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flashflash account 05-8-2018 07:57 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)
No ind posted the magic cards

I have no recollection of a large portion of our wolf chat

I was also incredibly busy irl that game

Hakulyte 05-8-2018 08:04 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)
Can you stick to talking about this game ?

In case you forgot, I had a bad entrance and you nearly made me choke on like page 2 because you said something I hoped you wouldn't say. It eventually turned us against each others and the game pmuch ended prematurely on top of not doing so well with covering up bases and keeping options. I pmuch cornered myself, starved my options to death and then the CC part happened and the game was pmuch over in every possible way.

flashflash account 05-8-2018 08:09 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)
>asks to talk about current game

>talks about previous game


@gun92 do you have any of those sick town reads

@curry are you doing anything

@celery can you do something towny or scummy

@xel keep popping into the thread complaining about being bored

@Zoshi you're still kinda null for me and I'd like to put you on one side or the other before eod

@olimar have you finished reading yet

flashflash account 05-8-2018 08:11 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)

Originally Posted by Hakulyte (Post 4619180)
Can you stick to talking about this game ?

In case you forgot, I had a bad entrance and you nearly made me choke on like page 2 because you said something I hoped you wouldn't say. It eventually turned us against each others and the game pmuch ended prematurely on top of not doing so well with covering up bases and keeping options. I pmuch cornered myself, starved my options to death and then the CC part happened and the game was pmuch over in every possible way.

It's good to know the haku is town meme works I guess, I didn't realize you responded like that as wolf

Hakulyte 05-8-2018 08:15 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)
I guess this is the part where we talk about inactives, pick one, realize it's a mislynch and then shift the blame on the person who initiated the talk about the inactives.


Zoshi 05-8-2018 08:17 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)
i started this and then played some fortnite so i'm probably not pretty much caught up anymore


Originally Posted by flashflash account (Post 4619152)
then we should probably get to it and reach a conclusion ahead of time instead of scrambling last minute eh

it kind of feels really scummy (and not in the wolf sense, actually scummy) to vote for celery now but at the same time I don't want some stupid manti/celery dynamic causing problems when it could actually cost us the game


no ind I am not sheeping you, I reached this read independently >:P


Originally Posted by flashflash account (Post 4619155)
I'll keep that in mind for the future

I dont like this extra bit of thinking he has to explain his behaviours or else it looks bad


Originally Posted by flashflash account (Post 4619157)
idk if I've mentioned this yet but I'm working the next 3 days and so I can't be omnipresent like I usually am

my only 2 scum reads are celery and olimar which is disappointing but I'm guessing the rest of scum are hidden in inactives

I'm going for celery over olimar because wolves take priority over third party imo

also yes that means I'm dropping haku, I guess it wasn't really much of a slip looking back on it? Pains me to say it but haku is right I guess >.>

I'd rather kill third party and remove a night kill every night, why do you think wolf is priority?

I also don't like you now backing out of The Slip™. I think Haku gave a good defence, and I am leaning human on Haku, but I don't think saying 'looking back on it I was wrong' is a good opinion to have. I probably would have liked to see 'ok i buy your defence' , and leave it as that. idk just my thought, I feel like you're trying to play overly safe while promoting as much activity as you can.


Originally Posted by Olimar12345 (Post 4619161)
Not really. I'm not really familiar with how most of you play so I'm not sure what's in the norm for most of your posting styles. BDS seems to be normal BDS at the moment, which seems town enough rn. I'll comb through the thread again later (probably tonight when I get back home, I'm headed out again).

...thanks? Also yeah only human noc is this dumb. Wolf noc is a different kind of dumb.

