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roundbox 05-16-2018 09:15 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)

Originally Posted by Curry and Rice (Post 4620198)
excuse me


Star asked, I answered. Do you expect me to ignore questions directed at me just because it's too "late into the game"?

there's no way star is choosing to not kill this late in the game
you're insane for even entertaining this thought

and no, I don't expect you to ignore questions. I just felt like the answer was fake and pretty blasé

Curry and Rice 05-16-2018 09:20 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)

Originally Posted by star-crossed (Post 4620201)
I did not really follow why you thought I would be the most likely person to be trying to frame olimar, if somebody was going to do that, bythe way

Because psycho was inactive, and if psycho missed a kill, then you'd want to keep that up so that it isn't obvious that you're the sk?


Originally Posted by roundbox (Post 4620202)
there's no way star is choosing to not kill this late in the game

I mean, yeah, didn't I say that. And isn't Cel the one who brought it up, so why am I more insane than Cel for explaining the thought process (which I highlighted as "paranoid," mind you)?


and no, I don't expect you to ignore questions. I just felt like the answer was fake and pretty blasé
so explain to me what i "should" have answered

you are assuming that what i answered is not, in fact, the truthful answer

i would like to inform you that it is, in fact, the truthful answer

Celirra 05-16-2018 09:21 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)
what if roundbox "thinks" that manti blocked me because wolves submitted a kill on me that didnt go through

btw star are you drunk youre making typos which seems out of character for you

I'm not sure why Olimar feels... genuine and towny to me. I think it has to do with his SK related questions, and his interactions with ffa early on there. There's also the case of literally not trying, which seems so wolfy that it's towny (hey inD did I just wifom myself) in a roundabout conspiracy way.

Also, his entry here about being surprised he wasn't lynched feels very towny, given if he did get lynched and he was wolf it would be GG for him and his team guaranteed, but if it was him as town it wouldn't be which allows for some apathetic nature as we're seeing potentially.

Have you played with him though on NSM? any kind of meta info about now would be cool to me

Curry and Rice 05-16-2018 09:24 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)

Originally Posted by Celirra (Post 4620204)
Have you played with him though on NSM? any kind of meta info about now would be cool to me

Yeah, Olimar's from NSM. I don't usually know him to be inactive, which is why I was trying to guess earlier in the game why he was inactive. Aside from that, there's really no much to go on that I haven't already mentioned.

star-crossed 05-16-2018 09:26 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)

Originally Posted by Curry and Rice (Post 4620203)
Because psycho was inactive, and if psycho missed a kill, then you'd want to keep that up so that it isn't obvious that you're the sk?

How do you reconcile tht with my play toward olimar?

and yes Cel.

roundbox 05-16-2018 09:29 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)

Originally Posted by Celirra (Post 4620204)
what if roundbox "thinks" that manti blocked me because wolves submitted a kill on me that didnt go through


you see, imagine I'm a wolf I think you're the SK
if I think I popped your vest and then I doubled down on your lynch ("he's gotta be the SK! he just FEEEEEELS like it!") and you flipped SK, I'd look wolfy as shit for suddenly sleuthing your ass
really gonna expose myself this late in the game

c'mon dude I may have been inactive at game start but I still have a brain for strategy

roundbox 05-16-2018 09:31 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)

Originally Posted by roundbox (Post 4620207)

you see, imagine I'm a wolf I think you're the SK
if I think I popped your vest and then I doubled down on your lynch ("he's gotta be the SK! he just FEEEEEELS like it!") and you flipped SK, I'd look wolfy as shit for suddenly sleuthing your ass
really gonna expose myself this late in the game

c'mon dude I may have been inactive at game start but I still have a brain for strategy

also like I'm gonna reveal that blocking theory the day before I double down on you
I would not have revealed that and just gunned for your death

Curry and Rice 05-16-2018 09:37 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)

Originally Posted by star-crossed (Post 4620206)
How do you reconcile tht with my play toward olimar?

