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Zoshi 05-8-2018 11:03 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)

Originally Posted by flashflash account (Post 4619316)
It's serious

I'm staying on this wagon even if celery finally showed up because Zoshi looks much worse than him to me after trying to stick me to curry (I guarantee you if I had responded to the curry vote he'd be calling me out for something dumb like partnership)

im not sticking you to curry.

find you both odd, yes. but i wanted to see how much human interest you really had; and defend the player you would bet your life on is human.

trying to call partnership if you did so would be illogical, since you've already established your confidence in his humanity.

Zoshi 05-8-2018 11:05 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)

Originally Posted by Celirra (Post 4619319)
yes youre right its impossible to think about the game while not spam posting pointless bullshit

that's not what I meant, i was curious that you wouldn't want to interact with ffa more before casting your vote. I don't know you but you did post a lot of shit in the beginning, so I don't know why posting is seemingly a problem for you now

flashflash account 05-8-2018 11:05 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)
Ughhh this is really frustrating


I'm leaving my vote on Zoshi


Good night, see you all tomorrow

Can phases be pushed up a bit in the future

inDheart 05-8-2018 11:07 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)
is it really 2 hours

i still like the idea of lynching people that aren't playing while i sort out the ffa garbage:villathoughtprocess ratio

Zoshi 05-8-2018 11:07 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)

Originally Posted by Zoshi (Post 4619321)
that's not what I meant, i was curious that you wouldn't want to interact with ffa more before casting your vote. I don't know you but you did post a lot of shit in the beginning, so I don't know why posting is seemingly a problem for you now

i said a lot of shit, i looked back and will change that to some shit. I just remember seeing you a bunch with some shit posts when i was first reading, thought it was more than what it was, but my main point still stands

Celirra 05-8-2018 11:07 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)

Originally Posted by Zoshi (Post 4619321)
that's not what I meant, i was curious that you wouldn't want to interact with ffa more before casting your vote. I don't know you but you did post a lot of shit in the beginning, so I don't know why posting is seemingly a problem for you now

ffa is an unironic hakulyte

interacting wouldnt get anywhere and would only make me frustrated, i've been able to live vicariously enough with all the drivel he's posted as is anyways

Zoshi 05-8-2018 11:09 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)

Originally Posted by flashflash account (Post 4619318)
Also, it's 9:00 so I should really sleep now

who sleeps at 9pm

its 4am here

who has most dedication to game guys choose wies lee

Zoshi 05-8-2018 11:10 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)

Originally Posted by Celirra (Post 4619325)
ffa is an unironic hakulyte

interacting wouldnt get anywhere and would only make me frustrated, i've been able to live vicariously enough with all the drivel he's posted as is anyways

ok actually makes sense, i take it from also seeing your post about manti that you tend to get frustrated a lot at this game ?

Gun92 05-8-2018 11:12 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)
What the fucking fuck? Leave for a few hours and come back to fucking 14 new pages of things to get through? Jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesus

Zoshi 05-8-2018 11:12 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)
i feel like my not even that long twg career is older than ffa

Hakulyte 05-8-2018 11:14 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)

Originally Posted by Gun92 (Post 4619328)
What the fucking fuck? Leave for a few hours and come back to fucking 14 new pages of things to get through? Jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesus

You can skip my posts, I'm a confirmed town.

#when you feel bad about taking space

inDheart 05-8-2018 11:15 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)

Originally Posted by Zoshi (Post 4619326)
who sleeps at 9pm

its 4am here

who has most dedication to game guys choose wies lee

he walked 15 miles at 9 minute pace, he probably needs it

roundbox 05-8-2018 11:16 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)
I'm conscious again everybody

Curry and Rice 05-8-2018 11:17 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)
So I tried to make a post but it said something about it needing to be approved by a mod? Is this normal, or did I accidentally trigger some sort of filter or something?

Zoshi 05-8-2018 11:18 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)

Originally Posted by Curry and Rice (Post 4619334)
So I tried to make a post but it said something about it needing to be approved by a mod? Is this normal, or did I accidentally trigger some sort of filter or something?

worst excuse for not contributing

Zoshi 05-8-2018 11:18 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)
jk i genuinely dont know

inDheart 05-8-2018 11:23 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)

Originally Posted by flashflash account (Post 4619069)
if you actually go and look at our games together, just note that the sombra game on NSM was a reaction test and I said as much in deadchat (BDS probably won't believe me on this though)

this sounds like the kind of thing you say in deadchat to save face so you don't look totally stupid


Originally Posted by flashflash account (Post 4619070)
You're welcome to form your own reads on curry, but for my PoE he's town here.

if he's really confirmed town to you then it's probably in your best interest to actually show that to people

the "don't sheep me" thing shouldn't apply when you're talking like you have that degree of confidence

team game dude


Originally Posted by flashflash account (Post 4619152)
then we should probably get to it and reach a conclusion ahead of time instead of scrambling last minute eh

it kind of feels really scummy (and not in the wolf sense, actually scummy) to vote for celery now but at the same time I don't want some stupid manti/celery dynamic causing problems when it could actually cost us the game


no ind I am not sheeping you, I reached this read independently >:P

i like how i'm now voting on the other half of this dynamic and my vote is bad

man i started this reread because i thought there was a post i liked too to balance with whatever i sweep up but now i can't find it, was an answer back to me earlier

inDheart 05-8-2018 11:24 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)

Originally Posted by Curry and Rice (Post 4619334)
So I tried to make a post but it said something about it needing to be approved by a mod? Is this normal, or did I accidentally trigger some sort of filter or something?

might have a link or an image in it, can't do that if you don't have 5 real posts

space it out if it's a link

Curry and Rice 05-8-2018 11:25 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)
Let me try posting it in parts.


Originally Posted by Curry and Rice (Post 4619262)
I suggest you go back and read past games I've been in to see similar behavior from me

Reiterating this request to Zoshi, so that you can hopefully see that this kind of stuff is the same type of thing that's been happening again and again recently in the games I've played on FFR regardless of my role. To be honest, I think it's just because I've been gone for so long and most people haven't picked up on my regular "style" that they immediately get paranoid about me.

inDheart 05-8-2018 11:26 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)
the other tension is i thought he essentially angleshot himself clear with the DM shit

so there's that too

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