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Hakulyte 05-9-2018 12:51 AM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)
Oh, no idea Cel had already this many votes.

Gun92 05-9-2018 12:52 AM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)

Originally Posted by mellon_collie (Post 4619377)
I meant that about him in general not just in TWG. I'm not trying to protect him necessarily I just want to vote someone who I consider to be being wolfy, and I see what Cel as doing as more of just an extension of his personality. I definitely could be wrong

you do you man it's just hard to follow that type of read, people are going to be looking to you for guidance

Well, I hope I can live up to the lofty standards of said guidance even tho there seems to be much more qualified people to lead. Probably smarter people too. Gut instincts don't always makes sense but its better than just throwing a safety vote and walking away. I feel it has some merit and seeing Manti question the notion as well gives me a little more confidence in my decision. I do appreciate your insight because I haven't played with either of you before so its good to know about peoples characteristics and how they go about things. Not being sarcastic either, I do appreciate it.

blindreper1179 05-9-2018 12:52 AM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)
ffa- III
cel- II
zoshi- I
manti- I
ind- I
haku- I

let me know if I missed anything.

Hakulyte 05-9-2018 12:53 AM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)
Interesting, ffa didn't self-pres into Cel to maintain kitb.

DarkManticoreX2 05-9-2018 12:55 AM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)
cant tell but it looks like FFA is in the lead?

Hakulyte 05-9-2018 12:55 AM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)

Originally Posted by DarkManticoreX2 (Post 4619388)
cant tell but it looks like FFA is in the lead?

Yeah, looks like it.

Curry and Rice 05-9-2018 12:56 AM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)
Waiting for my computer to finish restarting. Bigger post in a minute.

roundbox 05-9-2018 12:57 AM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)
I understand why FFA is being picked but I'm not ready to part ways with him just yet

to answer Manti:
Cel responding with anger is not out of character nor would I interpret it as inherently wolfy
he just has a really short temper for things he finds bullshit and this appears to fall into that category from his pov

also psychoangel is in this game everybody

roundbox 05-9-2018 12:58 AM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)
I really only have favorable opinions of one of the FFA voters (haku)
I don't want to put Cel into the kitb but I'd rather FFA live over him

DarkManticoreX2 05-9-2018 12:59 AM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)
i could be convinced to keep Cel, but I'd rather keep FFA. Third wagon?

Curry and Rice 05-9-2018 12:59 AM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)
Thoughts on FFA lynch:
If my post responding to Cel had gone through (rip), it would probably provide some clarification on this, but I'm "meh" on the FFA lynch. While on one hand, he probably deserves to be lynched, knowing how his usual behavior is, it kind of feels too much like a cop-out lynch. That being said, his cardflip will probably be helpful. I hope.

roundbox 05-9-2018 12:59 AM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)
we have no time for another wagon
this game sucks

blindreper1179 05-9-2018 01:00 AM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)
stop posting

inDheart 05-9-2018 01:00 AM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)
i hate everything

DarkManticoreX2 05-9-2018 01:00 AM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)

just not a better third option and Cel didnt make usable inroads.

DarkManticoreX2 05-9-2018 01:01 AM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)
oh we don't get the 1:00 minute?

blindreper1179 05-9-2018 01:01 AM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)

these are the final vote counts as of right now.

ffa- 3
cel- 2
zoshi- 1
manti- 1
ind- 1
haku- 1


blindreper1179 05-9-2018 01:02 AM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)

Originally Posted by DarkManticoreX2 (Post 4619399)
oh we don't get the 1:00 minute?

sorry, no. No warnings will be given as it wasn't deliberately stated.

blindreper1179 05-9-2018 01:08 AM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)
No refutes have been given, writing death post now.

blindreper1179 05-9-2018 01:17 AM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)
As the city of Raccoon City is under attack from the biohazard known more frequently as zombies, S.T.A.R.S. members are doing everything they can to save any survivors they can find. While on the search, they see a man, not worried about the chaos. They confront the man, and search him in fright of him knowing more than they do. They find the virus that started it all on him. The T-Virus. They knew this after instigating him with their guns and force of violence. William Birkin was shot on the spot finding out he was the source of this devastation.

(Flashflashaccount has died, he was an umbrella employee)

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