What do you mean?

star-crossed 05-16-2018 09:41 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)
Umm, are you not aware that I believe olimar is the least likely person to be the serial killer (well, besides ind) and have been trying to convince everyone of this since I first joined the game?

Curry and Rice 05-16-2018 09:52 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)
reverse psychology i guess

i mean

logically who else could the third party be

star-crossed 05-16-2018 10:00 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)

Originally Posted by Curry and Rice (Post 4620211)
reverse psychology i guess

i mean

logically who else could the third party be

Yeah, from this I'm concerned that you are projecting a lot of your own thoughts on the game onto me so that you can paint me in a convenient way for you. It doesn't sound like you took into account the way I have discussed role info or the reads I have given into your #1 theory for how I could be a nontown, which is crazy to me.

Good night.

Curry and Rice 05-16-2018 10:01 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)

Originally Posted by star-crossed (Post 4620212)
Yeah, from this I'm concerned that you are projecting a lot of your own thoughts on the game onto me so that you can paint me in a convenient way for you. It doesn't sound like you took into account the way I have discussed role info or the reads I have given into your #1 theory for how I could be a nontown, which is crazy to me.

Good night.

you do realize that as a third party you could lie about how you feel about olimar

roundbox 05-16-2018 10:15 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)
looking at curry's voting progression (it's not much better than mine, but look at how he shifts from reads list to a xel vote


Originally Posted by Curry and Rice (Post 4619569)
That reminds me. You know who else hasn't done much either?


Occasional presence but minimal substance. Stalling the game isn't what we want, but you know who does? WOLVES.

fresh vote on raeko, distancing possibly?


Originally Posted by Curry and Rice (Post 4619793)
I mean, I've given my thoughts in bits and pieces, but doesn't hurt to say more:

roundbox: Current vote; pleased with the thoughts he's given, but I don't know if he's just trying to save himself or genuinely getting into gear.

raeko: Past vote; still not sure about her, could be a vote in the future if I still have a bad feeling on her.

Xel: Could probably be a wolf? Maybe serial killer? Some things like roundbox's "xel is hottest mislynch 2018 for the 6th game in a row" and inD's "derp clearing xel" give me a little more hesitation but I could still vote for him.

Funny: I'd be ok with this lynch, but don't know if I'd change my vote to support it. idk; would be a helpful cardflip probably i guess and there's a "better than most" chance she's actually a wolf/third party

he posts this reads list after voting for me because I hadn't come back to vote

he reaffirms his read later in some hot confirmation bias style

I also don't get lynched because funny died over me yet we see a very muted response from him the next day, immediately dropping suspicion of me. see later.


Originally Posted by Curry and Rice (Post 4619966)
is it vain if i put myself as most town


Originally Posted by Curry and Rice (Post 4619967)
post-posting, i title my previous post "how i would organize the living players in this game from most lunchable to least lunchable"

i mean lynchable

here's his reads list at the start of the next game
watch this


Originally Posted by Curry and Rice (Post 4620033)
what the hell xel

it's like you've just given up and are just trying to mess with everyone
or are acting completely nonsensical in an attempt to get everyone to think that there's no way you could be acting this dumb as a wolf/third party

I guess "making some fair guesses on game state" and "trying to stimulate activity with a reads list" isn't worth anything then? I suppose you're still salty from me having my eye on you; if Xel wasn't going completely crazy, I'd probably still want to vote for you.

Speaking of reads, reads list is pretty much the same but with Xel instead of Olimar.

xel makes one angry and annoying post or two and he conveniently forgets the fact I'm his top wolf, even after he swaps out xel for olimar


Originally Posted by Curry and Rice (Post 4620062)


I'm not a viable lynch? eh, fuck it, let's go with this guy

inDheart 05-16-2018 10:20 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)

Originally Posted by star-crossed (Post 4620161)
I still see this as a silly push that he could do to try to make roundbox and him seem like they are not aligned, particularly since ffa does not hold the read later in the day, unlike the Cel suspicion. Going through his early posts, it still seems to me ffa really, genuinely wanted to hang Cel and was emphasizing a dynamic where manti was town because Cel was sus.