Comment on haku if you can, I disagree that you need to be familiar with posting styles to be able to comment on things you find odd

Zoshi 05-8-2018 08:17 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)
... although i understand knowing posting styles help

Zoshi 05-8-2018 08:19 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)

Originally Posted by Hakulyte (Post 4619177)
Not sure why you talk about that when you already know the answer from being in wolf chat with me in that game.

whats the answer lol

Hakulyte 05-8-2018 08:20 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)

Originally Posted by Zoshi (Post 4619186)
whats the answer lol


Originally Posted by Hakulyte (Post 4619180)
In case you forgot, I had a bad entrance and you nearly made me choke on like page 2 because you said something I hoped you wouldn't say. It eventually turned us against each others and the game pmuch ended prematurely on top of not doing so well with covering up bases and keeping options. I pmuch cornered myself, starved my options to death and then the CC part happened and the game was pmuch over in every possible way.


roundbox 05-8-2018 08:21 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)

Originally Posted by flashflash account (Post 4618794)
Lol I'm also counting the wolfkill as a miss technically

Are you latching onto strange wording for a reason?

I sincerely hope this isn't the root of the posting you two throw at each other in the coming pages


Originally Posted by Celirra (Post 4618813)
Hey Manti do you wanna tunnel against each other again or can we be friends

I feel like I missed this traumatic experience


Originally Posted by Celirra (Post 4618816)
Well a question like this really depends on a lot of factors; it's not a question you can simply answer. It's the kind of idea that has been debated for centuries, and is one that cannot simply be represented on a numeric scale. Legend has it that quantum company's ultimate goal is to answer this very predicament, but even in this current year we're nowhere close to even an approximation. The most well-estimated guess I've heard has been 23, by following statistical analysis and factoring in societal and scientific biases. But even this guess is likely nowhere close, I'm sorry to say.

ok Coach


Originally Posted by DarkManticoreX2 (Post 4618822)
This also makes me wonder if you’re trying to figure out how annoyed I still am with you and whether you should be cautious around me or not


this is what a reach looks like, ladies and gentleman


this is what reach looks like, ladies and gentleman (not physically)


Originally Posted by Hakulyte (Post 4618829)
My vote on ffa is serious by this point and no longer a random vote.

Sorry, but we just wolfed last game together so, it's kinda obvious.

this is the second post I've liked from hakulyte this game


Originally Posted by flashflash account (Post 4618837)
It's because I'm town reading you

Your play right now reminds me of the turbo after fall of an Empire where you did a crap ton of stuff day 1 then went silent immediately after
Time will tell of that's the case

this applies to so many haku games; this point is moot as fuck


Originally Posted by flashflash account (Post 4618843)
I was right it was Raeko

Now there's some next level stuff

Raeko weed check sounds good to me, probably town

this is a really dumb thin town lean


Originally Posted by flashflash account (Post 4618847)
The haku is town meme is always a reaction test

Unfortunately you've started to respond differently every game. Is this intentional?

Either way you're giving me the vibe of last year's haku, which I'm comfortable calling town

are you trying to be hakulyte with your posting now
your emulation is nearing 100% recreation


Originally Posted by flashflash account (Post 4618873)
So I'm thinking haku Raeko ind Manti xel town right now

normally I townread you and hard defend you but I have no idea what the hell you're doing this game


Originally Posted by inDheart (Post 4618891)
the talk of "misses" vs. "hits" and "missing" kills is all zzz to me

I like the idea of this post but it doesn't affect your alignment at all


Originally Posted by Zoshi (Post 4618919)
oh ok well i see the word 'night' is capitalised in op next for 'wolf NIGHT chat'

so i presume wolves dont have day chat. but odd that's something you picked up on and especially as were able to refer to the op about it

it's pretty commonly looked for on our forums


Originally Posted by DarkManticoreX2 (Post 4618983)
They were in thread when I posted/during the three mins between my post and cel lurking.

r e a c h i n g




Originally Posted by inDheart (Post 4619156)
i wanted to know what you mean by "actually can play" but i also wanted to say hi

I now have time to focus and am not busy (100% my load at school)


Originally Posted by Hakulyte (Post 4619163)
Still triggered by the certainty behind that post. The level of certainty makes me feel like he's on the "too much information" side and just toying around.
Pushing me back after with "the slip" and moving his game back into pressuring felt like he had to do something to save face to avoid potential pressure.

