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roundbox 05-19-2018 01:11 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)
I'm not too bull headed to no lynch and reading more is always an option for me. Just know that we need more no lynch votes than other player votes otherwise bad things happen

roundbox 05-19-2018 01:12 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)
I like star's observation about curry musings of an inactive SK. I have seen olimar peek into the thread several times as well so it's not a completely farfetched idea

roundbox 05-19-2018 02:43 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)
Wait, indheart died
SK not completely brain afk

roundbox 05-19-2018 02:43 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)
It's just really frustrating we're out a complete data point because someone hasn't posted in two phases
Really kills my vibe

star-crossed 05-19-2018 02:46 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)
Does anybody know if replacements are something that they have on the site that olimar and curry are from?

Celirra 05-19-2018 02:50 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)

Originally Posted by star-crossed (Post 4620492)
Does anybody know if replacements are something that they have on the site that olimar and curry are from?

ninsheetmusic has a lot of issues with filling games so I don't think so; in my experience they're normally inactive as scum team but that experience is also from only one game and then I didn't want to play there anymore really because it's so different from ffr

Celirra 05-19-2018 02:55 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)
That experience is also why I'm having trouble with olimar btw and ironically kinda why I think he's town

Celirra 05-19-2018 02:58 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)

Originally Posted by roundbox (Post 4620480)
I'm not too bull headed to no lynch and reading more is always an option for me. Just know that we need more no lynch votes than other player votes otherwise bad things happen

That's why I'm trying to make sure everyone agrees with no lynch

aka if you are

star-crossed 05-19-2018 03:17 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)
So I think this is basically everything Curry said about kills, night actions, SK suspicions, as well as posts related to anybody who is still alive. I want to figure out who the mafia most likely killed and blocked, and whether he knew who the SK was (or was just guessing).



Originally Posted by Curry and Rice (Post 4619264)
"Finding SK shouldn't be a D0 thing. It should get easier and more clear after the first wave of NK/SK kill/PR shots.

It's more of a D2 thing imo."
-- Haku

If the third party is super obvious (or at least seems to be), there's no reason not to go after them, but otherwise (in any normal D0 situation), I completely agree.

be back later



Originally Posted by Curry and Rice (Post 4619481)

Two specials dead, but also one wolf dead? Not sure it's the best trade, but at least we're somewhere.

also i was totally going to push a lynch on manti for trying to save noc but i guess that ain't happening lol

Also, Zoshi and Cel are probably human, but there's also a slight chance either of them could be the third party. For now I'll give both of them a pass.


Originally Posted by Curry and Rice (Post 4619526)
I don't usually know Olimar to be the inactive type. While it's entirely possible he's trying to slip under the radar because the number of people who know him this game is relatively low, I'm guessing there's some other outside reason why he hasn't posted much.


Originally Posted by Curry and Rice (Post 4619765)
"lmao k roundbox is probably much better suited as a wolf than sk. Is ffa/roundbox/funny sounding ok ??

Mellon/olimar for sk"
Fair thoughts, except I'd probably add Xel in there somewhere.


Originally Posted by Curry and Rice (Post 4619793)
I mean, I've given my thoughts in bits and pieces, but doesn't hurt to say more:

roundbox: Current vote; pleased with the thoughts he's given, but I don't know if he's just trying to save himself or genuinely getting into gear.

raeko: Past vote; still not sure about her, could be a vote in the future if I still have a bad feeling on her.

Xel: Could probably be a wolf? Maybe serial killer? Some things like roundbox's "xel is hottest mislynch 2018 for the 6th game in a row" and inD's "derp clearing xel" give me a little more hesitation but I could still vote for him.

Funny: I'd be ok with this lynch, but don't know if I'd change my vote to support it. idk; would be a helpful cardflip probably i guess and there's a "better than most" chance she's actually a wolf/third party



Originally Posted by Curry and Rice (Post 4619870)
Also, at this point, I'm gonna take a guess and say that either the third party/Claire is inactive (or rather, inactive enough to where they might conceivably miss a kill), or by some extremely unlikely chance, either or both of them have been roleblocked, preventing their kills from going through.


