 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)
Also mantis shitpost game is on point, he's wolfing, i'd stake one of my anime waifus on it

Hakulyte 05-7-2018 05:12 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)

Originally Posted by XelNya (Post 4618803)
Also mantis shitpost game is on point, he's wolfing, i'd stake one of my anime waifus on it

You should respect more anime waifus.

Hakulyte 05-7-2018 05:16 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)
Especially the anime waifu that wears an umbrella.

DarkManticoreX2 05-7-2018 05:17 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)

Originally Posted by XelNya (Post 4618803)
Also mantis shitpost game is on point, he's wolfing, i'd stake one of my anime waifus on it

Fukin call me a mantis one more time I dare you

DarkManticoreX2 05-7-2018 05:18 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)
Apostrophe or don’t talk to me

flashflash account 05-7-2018 05:20 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)

Originally Posted by DarkManticoreX2 (Post 4618806)
Fukin call me a mantis one more time I dare you

I laughed but only because I didn't read it that way until you brought it up

Why is funnygurl listed as funnywolf anyway
Is it a joke that I'm not abreast of?

XelNya 05-7-2018 05:20 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)

Originally Posted by DarkManticoreX2 (Post 4618807)
Apostrophe or don’t talk to me

Shut the fuck up

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