i thought he was joking in that post, but i forgot he actually voted roundbox and then later told me his scumreads were olimar and cel after roundbox had still done like nothing. fine point

to the last post you quoted, i think roundbox as a wolf would have less trouble naming preferred lynches or finding a scumread; consider, for instance, endgame of the "sounds like you've got a problem" game again - so in other words, i think we agree on a town or sk feel

inDheart 05-16-2018 10:33 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)

Originally Posted by Olimar12345 (Post 4620171)
Wow so I’m still alive, huh. Guess I should be reading. Legit surprised I wasn’t lynched by now, since it’s easy to blame someone who isn’t there. I understand the suspicion though (and probs won’t sign up again so that someone will let someone can). I’ll be on more in about an hour so ask me questions and I’ll try to help out then. I’ll leave you with this last thought until I get back: so while the third party suspicion still exists on me (?) I think it’s rather odd that I would also be a lynch candidate today, seeing as how it could cost us the game (If I read that correctly).

hey, i wanted to know before what you liked in particular about star's case on roundbox, since you declared intent to vote him

also we thought about lynching you yesterday, so there's that

inDheart 05-16-2018 10:36 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)

Originally Posted by star-crossed (Post 4620172)
I wish I had a lean on this but I honestly do not

it's kind of why i was considering going back to olimar being a wolf. raeko pops in 7 minutes before deadline to say that when i vote olimar...why? just because roundbox called her out for lurking?

inDheart 05-16-2018 10:39 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)

Originally Posted by Olimar12345 (Post 4620177)
Sorry, to clarify I meant that it was weird to suspect me of 3P AND ALSO put me up for lynch. Humans don't want to lynch 3P; my point was that you should be either "He's 3P, don't shoot!" or "He's not 3P, shoot/don't shoot!"

lynching either antitown is relatively equivalent at this point because it eliminates a faction and its nightkill. just as long as we don't lynch a human. not lynching 3p was more of a thing for the early game when we wanted them to shoot wolves for us

inDheart 05-16-2018 10:59 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)

Originally Posted by star-crossed (Post 4620212)
Yeah, from this I'm concerned that you are projecting a lot of your own thoughts on the game onto me so that you can paint me in a convenient way for you. It doesn't sound like you took into account the way I have discussed role info or the reads I have given into your #1 theory for how I could be a nontown, which is crazy to me.

Good night.

oh i think i get what he means, it just takes like 3 mental loops

if you defend olimar, it keeps him alive -> therefore, missing kills could be explained by either of you being gone, which is what he's currently suggesting happened

it's really a lot of conjecture though, because the same results could be produced via mechanics or stacked kills

think it's easier to start from "why would each faction want zoshi dead"
1. be olimar and notice he was pushing into you yesterday
2. be someone who voted xel and kill someone off the wagon, expecting the other guy to clean up the vigi, so you can hide better
3. not want him dead at all but instead hit a guy with a vest - seems less likely unless it's telegraphed by the current lynch attempt on curry. i know if i were in this position i'd try to find a way to lynch the guy i hit, so i can conserve shots

i don't think you strategically no-kill when there's nothing left in the setup to destroy you that doesn't also just kill you

at some point this turned into a post more toward curry lol

Curry and Rice 05-16-2018 11:01 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)

Originally Posted by roundbox (Post 4620214)


now i can tell you're actually desperate

inDheart 05-16-2018 11:03 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)

Originally Posted by roundbox (Post 4620207)

you see, imagine I'm a wolf I think you're the SK
if I think I popped your vest and then I doubled down on your lynch ("he's gotta be the SK! he just FEEEEEELS like it!") and you flipped SK, I'd look wolfy as shit for suddenly sleuthing your ass
really gonna expose myself this late in the game

c'mon dude I may have been inactive at game start but I still have a brain for strategy

i mean, the doubling down would be a stupid amount of exposure

you'd have to ~finesse~ it

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