Originally Posted by Curry and Rice (Post 4619940)
My best guess is that the wolves blocked someone, saw that there were only two kills, then decided to block the same person. Not sure why they wouldn't find more kills to be beneficial, but maybe they were trying to play it safe after Noc was lynched.


Originally Posted by Curry and Rice (Post 4619966)
is it vain if i put myself as most town


Originally Posted by Curry and Rice (Post 4619954)
"So you think haku being vigi’d is possible?

I guess Mellon being sk’d and vigi’d is possible, but I think a block is more likely"

Eh, I kind of think Manti trying to make a vote to seemingly save a wolf might ring an alarm bell in a vigi, perhaps?


Originally Posted by Curry and Rice (Post 4620033)
Speaking of reads, reads list is pretty much the same but with Xel instead of Olimar.



Originally Posted by Curry and Rice (Post 4620149)
Unless there's some super weird stuff going on and the wolf and third party just so happened to hit the same person, I'm going to take a guess and say that this sets up Olimar as anti-town.


Originally Posted by Curry and Rice (Post 4620150)
If there had been three kills in the past, I would say it was possible that either the wolf hit the third party (with one-shot bulletproof) or the third party hit the wolf (also with one-shot bulletproof), but honestly, how likely is that at this point?


Originally Posted by Curry and Rice (Post 4620191)
Roundbox I can buy, but Star is pretty much just a paranoia pick. The only way I can see that is if Star decided to carry on the guise of an inactive sk because psycho was inactive, with the additional benefit of framing Olimar, but honestly, I think it would be more beneficial for Star to just kill anyway and pretend like the earlier lack of kills were just flukes. But it would make more sense if it was just Olimar being inactive from the very beginning. His sudden appearance is kind of odd too, but eh. Though, at the same time, Star seeming to double down with posting to try and ensure not being lynched is kind of concerning, in the same kind of strange paranoid gut feeling way.


Originally Posted by Curry and Rice (Post 4620193)
"hey, why do you have this conclusion? who is the other anti-town? why is Olimar the definitive anti-town from your POV?" --rb
Like I explained in my post above, a lack of a second kill would most logically imply that either the sk was inactive (Olimar), or pretending to be inactive (Star, to continue on with psycho's inactivity), the latter of which is kind of hard to believe.

Other anti-town is probably you. Olimar being a wolf is less likely (since if there was an active sk there would've likely been three kills on at least one prior phase), thus he's probably the serial killer.


Originally Posted by Curry and Rice (Post 4620211)
i mean

logically who else could the third party be


Originally Posted by Curry and Rice (Post 4620225)
My main point about that was that if Psycho was inactive and missed a kill, Star wouldn't want to make a kill because it would be pretty obvious who the third party was then. LIKE I SAID, though, that's probably the less likely scenario over Olimar simply being third party.


Originally Posted by Curry and Rice (Post 4620248)

Looking back, I think roundbox not voting to save FFA was because he thought that he would probably be lynched anyway the next day and didn't want it to be obvious that he was trying to save his partner. In light of the funny wagon and flip, he looks even worse from that, and his comments/reactions at the beginning of the day after that didn't help either (calling the game a "dumpster fire" and complaining about how the "game is proceeding in SK's favour" reads like venting after his partner died).


Originally Posted by Curry and Rice (Post 4620249)

In terms of posting and other more recent stuff, he was kind of coasting until being called out for it, then picked up dramatically after that (especially after raeko was vigi'd; possibly trying to pick up the pace hoping for a Hail Mary victory?) with variable amounts of relevant content. Spent too much time complaining about bad lynches instead of actually doing anything to stop those lynches (both with funny and Xel, and arguably a little bit with FFA before he was actually lynched and cardflipped) and was/is semi-OMGUS'ing me, neither of which really lean in his favor.


Originally Posted by Curry and Rice (Post 4620354)
Cel's disappearance is a bit concerning. Like, he should be here right now posting stuff, unless he's just given up which is honestly silly if he's a human.


Originally Posted by Curry and Rice (Post 4620371)
"my wariness about curry is that he isn't doing much to investigate other players this phase as all of his energy has been concentrated on me

he's responded to star about some things but his lack of considering other possible worlds in this game is frustrating and suspect at the same time"

I mean, I have Olimar pegged as sk, with Star as a paranoid pick. The only other person to investigate would be Cel.

