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flashflash account 05-8-2018 08:37 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)

Originally Posted by Zoshi (Post 4619189)
if you're a wolf i'd bet my shorts that one of these is your wolf buds. out of all of them i think celery's seems most misplaced, others you either know from anyone forum, are me, or iconic (xel, gun)

This is the epitome of reading too far into things and you just told haku to simmer down after reading too far into it as well

Also: problem with early third party chasing is I'm concerned about parity and the first wolf hit is much more valuable to me than the third party, whose Winton doesn't come until much further down the line

I think it's weird that you want to hit the third party first, especially since they could even hit scum themselves to make sure the game goes longer

Hakulyte 05-8-2018 08:37 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)

Originally Posted by Celirra (Post 4618744)
I thought 12:01am meant noon not midnight

I might miss EoD's sometimes because I'm usually asleep by like 10pm server to wake up for 5am server

Does this count as a shitpost

Does something else affect your disponibility ?


Originally Posted by XelNya (Post 4618745)
FFR has a healthy shit posting time for day 0.

Also I've just moved (no internet lol phone posting send help), and changed jobs, and my brother's getting married on the 12th. Some of you activity readers on me are in for a rough time dis game. I'm town tho so just, cross me off the list eh? : /

Also phone posting means less memes, except for this


Do you think you'll be able to do something before EoD ?

Zoshi 05-8-2018 08:38 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)

Originally Posted by roundbox (Post 4619188)
I sincerely hope this isn't the root of the posting you two throw at each other in the coming pages

I feel like I missed this traumatic experience

ok Coach

this is what a reach looks like, ladies and gentleman


this is what reach looks like, ladies and gentleman (not physically)

this is the second post I've liked from hakulyte this game

this applies to so many haku games; this point is moot as fuck

this is a really dumb thin town lean

are you trying to be hakulyte with your posting now
your emulation is nearing 100% recreation

normally I townread you and hard defend you but I have no idea what the hell you're doing this game

I like the idea of this post but it doesn't affect your alignment at all

it's pretty commonly looked for on our forums

r e a c h i n g



I now have time to focus and am not busy (100% my load at school)

this ain't paranoia dawg
this is a hot take that I like

these are all just comments without any initiation for an interaction. if you're bored ask a question someone can respond to. seems a bit passive play, but you've also just got here

flashflash account 05-8-2018 08:39 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)

Originally Posted by roundbox (Post 4619188)

this ain't paranoia dawg
this is a hot take that I like

Feeding paranoia

roundbox 05-8-2018 08:39 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)

Originally Posted by Zoshi (Post 4619201)
these are all just comments without any initiation for an interaction. if you're bored ask a question someone can respond to. seems a bit passive play, but you've also just got here

see the following post

roundbox 05-8-2018 08:40 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)

Originally Posted by flashflash account (Post 4619202)
Feeding paranoia

did you not read some of the things I posted about you in my most recent bigpost

flashflash account 05-8-2018 08:44 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)
I picked up a subtle trace of "I usually town read flashflash but this time I'm not"

I don't think it's anything to be concerned about because I'll just keep doing my thing, then when/if I flip I've provided a nice meaty reads list and interactions that will absolutely win the game even though I'm dead

Zoshi 05-8-2018 08:45 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)

Originally Posted by flashflash account (Post 4619199)
This is the epitome of reading too far into things and you just told haku to simmer down after reading too far into it as well

Also: problem with early third party chasing is I'm concerned about parity and the first wolf hit is much more valuable to me than the third party, whose Winton doesn't come until much further down the line

I think it's weird that you want to hit the third party first, especially since they could even hit scum themselves to make sure the game goes longer

thanks. i wanted to add my thought onto their suggestion, I didn't want her to simmer down i just disagreed i guess with their suggestion

lynching third party day 1 gives us more overall mis lynches for catching wolves tho. i thought you calculated this stuff. and third party probably won't be night-killed so cant rely on wolves doing it for us.

im not gonna discuss how the third party should do their killing, but i want them dead first

flashflash account 05-8-2018 08:45 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)
I usually town read roundbox but he doesn't usually call things boring, he's being weird and it's probably scummy

Hakulyte 05-8-2018 08:46 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)

Originally Posted by mellon_collie (Post 4618778)
I think we should lynch ind

Did your stance change by this point ?


Originally Posted by Curry and Rice (Post 4618934)
Hi! I'm still voting for you, but I'll be back in about an hour or two if you want to try and change my mind!

Quoting this just to say that you shouldn't post things along the lines of "you have to prove to me that you're town". It leads to self-meta/self-destruction and it's not a good basis overall.


Originally Posted by Olimar12345 (Post 4619161)
Not really. I'm not really familiar with how most of you play so I'm not sure what's in the norm for most of your posting styles. BDS seems to be normal BDS at the moment, which seems town enough rn. I'll comb through the thread again later (probably tonight when I get back home, I'm headed out again).

Going to echo Zoshi and mention that you should give it a try regardless of how uncertain you are.

Zoshi 05-8-2018 08:46 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)

Originally Posted by roundbox (Post 4619203)
see the following post

following post is same, but the one following that you start an interaction so ok. thumbs up

inDheart 05-8-2018 08:46 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)

Originally Posted by roundbox (Post 4619192)
manti said like two things predicated on posting timing possibly being linked to wolf chat times and a couple of people are townreading him for some reason
love me some hypothetical gameplay being townread

part of my read was he didn't read the OP, but then i reread the first post in that sequence and took away whatever cred that earned him because he phrased it as a hypothetical that just happened to be answered by the OP

flashflash account 05-8-2018 08:46 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)
If you really want third party dead, I think it's olimar

You're welcome

Zoshi 05-8-2018 08:48 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)
curry and rice

inDheart 05-8-2018 08:48 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)
also we should keep the 3p around for now because they should take up my suggestion of shooting wolves for us

it's a fun one, because if they don't, they probably just lose to wolves

inDheart 05-8-2018 08:49 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)

Originally Posted by Hakulyte (Post 4619208)
Did your stance change by this point ?

~95% she said that because i made a terrible pun and it's not serious by then

flashflash account 05-8-2018 08:51 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)
Either Ind and I keep mindmelding or he's sheeping me

Or we just analyze this game the same way

inDheart 05-8-2018 08:51 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)

Originally Posted by Hakulyte (Post 4619193)
I like roundbox, but it's probably just the anime avatar. It's not like the posts flow really well and give you a feel that the player has read the game and cared.

I'm okay with a gun92 lynch.


Hakulyte 05-8-2018 08:52 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)

Originally Posted by inDheart (Post 4619216)

Do you not want a gun92 lynch too ?

Hakulyte 05-8-2018 08:59 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)

Originally Posted by inDheart (Post 4619213)
also we should keep the 3p around for now because they should take up my suggestion of shooting wolves for us

it's a fun one, because if they don't, they probably just lose to wolves

Nope. Gotta get rid of kill powers if possible and lynch bypass bulletproof vest.

Originally Posted by flashflash account (Post 4619215)
Either Ind and I keep mindmelding or he's sheeping me

Or we just analyze this game the same way

Is this your wolf partner ?

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