#daily paranoia report

this ain't paranoia dawg
this is a hot take that I like

Zoshi 05-8-2018 08:21 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)

Originally Posted by flashflash account (Post 4619181)
>asks to talk about current game

>talks about previous game


@gun92 do you have any of those sick town reads

@curry are you doing anything

@celery can you do something towny or scummy

@xel keep popping into the thread complaining about being bored

@Zoshi you're still kinda null for me and I'd like to put you on one side or the other before eod

@olimar have you finished reading yet

if you're a wolf i'd bet my shorts that one of these is your wolf buds. out of all of them i think celery's seems most misplaced, others you either know from anyone forum, are me, or iconic (xel, gun)

Zoshi 05-8-2018 08:22 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)

Originally Posted by Hakulyte (Post 4619187)

sorry i posted that before reading that

Hakulyte 05-8-2018 08:23 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)

Originally Posted by Zoshi (Post 4619189)
if you're a wolf i'd bet my shorts that one of these is your wolf buds. out of all of them i think celery's seems most misplaced, others you either know from anyone forum, are me, or iconic (xel, gun)

*take note that psycho is missing*

roundbox 05-8-2018 08:23 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)
lots of this thread is boring bullshit that I couldn't be arsed to respond to
not cynicism, just nothing terribly engaging

FFA looks the goofiest; the only towny thing he did was proclaim that he has interactions with a bunch of people and cannot be a wolf because of relationships

manti said like two things predicated on posting timing possibly being linked to wolf chat times and a couple of people are townreading him for some reason
love me some hypothetical gameplay being townread

gun92 is wolfy as fuck

Hakulyte 05-8-2018 08:29 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)
I like roundbox, but it's probably just the anime avatar. It's not like the posts flow really well and give you a feel that the player has read the game and cared.

I'm okay with a gun92 lynch.

Zoshi 05-8-2018 08:30 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)

Originally Posted by Hakulyte (Post 4619191)
*take note that psycho is missing*

i like the point but I don't know if ffa would have looked at the player list when thinking of who to @. I would say the order would be slightly different if that was the case, and more would have been pinged.

roundbox aint there tho

flashflash account 05-8-2018 08:32 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)
2 things for Zoshi that I can't multi quote

Actually 3

1) that comment toward ind was because he had literally just complained about people sleeping him

I was suspicious of celery way before ind was so I can't see how you'd interpret that as anything but a joke

2) I @'d players that I remember seeing in thread minus the ones who said they wouldn't be here; otherwise Raeko and Manti would be there too

3) the callout obviously worked because here you are, but now you read like you're flinging random things at me and seeing what sticks. Not a fan.

flashflash account 05-8-2018 08:33 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)
I don't appreciate Reebok trying to fuel hakus paranoia one bit

Zoshi 05-8-2018 08:35 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)

Originally Posted by flashflash account (Post 4619195)
2 things for Zoshi that I can't multi quote

Actually 3

1) that comment toward ind was because he had literally just complained about people sleeping him

I was suspicious of celery way before ind was so I can't see how you'd interpret that as anything but a joke

2) I @'d players that I remember seeing in thread minus the ones who said they wouldn't be here; otherwise Raeko and Manti would be there too

3) the callout obviously worked because here you are, but now you read like you're flinging random things at me and seeing what sticks. Not a fan.

1) fair

with more insight to the situation, idc anymore.

2) ok, but new point why no roundbox

3) tbf i posted before u @'d me. you do so much random stuff i can't help but comment my thought on it. ur fault ur getting random thoughts on your random shit lol

roundbox 05-8-2018 08:37 PM

Re: TWG CLXXVII-The Resident Evil Game(mini version)

Originally Posted by flashflash account (Post 4619196)
I don't appreciate Reebok trying to fuel hakus paranoia one bit

I independently came to the conclusion that you're a bit weird to me this game
are you sure your paranoia isn't increasing

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