Celirra 05-19-2018 03:20 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)
[Waiting for star's analysis on what she quoted]

star-crossed 05-19-2018 03:24 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)

Originally Posted by Celirra (Post 4620493)
in my experience they're normally inactive as scum team

Huh? I do not know what this means.

I do not think I am OK with not hanging anybody today unless olimar shows up and says he will be able to participate and vote the following day (if he lives through the night). Because if he is a town and there are 3 people left, and he does not vote, the only way town can win is if the other person votes correctly and the kitb works out.

star-crossed 05-19-2018 03:29 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)
Although, on the other hand, maybe it is still worth the risk to have the information of narrowing it down. I am not sure.


Originally Posted by Celirra (Post 4620499)
[Waiting for star's analysis on what she quoted]

Yes, that is to come.

Celirra 05-19-2018 03:36 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)

Originally Posted by star-crossed (Post 4620500)
Huh? I do not know what this means.

I do not think I am OK with not hanging anybody today unless olimar shows up and says he will be able to participate and vote the following day (if he lives through the night). Because if he is a town and there are 3 people left, and he does not vote, the only way town can win is if the other person votes correctly and the kitb works out.

The game I lost, both wolves were the most inactive members playing. Neither were olimar though; in fact he was host.

Anyways although that's a fair concern it is still statistically beneficial to no lynch this phase and, at least from my perspective I'm at a bit of a standstill because all 3 non-me's have totally different but justifiable cases, maybe roundbox less so but changing it from 3 non-me's to 2 non-me's would be super beneficial should I not be the one who gets nk'd, and it would be useful for the 2 other towns too, even if the worst case happens and olimar is totally afk next/this phase

In a way I kinda don't like being against no lynch cause it mostly just benefits sk to just end it here, but then part of me also likes that you're thinking critically
I think it's more - than + usually but with you being logically sound usually I don't think you'd slip like this (???) But I've also never seen you antitown so maybe you would be aggressive like this

Celirra 05-19-2018 03:37 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)
Can redact a bit of the shade I threw at star with her ninja-ing me

star-crossed 05-19-2018 04:01 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)

Originally Posted by Celirra (Post 4620503)
Anyways although that's a fair concern it is still statistically beneficial to no lynch this phase and, at least from my perspective I'm at a bit of a standstill because all 3 non-me's have totally different but justifiable cases, maybe roundbox less so but changing it from 3 non-me's to 2 non-me's would be super beneficial should I not be the one who gets nk'd, and it would be useful for the 2 other towns too, even if the worst case happens and olimar is totally afk next/this phase

I have a lot of anxiety surrounding the situation of him being alive then but not posting or voting. I do not like the idea of people potentially being more swayed by who "deserves" the win more in a 50/50 situation like that. I also do not like the idea of potentially figuring it out but then still losing to the kitb.

But I do get that the alternative of the 2-3 town players that have been more active being able to vote together the right way is probably idealistic, as well. So maybe I just need to accept that that what I have mentioned is a necessary evil.

In any case I am going to go back to focusing on what I can take from what Curry said.

roundbox 05-19-2018 04:06 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)
I am 100% on board with a no lynch

roundbox 05-19-2018 04:07 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)
still, olimar not being here makes this game stupid difficult and I seriously wish he was replaced or something because it's ruining this endgame

Celirra 05-19-2018 04:23 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)
My biggest fear is he ends up as sk and lives, that would be depressing and shitty as fuck

Celirra 05-19-2018 04:26 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)

Originally Posted by Olimar12345 (Post 4620177)
Sorry, to clarify I meant that it was weird to suspect me of 3P AND ALSO put me up for lynch. Humans don't want to lynch 3P; my point was that you should be either "He's 3P, don't shoot!" or "He's not 3P, shoot/don't shoot!"

This was his last post

I would update that post I originally made but given how little he's posted he's actually been only really focused on anything pertaining to sk all game
Either cause he's sk or he's legitimately never seen a sk in his life and such, I'm not sure which but given his early confusion the latter seems most likely?

Olimar12345 05-19-2018 05:12 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)
uh okay everyone give me a tl;dr why i shouldn't vote for you

also who's voting who so far

whats going on

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